Wrong Unicode mapping when exporting .docx to PDF with LibreOffice - pdf

When converting a .docx file to a PDF/A-1a file with LibreOffice, the file created is not compliant with the PDF/A-1a standard.
When I try to validate the file using Preflight in Adobe Acrobat the following error shows ups:
Text cannot be mapped to unicode (154 matches on 2 pages)
And when I copy text from the PDF in Preview.app all accented characters are missing or mess up.
From my research I understand that LibreOffice is not building the /ToUnicode mapping correctly for accented characters because those characters are built for more then one glyph and LibreOffice is just dealing with the first glyph. Ref: Can't copy text from PDF exported from OOo
Is there's a workaround? How can I convert .docx to valid PDF/A programmatically on Linux?
For info here's the command I use to convert the file:
unoconv -f pdf -eSelectPdfVersion=1 source-file.docx
This other command does not give a PDF/A compliant file as expected but it have the same Unicode mapping problem:
libreoffice --headless --convert-to pdf source-file.docx

The problem is present with LibreOffice that I was using. The problem is not present with LibreOffice and
So downgrading to fix my problem.
I added more information to an existing bug report.


how do I extract the Arabic text of this PDF file correctly?

Today i tried to search a Arabic word in a PDF file that contained Arabic content.
All PDF reader soft wares cannot search any Arabic word in this PDF file.
So I dragged PDF file into Firefox browser and selected a area that contained some words by inspect elements and saw this:
hw ½oiC instead of آخرین سخن
What is type of the encoding used in this PDF file?
how can i encode this to normal text?
It's difficult to comment on the file you are looking at without seeing it but a good starting point is to try Acrobat and by either copying the text and pasting it into a text editor or doing a search for the text content will reveal if it can be extracted correctly or not.
If it can't be extracted properly then there's a good chance the font is lacking a ToUnicode entry (see Section 9.10.1 of the ISO PDF 32000-1:2008 specification for more information).

Ghostscript generated pdf content is not able to copy

I am trying to convert a postscript file which contains some telugu Font (i.e Vani Bold). After converting the file into pdf I am not able to copy the text from generated pdf file .When I see the properties of pdf file in centos document viewer it is showing like below
I am using below command to convert postscript file to pdf
bin/gs -dBATCH -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sNOPAUSE -dQUITE -sOutputFile=/home/cloudera/Desktop/PrintTest/telugu.pdf /home/cloudera/Desktop/PrintTest/VirtualPrinter_27_09_2016_19_11_41_691.ps
I tried with ghostscript 9.19 and 9.20 as well,but no change.
Following is the link to my postscript file which I am trying to convert into pdf.
click here for postscript file
I have been struggling with this since 10 days .Please provide some solution for this.
I can tell you why you can't copy & paste the text, but I'm not sure I can provide an acceptable solution.
First, not all pdf viewers can deal with unicode characters (for example,xpdf can't, it just ignores them, while mudpf and qpdfview work).
Second, to be able to convert font glyphs to unicode characters, the font object in the PDF file must contain a /ToUnicode property. If you look at the generated PDF after decompression (mutool clean -d), you can see that the Vani font in object 8 0 doesn't have it, while both the Arial font in object 10 0 and the Calibri font in object 12 0 do.
So very likely the Vani font is missing this unicode translation information, you need to either add this information (e.g. with fontforge), or choose a different font that has this information.
Related question:

Ghostscript PDF to PDF/A conversion font issues

I am exploring tools to convert PDF documents to PDF/A. Ghostscript seems to give out of the box support for such a conversion. One issue seems to be that some true type fonts that are a part of the original PDF document are not converted correctly. If I copy a text from the converted PDF/A document, and paste it in notepad, the copied text appears to be garbled text.
The original document text can be copied to notepad just fine.
I am using the following script:
gswin64 -dPDFA -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -dUseCIEColor -sProcessColorModel=DeviceCMYK -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sPDFACompatibilityPolicy=1 -sOutputFile=FilteredOutput.pdf Filtered1Page.pdf
I have uploaded a sample 1 page source PDF in Google Drive:
A sample output PDF/A document generated from the command is in Google drive here:
Running the above query on this PDF in a windows machine will reproduce the issue.
Are there any settings / commands make the PDF/A conversion to be handled properly?
Copy and paste from a PDF is not guaranteed. Subset fonts will not have a usable Encoding (such as ASCII or UTF-8), in which case they will only be amenable to cut/paste/search if they have an associated ToUnicode CMap, many PDF files do not contain ToUnicode CMaps.
Of course, the PDF/A specification states (oddly in my opinion) that you should not use subset fonts, but its not always possible to tell whether a font is subset (not all creators follow the XXXXX+ convention), and even if the font isn't subset there still isn't any guarantee that its Encoding is one that is usable.
Looking at the file you have posted, it does not contain one of the fonts it uses (Arial,Bold) and so Ghostscript substitutes with DroidSansFallback, and the font it does contain (FreeSansBold) is a subset (FWIW this font doesn't actually seem to be used....). The fallback font is a CIDFont, so there is no real prospect of the text being 'correct'.
I believe that if you make a real font available to Ghostscript to replace Arial,Bold then it will probably work correctly. This would also fix the rather more obvious problem of the spacing of the characters being incorrect (in one place, wildly incorrect), which is caused by the fallback font having different widths to the original.
NB as the warning messages have already told you don't use -dUseCIEColor.
The fact that you cannot copy/paste/search a PDF does not mean that it is not a valid PDF/A-1b file though, so thsi does not mean that the creation (NOT conversion) of the PDF/A-1b is not 'proper'.

Fix PDF with unreadable characters

Example PDF page: https://db.tt/qRcF000k
This is sample page from a document, where copied text shows as question marks in my favorite reader SumatraPDF (mupdf) just the same as in Adobe Acrobat. But my main problem is that I can not search this document because of this, nor I can index it.
OTOH, xpdf's pdftotext extracts correct text.
In Adobe Acrobat if I use "Copy as formatted text", correct text is written to clipboard, although I still can't search from Acrobat.
Also if I open the linked page in Firefox's built-in PDF reader I can correctly copy the text.
Can GhostScript perhaps be instructed to correct this issue, which I can not describe differently then as 'unreadable characters'?
The PDF file uses subset fonts with non-standard Encodings and no ToUnicode CMaps. So no, you can't have Ghostscript 'correct' this file.
In fact I can't see how anything can possibly be extracting sensible text from this, and indeed my version of Acrobat (Pro X and Reader XI) can't copy meaningful text and don't appear to have a 'copy as formatted text' menu item, can you tell me where to find this ?
However, I notice that the PDF file has actually been created by Ghostscript (version 9.14) so possibly you mean 'starting with a different input file, which I haven't given you, could I have generated a PDF file where the text could be copied', to which I can only say 'I don't know', it depends what was in the original input file .

How to convert marathi data from pdf to excel in proper format

I am converting Marathi data from PDF to excel or word but it is not getting proper format.
I have copied some data from PDF and pasted in word document but it was not getting proper format.
e.g. प्रविण सुधाकर शिरवाडकर this line is in PDF
but when i copied and pasted in word it has been getting
-प्रववर् सुधाकर शिरवाडकर
what should i do for this?
anyone please help me.
thank you in advance
There seem to be problems in the way PDF stores unicode devnagri text. Try this alternative route: convert your PDF to an image. Can use an online tool or downloaded, or if on linux use this command in terminal:
for f in *.pdf; do convert -density 200 "$f" "${f}_200dpi.jpg"; done
change the density from 200 to other as per need. Each page from your document should be converted into an image file. For a windows tool, try https://www.pdfill.com/pdf_tools_free.html
Then, go to http://www.i2ocr.com/free-online-hindi-ocr, upload the image and convert. That uses OCR (optical character recognition).
check the font in your PDF and try making it available to the word document.
I think you dont have perticular fonts which are used in PDF
In Adobe Reader -- -- File menu > Properties > Fonts tab gives you a list of all fonts used in the document.