SQL Server - Master / Detail - get extract exact detail item match - sql

I need help to extract the exact item match from two table. I want from Detail Table all the order that exists in Temp Detail and Master and Temp Master itemQty are the same.
example: in this case I need the sum of master.Amount for all the order which ItemQty is 3 and the detail table has the exact same value of temp Detail.
OrderId| Amount | ItemQty |Status
125 | 36.75 | 3 | A |
128 | 11.95 | 5 | A |
Detail contain lot of order detail
OrderId| ItemId | Qty | Price |
125 | 12345 | 1 | 11.00 |
125 | 23456 | 1 | 12.75 |
125 | 34567 | 1 | 13.00 |
Temp Master
|OrderId| Amount | ItemQty |Status
|9999 | 36.75 | 3 | A |
Temp Detail
|OrderId | ItemId | Qty | Price |
| 9999 | 12345 | 1 | 11.00 |
| 9999 | 23456 | 1 | 12.75 |
| 9999 | 34567 | 1 | 13.00 |
thank you in advance

You can try with something like this
select m.OrderId, sum(m.amount)
from master m
join detail d
on m.OrderId = d.OrderId
join tempDetail td
on m.OrderId = td.OrderId
where m.ItemQty = 3
group by m.OrderId
having sum(d.Qty * d.Price) = sum(td.Qty * td.Price)

My best guess:
select Masterr.OrderId,
from Masterr
where Masterr.ItemQty = 3
and exists(select *
from Detail
join TempMaster on TempMaster.ItemQty = Masterr.ItemQty
join TempDetail on TempDetail.OrderId = TempMaster.OrderId
where Detail.OrderId = Masterr.OrderId
and TempDetail.ItemId = Detail.ItemId
and TempDetail.Qty = Detail.Qty
and TempDetail.Price = Detail.Price)
group by Masterr.OrderId;


SQL group column where other column is equal

I'm trying to select some information from a database.
I get a database with columns like:
Table data is as follow
| Ident | Name | Length | Width | Quantity | Planned |
| 12345 | Name1 | 1500 | 1000 | 20 | 5 |
| 23456 | Name1 | 1500 | 1000 | 30 | 13 |
| 34567 | Name1 | 2500 | 1000 | 10 | 2 |
| 45678 | Name1 | 2500 | 1000 | 10 | 4 |
| 56789 | Name1 | 1500 | 1200 | 20 | 3 |
my desired result, would be to group rows where "Name,Length and Width" are equal, sum the "Quantity" and reduce it by the sum of "Planned"
- Name1,1500,1000,32 --- (32 because (20+30)-(5+13))
- Name1,2500,1000,14 --- (14 because (10+10)-(2+4)))
- Name1,1500,1200,17
now I got problems how to group or join these information to get the wished select. may be some you of can help me.. if further information's required, please write it in comment.
You can achieve it by grouping your table and subtract sums of Quantity and Planned.
,sum(Quantity) - sum(Planned)
from yourTable
group by Name,Length,Width
A1.Name,A1.Length,A1.Width,((A1.Quantity + A2.Quantity) -(A1.Planned+A2.Planned))
from `Table` AS A1, `Table` AS A2
where A1.Name = A2.Name and A1.Length = A2.Length and A1.Width = A2.Width
group by (whatever)
So you are comparing these columns form the same table?

Loop over one table, subselect another table and update values of first table with SQL/VBA

