VBA Open workbook with wildcard? - vba

I have a .xlsx file in the following directory:
G:\BUYING\Food Specials\2. Planning\1. Planning\1. Planner\8. 2017\2017 Planner.xlsx
I could just point it to this directory but the directory will change depending on the year it is.
So this directory could become:
G:\BUYING\Food Specials\2. Planning\1. Planning\1. Planner\9. 2018\2018 Planner.xlsx
To handle this i am trying to add wildcards to my path like so:
G:\BUYING\Food Specials\2. Planning\1. Planning\1. Planner\" & "*." & " " & Year(Date) & "\"
My workbook will not open.
Please can someone show me where i am going wrong?
'Find Planner
If Len(FindDepotMemo) Then
Set wb2 = Workbooks.Open(FindDepotMemo, ReadOnly:=True, UpdateLinks:=False)
End If
Function FindDepotMemo() As String
Dim Path As String
Dim FindFirstFile As String
Path = "G:\BUYING\Food Specials\2. Planning\1. Planning\1. Planner\" & "*." & " " & Year(Date) & "\"
FindFirstFile = Dir$(Path & "*.xlsx")
While (FindFirstFile <> "")
If InStr(FindFirstFile, "Planner") > 0 Then
FindDepotMemo = Path & FindFirstFile
Exit Function
End If
FindFirstFile = Dir
End Function

There are many ways but, I would use this approach:
Function FindDepotMemo() As String
Dim oldPath, tempPath, newPath As String
Dim FindFirstFile As String
Dim addInt as Integer
oldPath = "G:\BUYING\Food Specials\2. Planning\1. Planning\1. Planner\8. 2017"
' EXTRACT 8. 2017 FROM oldPath
tempPath = Mid(oldPath, InStrRev(oldPath, "\") + 1)
addInt = Year(Date) - CInt(Split(tempPath, ".")(1))
newTemp = Split(tempPath, ".")(0) + addInt & ". " & Split(tempPath, ".")(1) + addInt
FindFirstFile = Dir$(Path & "\" & "*.xlsx")
While (FindFirstFile <> "")
If InStr(FindFirstFile, "Test") > 0 Then
FindDepotMemo = Path & FindFirstFile
Exit Function
End If
FindFirstFile = Dir
End Function
As I've added comments to help you understand what am I doing.

Try this approach. The code loops through folder names 1. 2020, 1. 2019, 1. 2018 and current year, finding the lowest one, say, 1. 2018 exists. For that year it then looks for the highest month number, abandoning the previous for the next higher. If, say, 4. 2018 exists that is the path in which it looks for the file name using your original code.
Function FindDepotMemo() As String
Dim Pn As String ' Path name
Dim Fn As String ' Folder name
Dim Sp() As String ' Split string
Dim Arr() As String, Tmp As String
Dim FindFirstFile As String
Dim i As Integer
Dim n As Integer
For i = 2020 To Year(Date) Step -1
Pn = "G:\BUYING\Food Specials\2. Planning\1. Planning\1. Planner\1. " & CStr(i) & "\"
If Len(Dir(Pn, vbDirectory)) Then Exit For
Next i
If i >= Year(Date) Then
Sp = Split(Pn, "\")
Arr = Sp
n = UBound(Sp) - 1
Fn = Sp(n)
For i = 2 To 12
Arr(n) = CStr(i) & Mid(Fn, 2)
Pn = Join(Arr, "\")
If Len(Dir(Pn, vbDirectory)) = 0 Then Exit For
Sp = Arr
Next i
FindFirstFile = Join(Sp, "\") & "*.xlsx"
While (FindFirstFile <> "")
If InStr(FindFirstFile, "Planner") > 0 Then
FindDepotMemo = Pn & FindFirstFile
Exit Do
End If
FindFirstFile = Dir
End If
End Function
If no 1. 2017 or higher is found, the function returns a null string. I couldn't test the code for lack of data.


