I'm combining panoramas with 3D geometry, so I need to turn positional tracking off for anyone using an Oculus or a Vive, otherwise it's pretty instantly nauseating. Anyone know how to do this?
I'm developing a Unreal Engine 4 Survival Game and I have so far allocated to areas for lakes and have entered cubes with water like textures and I want to make it so that you can enter the cube and go into a swimming position. I also need it to have a different color texture when you move into places so that 2 meters away it will be dark and closer light and when you move it changes. I dont mind if we can do one thing at a time. If you guys can help me I would be extremly grateful! Hope you can help!
Set the cube up as a trigger and collide with pawns. When the Cube blueprint has an "OnActorBeginOverlap" cast it to pawn blueprint then call a function on it to tell it to go to swim mode.
You need to first add a collision component in the blueprint viewport of the cube, then place events for triggering material effects, which simulate underwater scene, or you can fairly simply create a post-processing volume like that one on YouTube: w[]ww.youtube.com/watch?v=fLtSfG8f6NM ( Delete the "[]"s )
For super flamboyant but hard effect, check this one out: w[]ww.youtube.com/watch?v=8jbK00s2tKg ( Delete the "[]"s )
The most important part is to implement underwater floating movements. Create another character blueprint that has a floating pawn component in it. After that, add an event to spawn this floating pawn as a runtime object in level blueprint using "SpawnActorByClass" blueprint( tip: using C++ is much more convenient for manipulating runtime objects ) and possess it( https://docs.unrealengine.com/latest/INT/Gameplay/HowTo/PossessPawns/Blueprints/ ). You can modify some floating pawn settings to get better effects.
Plus: Feel free to ask me any questions. In addition, YouTube is a fantastic place for learning UE4. ExpressVPN works if you can't visit YouTube.
I'm familiar with the basics of objective-c and cocoa touch and I want to start now my first large iOS project.
I want to build an iPad app with a histogram like you know it from several photo apps where you can see e.g. the distribution of brightness in a picture. But it needs to be smart, i.e. scrolling horizontal, setting borders and pinching for zoom-in and zoom-out.
Is it possible to handle this requirements with iOS7 standard API or do I need a 3rd party framework like Core-Plot to achieve a histogram I described, and if so, which one would you prefer and why.
Thanks for your help!
Is it possible to handle this requirements with iOS7 standard API or do I need a 3rd party framework
It's certainly possible to do it all yourself with no help from anybody except the frameworks that Apple provides. Whether that's the best solution for you, only you can decide. I think these are the relevant considerations:
You seem to have some fairly specific requirements and it sounds like you may need fairly fine control over exactly how this histogram looks and works. These are good reasons to create the histogram yourself.
You're still fairly new to Objective-C, Cocoa Touch, etc. That's a good reason to look for something that's already written. You'll save a lot of time and frustration, but you may have to be a little more flexible in terms of what you're willing to accept; it's unlikely that anybody has already written exactly the thing you want.
I'd suggest taking a shot a building what you want, and if it turns out to be a bigger thing than you're ready to tackle, you'll at least have a better understanding of what's involved.
To get started, read up on UIBezierPath. All you really need to do is to create a view that accepts an array of numbers and draws the corresponding graph. Don't worry about zooming and scrolling yet, just make a view that draws the graph. Once you have that, you can read up on UIScrollView, which will give you the scrolling and zooming with almost no work.
I've built my path finding system with unreal engine, somehow the path finding part works just fine while i can't find a proper way to solve dynamic obstacles avoidance problem. My characters are walking allover the map and collide with each other while they moving. I try to steering them when collision occurs, but this doesn't work well. For example, two characters block on the road while the third one's path is right in the middle of them and he'll get stuck. Can someone tell me the most popular way of doing dynamic avoidance? Thanks a lot.
I think that the best way of doing this is to use dynamic NavMesh obstacle.
You have to instantiate a dynamic obstacle for your character and update its location with the character one each frame.
You'll find out how on the CreatingADynamicNavMeshObstacle page.
In Processing.js, I'd like to have circles that represent nodes, with lines connecting linked nodes. I'd like those connected circles to naturally pull toward each other with a kind of elasticity of the lines, and the circles to bounce against each other when they touch. Any ideas on how to do this?
I think this sample might get you going in the right direction:
Box2D.JS with Processing.js
It has the circles, the lines, and the bouncing.
Or if you want it yourself this is the Google search term you're looking for:
The base algorithm is pretty simple, getting a tuned example to work a little less so. I've looked through this stuff before, but this quick search just turned up this little js project that seems to do it quite properly: http://github.com/jackrusher/jssvggraph
Shouldn't be too difficult to port.
Okay, so I just recently started messing with furniture making. I know a little bit about making stuff and scripting but I wouldn’t call myself a pro just yet. Anyway, I’m using the Mizzy's Furniture Script (whole sale version) to add the animations to my furniture. I really like the whole set up with it but there’s a problem I’m having and that’s getting the position right. I found a scripted called Pos Rot Determinator script which is supposed to tell me the position of my avie. Well the issue is even with that I’m still having issues with positioning the animations. The Mizzy’s Furniture Script wants something like this <0.55, 0, -0.40> and when I use the Pos Rot Determinator I get something like this <0.3343345, 0.0000, 0.45433> do I need to round the number off to the nearest whole number or something? I’m not a math genius so this is really giving me a headache, lol. Any help, tips, advice or anything would be helpful before I start pulling my hair out!! I paid a good amount of L’s for the Mizzy’s Furniture Script and I would really like to use it without the hassle of sitting, standing up, sitting and standing up again to get the correct position!
Don't worry about rounding..put in the numbers that your Determinator is giving you. LSL takes several decimal points of precision -- it's just your Determinator is being a bit more precise than the example
Peach, have you tried any other animation positioning scripts? This one is L$0 and I have found it very easy to use: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Easy-SitTarget-Tool/1462278