TypeError using sns.distplot() on dataframe with one row - pandas

I'm plotting subsets of a dataframe, and one subset happens to have only one row. This is the only reason I can think of for why it's causing problems. This is what it looks like:
problem_dataframe = prob_df[prob_df['Date']==7]
I try to do:
But I get the error:
TypeError: len() of unsized object
Would someone please tell me what's causing this and how to work around it?

The TypeError is resolved by setting bins=1.
But that uncovers a different error, ValueError: x must be 1D or 2D, which gets triggered by an internal function in Matplotlib's hist(), called _normalize_input():
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
df = pd.DataFrame(['Tue','Feb',7,'15:37:58',2017,15.6196]).T
df.columns = ['Day','Month','Date','Time','Year','floatTime']
sns.distplot(df.floatTime, bins=1)
ValueError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-25-858df405d200> in <module>()
6 df.columns = ['Day','Month','Date','Time','Year','floatTime']
7 df.floatTime.values.astype(float)
----> 8 sns.distplot(df.floatTime, bins=1)
/home/andrew/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/seaborn/distributions.py in distplot(a, bins, hist, kde, rug, fit, hist_kws, kde_kws, rug_kws, fit_kws, color, vertical, norm_hist, axlabel, label, ax)
213 hist_color = hist_kws.pop("color", color)
214 ax.hist(a, bins, orientation=orientation,
--> 215 color=hist_color, **hist_kws)
216 if hist_color != color:
217 hist_kws["color"] = hist_color
/home/andrew/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/matplotlib/__init__.py in inner(ax, *args, **kwargs)
1890 warnings.warn(msg % (label_namer, func.__name__),
1891 RuntimeWarning, stacklevel=2)
-> 1892 return func(ax, *args, **kwargs)
1893 pre_doc = inner.__doc__
1894 if pre_doc is None:
/home/andrew/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/matplotlib/axes/_axes.py in hist(self, x, bins, range, normed, weights, cumulative, bottom, histtype, align, orientation, rwidth, log, color, label, stacked, **kwargs)
6141 x = np.array([[]])
6142 else:
-> 6143 x = _normalize_input(x, 'x')
6144 nx = len(x) # number of datasets
/home/andrew/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/matplotlib/axes/_axes.py in _normalize_input(inp, ename)
6080 else:
6081 raise ValueError(
-> 6082 "{ename} must be 1D or 2D".format(ename=ename))
6083 if inp.shape[1] < inp.shape[0]:
6084 warnings.warn(
ValueError: x must be 1D or 2D
_normalize_input() was removed from Matplotlib (it looks like sometime last year), so I guess Seaborn is referring to an older version under the hood.
You can see _normalize_input() in this old commit:
def _normalize_input(inp, ename='input'):
"""Normalize 1 or 2d input into list of np.ndarray or
a single 2D np.ndarray.
inp : iterable
ename : str, optional
Name to use in ValueError if `inp` can not be normalized
if (isinstance(x, np.ndarray) or
not iterable(cbook.safe_first_element(inp))):
# TODO: support masked arrays;
inp = np.asarray(inp)
if inp.ndim == 2:
# 2-D input with columns as datasets; switch to rows
inp = inp.T
elif inp.ndim == 1:
# new view, single row
inp = inp.reshape(1, inp.shape[0])
raise ValueError(
"{ename} must be 1D or 2D".format(ename=ename))
I can't figure out why inp.ndim!=1, though. Performing the same np.asarray().ndim on the input returns 1 as expected:
np.asarray(df.floatTime).ndim # 1
So you're facing a few obstacles if you want to make a single-valued input work with sns.distplot().
Suggested Workaround
Check for a single-element df.floatTime, and if that's the case, just use plt.hist() instead (which is what distplot goes to anyway, along with KDE):