I have a source table that has a few different prices for each product (depending on the order quantity). Those prices are listed vertically, so each product could have more than one row to display its prices.
ID | Quantity | Price
001 | 5 | 100
001 | 15 | 90
001 | 50 | 80
002 | 10 | 20
002 | 20 | 15
002 | 30 | 10
002 | 40 | 5
The other table I have is the result table in which there is only one row for each product, but there are five columns that each could contain the quantity and price for each row of the source table.
ID | Quantity_1 | Price_1 | Quantity_2 | Price_2 | Quantity_3 | Price_3 | Quantity_4 | Price_4 | Quantity_5 | Price_5
001 | | | | | | | | | |
002 | | | | | | | | | |
ID | Quantity_1 | Price_1 | Quantity_2 | Price_2 | Quantity_3 | Price_3 | Quantity_4 | Price_4 | Quantity_5 | Price_5
001 | 5 | 100 | 15 | 90 | 50 | 80 | | | |
002 | 10 | 20 | 20 | 15 | 30 | 10 | 40 | 5 | |
Here is my Python/SQL solution for this (I'm fully aware that this could not work in any way, but this was the only way for me to show you my interpretation of a solution to this problem):
For Each result_ID In result_table.ID:
Subselect = (SELECT * FROM source_table WHERE source_table.ID = result_ID ORDER BY source_table.Quantity) # the Subselect should only contain rows where the IDs are the same
For n in Range(0, len(Subselect)): # n (index) should start from 0 to last row - 1
price_column_name = 'Price_' & (n + 1)
quantity_column_name = 'Quantity_' & (n + 1)
(UPDATE result_table
SET result_table.price_column_name = Subselect[n].Price, # this should be the price of the n-th row in Subselect
result_table.quantity_column_name = Subselect[n].Quantity # this should be the quantity of the n-th row in Subselect
WHERE result_table.ID = Subselect[n].ID)
I honestly have no idea how to do this with only SQL or VBA (those are the only languages I'd be able to use -> MS-Access).
This is a pain in MS Access. If you can enumerate the values, you can pivot them.
If we assume that price is unique (or quantity or both), then you can generate such a column:
select id,
max(iif(seqnum = 1, quantity, null)) as quantity_1,
max(iif(seqnum = 1, price, null)) as price_1,
. . .
from (select st.*,
(select count(*)
from source_table st2
where st2.id = st.id and st2.price >= st.price
) as seqnum
from source_table st
) st
group by id;
I should note that another solution would use data frames in Python. If you want to take that route, ask another question and tag it with the appropriate Python tags. This question is clearly a SQL question.

Using CASE in WHERE clause

I have 2 tables that needs to be joined based on couple of parameters. One of the parameters is year. One table contains the current year but another year doesn't contain current year, so it must use the latest year and matched with other parameters.
| product_id | category_id | sub_category_id | product_year | amount |
| 504 | I | U | 2020 | 400 |
| 510 | I | U | 2019 | 100 |
| 528 | I | U | 2019 | 150 |
| 540 | I | U | 2018 | 1000 |
| discount_year | category_id | sub_category_id | discount |
| 2018 | I | U | 0.15 |
| 2017 | I | U | 0.35 |
| 2016 | I | U | 0.50 |
| product_id | category_id | sub_category_id | product_year | discount_year |
| 504 | I | U | 2020 | 2018 |
| 510 | I | U | 2019 | 2018 |
| 528 | I | U | 2019 | 2018 |
| 540 | I | U | 2018 | 2017 |
The discount is always gotten from one year behind but if those rates aren't available, then it would keep going back a year until available.
I have tried the following:
product_year, a.product_id, a.category_id, a.sub_category_id,
discount_year, amount, discount
Product a
Discount b ON a.category_id = b.category_id
AND a.sub_category_id = b.sub_category_id
AND product_ year = CASE
WHEN discount_year + 1 = product_year
THEN discount_year + 1
WHEN discount_year + 2 = product_year
THEN discount_year + 2
WHEN discount_year + 3 = product_year
THEN discount_year + 3
product = 540
This return the following output:
| product_year | product_id | category_id | sub_category_id | discount_year | amount | discount |
| 2016 | 540 | I | U | 2017 | 1000 | 0.50 |
| 2017 | 540 | I | U | 2017 | 1000 | 0.35 |
Any help will be appreciated.
You can use OUTER APPLY and a subquery. In the subquery select the row with the maximum discount_year, that is less the product_year using TOP and ORDER BY.
SELECT p.product_year,
FROM product p
FROM discount d
WHERE d.category_id = p.category_id
AND d.sub_category_id = p.sub_category_id
AND d.discount_year < p.product_year
ORDER BY d.discount_year DESC) d;
instead of a CASE expression you can use a sub-query to select the TOP 1 related
discount_year that is less than your product_year, ORDER BY discount_year ASC.
Create a product to discount mapping using a CTE first. This contains the discount year pulled from discount table for every product year in the product table and corresponding product_id. Following this, you can easily join with relevant tables to get results and eliminate any nulls as needed
Simplified query.
;WITH disc_prod_mapper
SELECT product_id, product_year,(SELECT MAX(discount_year) FROM #Discount b WHERE discount_year < product_year AND a.category_id = b.category_id AND a.sub_category_id = b.sub_category_id ) AS discount_year
FROM Product a
SELECT a.product_year, c.discount_year, a.amount, c.discount
FROM Product a
LEFT JOIN disc_prod_mapper b ON a.product_id = b.product_id
LEFT JOIN Discount c ON b.discount_year = c.discount_year

