apache ignite persist RDBMS - ignite

code to reduce the Inventory count:
ProductModel productModel = productCache.get(productId);
productModel.setStoreCount(productModel.getStoreCount() - buyCount);
in my console it shows
WARN o.a.i.c.s.jdbc.CacheJdbcPojoStore - Unexpected number of updated entries [table=t_product, entry=Entry [key=1, val=com.liwenlin.ignite.model.ProductModel#41a2aa2]expected=1, actual=2]


Akka.NET with persistence dropping messages when CPU in under high pressure?

I make some performance testing of my PoC. What I saw is my actor is not receiving all messages that are sent to him and the performance is very low. I sent around 150k messages to my app, and it causes a peak on my processor to reach 100% utilization. But when I stop sending requests 2/3 of messages are not delivered to the actor. Here is a simple metrics from app insights:
To prove I have almost the same number of event persistent in mongo that my actor received messages.
Secondly, performance of processing messages is very disappointing. I get around 300 messages per second.
I know Akka.NET message delivery is at most once by default but I don't get any error saying that message were dropped.
Here is code:
Cluster shard registration:
services.AddSingleton<ValueCoordinatorProvider>(provider =>
var shardRegion = ClusterSharding.Get(_actorSystem).Start(
typeName: "values-actor",
entityProps: _actorSystem.DI().Props<ValueActor>(),
settings: ClusterShardingSettings.Create(_actorSystem),
messageExtractor: new ValueShardMsgRouter());
return () => shardRegion;
public class ValueController : ControllerBase
private readonly IActorRef _valueCoordinator;
public ValueController(ValueCoordinatorProvider valueCoordinatorProvider)
_valueCoordinator = valuenCoordinatorProvider();
public Task<IActionResult> PostAsync(Message message)
return Task.FromResult((IActionResult)Ok());
public class ValueActor : ReceivePersistentActor
public override string PersistenceId { get; }
private decimal _currentValue;
public ValueActor()
PersistenceId = Context.Self.Path.Name;
private void Handle(Message message)
var accepted = new ValueAccepted(message.ValueId, message.Value);
Persist(accepted, valueAccepted =>
_currentValue = valueAccepted.BidValue;
Message router.
public sealed class ValueShardMsgRouter : HashCodeMessageExtractor
public const int DefaultShardCount = 1_000_000_000;
public ValueShardMsgRouter() : this(DefaultShardCount)
public ValueShardMsgRouter(int maxNumberOfShards) : base(maxNumberOfShards)
public override string EntityId(object message)
return message switch
IWithValueId valueMsg => valueMsg.ValueId,
_ => null
akka {
stdout-loglevel = ERROR
loglevel = ERROR
actor {
debug {
unhandled = on
provider = cluster
serializers {
hyperion = "Akka.Serialization.HyperionSerializer, Akka.Serialization.Hyperion"
serialization-bindings {
"System.Object" = hyperion
deployment {
/valuesRouter {
router = consistent-hashing-group
routees.paths = ["/values"]
cluster {
enabled = on
remote {
dot-netty.tcp {
hostname = "desktop-j45ou76"
port = 5054
cluster {
seed-nodes = ["akka.tcp://valuessystem#desktop-j45ou76:5054"]
persistence {
journal {
plugin = "akka.persistence.journal.mongodb"
mongodb {
class = "Akka.Persistence.MongoDb.Journal.MongoDbJournal, Akka.Persistence.MongoDb"
connection-string = "mongodb://localhost:27017/akkanet"
auto-initialize = off
plugin-dispatcher = "akka.actor.default-dispatcher"
collection = "EventJournal"
metadata-collection = "Metadata"
legacy-serialization = off
snapshot-store {
plugin = "akka.persistence.snapshot-store.mongodb"
mongodb {
class = "Akka.Persistence.MongoDb.Snapshot.MongoDbSnapshotStore, Akka.Persistence.MongoDb"
connection-string = "mongodb://localhost:27017/akkanet"
auto-initialize = off
plugin-dispatcher = "akka.actor.default-dispatcher"
collection = "SnapshotStore"
legacy-serialization = off
So there are two issues going on here: actor performance and missing messages.
It's not clear from your writeup, but I'm going to make an assumption: 100% of these messages are going to a single actor.
Actor Performance
The end-to-end throughput of a single actor depends on:
The amount of work it takes to route the message to the actor (i.e. through the sharding system, hierarchy, over the network, etc)
The amount of time it takes the actor to process a single message, as this determines the rate at which a mailbox can be emptied; and
Any flow control that affects which messages can be processed when - i.e. if an actor uses stashing and behavior switching, the amount of time an actor spends stashing messages while waiting for its state to change will have a cumulative impact on the end-to-end processing time for all stashed messages.
You will have poor performance due to item 3 on this list. The design that you are implementing calls Persist and blocks the actor from doing any additional processing until the message is successfully persisted. All other messages sent to the actor are stashed internally until the previous one is successfully persisted.
Akka.Persistence offers four options for persisting messages from the point of view of a single actor:
Persist - highest consistency (no other messages can be processed until persistence is confirmed), lowest performance;
