openWorldWithSpec making it impossible to return to previous windows - smalltalk

Reading the book "The Spec UI framework". Trying to implement the part described in chapter "Taking over the entire screen".
After executing the code suggested in the book:
WindowExample new openWorldWithSpec
it seems to be impossible to return to previous state. Tried to delete the new WorldMorph in the inspector. Also tried with halos, as the book suggests but those buttons that are available in the halo menu don't allow it to be closed.
Is it an intended behaviour for this (to be executed to prepare an end-user environment and disable programming UI) or am I missing something?
Working in Pharo 5.0, Mac OS X version.

That is indeed intended behaviour, as part of making applications that do not allow access to the development environment anymore. But you can take a look at the code for PharoLauncher to see how you can enable a developer mode

You can actually get back to normal by:
Alt-Ctrl-Clicking on the Morph (macOS combo may be different, this is for Windows).
Clicking on the little wrench and ask for inspect.
In the evaluation pane, do:
self delete
World menu is available again.
Open a browser.
If one disables halos in settings, this is a tad harder.


Camera in Roblox Studio (testing and building) is not working correctly

There are actually two camera problems.
The first is that sometimes the RMB to control the camera angle in Studio doesn't work. Sometimes using the LMB or movement keys helps, other times (like right now) it doesn't do anything. The hand cursor appears to shake in the direction I want to pan the camera but nothing happens. I did have an Advanced Camera plugin.
When I'm testing my game in Studio, I have NO camera control via RMB and zooming is nonfunctional. This is to say that I can turn using my mouse, but RMB doesn't change how mouseview works. Probably unrelated, but I cannot get scripts from the toolbox for run, crouch, zoom, etc. to work, either, even when I place them where instructed.
I get these errors in my game:
 16:36:47.313 ▼ ActivateCameraController did not select a module. (x3) - Client - CameraModule:362
     16:36:47.314    ActivateCameraController did not select a module.
     16:36:47.314    ActivateCameraController did not select a module.
I've been having trouble with Studio eating up too much bandwidth when NOT in use during actual gameplay in Roblox (exe), so I removed all the Studio plugins, thinking one of them might be the culprit (deliberate or accidental), and also hoping it might fix the camera issues. No such luck.
Probably unrelated, but I found a couple of apparently simple viruses (Vaccine and Fire) using clone() and spread() to reproduce within the confines that their simple scripts dictated. I removed all instances, as well as a presumably fake Antivirus. The first two were very basic scripts designed to spread the script and didn't do any damage (although the latter would damage players).
#Kylaaa came up with the answers, but there's no way for me to mark them as answers.
The problems did not occur in a new game until I copied all the stuff I'd added into it (from the troubled game).
Regarding RMB not working in the Studio:
Sometimes, if the Workspace Camera gets set to Scriptable, all mouse inputs stop working. You could try checking if switching the CameraType to Fixed or anything else fixes your problem. It should be in the Properties window when you select the Camera in the Workspace.
What I did: I changed the mode and the problem stopped. I suspect that the Advanced Camera plug-in that I had removed had something to do with the problem.
Regarding the camera not zooming and RMB not working during testing:
you have a malicious script somewhere in your Workspace. You can search/filter the workspace for Script and it will show all of the objects with scripts in them. I would recommend removing or Disabling the each of the scripts until you find which one is causing the errors
When you click on a Script in the Explorer, look in the Properties widget. There should be a checkbox titled Disabled. When you select that, it will prevent the script from running when the game starts
What I did: I deleted a bunch of stuff my son had added, and then disabled ALL scripts, then started enabling them one unique instance at a time (i.e. duplicates were enabled simultaneously). The camera problem didn't come back except when I edited a script during testing. I never located the problem script, despite going through and triggering all scripts.

Simple Chrome extension w/ Context Menu cmds that call VB .net procedures

I'm looking for some input on how feasible it would be to create a Chrome extension that, when activated via toolbar button, adds context menu commands that call procedures (or methods of a class) written in
That's pretty much it. At this point, i'd be thrilled to see context menu items that simply display message boxes built in
I'm starting with Chrome, but would anticipate replicating similar functionality in other browsers, starting with Edge or IE, then Firefox and possibly Safari. If it's easier to start with another widely used browser besides Chrome, i'd be fine with that.
I've done the obvious google searches, and I can't seem to find an easy-ish place to start. Any ideas?
--edit, just an additional note, the procedures would be contained in a dll, exe, or other container installed on the client side machine. I'm not trying to execute server side code

Windows-8 & Internet Explorer-10 broke my ActiveX control drawing?

