Video Js is not auto playing in the mobile browser - video.js

I am trying video js based player in my web page. IT is working perfect in the desktop browsers and the mobile browser not auto playing the video.I tried all the options like:
var options = {};
var player = videojs('video-js', options, function onPlayerReady() {
videojs.log('Your player is ready!');
// In this context, `this` is the player that was created by Video.js.;
// How about an event listener?
this.on('ended', function() {
videojs.log('Awww...over so soon?!');
Still it is not auto playing the video.
May i know do you have any solution?

Autoplay on iOS 10 and recent versions of Chrome for Android only works if the video is muted. On older versions of each platform, it doesn't work at all.


Set grid layout in video call UI (web SDK)

I want to achieve grid layout in my video call application which I am building with Agora's web SDK.
I was browsing the docs , but I couldn't get an help on how to achieve grid layout in video conferencing.
The best fit and grid layouts are only available in cloud recording APIs.
Any previous reference or github repo where it is implemented would also work.
Thanks for the help!
The Agora Web SDK provides a library for video streaming, it does not enforce a UI. Building the UI is your task. That being said, Agora makes its very easy to add video chat to your application.
In your case you can build a grid layout using CSS grid or any framework of your choosing. To connect Agora to your Grid layout you would use the stream-published event to create a new grid element, and subscribe to the new stream. Once the subscribe() promise resolves, use the video track's .play() method to play the video on a specific DOM element
client.on("user-published", async (user, mediaType) => {
// Initiate the subscription
await client.subscribe(user, mediaType);
// If the subscribed track is an audio track
if (mediaType === "audio") {
const audioTrack = user.audioTrack;
// Play the audio;
} else {
const videoTrack = user.videoTrack;
// Play the video the given DOM_ELEMENT;

TokBox/Vonage allowing audio capture support when screensharing

Screen Capture API, specifically getDisplayMedia(), currently supports screensharing and sharing the audio playing in your device (e.g: youtube) at the same time. Docs. Is this currently supported using TokBox/Vonage Video API? Has someone been able to achieve this?
I guess there could be some workaround using getDisplayMedia and passing the audio source when publishing, e.g: OT.initPublisher({ audioSource: newDisplayMediaAudioTrack }), but doesn't seem like a clean solution.
Manik here from the Vonage Client SDK team.
Although this feature does not exist in the Video Client SDK just yet, you can accomplish the sharing of audio with screen by creating a publisher like so:
let publisher;
try {
const stream = await navigator.mediaDevices.getDisplayMedia({video: true, audio: true });
const audioTrack = stream.getAudioTracks()[0];
const videoTrack = stream.getVideoTracks()[0];
publisher = OT.initPublisher({audioSource: audioTrack, videoSource: videoTrack});
} catch (e) {
// handle error
If you share a tab, but the tab doesn't play audio (static pdf or ppt) then the screen flickers. To avoid this, specify frameRate constraint for the video stream. see -

Play video using testCafe on mobile

I am trying to test are webpage on mobile and its clicking the play button on a video but not playing the video. It runs fine on desktop browsers. I have tried the following commands testcafe remote test/testCafe/was_test.js -e --autoplay-policy=no-user-gesture-required below is my code that is used to click the play button.
test('see if video plays', async t => {
await t.wait(10000) //this is to wait for the page to load
data = await getdata()
const playButton = await Selector('.plyr__control--overlaid')
Remote browsers do not support specifying arguments in this manner. See:
Start a Browser With Arguments
Browsers on Remote Devices
You might want to toggle your browser's default options, e.g.:
How to control audio and video autoplay in Google Chrome

Get device Id from Mobile First

I added the above code in main.js inside the wlCommonInit function.
var options = {
onSuccess: succ,
onFailure: fail
function succ(data) {
alert('succ ' + JSON.stringify(data));
function fail() {
But I am getting Uncaught TypeError: WL.Device.getID is not a function error in desktop web console.
Is it possible to add this code in other js files?
Please suggest!!
Per the documentation, this API method is not available in Desktop browsers. It is available only for mobile devices:
Supported environments: Android, iOS, WindowsPhone8, Blackberry, Blackberry10.
Since you see it in Desktop web console, I take it you are trying out Desktop Browser environment/ Mobile Web app.
This API is not applicable in either case. It works only on Android, iOS, WindowsPhone8, Blackberry, Blackberry10. For more details refer to KnowledgeCenter.

Is it possible broadcast audio with screensharing with WebRTC

is it possible broadcast audio with screensharing with WebRTC?
Simple calling getUserMedia with audio: true fails by permission denied error.
Is there any workeround which could be used to broadcast audio also?
Will be audio implemented beside screensharing?
Refer this demo: Share screen and audio/video from single peer connection!
Multiple streams are captured and attached to a single peer connection. AFAIK, audio alongwith chromeMediaSource:screen is "still" not permitted.
Updated at April 21, 2016
Now you can capture audio+screen using single getUserMedia request both on Firefox and Chrome.
However Chrome merely supports audio+tab i.e. you can NOT capture full-screen along with audio.
Audio+Tab means any chrome tab along with microphone.
Updated at Jan 09, 2017
You can capture both audio and screen streams by making two parallel (UNIQUE) getUserMedia requests.
Now you can use addTrack method to add audio tracks into screen stream:
var audioStream = captureUsingGetUserMedia();
var screenStream = captureUsingGetUserMedia();
var audioTrack = audioStream.getAudioTracks()[0];
// add audio tracks into screen stream
screenStream.addTrack( audioTrack );
Now screenStream has both audio and video tracks.
nativeRTCPeerConnection.addStream( screenStream );
nativeRTCPeerConnection.createOffer(success, failure, options);
As of May 2020
To share the audio track of the screen share you can use getDisplayMedia instead of getUserMedia. Docs.
navigator.mediaDevices.getDisplayMedia({audio: true, video: true})
This is currently only supported in Chrome / Edge and it is only supported when using the "Chrome Tab" sharing option. You'll see a checkmark for Share audio in the dialog box.
In Firefox, you can use getUserMedia to grab a screenshare/etc and mic audio in the same request, and can attach it to a PeerConnection. You can combine it with other streams -- multiple audio or video tracks in a single PeerConnection in Firefox requires Firefox 38 or later. Currently 38 is Developer Edition (formerly termed Aurora). 38 should go to release in around 9 weeks or so.
yes you can record audio and screen record on chrome with two requests.
getScreenId(function (error, sourceId, screen_constraints) {
capture screen
navigator.getUserMedia = navigator.mozGetUserMedia || navigator.webkitGetUserMedia;
navigator.getUserMedia(screen_constraints, function (stream) {
navigator.getUserMedia({audio: true}, function (audioStream) {
var mediaRecorder = new MediaStreamRecorder(stream);
mediaRecorder.mimeType = 'video/mp4' = stream;
document.querySelector('video').src = URL.createObjectURL(stream);
var video = document.getElementById('screen-video')
if (video) {
video.src = URL.createObjectURL(stream);
video.width = 360;
video.height = 300;
}, function (error) {
}, function (error) {