How to loop through sub folders of folder A to get file name in each subfolder and copy other file with same name from folder B using VBA

There is folder A which contains multiple subfolders like A1,A2, A3 etc which every subfolder has mostly one sometimes 2 word files with the name(eg file_a1) in it. Then, there is other folder B (not a subfolder of A) which contains multiple word files with standard similar (file_a1_XZ) names.
I want to loop in subfolders of A and copy word files from B to respective sub folder e.g A1
File Structure:
Parent Folder
----Parent B
--- B
----Parent A
--- A
-- A1
-- A2
Move Files to Specific Folders Using Dir
Moves files from B to subfolders of A i.e. the filenames contain the names of the subfolders.
Option Explicit
Sub MoveFiles()
Const sFolderPath As String = "C:\Test\T2022\71752347\B\"
Const dFolderPath As String = "C:\Test\T2022\71752347\A\"
Const sExtensionPattern As String = ".doc*"
Dim dFolderName As String: dFolderName = Dir(dFolderPath, vbDirectory)
Dim dict As Object: Set dict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
Do Until Len(dFolderName) = 0
If dFolderName <> "." And dFolderName <> ".." Then
dict(dFolderName) = Empty
End If
dFolderName = Dir
Dim Key As Variant
Dim sFileName As String
Dim fCount As Long
For Each Key In dict.Keys
sFileName = Dir(sFolderPath & "*" & Key & "*" & sExtensionPattern)
Do Until Len(sFileName) = 0
fCount = fCount + 1
FileCopy sFolderPath & sFileName, _
dFolderPath & Key & "\" & sFileName
Kill sFolderPath & sFileName
sFileName = Dir
MsgBox "Files moved: " & fCount, vbInformation
End Sub
If the files in B are in various subfolders, use the following.
Sub MoveFiles()
Const sFolderPath As String = "C:\Test\T2022\71752347\B\"
Const dFolderPath As String = "C:\Test\T2022\71752347\A\"
Const sExtensionPattern As String = ".doc*"
Dim dFolderName As String: dFolderName = Dir(dFolderPath, vbDirectory)
Dim dict As Object: Set dict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
Do Until Len(dFolderName) = 0
If dFolderName <> "." And dFolderName <> ".." Then
dict(dFolderName) = Empty
End If
dFolderName = Dir
Dim sFilePaths() As String
Dim sFilePath As String
Dim dFilePath As String
Dim Key As Variant
Dim f As Long
Dim fCount As Long
For Each Key In dict.Keys
sFilePaths = ArrFilePaths(sFolderPath, _
"*" & Key & "*" & sExtensionPattern)
For f = 0 To UBound(sFilePaths)
fCount = fCount + 1
sFilePath = sFilePaths(f)
dFilePath = dFolderPath & Key & "\" & Right(sFilePath, _
Len(sFilePath) - InStrRev(sFilePath, "\"))
FileCopy sFilePath, dFilePath
Kill sFilePath
Next f
Next Key
MsgBox "Files moved: " & fCount, vbInformation
End Sub
' Purpose: Returns the file paths of the files in a folder
' in a zero-based string array.
Function ArrFilePaths( _
ByVal FolderPath As String, _
Optional ByVal FilePattern As String = "*.*", _
Optional ByVal DirSwitches As String = "/s/b/a-d") _
As String()
Const ProcName As String = "ArrFilePaths"
On Error GoTo ClearError
' Ensuring that a string array is passed if an error occurs.
ArrFilePaths = Split("") ' LB = 0 , UB = -1
Dim pSep As String: pSep = Application.PathSeparator
If Right(FolderPath, 1) <> pSep Then FolderPath = FolderPath & pSep
Dim ExecString As String ' '%comspec%' or 'cmd.exe' ?
ExecString = "%comspec% /c Dir """ _
& FolderPath & FilePattern & """ " & DirSwitches
Dim Arr() As String: Arr = Split(CreateObject("WScript.Shell") _
.Exec(ExecString).StdOut.ReadAll, vbCrLf)
If UBound(Arr) > 0 Then
ReDim Preserve Arr(0 To UBound(Arr) - 1)
End If
ArrFilePaths = Arr
Exit Function
Debug.Print "'" & ProcName & "' Run-time error '" _
& Err.Number & "':" & vbLf & " " & Err.Description
Resume ProcExit
End Function

VBA Replace last field in ALL rows within csv around double quotes?

