VBA to find all CSV files in a Variable Folder name - vba

I have a project to create VBA to find and open all CSV files in a folder that is named the current month. I found some stuff online that seemed close but not quite. They will eventually be converted to XLSX files and parsed. That part I have. The macro that converts, parses and saves will be housed in a different file along the same path but not as "deep".
So on my Desktop is a folder name "CSV find test". Inside are two folders "Feburary" and "March". I need it to open all csv files in the most recent month. I have the rest of the syntax. . . . .
I wouldn't imagine that it would take a huge amount of syntax. Thanks for any direction.
Sub OpenFile()
FileMonth = Month(Date)
FileDate = Format(Date, "mmmm")
FilePath = "C:\Users\Me\Desktop\CSV find convert tests\" & FileMonth & "\" & FileDate & ".xls"
Workbooks.Open Filename:="FilePath" <- - - - error happens here.
End Sub

I don't think you really understand how a variable works as you keep putting it in a string. If you put something in double quotes it creates a string. Below is how you can add the month to the string via the variable.
Sub OpenCSVs()
Dim MyFiles As String, ThisMonth As String
Dim startPath As String
ThisMonth = Format(Date, "mmmm")
startPath = "C:\Users\ME\Desktop\CSV find convert tests\" & ThisMonth & "\"
MyFiles = Dir(startPath & "*.csv")
Do While MyFiles <> ""
Workbooks.Open startPath & MyFiles
'Do stuff to it will go here
'ActiveWorkbook.Close SaveChanges:=True (Deactivated for now)
MyFiles = Dir
End Sub


VBA Open File From This Workbook's Folder Knowing Part of The Name

I am trying to open file from the same folder as the main workbook. The problem is that the name is not permanent and just one word stays always inside the name - "NAME".
I want to use specific method with Thisworkbook.Path to open the xlsx file but it is not finding the workbook with the code.
that is the relavant part of code:
Sub RemoveDuplicats()
Dim Harel As Workbook
Dim SAP As Workbook
Dim Path As String
Dim Found As String
Path = ThisWorkbook.Path
Found = Dir(Path & "*NAME*.xlsx") 'open SAP report
If Found <> "" Then
Set SAP = Workbooks.Open(Path & Found)
End If
End Sub
ThisWorkbook.Path Returns the path without trailing backslash,
Found = Dir ( Path & "\" & "*NAME*.xlsx")
You would need to Loop though all Fiels in this Folder and compare the File Names like this:
Dim StrFile As String
StrFile = Dir(ThisWorkbook.Path & "\*" & ".xlsm")
Do While Len(StrFile) > 0
If StrFile Like "*Name*" Then
MsgBox StrFile 'This will be your File
End If
StrFile = Dir

Convert from CSV to XLSX and save with same file name

I have a series of CSV files that come to me bundled in a folder simply named for the month. I've got code working to find them, open them, parse them and I'm having trouble saving them the way I want to. What I'm aiming at is saving as the same file name as it was just in the new and parsed format.
Sub OpenCSVs_2()
Dim MyFiles As String, ThisMonth As String, Convert As String
Dim startPath As String
ThisMonth = Format(Date, "mmmm")
startPath = "C:\Users\ME\Desktop\CSV find convert tests\" & ThisMonth & "\"
MyFiles = Dir(startPath & "*.csv")
Convert = Dir(startPath & "*xlsx")
Do While MyFiles <> ""
Workbooks.Open startPath & MyFiles
Call Parse1
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:="startPath & Convert", FileFormat:=xlOpenXMLWorkbook, CreateBackup:=False
MyFiles = Dir '<----------------error happens here
End Sub
The above actually does something and creates an xlsm file names "startPath & Convert". I'm sure the solution is right in front of me.
As with my previous post, you are putting your variables in quotes which then turns it into a string. so first, remove the quotes on startPath & MyFiles, then just replace the extension using the function Replace. I also added the Workbook object as you should avoid using Activeworkbook as it can cause issues.
Sub OpenCSVs_2()
Dim MyFiles As String, ThisMonth As String
Dim startPath As String
Dim wb As Workbook
ThisMonth = Format(Date, "mmmm")
startPath = "C:\Users\ME\Desktop\CSV find convert tests\" & ThisMonth & "\"
MyFiles = Dir(startPath & "*.csv")
Do While MyFiles <> ""
Set wb = Workbooks.Open(startPath & MyFiles)
Call Parse1
wb.SaveAs Filename:=startPath & Replace(MyFiles, ".csv", ".xlsx"), FileFormat:=xlOpenXMLWorkbook, CreateBackup:=False
MyFiles = Dir
End Sub

