How to place transparent image over camera view in codename one - camera

First of all, thanks to everything of codenameone.
I would like to customize camera view, simply overlaying PNG image on the full camera view screen.
Any way how to do it?
Here is code snippet.
Form mainForm = new Form();
ImageViewer iv = new ImageViewer();
FontImage.MATERIAL_CAMERA_ALT, 4, (ev) -> {
filePath = Capture.capturePhoto();
setImage(filePath, iv);
I couldn't any view component of camera view, because Capture.capturePhoto() works automatically.
Or is there any way to build custom camera component in codename one?
I googled and got about PeerComponents, however don't know how to use it.
Just please provide some small sample code for me.
Best regards.

Currently Capture.capturePhoto() opens its own "window" over the app so you can't customize it. In the future we will likely add a more flexible API to embed the camera into your UI, especially now that we have Z-layering (we can draw over top of native widgets).
If you need this functionality right now, you would need to write a native interface and make your own capture component.


Embedded camera in Xamarin Forms

I have a client that adamantly insists on a solution with embedded camera in terms of having a ContentPage with an camera stream and custom buttons and icons, similar to, or at very least as I understand it seeing as it is a Snapchat clone. And my client wants similar swipe capabilities as to how navigation works in Snapchat.
However, as far as I can tell most of what is utilized in that solution has been deprecated.
I have suggested using the Media Plugin but they're not satisfied with the camera being pushed on the stack.
I've looked into implementing it natively and using dependency injections but it appears to be an overwhelming amount of work just to implement the most basic functions, particularly for Android's Camera2.
I'm hoping someone can provide me with good news of an easier alternative or an alteration to either Moments or Media Plugin or anything similar that will facilitate the requirements or if my only option is time consuming and complex?
From the code of Moment, you can do what you want to achieve. I did this for iOS.
You will have to create a custom renderer to display the camera page. You will be able to add buttons on top of it.
You could try this example which use custom renderer to add a take photo button and switch camera button on the camera view. Which is able to use on iOS and Android platform.
Main Page:
Camera View with custom button page:

codename one how to place component on an image viewer that capture camera?

I have a GUI Builder created form in codename one, how can i open the camera in a resizable view at the show() of the form and place container like text area or anything else on it?
I saw the camera demo but i don't understand it very well because on the simulator it open a file picker.
My purpose is to create a form with a camera resizable capture when you have two labels and you can also write or paint on your photo used in background, I do this only for hobby and fun, i do what i can, Any advice is well accepted, thank you for the attenction
You can now place a component on top of a camera view with a new cn1lib:
Original answer below:
I'm assuming you mean overlay on a live camera view. While this is possible it's not supported at this time in the Java API layer.
If you mean grabbing a photo and setting it as a background for the form for overlay you can create an image with the result of the Capture API and use setBgImage() to set that image to the background of a component or form.

Codenameone Camera Component Customizing

Is there any way to build custom camera component in codename one?
I googled and got about PeerComponents, however don't know how to use it.
I just would like to use it as Label component with 2 buttons (Taking picture button and retaking picture button)
Kindly provide some small sample code for me. Best regards.
I need this because of following reason.
First of all, I need square Image taken by camera, and user should be able to know how the picture will be taken.
2 resolutions here:
First, if I have to use full screen camera, it will be better to draw or overlay square rectangle on camera view so that user can know which area will be taken.
Second, if overlaying and drawing is difficult (or should use native code for that), I need some custom components for camera area such like PeerComponent. So I would like to place it anywhere of screen area as square rectangle. Then, users won't need any overlay or drawing something on it because it is already square.
That's all what I need.
Yes, it's certainly possible to create a component like this, and we do intend to create one at some point in the future. You can beat us to the punch.
First, you should familiarize yourself with how native interfaces work. This video is a good start:
This series of blog posts demonstrates how to wrap 3rd party SDKs into codename one on Android and iOS.
Although it doesn't include an example with PeerComponent, it is helpful for getting a grasp on the process. Adding peer components into the mix is really just a matter of returning the corresponding "View" type from a native interface. On Android, that is an android.view.View, on iOS it is a UIView, in Javascript it is an DOM element, in UWP it is a FrameworkElement, and in the simulator, it is a javax.swing.JComponent.
This blog post does include an example of a peer component, but it is targeting UWP:
Once you have a grasp of the material, you should look at relevant examples. Currently the most complete example I'm aware of of a cn1lib that implements a native peer is the Google Maps lib:
You can see the Android native implementation here, and the iOS native implementation here
You may want to refer to the existing code for image capture in Codename One as well.
Though it uses intent to open the native capture dialog, so it may not be too relevant.

swift adding zoom to container view

I have a page view controller embedded inside a container view in order to swipe between images. But now I am trying to add a touch that will make the image go full screen "lightbox" with zoom available and also swipe through the images while in full screen mode.
I can get it to work, and messing around with auto layout seems to be much work consider I have a lot of other stuff in that VC.
So does anyone know a good image slider from github written in swift? - without the need of cocopods.
It's easy enough to write one yourself. In full-screen mode, use another UIPageViewController, because it already has the swipe left & right support built in.

IBM Worklight - hiding splash screen

I want to hide the screen splah of my app and i'm trying to do this with Cordova function navigator.splashscreen.hide() according to this
function wlEnvInit(){
document.addEventListener("deviceready", onDeviceReady, false);
function onDeviceReady() {
alert("device is ready!");
I placed this code on android/js/myAppName.js and iphone/js/myAppName.js folders. It does not work. There is something wrong?
I assume what you're trying to do is to hide the splash image at a point in time based on your own preference? This is currently not possible.
Worklight bypasses Cordova's splash image mechanism as well as does not provide an API to manipulate its duration programmatically (= choose when to hide it). This is an area that is destined to change in a future release.
If what you're trying to do is to simply not show a splash image at all, then:
In iOS: this is not possible. The splash image is mandatory by Apple
In Android: simply delete the splash.9.png image file from the yourProject\apps\yourApp\android\native\res\drawable folder
BTW, I do not see the use for the deviceready listener, because if you've reached wlCommonInit, then the device (Cordova...) has already been initialized. The app would not have functioned otherwise.
For the time being, a workaround for it would be by replacing the Splash screen image with a complete white background screen/image.