Query to show specific values from related tables

In my case i have three tables. The Contracts table, the agreements table and the payments table. What i have is a table with contracts which represents the value in debt, another table with the agreements of the conditions to pay off the debt, and another table related to the agreements table who has the debt split in parcels.
(Id | Number | Name | Debt | ...)
1 | 1234 | AAAAAA | 1250,00 € | ...
2 | 1235 | BBBBBB | 5000,20 € | ...
3 | 1236 | CCCCCC | 500,00 € | ...
(Id | ContractId | Debt | IsValid | ...)
1 | 1 | 1250,00 € | 1 | ...
2 | 2 | 5000,20 € | 0 | ...
3 | 2 | 5000,20 € | 1 | ...
4 | 3 | 500,00 € | 0 | ...
(Id | AgreementId | Date | Amount | IsPaid | ...)
1 | 1 | 01/08/2012 | 500,00 € | 1 | ...
2 | 1 | 01/09/2012 | 500,00 € | 1 | ... -> Last payment
3 | 1 | 01/10/2012 | 250,00 € | 0 | ... -> Next Payment
4 | 3 | 01/08/2012 | 1000,00 € | 1 | ...
5 | 3 | 01/09/2012 | 1000,00 € | 1 | ...
6 | 3 | 01/10/2012 | 1000,00 € | 0 | ...
7 | 3 | 01/11/2012 | 1000,00 € | 0 | ...
8 | 3 | 01/12/2012 | 1000,20 € | 0 | ...
So when i execute the stored procedure to get the table with the contracts, i want to somehow see a column with the date of last payment that was done and the date of next payment to be done too. But i will only be able to see the date of the last payment done and the date of the next payment to be done if the contract has a valid agreement related with and in the case of the next payment only if the agreement is valid.
I am working with MS Sql Server.
Thanks in advance!
Will this work for you?
select aa.Id
, aa.Number
, aa.Name
, aa.Debt
, max(aa.Date_LastPayment) as Date_LastPayment
, min(aa.Date_NextPayment) as Date_NextPayment
select a.Id
, a.Number
, a.Name
, a.Debt
, case when c.IsPaid = 1 then c.[Date]
else null
end as Date_LastPayment
, case when c.IsPaid = 0 then c.[Date]
else null
end as Date_NextPayment
from ContractsTable a
inner join AgreementsTable b on b.ContractId = a.Id
inner join PaymentsTable c on c.AgreementId = b.Id
where b.IsValid = 1
) aa
group by aa.Id
, aa.Number
, aa.Name
, aa.Debt
I used 'min' for the Next Payment Date assuming there's multiple next payment dates.
SQL Fiddle
Max(PaymentsTable.Date) is not what you are looking for.
Please better define date of last payment and the date of next payment
select ContractsTable.Id, ContractsTable.Number, ContractsTable.Debt
, count(AgreementsTable.ID) as 'NumAgreements'
, max(PaymentsTable.Date)
from ContractsTable
left outter join AgreementsTable
on ContractsTable.ID = AgreementsTable.ID
left outter join PaymentsTable
on ContractsTable.ID = PaymentsTable.ID
group by ContractsTable.Id, ContractsTable.Number, ContractsTable.Debt

