Intellij file tab missing (but not module!) - intellij-idea

I cloned a repo from github only to find that the intellij project window is missing!
But! I have a not missing a project module (like other people on are)!

It looks like your problem is just that you're not showing the project tab!
To show the project tab:
Press the icon in the bottom left of the screen
On the left side of your window, a bar should appear, press the:
If it's not already pressed.
(optional) You may need to change to "Project view", on the top part of the project window there should be a little drop down, select "Project"
That should do it! I hope this helps :)


How can I see my excluded folders in PhpStorm 2020.3?

I've changed the project folder and marked it as Excluded. Later I need to re-show my excluded folders but I don't know how to show it again. Please help me.
I got it. Just click project files in Project Window.
There is 'cancel excluded' button.
Click on the "gear" icon on the Project View panel (or right click on the toolwindow title) to bring the toolwindow options. There is an option just for that:
(the data and downloads are excluded folders)

IntelliJ problem tab not showing live issues - problems tree does

we are using IntelliJ 2018.2 and we just migrated from Eclipse and we have some issues with the error views in IntelliJ.
We activated "Make project automatically" and now we can see new errors in the "Problems" - tree view on the left side even without saving the file (that works great). But we can not see how many errors exist within the file and there are no details about the error.
Now we tried the bottom "Problems" - tab instead of the tree because we do need the project view on the left side to navigate.
The bottom "Problems" tab does not show any errors at all until we hit "Build project". Just saving a file does not show any errors.
Why is this behaviour as it is? Is there an option to move the problems tree to the bottom area and let the project view on the left side as it is right now?

Toolbar buttons disappeared in IDEA

I am using Intellij Idea 2017.2.4 and two buttons on the bottom toolbar have disappeared. The two buttons are "Run" (Alt+4) and "Debug" (Alt+5). I can find them in the pop-up menu in the bottom left corner of Idea either and pressing Alt+4 and Alt+5 doesn't work even though the default keymap setup has not been changed.
Is there a way to get them back without having to reinstall Idea?
It looks like they re-appear on the bottom toolbar and in the pop-up menu when I right-click a file and select either run or debug. The key bindings work again as well.

Maven Projects Side Bar

I've just installed the community edition v13. What has happened to the side bar to the right which had the maven projects. With one click it would display the maven projects. When I go to View -> Tool Windows -> Maven Projects it displays but when I hide it, it completely disappears. It didn't do this in version 12. It's annoying to keep going to the top menu bar. Any ideas on how to get it back?
In Idea 13, in left-right part are by default invisible(to not use place). Click on showed button to go to previous style.

Eclipse Plugin Development: Adding a menu on right click on Tab of editor

When we right click on a tab of an JavaEditor in eclipse, we get three options
1. Close
2. Close Others
3. Close All
I wanted to add an extra menu like this:
1. Close
2. Close Others
3. Close All
4. Open File in Folder
After my own study I was able to locate the command/handler that does these operations in the org.eclipse.ui plugin. But I wasn't able to view the menu contributuion anywhere.
Specifically My questions are:
How can I add the 4th menu option in the popup menu?
In which plugin is the menuContribution that actually displays those 3 menus when I right click on a tab?
I have attached the screenshot of the closeOthers command in te plugin editor..Hope it makes my question clear.
There is a bug about this: Bug 103045. As you can see from the bug's history, it has not been solved, but there seems to be a workaround written there. Good luck.