PersistAsync - lower consistency, much higher performance. Doesn't wait for the message to be persisted before processing the next message in the mailbox. Allows multiple messages from a single persistent actor to be processed concurrently in-flight - the order in which those events are persisted will be preserved (because they're sent to the internal Akka.Persistence journal IActorRef in that order) but the actor will continue to process additional messages before the persisted ones are confirmed. This means you probably have to modify your actor's in-memory state before you call PersistAsync and not after the fact.
PersistAll - high consistency, but batches multiple persistent events at once. Same ordering and control flow semantics as Persist - but you're just persisting an array of messages together.
PersistAllAsync - highest performance. Same semantics as PersistAsync but it's an atomic batch of messages in an array being persisted together.
To get an idea as to how the performance characteristics of Akka.Persistence changes with each of these methods, take a look at the detailed benchmark data the Akka.NET organization has put together around Akka.Persistence.Linq2Db, the new high performance RDBMS Akka.Persistence library: https://github.com/akkadotnet/Akka.Persistence.Linq2Db#performance - it's a difference between 15,000 per second and 250 per second on SQL; the write performance is likely even higher in a system like MongoDB.
One of the key properties of Akka.Persistence is that it intentionally routes all of the persistence commands through a set of centralized "journal" and "snapshot" actors on each node in a cluster - so messages from multiple persistent actors can be batched together across a small number of concurrent database connections. There are many users running hundreds of thousands of persistent actors simultaneously - if each actor had their own unique connection to the database it would melt even the most robustly vertically scaled database instances on Earth. This connection pooling / sharing is why the individual persistent actors rely on flow control.
You'll see similar performance using any persistent actor framework (i.e. Orleans, Service Fabric) because they all employ a similar design for the same reasons Akka.NET does.
To improve your performance, you will need to either batch received messages together and persist them in a group with PersistAll (think of this as de-bouncing) or use asynchronous persistence semantics using PersistAsync.
You'll also see better aggregate performance if you spread your workload out across many concurrent actors with different entity ids - that way you can benefit from actor concurrency and parallelism.
Missing Messages
There could be any number of reasons why this might occur - most often it's going to be the result of:
Actors being terminated (not the same as restarting) and dumping all of their messages into the DeadLetter collection;
Network disruptions resulting in dropped connections - this can happen when nodes are sitting at 100% CPU - messages that are queued for delivery at the time can be dropped; and
The Akka.Persistence journal receiving timeouts back from the database will result in persistent actors terminating themselves due to loss of consistency.
You should look for the following in your logs:
DeadLetter warnings / counts
OpenCircuitBreakerExceptions coming from Akka.Persistence
You'll usually see both of those appear together - I suspect that's what is happening to your system. The other possibility could be Akka.Remote throwing DisassociationExceptions, which I would also look for.
You can fix the Akka.Remote issues by changing the heartbeat values for the Akka.Cluster failure-detector in configuration https://getakka.net/articles/configuration/akka.cluster.html:
akka.cluster.failure-detector {
# FQCN of the failure detector implementation.
# It must implement akka.remote.FailureDetector and have
# a public constructor with a com.typesafe.config.Config and
# akka.actor.EventStream parameter.
implementation-class = "Akka.Remote.PhiAccrualFailureDetector, Akka.Remote"
# How often keep-alive heartbeat messages should be sent to each connection.
heartbeat-interval = 1 s
# Defines the failure detector threshold.
# A low threshold is prone to generate many wrong suspicions but ensures
# a quick detection in the event of a real crash. Conversely, a high
# threshold generates fewer mistakes but needs more time to detect
# actual crashes.
threshold = 8.0
# Number of the samples of inter-heartbeat arrival times to adaptively
# calculate the failure timeout for connections.
max-sample-size = 1000
# Minimum standard deviation to use for the normal distribution in
# AccrualFailureDetector. Too low standard deviation might result in
# too much sensitivity for sudden, but normal, deviations in heartbeat
# inter arrival times.
min-std-deviation = 100 ms
# Number of potentially lost/delayed heartbeats that will be
# accepted before considering it to be an anomaly.
# This margin is important to be able to survive sudden, occasional,
# pauses in heartbeat arrivals, due to for example garbage collect or
# network drop.
acceptable-heartbeat-pause = 3 s
# Number of member nodes that each member will send heartbeat messages to,
# i.e. each node will be monitored by this number of other nodes.
monitored-by-nr-of-members = 9
# After the heartbeat request has been sent the first failure detection
# will start after this period, even though no heartbeat mesage has
# been received.
expected-response-after = 1 s
Bump the acceptable-heartbeat-pause = 3 s value to something larger like 10,20,30 if needed.
Sharding Configuration
One last thing I want to point out with your code - the shard count is way too high. You should have about ~10 shards per node. Reduce it to something reasonable.