Length mismatch error in ColumnTransformer sklearn v

Length Mismatch error when setting transform_output to "pandas" on the custom transformer (deleting NaN values)
I'm implementing the custom transformer to delete the rows containing NaNs. The code is
from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator,TransformerMixin
class NaRemover(BaseEstimator,TransformerMixin):
def __init__(self):
self._columns = []
def fit(self, X):
self._columns = X.columns.values
return self
def transform(self, X):
X = X.dropna()
return X
It works correctly as standalone.
Then I put it in the ColumnTransformer:
features = X_train.columns.values
ct_nan = ColumnTransformer([('delete_na',NaRemover(),features)])
and get the error:
ValueError: Length mismatch: Expected axis has 109 elements, new values have 140 elements
Problem is caused by the function that wraps the output into the pandas dataframe
129 # dense_config == "pandas"
--> 130 return _wrap_in_pandas_container(
131 data_to_wrap=data_to_wrap,
132 index=getattr(original_input, "index", None),
As far as could gather, it checks the integrity of the dataframe index, which I obviously destroy when applying transform (although I don't understand why should it check it on the fit stage)
214 def set_axis(self, axis: int, new_labels: Index) -> None:
215 # Caller is responsible for ensuring we have an Index object.
--> 216 self._validate_set_axis(axis, new_labels)
217 self.axes[axis] = new_labels
/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/pandas/core/internals/base.py in _validate_set_axis(self, axis, new_labels)
56 elif new_len != old_len:
---> 57 raise ValueError(
58 f"Length mismatch: Expected axis has {old_len} elements, new "
59 f"values have {new_len} elements"
Is it what the functionality supposed to be? Are the transformers changing the shape of the dataframe not allowed? And if not, how can I overcome the problem?

How do you do a grid search with cuml without a datatype error?

I tried doing a grid search with cuml. (rapids 21.10) I get a cupy conversion error. This doesn't happen if I build the model with the same dataset without a grid search. It also works doing it with the Data not lying in Videomemory, but it is then obviously slower than cpu.
The data is float32 for X and int32 for y:
X_cudf_train = cudf.DataFrame.from_pandas(X_train)
X_cudf_test = cudf.DataFrame.from_pandas(X_test)
y_cudf_train = cudf.Series(y_train.values)
RF_classifier_cu = RandomForestClassifier_cu(random_state = 123)
grid_search_RF_cu = GridSearchCV_cu(estimator=RF_classifier_cu, param_grid=grid_RF, cv=3, verbose=1)
The error:
/home/asdanjer/miniconda3/envs/rapids-21.10/lib/python3.8/site-packages/cuml/internals/api_decorators.py:794: UserWarning: For reproducible results in Random Forest Classifier or for almost reproducible results in Random Forest Regressor, n_streams==1 is recommended. If n_streams is > 1, results may vary due to stream/thread timing differences, even when random_state is set
return func(**kwargs)
Traceback (most recent call last)
<timed exec> in <module>
~/miniconda3/envs/rapids-21.10/lib/python3.8/site-packages/sklearn/model_selection/_search.py in fit(self, X, y, groups, **fit_params)
800 fit_params = _check_fit_params(X, fit_params)
--> 802 cv_orig = check_cv(self.cv, y, classifier=is_classifier(estimator))
803 n_splits = cv_orig.get_n_splits(X, y, groups)
~/miniconda3/envs/rapids-21.10/lib/python3.8/site-packages/sklearn/model_selection/_split.py in check_cv(cv, y, classifier)
2301 classifier
2302 and (y is not None)
-> 2303 and (type_of_target(y) in ("binary", "multiclass"))
2304 ):
2305 return StratifiedKFold(cv)
~/miniconda3/envs/rapids-21.10/lib/python3.8/site-packages/sklearn/utils/multiclass.py in type_of_target(y)
277 raise ValueError("y cannot be class 'SparseSeries' or 'SparseArray'")
--> 279 if is_multilabel(y):
280 return "multilabel-indicator"
~/miniconda3/envs/rapids-21.10/lib/python3.8/site-packages/sklearn/utils/multiclass.py in is_multilabel(y)
149 warnings.simplefilter("error", np.VisibleDeprecationWarning)
150 try:
--> 151 y = np.asarray(y)
152 except np.VisibleDeprecationWarning:
153 # dtype=object should be provided explicitly for ragged arrays,
~/miniconda3/envs/rapids-21.10/lib/python3.8/site-packages/cudf/core/frame.py in __array__(self, dtype)
1637 def __array__(self, dtype=None):
-> 1638 raise TypeError(
1639 "Implicit conversion to a host NumPy array via __array__ is not "
1640 "allowed, To explicitly construct a GPU array, consider using "
TypeError: Implicit conversion to a host NumPy array via __array__ is not allowed, To explicitly construct a GPU array, consider using cupy.asarray(...)
To explicitly construct a host array, consider using .to_array()

