Why are these two functions not equivalent? - numpy

This is taken from the Keras sample code:
def sample(preds, temperature=1.0):
preds = np.asarray(preds).astype('float64')
preds = np.log(preds) / temperature
exp_preds = np.exp(preds)
preds = exp_preds / np.sum(exp_preds)
probas = np.random.multinomial(1, preds, 1)
return np.argmax(probas)
This is an attempt to simplify the above code:
def sample(p, temperature=1.0):
p = np.exp(np.log(p) / temperature)
p = np.random.multinomial(1, p / p.sum(), 1)
return np.argmax(p)
However the second one fails with this error:
File "z.py", line 75, in sample
p = np.random.multinomial(1, p / p.sum(), 1)
File "mtrand.pyx", line 4593, in mtrand.RandomState.multinomial (numpy/random/mtrand/mtrand.c:37541)
ValueError: sum(pvals[:-1]) > 1.0
How can this be?

My system is 64-bit, so numpy's default dtype is float64, but some of the inputs coming into this function were 32-bit floats, so somewhere in there the mixing of the two datatypes caused the error.


How to implement custom Keras ordinal loss function with tensor evaluation without disturbing TF>2.0 Model Graph?

I am trying to implement a custom loss function in Tensorflow 2.4 using the Keras backend.
The loss function is a ranking loss; I found the following paper with a somewhat log-likelihood loss: Chen et al. Single-Image Depth Perception in the Wild.
Similarly, I wanted to sample some (in this case 50) points from an image to compare the relative order between ground-truth and predicted depth maps using the NYU-Depth dataset. Being a fan of Numpy, I started working with that but came to the following exception:
ValueError: No gradients provided for any variable: [...]
I have learned that this is caused by the arguments not being filled when calling the loss function but instead, a C function is compiled which is then used later. So while I know the dimensions of my tensors (4, 480, 640, 1), I cannot work with the data as wanted and have to use the keras.backend functions on top so that in the end (if I understood correctly), there is supposed to be a path between the input tensors from the TF graph and the output tensor, which has to provide a gradient.
So my question now is: Is this a feasible loss function within keras?
I have already tried a few ideas and different approaches with different variations of my original code, which was something like:
def ranking_loss_function(y_true, y_pred):
# Chen et al. loss
y_true_np = K.eval(y_true)
y_pred_np = K.eval(y_pred)
if y_true_np.shape[0] != None:
num_sample_points = 50
total_samples = num_sample_points ** 2
err_list = [0 for x in range(y_true_np.shape[0])]
for i in range(y_true_np.shape[0]):
sample_points = create_random_samples(y_true, y_pred, num_sample_points)
for x1, y1 in sample_points:
for x2, y2 in sample_points:
if y_true[i][x1][y1] > y_true[i][x2][y2]:
#image_relation_true = 1
err_list[i] += np.log(1 + np.exp(-1 * y_pred[i][x1][y1] + y_pred[i][x2][y2]))
elif y_true[i][x1][y1] < y_true[i][x2][y2]:
#image_relation_true = -1
err_list[i] += np.log(1 + np.exp(y_pred[i][x1][y1] - y_pred[i][x2][y2]))
#image_relation_true = 0
err_list[i] += np.square(y_pred[i][x1][y1] - y_pred[i][x2][y2])
err_list = np.divide(err_list, total_samples)
return K.constant(err_list)
As you can probably tell, the main idea was to first create the sample points and then based on the existing relation between them in y_true/y_pred continue with the corresponding computation from the cited paper.
Can anyone help me and provide some more helpful information or tips on how to correctly implement this loss using keras.backend functions? Trying to include the ordinal relation information really confused me compared to standard regression losses.
EDIT: Just in case this causes confusion: create_random_samples() just creates 50 random sample points (x, y) coordinate pairs based on the shape[1] and shape[2] of y_true (image width and height)
EDIT(2): After finding this variation on GitHub, I have tried out a variation using only TF functions to retrieve data from the tensors and compute the output. The adjusted and probably more correct version still throws the same exception though:
def ranking_loss_function(y_true, y_pred):
#In the Wild ranking loss
y_true_np = K.eval(y_true)
y_pred_np = K.eval(y_pred)
if y_true_np.shape[0] != None:
num_sample_points = 50
total_samples = num_sample_points ** 2
bs = y_true_np.shape[0]
w = y_true_np.shape[1]
h = y_true_np.shape[2]
total_samples = total_samples * bs
num_pairs = tf.constant([total_samples], dtype=tf.float32)
output = tf.Variable(0.0)
for i in range(bs):
sample_points = create_random_samples(y_true, y_pred, num_sample_points)
for x1, y1 in sample_points:
for x2, y2 in sample_points:
y_true_sq = tf.squeeze(y_true)
y_pred_sq = tf.squeeze(y_pred)
d1_t = tf.slice(y_true_sq, [i, x1, y1], [1, 1, 1])
d2_t = tf.slice(y_true_sq, [i, x2, y2], [1, 1, 1])
d1_p = tf.slice(y_pred_sq, [i, x1, y1], [1, 1, 1])
d2_p = tf.slice(y_pred_sq, [i, x2, y2], [1, 1, 1])
d1_t_sq = tf.squeeze(d1_t)
d2_t_sq = tf.squeeze(d2_t)
d1_p_sq = tf.squeeze(d1_p)
d2_p_sq = tf.squeeze(d2_p)
if d1_t_sq > d2_t_sq:
# --> Image relation = 1
output.assign_add(tf.math.log(1 + tf.math.exp(-1 * d1_p_sq + d2_p_sq)))
elif d1_t_sq < d2_t_sq:
# --> Image relation = -1
output.assign_add(tf.math.log(1 + tf.math.exp(d1_p_sq - d2_p_sq)))
output.assign_add(tf.math.square(d1_p_sq - d2_p_sq))
return output/num_pairs
EDIT(3): This is the code for create_random_samples():
(FYI: Because it was weird to get the shape from y_true in this case, I first proceeded to hard-code it here as I know it for the dataset which I am currently using.)
def create_random_samples(y_true, y_pred, num_points=50):
y_true_shape = (4, 480, 640, 1)
y_pred_shape = (4, 480, 640, 1)
if y_true_shape[0] != None:
num_samples = num_points
population = [(x, y) for x in range(y_true_shape[1]) for y in range(y_true_shape[2])]
sample_points = random.sample(population, num_samples)
return sample_points