On Error Resume Next
Set FileSysObj = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Const ForReading = 1 ' Declare constant for reading for more clarity
Dim cntFile, strCSVFullFile, strCSVFile, strDIR, cntBadLines, cntAllLines, strArchiveDir, strSafeTime,strSafeDate
' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' Specify CSV file name from the input argument
strCSVFile = Wscript.Arguments(1) ' Transactions
strDIR = Wscript.Arguments(2) & "\" ' C:\Temp
strArchiveDir = Wscript.Arguments(3) & "\"
strSafeTime = Right("0" & Hour(Now), 2) & Right("0" & Minute(Now), 2) & Right("0" & Second(Now), 2)
strSafeDate = Year(Date) & Month(Date) & day(Date)
set folder = FileSysObj.getFolder(strDIR)
cntFile = 0
cntBadLines = 0
cntAllLines = 0
for each file in folder.Files
' check if the file is there and echo it.
if InStr(1,file.name,strCSVFile,1) <> 0 then
strCSVFullFile = file.name
cntFile = cntFile + 1
end if
if cntFile > 1 or cntFile = 0 then
' error and end
Wscript.Echo "Error - only 1 file required for this process. There are " & cntFile & " file(s) in the directory"
end if
wscript.echo "Checking the file " & strCSVFullFile & " in " & strDIR
NoOfCols = Wscript.Arguments(0) ' usually 8
strTemp = "temp.csv"
strmissing = "missingdata.csv"
Set objOutFile = FileSysObj.CreateTextFile(strDIR & strTemp,True)
Set objOutFileM = FileSysObj.CreateTextFile(strDIR & strmissing,True)
Set inputFile = FileSysObj.OpenTextFile(strDIR & strCSVFullFile, ForReading, True)
' Set inputFile as file to be read from
Dim row, column, outline
Dim fields '(7) '8 fields per line
inputFile.ReadAll 'read to end of file
outline = ""
ReDim MyArray(inputFile.Line-2,NoOfCols) 'current line, minus one for header, and minus one for starting at zero
inputFile.close 'close file so that MyArray can be filled with data starting at the top
Set inputFile = FileSysObj.OpenTextFile(strDIR & strCSVFullFile, ForReading, True) 'back at top
strheadLine = inputFile.ReadLine 'skip header , but keep it for the output file
objOutFile.Write(strheadLine & vbCrLf)
anyBadlines = False
badlineflag = False
Do Until inputFile.AtEndOfStream
fullLine = inputFile.Readline
fields = Split(fullLine,",") 'store line in temp array
For column = 0 To NoOfCols-1 'iterate through the fields of the temp array
myArray(row,column) = fields(column) 'store each field in the 2D array with the given coordinates
'Wscript.Echo myArray(row,column)
if myArray(row,0) = " " or myArray(row,1) = " " then
badlineflag = True
'missline = myArray(row,0) & ", " & myArray(row,1) & ", " & myArray(row,2) & ", " & myArray(row,3) & ", " & myArray(row,4) & ", " & myArray(row,5) & ", " & myArray(row,6) & ", " & myArray(row,7)
'Wscript.Echo missline
'Exit For
end if
if column = NoOfCols-1 then
outline = outline & myArray(row,column) & vbCrLf
outline = outline & myArray(row,column) & ","
'csvFile = Regex.Replace(csvFile, "(,\s*?"".*?)(,)(\s+.*?""\s*?,)", "$1$3") 'TEST
end if
cntAllLines = cntAllLines + 1
' Wscript.Echo outline
if badlineflag = False then
objOutFile.Write(fullLine & vbCrLf)
' write it somewhere else, drop a header in the first time
if anyBadlines = False Then
objOutFileM.Write(strheadLine & vbCrLf)
End if
cntBadLines = cntBadLines + 1
badlineflag = False
anyBadlines = True
end if
outline = ""
row = row + 1 'next line
Wscript.Echo "Total lines in the transaction file = " & cntAllLines
Wscript.Echo "Total bad lines in the file = " & cntBadLines
The below line is able to work as it contains 7 commas (8 columns).
The below line will throw an error as a result of more commas than 7 in the script.
URXW_99,BYQ0JC6,2603834418,2017-10-30,Test,4.962644,2278.0000,Redburn, Europe. Limited
If greater than 7 commas in the CSV file line, the aim is to wrap it all greater than 7 into one field.
E.g. how do you replace Redburn, Europe. Limited string with double quotes as it is one name.
For example, in a text file it would appear like below:
URXW_99,BYQ0JC6,2603834418,2017-10-30,Test,4.962644,2278.0000,"Redburn, Europe. Limited"
Is there a way to write a VB or VBA script to do the above and save it as a .csv file (which is opened via notepad to check the double quotes)?
Option Explicit
Option Compare Text
Public Sub ConvertFile()
Dim lngRowNumber As Long
Dim strLineFromFile As String
Dim strSourceFile As String
Dim strDestinationFile As String
strSourceFile = "U:\Book3.csv"
strDestinationFile = "U:\Book4.csv"
Open strSourceFile For Input As #1
Open strDestinationFile For Output As #2
lngRowNumber = 0
Do Until EOF(1)
Line Input #1, strLineFromFile
strLineFromFile = Right(Replace(strLineFromFile, ",", " ", 1), 1000)
Write #2, strLineFromFile
strLineFromFile = vbNullString
Close #1
Close #2
End Sub
As I see, you use MS Access (due to Option Compare Text line), so there is better built-in instruments for this task.
Use DoCmd.TransferText for it.
1st step is to create output specification via:
Here you can setup delimiters, even that differs from ", and handle other options.
After that you can use your set-up specification via following command
DoCmd.TransferText acExportDelim, "TblCustomers_export_spec", "TblCustomers", "C:\test\1.txt", True
In this case all characters escaping would be done through built-in instruments. It seems to be more easier to correct this code further.
As mentioned, there is VBScript workaround. For given input data, following function will do desired actions for given string:
Option Explicit
Function funAddLastQuotes( _
strInput _
Dim arrInput
arrInput = Split(strInput, ",")
Dim intArrSize
intArrSize = UBound(arrInput)
Dim intCurrentElement
Dim strOutput
Dim intPreLastElement
intPreLastElement = 6
For intCurrentElement = 1 To intPreLastElement
strOutput = strOutput & "," & arrInput(intCurrentElement)
Dim strOutputLastField
For intCurrentElement = intPreLastElement + 1 To intArrSize
strOutputLastField = strOutputLastField & "," & arrInput(intCurrentElement)
strOutputLastField = Right(strOutputLastField, Len(strOutputLastField) - 1)
strOutput = Right(strOutput, Len(strOutput) - 1)
strOutput = strOutput & "," & """" & strOutputLastField & """"
funAddLastQuotes = strOutput
End Function
MsgBox funAddLastQuotes("RXW_99,BYQ0JC6,2603834418,2017-10-30,Test,4.962644,2278.0000,Redburn, Europe,,, Limited")
Finally, here is working VBScript solution.
Option Explicit
Const ColumnsBeforeCommadColumn = 6
Function funAddLastQuotes( _
strInput _
Dim arrInput
arrInput = Split(strInput, ",")
Dim intArrSize
intArrSize = UBound(arrInput)
Dim intCurrentElement
Dim strOutput
Dim intPreLastElement
intPreLastElement = ColumnsBeforeCommadColumn
For intCurrentElement = 1 To intPreLastElement
strOutput = strOutput & "," & arrInput(intCurrentElement)
Dim strOutputLastField
If (intPreLastElement + 1) < intArrSize _
For intCurrentElement = intPreLastElement + 1 To intArrSize
strOutputLastField = strOutputLastField & "," & arrInput(intCurrentElement)
strOutputLastField = strOutputLastField & "," & arrInput(intArrSize)
End If
strOutputLastField = Right(strOutputLastField, Len(strOutputLastField) - 1)
strOutput = Right(strOutput, Len(strOutput) - 1)
strOutput = strOutput & "," & """" & strOutputLastField & """"
funAddLastQuotes = strOutput
End Function
Public Sub ConvertFile( _
strSourceFile _
Dim objFS
Dim strFile
Dim strTemp
Dim ts
Dim objOutFile
Dim objFile
Set objFS = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Dim strLine
Dim strOutput
Dim strRow
strFile = strSourceFile
strTemp = strSourceFile & ".tmp"
Set objFile = objFS.GetFile(strFile)
Set objOutFile = objFS.CreateTextFile(strTemp,True)
Set ts = objFile.OpenAsTextStream(1,-2)
Do Until ts.AtEndOfStream
strLine = ts.ReadLine
objOutFile.WriteLine funAddLastQuotes(strLine)
objFS.MoveFile strTemp,strFile
End Sub
ConvertFile "C:\!accsoft\_in.csv"
You should change following part: ConvertFile "C:\!accsoft\_in.csv as path to your file.
And ColumnsBeforeCommadColumn = 6 is the setting, at which column the chaos with commas begins

