Can I use any other app instead of Expo to run react native app? - react-native

Can I use any other app instead of Expo to run react native app?
Expo is not compatible with my phone.

Yes, you can use the way suggested in the react-native docs under using a real device. You'll need adb installed, then just enable USB debugging on your phone and plug it in. Run react-native run-android in the command line to send your program to your phone.
Note that these steps may differ depending on how far you've followed to the directions for either expo or react-native.


react native - should I run the server with the command react-native start so that users can use the app?

When deploying react-native, should I run the server with the command react-native start so that users can use the app?
Hope this question understand when you react-native start
What are the difference between these React Native start commands?
React-native start should use in development environment. When your device or simulator connected to server
I think you mean building the apk file by "deploy". If i'm right and you have used some APIs in your app, you should run the server of your backend app to let your react native application send and receive data.

ReactNative, What's the benefit of using expo bare workflow?

There was create-react-native-app just like create-react-app
However I see has been merged to expo.
Since I need native (android or ios) support, I can do either of theses
expo bare workflow
react native init (react native cli quickstart)
What do I gain by going through expo bare workflow?
If you use Expo, you can use the module in Expo. Of course, Expo needs to install modules for APK availability starting with SDK33. However, you do not need to link the Expo separately.
If you use Expo, it will automatically reload the code when it is refreshed and not restarted, making it easy to see the code change.
And with fast feedback, the development cycle will be faster. Because the process of communicating from simulator to native apps is still slow, build time will be increased when using Web versions that run directly into the browser, until HMR creates a basic framework for the app because it is fast and fully available with Chrome Developer tools.
Also, if you want to install a React-native module that requires a link, you can use the 'expo eject' command to eject Expo. Then you can use React-native.

Ejected expo react native app requires expo?

I created a RN with create-react-native-app, and I have now decided to eject. It didn't work initially, and required some packages to be installed (#babel/...), but now, it complains that Module 'expo' does not exist in the Haste module map.
Why does it still require expo, now that it has been ejected? Or have I misunderstood what ejection does?
N.B. during the ejection I chose the option to eject to an RN app, not to ExpoKit. This is on iOS, currently.
When ejecting expo app you'll be asked about using expo-kit or just react-native and it's up to you to choose, plus Module 'expo' does not exist in the Haste module map means you still using expo in your code so double check your code to be sure that you're not importing expo anywhere and try again.
Ejected expo react native app requires expo? the short answer is no.
when using expo app you have the ability to build your app using the expo server so you don't have to have Android Studio or XCode installed all you have to do is $ expo build:[android|ios] and download your built package after the build process is done also you can run your app using expo client app on Android and Ios but once ejecting you'll lose the ability of using expo server as your build environment instead you have to use Android Studio or XCode, but the main difference here is when you choose expo-kit you still have the ability of using expo client to run your app and you still have the ability to use expo modules inside your code but when you choose react-native you can't use expo client instead you have to use the native tools, anyway in all cases once you eject your project you have to build it yourself and you can't undo this step.
You can build very powerful apps using only JavaScript without any need to eject especially when using `expo SDK 31+, I'm working on an app now with features like detecting location, live maps, social login and chat and I don't need to eject it at all.
Please take a look here and here
One last thing you have to remember is that when using expo or expo-kit you can keep developing ios app on any OS but when using react-native you can't do this you MUST have a mac.

Expo React-Native App doesn't work when run as a standalone APK

My Expo-based React Native App works without a problem when run in the Expo tool but gave the following errors when built as an APK to be installed and run standalone.
A series of white screens keep flipping before the blue screen comes up.
Here are my App.JSON and Package.JSON files
And here are the screen capturing the error message.
Actually there are two ways to create a React Native application
create-react-native-app (CRNA)
react-native init
As you stated in comment section, You created your project using CRNA
CRNA will gave you some form of solid project structure, which is really useful for beginners to get started with react native, you code the app with pure javascript and the app will work inside Expo.
Now if you want to take build and run as a standalone apk for android,
There are two methods
You can run command: exp publish:android
You can eject your app from expo
Dont use exp publish for standalone apks,
You can use second method:
To eject your app:
First if you dont use any expo apis inside your apps, it is very easy to eject and build as a stand alone apk.
just do yarn eject
This will gave you some instructions and follow that.
After that your CRNA project structure will be converted into react-native init project structure, now you will be able to see "Android" and "iOS" folders inside your application
To take build Run: connect your phone with USB debugging ON and react-native run android.
That's all.
Solved my own problem. The 'eth-lightwallet' library works perfectly within the Expo development tool but when I build into an APK, it just made the white screen turns up with no meaningful error messages.
The solution is to replace it with a pure web3js implementation.
This may be useful if you are developing a mobile app for Ethereum.

Create React Native App Change iOS Device

I am trying to launch a react native app, created with create-react-native-app, however I do not want it to launch in the iPhone 6.
How can I change the device? All docs I can find give advice on apps created with react-native init.
npm run ios -- --simulator="iPhone X" does not seem to work
You can specify a device by using
react-native run-ios --simulator="iPhone 5s"
Just enter the device ID you want and all should be merry. Worth noting there is no way to currently set/change the default.