Presto cannot access the web page while using SSL

my presto version is 0.240
my operation: i want to use ssl for use https in presto
so i change my config refer only by this url: https://trino.io/docs/current/security/internal-communication.html
but i can't Access to the presto address
I don't know which step I did wrong.
What should I do to implement HTTPS for Presto?
this is my config:
A cluster of two machines
node 1 142 hostname:sbider-dev-01
# jks文件全路径
node 2 143 hostname cat /opt/presto-server-0.240/etc/config.properties
server log in sbider-dev-01: cat /opt/presto-server-0.240/var/log/server.log
Companion catalogs: catalog_name1=catalog_name2,catalog_name3=catalog_name4,...
2021-01-12T12:41:09.766+0800 INFO main Bootstrap transaction.idle-check-interval 1.00m 1.00m Time interval between idle transactions checks
2021-01-12T12:41:09.766+0800 INFO main Bootstrap transaction.idle-timeout 5.00m 5.00m Amount of time before an inactive transaction is considered expired
2021-01-12T12:41:09.767+0800 INFO main Bootstrap transaction.max-finishing-concurrency 1 1 Maximum parallelism for committing or aborting a transaction
2021-01-12T12:41:09.767+0800 WARN main Bootstrap UNUSED PROPERTIES
2021-01-12T12:41:09.767+0800 WARN main Bootstrap internal-communication.shared-secret
2021-01-12T12:41:09.767+0800 WARN main Bootstrap
2021-01-12T12:41:11.037+0800 ERROR main com.facebook.presto.server.PrestoServer Unable to create injector, see the following errors:
1) Configuration property 'internal-communication.shared-secret' was not used
at com.facebook.airlift.bootstrap.Bootstrap.lambda$initialize$2(Bootstrap.java:238)
1 error
com.google.inject.CreationException: Unable to create injector, see the following errors:
1) Configuration property 'internal-communication.shared-secret' was not used
at com.facebook.airlift.bootstrap.Bootstrap.lambda$initialize$2(Bootstrap.java:238)
1 error
at com.google.inject.internal.Errors.throwCreationExceptionIfErrorsExist(Errors.java:543)
at com.google.inject.internal.InternalInjectorCreator.initializeStatically(InternalInjectorCreator.java:159)
at com.google.inject.internal.InternalInjectorCreator.build(InternalInjectorCreator.java:106)
at com.google.inject.Guice.createInjector(Guice.java:87)
at com.facebook.airlift.bootstrap.Bootstrap.initialize(Bootstrap.java:245)
at com.facebook.presto.server.PrestoServer.run(PrestoServer.java:131)
at com.facebook.presto.server.PrestoServer.main(PrestoServer.java:77)
You're following Trino (fka Presto SQL) documentation for securing internal documentation, but got Presto binary from facebook's fork of the project (prestodb).
Go to https://trino.io/download.html to get latest Trino release.
The alternative solution (using prestodb's documentation and prestodb's binary) is NOT a safe, viable alternative, due to security issues known and not fixed in prestodb code base.