How to extract a file name from its path in vba [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How to extract file name from path?
(16 answers)
Extract filename from path [duplicate]
(9 answers)
Closed 1 year ago.
I am writing a code, where I am opening a file for extracting data. I am currently using following code; I want to extract the file name from the path and store it in a particular range. This the code:
FilePath = Application.GetOpenFilename("Excel Files (*.xlsx), *.xls")
If FilePath <> False Then
Range("D6").Value = FilePath
file = Range("D6").Value
End If
You can do it like below:
FilePath = Application.GetOpenFilename("Excel Files (*.xlsm), *.xlsm")
If FilePath <> False Then
Dim fso As Object
Dim objFile As Object
Set fso = VBA.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objFile = fso.GetFile(FilePath)
If Not objFile Is Nothing Then
FileName = objFile.Name
End If
End If
Simplest way:
FileName = Mid$(FilePath, InStrRev(FilePath, "\") + 1, Len(FilePath))
An alternative:
Public Function ExtractFileName(ByVal strFullName As String) As String
Dim p As Integer
Dim i As Integer
Dim s As Integer
i = 1
p = InStr(i, strFullName, "\", 1)
If p = 0 Then Exit Do
s = p
i = p + 1
s = s + 1
ExtractFileName = Mid(strFullName, s, Len(strFullName))
End Function 'ExtractFileName
If you want various version of the path and file names, here's what I would suggest:
Sub LookupFileNames()
Dim FilePath As String, FileOnly As String, PathOnly As String, ExtOnly As String, NameOnly As String
FilePath = ThisWorkbook.FullName
FileOnly = ThisWorkbook.Name
NameOnly = Left(FileOnly, InStr(1, FileOnly, ".") - 1)
ExtOnly = Right(FileOnly, Len(FileOnly) - InStr(1, FileOnly, "."))
PathOnly = Left(FilePath, Len(FilePath) - Len(FileOnly))
MsgBox "Full Name: " & FilePath & vbLf & "File Name: " & FileOnly & vbLf & "File Name w/o Ext: " & NameOnly & vbLf & "File Ext: " & ExtOnly & vbLf & "File Path: " & PathOnly
End Sub