How to calculate cosine similarity given sparse matrix data in TensorFlow?

I'm supposed to change part of a python script on the GitHub website. This code is an attention-based similarity measure, but I want to turn it to cosine similarity.
The respective code is in the layers.py file (inside the call method).
def __call__(self, inputs):
x = inputs
# dropout
if self.sparse_inputs:
x = sparse_dropout(x, 1-self.dropout, self.num_features_nonzero)
x = tf.nn.dropout(x, 1-self.dropout)
# graph learning
h = dot(x, self.vars['weights'], sparse=self.sparse_inputs)
N = self.num_nodes
edge_v = tf.abs(tf.gather(h,self.edge[0]) - tf.gather(h,self.edge[1]))
edge_v = tf.squeeze(self.act(dot(edge_v, self.vars['a'])))
sgraph = tf.SparseTensor(indices=tf.transpose(self.edge), values=edge_v, dense_shape=[N, N])
sgraph = tf.sparse_softmax(sgraph)
return h, sgraph
I edited the above code to what I believe are my requirements (cosine similarity). However, when I run the following code, like so:
def __call__(self, inputs):
x = inputs
# dropout
if self.sparse_inputs:
x = sparse_dropout(x, 1-self.dropout, self.num_features_nonzero)
x = tf.nn.dropout(x, 1-self.dropout)
# graph learning
h = dot(x, self.vars['weights'], sparse=self.sparse_inputs)
N = self.num_nodes
h_norm = tf.nn.l2_normalize(h)
edge_v = tf.matmul(h_norm, tf.transpose(h_norm))
h_norm_1 = tf.norm(h_norm)
edge_v /= h_norm_1 * h_norm_1
edge_v = dot(edge_v, self.vars['a']) # It causes an error when I add this line
zero = tf.constant(0, dtype=tf.float32)
where = tf.not_equal(edge_v, zero)
indices = tf.where(where)
values = tf.gather_nd(edge_v, indices)
sgraph = tf.SparseTensor(indices, values, dense_shape= [N,N])
return h, sgraph
The script shows some runtime errors:
Screenshot of error message
I suspect the error here is related to line 226:
edge_v = dot(edge_v, self.vars['a']) # It causes an error when I add this line
Any admonition on how to accomplish this successfully?
Link of the script on GitHub:
Note: I don't want to use built-in functions, because I think they are not precise to do this job.
ETA: It appears that there are some answers around but they seem to tackle different problems, as far, as I understood them.
Thanks a bunch in advance
What's the dot? Have you imported the method?
It should either be:
edge_v = tf.keras.backend.dot(edge_v, self.vars['a'])
edge_v = tf.tensordot(edge_v, self.vars['a'])