sql compact 3.5, select top n rows from each group

I am writing a query to select the top 1 record from each group. Keep in mind that I working on sql compact 3.5 and thus can not use the rank function. I'm pretty sure my query is incorrect but I'm not sure how to select top from each group. Any one got any ideas?
Here is the query I was trying to get working
* added fH.InvoiceNumber to my query to get result further below.
select tH., t.CustomerNumber, c.CustomerName, fH.Status, fH.InvoiceNumber
from tenderHeader tH
join task t ON tH.TaskActivityID = t.ActivityID
join finalizeTicketHeader fH ON tH.FinalizeTicketTaskActivityID = fH.TaskActivityID
join customer c ON t.CustomerNumber = c.CustomerNumber
where fH.Status <> '3' AND t.TripID = '08ea6982-6efd-46fa-9753-0fd8b076f24c';
Here is what my tables look like:
customer table:
| CustomerNumber | CustomerName | Address1 | ... |
| 0012084737 | Customer A | 150 Rd A | ... |
| 0012301891 | Customer B | 152 Rd A | ... |
task table
| ActivityID | TripID | TaskTypeName | Status | CustomerNumber |
| 4967f6cc | 08ea6982 | Payment | 2 | 0012084737 |
| e96469a1 | 08ea6982 | Payment | 2 | 0012301891 |
finalizeTicketHeader table
| TaskActivityID | InvoiceNumber | Amount | Status |
| 916082c8 | 1000 | 563.32 | 3 |
| 916082c8 | 1001 | -343.68 | 0 |
| 4b38bf60 | 1002 | 152.29 | 0 |
| 4b38bf60 | 1003 | -35.80 | 0 |
tenderHeader table
| TaskActivityID | InvoiceNumber | PastDue | TodaysDue | FinalizeTicketTaskActivityID |
| 4967f6cc | 1234567891 | 23.55 | 219.64 | 916082c8 |
| e96469a1 | 1234567893 | 0.00 | 116.49 | 4b38bf60 |
the problem I was having was getting duplicates.
like so:
| TaskActivityID | InvoiceNumber | PastDue | TodaysDue | FinalizeTicketTaskActivityID | CustomerNumber | CustomerName | InvoiceNumber |
| 4967f6cc | 1234567891 | 23.55 | 219.64 | 916082c8 | 0012084737 | Customer A | 1001 |
| e96469a1 | 1234567893 | 0.00 | 116.49 | 4b38bf60 | 0012301891 | Customer B | 1002 |
| e96469a1 | 1234567893 | 0.00 | 116.49 | 4b38bf60 | 0012301891 | Customer B | 1003 |
I've rewritten the query like so, but I need to get specific columns from the sub query.
select tH.* from tenderHeader th
inner join task t on tH.TaskActivityID = t.ActivityID
inner join (
select k.TaskActivityID from finalizeTicketHeader k group by k.TaskActivityID
) as fH on tH.FinalizeTicketTaskActivityID = fH.TaskActivityID
inner join customer c on t.CustomerNumber = c.CustomerNumber
I need to get the status from fH. Any ideas of how to do that?
select tH.*, fH.Status from tenderHeader th
inner join task t on tH.TaskActivityID = t.ActivityID
inner join finalizeTicketHeader fH on tH.FinalizeTicketTaskActivityID = tH.TaskActivityID
inner join customer c on t.CustomerNumber = c.CustomerNumber
where tH.FinalizeTicketTaskActivityID = (
select top (1) k.TaskActivityID from finalizeTicketHeader k
but it seems that sql compact 3.5 does not support scalar values with subquery in where cause.
Here is an example that demonstrat a way of selecting the top 1 from each group
2 | 1:10
2 | 0:45
2 | 1:45
2 | 1:30
1 | 1:00
1 | 1:10
the table is called table_1; we group by id and assume that time should be desc ordered
select table_1.* from table_1
inner join (
select id, max(time) as max_time from table_1
group by id
) as t
on t.max_time = table_1.time and table_1.id = t.id
order by table_1.id
the result we get is
1 | 1:10
2 | 1:45