VBA Save As Current Filename +01

I'm looking to write a macro to save my current version filename +1 instance of the version. For each new day the version would reset to v01. Ex. Current = DailySheet_20150221v01; Save As = DailySheet_20150221v02; Next Day = DailySheet_20150222v01
While increasing the version number, I am hoping the version won't have to contain the v0 once v10+ has been reached.
I was able to workout how to save the file with today's date:
Sub CopyDailySheet()
Dim datestr As String
datestr = Format(Now, "yyyymmdd")
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs "D:\Projects\Daily Sheet\DailySheet_" & datestr & ".xlsx"
End Sub
but need additional help in finding the version addition. Could I set the SaveAs to a string, then run it through a For/If - Then set?
Put this out to a couple of my friends and below is their solution:
Sub Copy_DailySheet()
Dim datestr As String, f As String, CurrentFileDate As String, _
CurrentVersion As String, SaveAsDate As String, SaveAsVersion As String
f = ThisWorkbook.FullName
SaveAsDate = Format(Now, "yyyymmdd")
ary = Split(f, "_")
bry = Split(ary(UBound(ary)), "v")
cry = Split(bry(UBound(bry)), ".")
CurrentFileDate = bry(0)
CurrentVersion = cry(0)
SaveAsDate = Format(Now, "yyyymmdd")
If SaveAsDate = CurrentFileDate Then
SaveAsVersion = CurrentVersion + 1
SaveAsVersion = 1
End If
If SaveAsVersion < 10 Then
ThisWorkbook.SaveAs "D:\Projects\Daily Sheet\DailySheet_" & SaveAsDate & "v0" & SaveAsVersion & ".xlsm"
ThisWorkbook.SaveAs "D:\Projects\Daily Sheet\Daily Sheet_" & SaveAsDate & "v" & SaveAsVersion & ".xlsm"
End If
End Sub
Thanks to all those who contributed.
Try this one:
Sub CopyDailySheet()
'Variables declaration
Dim path As String
Dim sht_nm As String
Dim datestr As String
Dim rev As Integer
Dim chk_fil As Boolean
Dim ws As Object
'Variables initialization
path = "D:\Projects\Daily_Sheet"
sht_nm = "DailySheet"
datestr = Format(Now, "yyyymmdd")
rev = 0
'Create new Windows Shell object
Set ws = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
'Check the latest existing revision number
rev = rev + 1
chk_fil = ws.Exec("powershell test-path " & path & "\" & sht_nm & "_" & datestr & "v" & Format(rev, "00") & ".*").StdOut.ReadLine
Loop While chk_fil = True
'Save File with new revision number
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs path & "\" & sht_nm & "_" & datestr & "v" & Format(rev, "00") & ".xlsm"
End Sub
If you have the current filename I would use something like:
Public Function GetNewFileName(s As String) As String
ary = Split(s, "v")
n = "0" & CStr(CLng(ary(1)) + 1)
GetNewFileName = ary(0) & "v" & ary(1)
End Function
Tested with:
Sub MAIN()
strng = GetNewFileName("DailySheet_20150221v02")
MsgBox strng
End Sub