SQL queries returning incorrect results during High Load

I have a table in which during the performance runs, there are inserts happening in the beginning when the job starts, during the insertion time there are also parallel operations(GET/UPDATE queries) happening on that table. The Get operation also updates a value in column marking that record as picked. However, the next get performed on the table would again return back the same record even when the record was marked in progress.
P.S. --> both the operations are done by the same single thread existing in the system. Logs below for reference, record marked in progress at Line 1 on 20:36:42,864, however, it is returned back in the result set of query executed after 20:36:42,891 by the same thread.
We also observed that during high load (usually during same scenario as mentioned above) some update operation (intermittent) were not happening on the table even when the update executed successfully (validated using the returned result and then doing a get just after that to check the updated value ) without throwing an exception.
13 Apr 2020 20:36:42,864 [SHT-4083-initial] FINEST - AbstractCacheHelper.markContactInProgress:2321 - Action state after mark in progresss contactId.ATTR=: 514409 for jobId : 4083 is actionState : 128
13 Apr 2020 20:36:42,891 [SHT-4083-initial] FINEST - CacheAdvListMgmtHelper.getNextContactToProcess:347 - Query : select priority, contact_id, action_state, pim_contact_store_id, action_id
, retry_session_id, attempt_type, zone_id, action_pos from pim_4083 where handler_id = ? and attempt_type != ? and next_attempt_after <= ? and action_state = ? and exclude_flag = ? order
by attempt_type desc, priority desc, next_attempt_after asc,contact_id asc limit 1
This happens usually during the performance runs when there are parallel JOB's started which are working on Ignite. Can anyone suggest what can be done to avoid such a situation..?
We have 2 ignite data nodes that are deployed as springBootService deployed in the cluster being accessed, by 3 client nodes.
Ignite version -> 2.7.6, Cache configuration is as follows,
IgniteConfiguration cfg = new IgniteConfiguration();
CacheConfiguration cachecfg = new CacheConfiguration(CACHE_NAME);
// Defining and creating a new cache to be used by Ignite Spring Data repository.
CacheConfiguration ccfg = new CacheConfiguration(CACHE_TEMPLATE);
DataStorageConfiguration dsCfg = new DataStorageConfiguration();
.setInitialSize(Long.parseLong(cacheInitialMemSize) * 1024 * 1024);
dsCfg.getDefaultDataRegionConfiguration().setMaxSize(Long.parseLong(cacheMaxMemSize) * 1024 * 1024);
// Run the command to alter the default user credentials
// ALTER USER "ignite" WITH PASSWORD 'new_passwd'
int pool = cfg.getSystemThreadPoolSize();
cfg.setLifecycleBeans(new MyLifecycleBean());
logger.info(methodName, "Starting ignite service");
ignite = Ignition.start(cfg);
// Get all server nodes that are already up and running.
Collection<ClusterNode> nodes = ignite.cluster().forServers().nodes();
// Set the baseline topology that is represented by these nodes.

Apache Ignite sql query returns only cache contents, not complete results from database