How to fix "Data must be 1-dimensional" exception in python

I am trying to create a dataset for checking my Logistic Regression Algorithm, but I am unable to create a pandas DataFrame from a dictinoary.
I am getting a 'Data must be 1-dimensional' exception.
x1 = np.random.random(size=(10,1))*2
x2 = np.random.random(size=(10,1))*2
x3 = np.random.random(size=(10,1))*2 + 2
x4 = np.random.random(size=(10,1))*2 + 2
y0 = np.zeros(shape=(10,1))
y1 = np.ones(shape=(10,1))
plt.scatter(x1,x2, color='g', marker='o')
plt.scatter(x3,x4, color='r', marker='o')
dict_data = { 'X1':np.concatenate((x1,x3)),
data = pd.DataFrame(dict_data, index=np.arange(20))
I am getting this as output, with the error Data must be 1 dimenstional.
Exception Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-49-fe81f079ebc6> in <module>
13 dict_data = { 'X1':np.concatenate((x1,x3)), 'X2':np.concatenate((x2,x4)),'Y':np.concatenate((y0,y1))}
14 #print(dict_data.shape)
---> 15 data = pd.DataFrame(dict_data, index=np.arange(20).reshape(20))
~/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pandas/core/frame.py in __init__(self, data, index, columns, dtype, copy)
328 dtype=dtype, copy=copy)
329 elif isinstance(data, dict):
--> 330 mgr = self._init_dict(data, index, columns, dtype=dtype)
331 elif isinstance(data, ma.MaskedArray):
332 import numpy.ma.mrecords as mrecords
~/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pandas/core/frame.py in _init_dict(self, data, index, columns, dtype)
459 arrays = [data[k] for k in keys]
--> 461 return _arrays_to_mgr(arrays, data_names, index, columns, dtype=dtype)
463 def _init_ndarray(self, values, index, columns, dtype=None, copy=False):
~/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pandas/core/frame.py in _arrays_to_mgr(arrays, arr_names, index, columns, dtype)
6167 # don't force copy because getting jammed in an ndarray anyway
-> 6168 arrays = _homogenize(arrays, index, dtype)
6170 # from BlockManager perspective
~/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pandas/core/frame.py in _homogenize(data, index, dtype)
6475 v = lib.fast_multiget(v, oindex.values, default=np.nan)
6476 v = _sanitize_array(v, index, dtype=dtype, copy=False,
-> 6477 raise_cast_failure=False)
6479 homogenized.append(v)
~/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pandas/core/series.py in _sanitize_array(data, index, dtype, copy, raise_cast_failure)
3273 elif subarr.ndim > 1:
3274 if isinstance(data, np.ndarray):
-> 3275 raise Exception('Data must be 1-dimensional')
3276 else:
3277 subarr = _asarray_tuplesafe(data, dtype=dtype)
Exception: Data must be 1-dimensional
np.random.random(size=(10,1)) produces 2-dimensional array of shape (10, 1) however pandas constructs DataFrames as a collection of 1-dimensional arrays.
So use np.random.random(size=(10)) to make 1-D arrays, which then can be used to make DataFrame.

tf.keras.layers.Concatenate() works with a list but fails on a tuple of tensors

This will work:
tf.keras.layers.Concatenate()([features['a'], features['b']])
While this:
tf.keras.layers.Concatenate()((features['a'], features['b']))
Results in:
TypeError: int() argument must be a string or a number, not 'TensorShapeV1'
Is that expected? If so - why does it matter what sequence do I pass?
EDIT (adding a code example):
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
data = {
'a': [1.0, 2.0, 3.0],
'b': [0.1, 0.3, 0.2],
with tf.Session() as sess:
ds = tf.data.Dataset.from_tensor_slices(data)
ds = ds.batch(1)
it = ds.make_one_shot_iterator()
features = it.get_next()
concat = tf.keras.layers.Concatenate()((features['a'], features['b']))
while True:
except tf.errors.OutOfRangeError:
TypeError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-135-0e1a45017941> in <module>()
6 features = it.get_next()
----> 8 concat = tf.keras.layers.Concatenate()((features['a'], features['b']))
google3/third_party/tensorflow/python/keras/engine/base_layer.py in __call__(self, inputs, *args, **kwargs)
751 # the user has manually overwritten the build method do we need to
752 # build it.
--> 753 self.build(input_shapes)
754 # We must set self.built since user defined build functions are not
755 # constrained to set self.built.
google3/third_party/tensorflow/python/keras/utils/tf_utils.py in wrapper(instance, input_shape)
148 tuple(tensor_shape.TensorShape(x).as_list()) for x in input_shape]
149 else:
--> 150 input_shape = tuple(tensor_shape.TensorShape(input_shape).as_list())
151 output_shape = fn(instance, input_shape)
152 if output_shape is not None:
google3/third_party/tensorflow/python/framework/tensor_shape.py in __init__(self, dims)
688 else:
689 # Got a list of dimensions
--> 690 self._dims = [as_dimension(d) for d in dims_iter]
692 #property
google3/third_party/tensorflow/python/framework/tensor_shape.py in as_dimension(value)
630 return value
631 else:
--> 632 return Dimension(value)
google3/third_party/tensorflow/python/framework/tensor_shape.py in __init__(self, value)
183 raise TypeError("Cannot convert %s to Dimension" % value)
184 else:
--> 185 self._value = int(value)
186 if (not isinstance(value, compat.bytes_or_text_types) and
187 self._value != value):
TypeError: int() argument must be a string or a number, not 'TensorShapeV1'
comment on the concanate class states it requires a list.
this class calls K.backend's concatenate function
which also states it requires a list.
in tensorflow https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow/blob/r1.12/tensorflow/python/ops/array_ops.py#L1034
also states it requires a list of tensors. Why? I don't know. in this function the tensors (variable called "values") actually gets checked if its a list or tuple. but somewhere along the way you still get an error.