VBA to find multiple files

I have this code which finds file names(along with file paths) based on search string.This code works fine in finding single files. I would like this macro to find multiple files and get their names displayed separated using a comma.
Function FindFiles(path As String, SearchStr As String)
Dim FileName As String ' Walking filename variable.
Dim DirName As String ' SubDirectory Name.
Dim dirNames() As String ' Buffer for directory name entries.
Dim nDir As Integer ' Number of directories in this path.
Dim i As Integer ' For-loop counter.
Dim Name As String
Dim Annex As String
On Error GoTo sysFileERR
If Right(path, 1) <> "\" Then path = path & "\"
' Search for subdirectories.
nDir = 0
ReDim dirNames(nDir)
DirName = Dir(path, vbDirectory Or vbHidden Or vbArchive Or vbReadOnly _
Or vbSystem) ' Even if hidden, and so on.
Do While Len(DirName) > 0
' Ignore the current and encompassing directories.
If (DirName <> ".") And (DirName <> "..") Then
' Check for directory with bitwise comparison.
If GetAttr(path & DirName) And vbDirectory Then
dirNames(nDir) = DirName
DirCount = DirCount + 1
nDir = nDir + 1
ReDim Preserve dirNames(nDir)
'List2.AddItem path & DirName ' Uncomment to list
End If ' directories.
End If
DirName = Dir() ' Get next subdirectory.
' Search through this directory and sum file sizes.
FileName = Dir(path & SearchStr, vbNormal Or vbHidden Or vbSystem _
Or vbReadOnly Or vbArchive)
'Sheet1.Range("C1").Value2 = path & "\" & FileName
While Len(FileName) <> 0
FindFiles = path & "\" & FileName
FileCount = FileCount + 1
' Load List box
' Sheet1.Range("A1").Value2 = path & FileName & vbTab & _
FileDateTime(path & FileName) ' Include Modified Date
FileName = Dir() ' Get next file.
' If there are sub-directories..
If nDir > 0 Then
' Recursively walk into them
For i = 0 To nDir - 1
FindFiles = path & "\" & FileName
Next i
End If
Exit Function
If Right(DirName, 4) = ".sys" Then
Resume sysFileERRCont ' Known issue with pagefile.sys
MsgBox "Error: " & Err.Number & " - " & Err.Description, , _
"Unexpected Error"
Resume AbortFunction
End If
End Function
Sub Find_Files()
Dim SearchPath As String, FindStr As String, SearchPath1 As String
Dim FileSize As Long
Dim NumFiles As Integer, NumDirs As Integer
Dim Filenames As String, Filenames1 As String
Dim r As Range
'Screen.MousePointer = vbHourglass
For Each cell In Range("SS")
SearchPath = Sheet3.Range("B2").Value2
SearchPath1 = Sheet3.Range("B3").Value2
FindStr = Cells(cell.Row, "H").Value
Filenames = FindFiles(SearchPath, FindStr)
Filenames1 = FindFiles(SearchPath1, FindStr)
'Sheet1.Range("B1").Value2 = NumFiles & " Files found in " & NumDirs + 1 & _
" Directories"
Cells(cell.Row, "F").Value = Filenames
Cells(cell.Row, "G").Value = Filenames1
'Format(FileSize, "#,###,###,##0") & " Bytes"
'Screen.MousePointer = vbDefault
Next cell
End Sub
Any thoughts will be highly appreciated.
I realize this question is very old, but it is unanswered. Here is a quick method for finding multiple files and their paths. VBA's DIR function isn't really very handy, but CMD's DIR function is well optimized and has a plethora of command line switches to make it return only files (or even just folders) that match your criteria. The trick is to call DIRfrom a WScript shell so that the output can be parsed by VBA.
For example, this snippet of code will find every file on your system that starts with config.
Dim oShell As Object 'New WshShell if you want early binding
Dim cmd As Object 'WshExec if you want early binding
Dim x As Integer
Const WshRunning = 0
Set oShell = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
Set cmd = oShell.Exec("cmd /c ""Dir c:\config* /a:-d /b /d /s""")
Do While cmd.Status = WshRunning
Debug.Print cmd.StdOut.ReadAll
Set oShell = Nothing
Set cmd = Nothing