Create new folder if path doesn't exist (else paste in existing folder)

I've made an Excel sheet which processes data to a Sheet and Saves it as a new workbook in a certain Folder - Subfolder (named like the first part of the file names).
The code works fine but I'd like to make a new folder if the required path does not exists. Should definitely be possible to achieve with an 'If' function, but I don't know how to create new folders.
Note: skipped some part in the code below, to keep it short I only past the parts worth mentioning.
Sub SaveSheetAs()
Dim sMainFolder as String
Dim sFileName as string
Dim sSubFolder as string
sMainFolder = Z:\Parts Manufacturing\5. Kwaliteit\130 - in proces meten\EindProject\Bron '(Main folder, which isn't variable)
sFileName = 4022 646 68954#1234 '(Part name with Unique number)'variable number, in de real code this number is received by refering to a range("")
sSubFolder = 4022 646 68954 '(variable number, in de real code this number is received by refering to a range("")
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=sMainFolder & "\"& sSubFolder & "\" & sFileName & ".csv", FileFormat:=xlCSV, CreateBackup:=False, Local:=True
end sub
Here you go :
If Dir(sMainFolder & "\"& sSubFolder & "\", 16) <> vbNullString Then
MkDir (sMainFolder & "\"& sSubFolder & "\")
End If

Open Multiple Files from Variable location using VBA

I want to open 4 different Excel files saved under same folder using VBA code, but the folder path is not fixed.
Let's say, I have 4 Excel files named A.xlsx, B.xlsx, C.xlsx & D.xlsx under folder named 22-Feb-15 (This folder name will change everyday, but the file names will remain same).
I want VBA code so that I can select the folder manually and once it is selected, all 4 files will open one by one (there are other files too, but I need to open only these 4 files).
Please see below:
Sub FolderSelect()
Dim intResult As Integer
Dim fldrPath As String
intResult = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFolderPicker).Show
If intResult <> 0 Then
fldrPath = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFolderPicker).SelectedItems(1)
Workbooks.Open Filename:=fldrPath & "\" & "A.xlsx"
Workbooks.Open Filename:=fldrPath & "\" & "B.xlsx"
Workbooks.Open Filename:=fldrPath & "\" & "C.xlsx"
Workbooks.Open Filename:=fldrPath & "\" & "D.xlsx"
End If
End Sub
You can change file names and/or add new files by following the same structure

Check last saved date on all CSV files in a folder

Pretty simple question really, I suppose. How can I amend the below so that rather than looking at LOI.CSV it looks at all .CSV files in the Intraday Folder?
LastSaved = FileDateTime("W:\Settlements\Intraday\LOT.csv")
If LastSaved < Date Then
MsgBox ("The current day file for LOI was last saved " & LastSaved)
End If
Try this
Const sPath As String = "W:\Settlements\Intraday\"
Sub LoopThroughFilesInAFolder()
Dim StrFile As String
StrFile = Dir(sPath & "\*.Csv")
Do While Len(StrFile) > 0
Debug.Print FileDateTime(sPath & "\" & StrFile)
'~~> Rest of the code here
StrFile = Dir
End Sub