I am experiencing a very weird behavior while running my Active-X control on “Windows 8” OS, and browser “Microsoft Internet-Explorer 10”.
The control:
My Active-X control is very stable product that my company is already distributing for several years between hundreds of happy customers. The control is an ATL custom-draw control, written in C++, and built with “Visual Studio 2008”.
The problem – the drawing disappears:
While I press the link that opens my control for the first time, I can see that my control is being painted gradually (as my data loading is sometimes slow), but eventually all the drawing disappears, leaving a blank white background color where the controls is located.
Using ‘Spy++’ I can see that my control is really there, but all its painting disappear.
If I move the browser or change its size the control will be re-painted, but otherwise it is simply not visible.
I tried to debug this problem and find out who is erasing my drawing.
I came up with the following technique:
Using WinDBG I added breakpoints at ‘user32.dll’ DLL on the following methods: user32!InvalidateRect, user32!InvalidateRgn, user32!FillRect,
I defined these methods to only show stack and continue with to run,
I ran the above problematic scenario,
When the problem happens I am trying to view who called ‘Invalidate’ or ‘FillRect’,
Since all this happens very quickly I am using the ‘Print Screen’ button to freeze the moment
After doing this several times I find that exactly at the time my control disappears the following stack calls ‘user32!FillRect’:
This is consistent.
When examining this stack I found that this message belongs to a window of class Internet Explorer_Hidden, which is window of size zero (0x0), but with a WS_VISIBLE style. This window belongs to the browser.
Does anyone know this phenomenon?
Is it possible that the browser hidden window is causing this problem?
Could you recommend on other approach to try and hunt the stack that is erasing my drawing?
Many thanks for any hint!
Paz Offer
The bug was in Microsoft Internet Explorer 10
I used Microsoft Support service to farther investigate this problem. Enclosed here are the findings:
Microsoft Support viewed the version of my IE (Internet Explorer) and suggested to first upgrade IE to its latest patch.
As it happens, the machine I was working on was not setup to be automatically updated by the Windows Update service for some time. As part of upgrading IE I had to first update windows using Windows Update service to its latest patches.
During the process of Windows Update the Microsoft Internet Explorer 10 was automatically updated to its latest patch.
Once IE updated the problem disappeared.
In addition, the ActiveX GUI load process became much faster.
The old version of Microsoft Internet Explorer 10, which caused the problem:
Version: 10.0.9200.16384
Update Versions: RTM (KB2718695)
The new version of Microsoft Internet Explorer 10, which solved the problem:
Version: 10.0.9200.16635
Update Versions: 10.0.7 (KB2846071)
Now all is working as expected.
Thanks, Pazo

Contextual Menu Plugins for Leopard OS

I am writing Contextual Menu Plugins for Leopard OS and referring Writing Contextual Menu Plugins for OS X, part 1 article by Brent Simmons. My plugin is working fine.
Is there any way to move my test menu into main menu (above the Label)?
The short answer is "no".
The OS controls what gets displayed in that menu, so in order to change it around, you would need to call private methods, reimplement system-level functionality, and just in general do some Very Bad Things which would be unsafe, could break at a moment's notice, and possibly work differently between even dot releases of the same OS.
Yes, it's called a system service, and was introduced in OS X 10.5. I know for a fact that many applications can do this, and Automator routines can be triggered this way because Automator itself is a system service. To see a service applicable for an application (i.e. Finder) go to the Application menu on the top bar (for lack of better name T_T), such as the Finder bolded text, and go down to Services > and it will show you all services that can be used in the app. If you need pointers on how to build this, just comment here.
EDIT: Yes, a SIMBL plugin is also considered a service, and on second read of your question, that's what you want.

What programming languages have access to the WinAPI?

I'm looking to start a new programming language and for my first task I want to overlay some text on another applications window, similar to the guy in this post:
Overlay text on some else's window - HUD
Clearly from that post, this can be done in VB.NET, and extrapolating from that, I can probably safely assume that C++\C# can also do this similarly.
My question is; are there any other languages that can do the same? Can Ruby do it? :)
I'm looking for the following capabilities:
Enumerate open windows to find the one I want to overlay on top of.
Overlay text on the 3rd party apps window. (Rich text is a bonus)
Detect window bounds so I can resize the text when the user resizes the window.
Allow click-through of my created text so it doesn't interfere with the 3rd party apps functionality.
Any ideas?
If you want to use Ruby, you have two options: IronRuby and "classic Ruby".
I guess IronRuby would be the preferred option on Windows as it runs on top of .NET and has access to full Windows API through that.
If .NET is too much for your needs and you need to do something simple, then classic Ruby might be a better fit.
For classic Ruby, check out these pages:
Ruby and Microsoft Windows
Microsoft Windows Support
Beware: argument packing and unpacking is not very convenient.