My Ignite nodes (2 server nodes - let's call them A and B) are configured as follows:
Node A is started first, from command line as follows:
apache-ignite-fabric-2.2.0-bin>bin/ignite.bat config/default-config.xml
Node B is started from java code by running
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
Ignite ignite = Ignition.start(ServerConfigurationFactory.createConfiguration());
(jar containing ServerConfigurationFactory is put in the apache-ignite-fabric-2.2.0-bin\libs directory so Node A and B are on the same cluster..otherwise there is an error)
I have a query that is supposed to return 9061 results from the database. After the cache loading process in Node B, I went to the Web Console and ran a simple count SQL statement against the caches. There is a button "Execute on selected node" that allows you to choose a specific cache to query. I queried Node A and got a count of 2341, and on Node B I get a count of 2064. If I just use the "Execute" button I get 4405 which is just the total of node A and B. Obviously they are missing 4656 records (9061 total records in db - 4405 in nodes A and B). I also ran the same count query in Java code using SqlFieldsQuery and I also get 4405.
Since readThrough is set to true I expected Ignite to also return results that are not in memory. But this is not the case because it just returns whatever is on the cache. Am I doing something wrong here? Thank you.
Read though works only for key-value APIs, so SQL engine assumes that all required data is preloaded from database prior to running a query.
If your data set doesn't fit in memory and you can't preload all the data, you can use native Ignite persistence storage: https://apacheignite.readme.io/docs/distributed-persistent-store

ignite query cache with value as list of objects

I am using ignite cache with key as String and value as Collection of objects (similar type) say List.
Now i would like to query on the students stored in cache let's say 5 top scored students.
defined the configuration as below
CacheConfiguration<String, List<Student>> cfg = new CacheConfiguration<String, List<Student>>("students");
ignite = Ignition.start("/usr/localc/ignite/examples/config/example-ignite.xml");
cfg.setIndexedTypes(String.class, List.class);
Now I fired a query like
SqlFieldsQuery qry = new SqlFieldsQuery("select count(*) from Person");
Then got exception like
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.AbstractMethodError: org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.query.h2.opt.GridH2Table$ScanIndex.getCost(Lorg/h2/engine/Session;[I[Lorg/h2/table/TableFilter;ILorg/h2/result/SortOrder;Ljava/util/HashSet;)D
at org.h2.table.TableFilter.getBestPlanItem(TableFilter.java:203)
at org.h2.table.Plan.calculateCost(Plan.java:123)
at org.h2.command.dml.Optimizer.testPlan(Optimizer.java:183)
at org.h2.command.dml.Optimizer.calculateBestPlan(Optimizer.java:79)
at org.h2.command.dml.Optimizer.optimize(Optimizer.java:242)
at org.h2.command.dml.Select.preparePlan(Select.java:1014)
at org.h2.command.dml.Select.prepare(Select.java:878)
at org.h2.command.Parser.prepareCommand(Parser.java:259)
at org.h2.engine.Session.prepareLocal(Session.java:560)
at org.h2.engine.Session.prepareCommand(Session.java:501)
at org.h2.jdbc.JdbcConnection.prepareCommand(JdbcConnection.java:1202)
at org.h2.jdbc.JdbcPreparedStatement.<init>(JdbcPreparedStatement.java:73)
at org.h2.jdbc.JdbcConnection.prepareStatement(JdbcConnection.java:290)
at org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.query.h2.IgniteH2Indexing.prepareStatement(IgniteH2Indexing.java:406)
at org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.query.h2.IgniteH2Indexing.queryTwoStep(IgniteH2Indexing.java:1121)
at org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.query.GridQueryProcessor$2.applyx(GridQueryProcessor.java:732)
at org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.query.GridQueryProcessor$2.applyx(GridQueryProcessor.java:730)
at org.apache.ignite.internal.util.lang.IgniteOutClosureX.apply(IgniteOutClosureX.java:36)
at org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.query.GridQueryProcessor.executeQuery(GridQueryProcessor.java:1666)
at org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.query.GridQueryProcessor.queryTwoStep(GridQueryProcessor.java:730)
at org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.IgniteCacheProxy.query(IgniteCacheProxy.java:700)
at com.tcs.enm.processor.Main.main(Main.java:47)
Can any one help me how to query ???
To execute such query you should store each Student as a separate entry. Student class should have all the annotations defining fields and indexes and the cache configuration should look like this:
cfg.setIndexedTypes(String.class, Student.class);
For more details refer to this documentation: https://apacheignite.readme.io/docs/sql-queries
For anyone in the future who has this issue, this error message is likely due to using an incorrect version of H2.
If you're using Ignite 1.7, you need h2database 1.4.191.
Note that h2database 1.4.192 WILL give you the exception in the question because there are some changes in 192 which Ignite wasn't made to handle
I went through my packages and changed the H2 version to 1.4.191 and it fixed my problems.