Find specific cell of a celltable with Selenium xpath - selenium

I have a celltable , where i have multiple rows and is a dynamic table,
Screenshot attached ..
What i want is to find the row where column contains
and then click its checkBox.
I am trying with xpath but not much experience here , If i can get some help please
Here is the html code of the specific cell

I don't know the exact html of your table to form an xpath would be difficult.
however it should look something like this
//*[contains(text(),' ')]/../td[2]
for following table, if I have to find the corrosponding contact for some company, This is how I would do it.
//*[contains(text(),'Magazzini Alimentari Riuniti')]/../td[2]

Please try with the following xpath:
if above xpath is not working please attach html code screenshot so i can tell you the extact xpath.

This might help to solve your issue:
If you get NoSuchElementException with this XPath you might need to add ExplicitWait as below:
WebElementWait wait = new WebElementWait(getWebDriver, 10);


Identifying an element from a group, span[i] is the differentiating factor

I have added the screenshot I have a group of elements that have the exact same xpath except the span tag.I want to identify the individual input fields, but unable to.
I have tried using contains, with class but unable to attach span to the xpath
Here is what the HTML looks like:
/html/body/div[#id='app']/div/div[#class='LayoutModify_LayoutModify_1Akxb']/main[#class='LayoutModify_main_5aBy3']/section[#class='sub-detail inner ProductDetail_productdetail_bJWN2']/div[#class='ProductDetail_productsphere_kgNGm']/div[#class='ProductDetail_threecol_2zA1n ProductDetail_productsphereleft_2pLZT']/span[4]/div[#class='el-input el-input--medium ProductDetail_productsphereinput_3eVZg']/input[#class='el-input__inner']
/html/body/div[#id='app']/div/div[#class='LayoutModify_LayoutModify_1Akxb']/main[#class='LayoutModify_main_5aBy3']/section[#class='sub-detail inner ProductDetail_productdetail_bJWN2']/div[#class='ProductDetail_productsphere_kgNGm']/div[#class='ProductDetail_threecol_2zA1n ProductDetail_productsphereright_3BrqC']/span[4]/div[#class='el-input el-input--medium ProductDetail_productsphereinput_3eVZg']/input[#class='el-input__inner']
Notice the span[4] and span[15] are the only differences
Quick question:
do either of these locators:
locator A
locator B
find any input on Your page?
If not - could You please post here the whole HTML page code here please?
Here is the xpath that worked:

Selenium C# - I'm unable to find an element on this page using any of the locators

This was just a random script I made to complete a quiz but I can't seem to access the final element. I want to select the element, click the element and then send some text to the element.
I have tried to access the input box by class name, CssSelector and by XPath.
The website is
Here are the XPaths I have tried:
//*[contains(#class, 'email-wrapper')]
//div[contains(#placeholder, '')]
//div[#class="row request-info-wrapper"]
//*[#id='request - email']"
Any help is greatly appreciated as I'm new to the framework and would very much like to know what I'm not understanding about locators! Thank you!
I can't seem to target this element or any of its children:
You have selected wrong tag DIV.Try this following Xpath. All should work.
Your field has a (presently) unique ID of "request-email".
Thus you can simply use, as a CSS selector,
Then, in you can simply tell Selenium to hit ENTER to save your data. Let me know if you need help doing that.

WebDriver find by xpath where //input[#value='empty']

I need to find an input element with an 'empty' value by xpath.
Something like //input[#value='empty']. I don't mean the word 'empty', but the value is empty or blank.
What Xpath will return such element?
Since the link I posted in the comment is a potential solution
So, I thought to post it as an answer:
How do I select an empty element in XPath?
Based on advice from the comment to duplicate the essential parts of the linked answer (incase the link becomes obsolete), please find it below:
You could use XPath's not() function.
a[#href='#'][#class='button save-as'][#title='SaveAs...'][not(text())]
Next time post html snippet so that people will understand parent and target element
the below code will work, but if more input fields with null values are there then more than one result will be returned. [i am sure below xpath will return many results]
so please include parent node in below xpath
the input belongs to text area, submit button, radio button , check box ....
again, post the HTML snippet next time. when you ask question related to xpath.

how to select the check box using selenium?

How to select the checkbox which has a dynamically changing ID and XPath?
Multiple ways:
You should look at a pattern like id or name somoething like
CT_CHKBox_157, CT_CHK_158 etc.. For example, to click the first
Checkbox having a pattern of Ids
You can use a dynamic xpath like driver.findelement(By.xpath(//input[starts-with(#id,'CT_CHK'][1]).click()
Identify the Unique Element which are close ancestors to the
Checkbox in question and reach out to it through xpath or css path
relatively or through indexing from within.
Hope that clarifies.
Have you tried XPath by position? Ultimately the check boxes are like buttons or link that can be clicked so driver.findElement(By.xpath("//xpath by position")).click();
Alternativey you might want to use JavaScript:
((JavascriptExecutor) driver).executeScript("return document.getElementsByName('ChkboxValue')[0].checked;");
Hope this helps.
Selenium uses what is called locators to find and match the elements.There are 8 locators strategies included in Selenium:
you can try using any other Locator in the list.

Not able to identify a lenghty linktext in selenium webdriver

I want to identify an element by linktext, I am facing strange issue
If the linktext value is short i.e addFirst, addLast will be able to locate the element by using
driver.findelement(By.linktext("addLast, addFirst")).click
IF the linktext is addmanualreferraltocheckthelenghtF, addmanualreferraltocheckthelenghtF lengthy as above not able to identify the element
Please help me to find the solution
Why don't you try partial link text.
driver.findelement(By.partialLinkText("addLast, addFirst")).click
try out contains method. use the XPATH value and in XPATH use contains for link text.
.//*[contains(#Linktext, "addmanualreferraltocheckthelenghtF")]
driver.findelement(By.xpath("//*[contains(#Linktext, "addmanualreferraltocheckthelenghtF")]").click
Alternatively you can also use starts with XPATH value.
Hope it helps you.