trimming column named is generating ValueError

I have a table which I run through a function to trim its columns down to length 128 (I know it's really long, there isn't anything I can do about that) characters so it can use to_sql to create a database from it.
def truncate_column_names(df, length):
rename = {}
for col in df.columns:
if len(col) > length:
new_col = col[:length-3]+"..."
rename[col] = new_col
result = df.rename(columns=rename)
return result
This function works fine and I get a table out just fine but the problem comes when I tried to save the file I get the error
ValueError: Buffer has wrong number of dimensions (expected 1, got 2)
The method I have doing some housekeeping before saving to a file included dropping duplicates and that is where this error is being spit out. I tested this by saving the original dataFrame and then just loading it, running the truncate function, and then trying drop_duplicates on the result and I get the same error.
The headers for the file before I try truncating looks like this:
I trimmed the file down to 1 record and still have the problem.
This was a result of the truncating causing some columns to have non-unique names.
To confirm this was an issue I did a short test:
In [113]: df = pd.DataFrame(columns=["ab", "ac", "ad"])
In [114]: df
Empty DataFrame
Columns: [ab, ac, ad]
Index: []
In [115]: df.drop_duplicates()
Empty DataFrame
Columns: [ab, ac, ad]
Index: []
In [116]: df.columns
Out[116]: Index([u'ab', u'ac', u'ad'], dtype='object')
In [117]: df.columns = df.columns.str[:1]
In [118]: df
Empty DataFrame
Columns: [a, a, a]
Index: []
In [119]: df.drop_duplicates()
ValueError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-119-daf275b6788b> in <module>()
----> 1 df.drop_duplicates()
C:\Miniconda\lib\site-packages\pandas\util\decorators.pyc in wrapper(*args, **kw
86 else:
87 kwargs[new_arg_name] = new_arg_value
---> 88 return func(*args, **kwargs)
89 return wrapper
90 return _deprecate_kwarg
C:\Miniconda\lib\site-packages\pandas\core\frame.pyc in drop_duplicates(self, su
bset, take_last, inplace)
2826 deduplicated : DataFrame
2827 """
-> 2828 duplicated = self.duplicated(subset, take_last=take_last)
2830 if inplace:
C:\Miniconda\lib\site-packages\pandas\util\decorators.pyc in wrapper(*args, **kw
86 else:
87 kwargs[new_arg_name] = new_arg_value
---> 88 return func(*args, **kwargs)
89 return wrapper
90 return _deprecate_kwarg
C:\Miniconda\lib\site-packages\pandas\core\frame.pyc in duplicated(self, subset,
2872 vals = (self[col].values for col in subset)
-> 2873 labels, shape = map(list, zip( * map(f, vals)))
2875 ids = get_group_index(labels, shape, sort=False, xnull=False)
C:\Miniconda\lib\site-packages\pandas\core\frame.pyc in f(vals)
2861 def f(vals):
-> 2862 labels, shape = factorize(vals, size_hint=min(len(self), _SI
2863 return labels.astype('i8',copy=False), len(shape)
C:\Miniconda\lib\site-packages\pandas\core\algorithms.pyc in factorize(values, s
ort, order, na_sentinel, size_hint)
133 table = hash_klass(size_hint or len(vals))
134 uniques = vec_klass()
--> 135 labels = table.get_labels(vals, uniques, 0, na_sentinel)
137 labels = com._ensure_platform_int(labels)
pandas\hashtable.pyx in pandas.hashtable.PyObjectHashTable.get_labels (pandas\ha
ValueError: Buffer has wrong number of dimensions (expected 1, got 2)
and got the same result. using df.columns.unique() after the truncation i had ~200 duplicate columns after the truncation