How to use `sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits`: without getting Incompatible Shapes Error

I would like to use the sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits
with the julia TensorFlow wrapper.
The operations is defined in the code here.
Basically, as I understand it the first argument should be logits, that would normally be fed to softmax to get them to be category probabilities (~1hot output).
And the second should be the correct labels as label ids.
I have adjusted the example code from the TensorFlow.jl readme
See below:
using Distributions
using TensorFlow
# Generate some synthetic data
x = randn(100, 50)
w = randn(50, 10)
y_prob = exp(x*w)
y_prob ./= sum(y_prob,2)
function draw(probs)
y = zeros(size(probs))
for i in 1:size(probs, 1)
idx = rand(Categorical(probs[i, :]))
y[i, idx] = 1
return y
y = draw(y_prob)
# Build the model
sess = Session(Graph())
X = placeholder(Float64)
Y_obs = placeholder(Float64)
Y_obs_lbl = indmax(Y_obs, 2)
variable_scope("logisitic_model", initializer=Normal(0, .001)) do
global W = get_variable("weights", [50, 10], Float64)
global B = get_variable("bias", [10], Float64)
L = X*W + B
#costs = log(Y).*Y_obs #Dense (Orginal) way
costs = nn.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(L, Y_obs_lbl+1) #sparse way
Loss = -reduce_sum(costs)
optimizer = train.AdamOptimizer()
minimize_op = train.minimize(optimizer, Loss)
saver = train.Saver()
# Run training
run(sess, initialize_all_variables())
cur_loss, _ = run(sess, [Loss, minimize_op], Dict(X=>x, Y_obs=>y))
When I run it however, I get an error:
Tensorflow error: Status: Incompatible shapes: [1,100] vs. [100,10]
[[Node: gradients/SparseSoftmaxCrossEntropyWithLogits_10_grad/mul = Mul[T=DT_DOUBLE, _class=[], _device="/job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/cpu:0"](gradients/SparseSoftmaxCrossEntropyWithLogits_10_grad/ExpandDims, SparseSoftmaxCrossEntropyWithLogits_10:1)]]
in check_status(::TensorFlow.Status) at /home/ubuntu/.julia/v0.5/TensorFlow/src/core.jl:101
in run(::TensorFlow.Session, ::Array{TensorFlow.Port,1}, ::Array{Any,1}, ::Array{TensorFlow.Port,1}, ::Array{Ptr{Void},1}) at /home/ubuntu/.julia/v0.5/TensorFlow/src/run.jl:96
in run(::TensorFlow.Session, ::Array{TensorFlow.Tensor,1}, ::Dict{TensorFlow.Tensor,Array{Float64,2}}) at /home/ubuntu/.julia/v0.5/TensorFlow/src/run.jl:143
This only happens when I try to train it.
If I don't include an optimise function/output then it works fine.
So I am doing something that screws up the gradient math.

Avoiding optimization pitfalls when modeling an ordinal predicted variable in PyMC3

I am trying to model an ordinal predicted variable using PyMC3 based on the approach in chapter 23 of Doing Bayesian Data Analysis. I would like to determine a good starting value using find_MAP, but am receiving an optimization error.
The model:
import pymc3 as pm
import numpy as np
import theano
import theano.tensor as tt
# Some helper functions
def cdf(x, location=0, scale=1):
epsilon = np.array(1e-32, dtype=theano.config.floatX)
location = tt.cast(location, theano.config.floatX)
scale = tt.cast(scale, theano.config.floatX)
div = tt.sqrt(2 * scale ** 2 + epsilon)
div = tt.cast(div, theano.config.floatX)
erf_arg = (x - location) / div
return .5 * (1 + tt.erf(erf_arg + epsilon))
def percent_to_thresh(idx, vect):
return 5 * tt.sum(vect[:idx + 1]) + 1.5
def full_thresh(thresh):
idxs = tt.arange(thresh.shape[0] - 1)
thresh_mod, updates = theano.scan(fn=percent_to_thresh,
return tt.concatenate([[-1 * np.inf, 1.5], thresh_mod, [6.5, np.inf]])
def compute_ps(thresh, location, scale):
f_thresh = full_thresh(thresh)
return cdf(f_thresh[1:], location, scale) - cdf(f_thresh[:-1], location, scale)
# Generate data
real_ps = [0.05, 0.05, 0.1, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.2]
data = np.random.choice(7, size=1000, p=real_ps)
# Run model
with pm.Model() as model:
mu = pm.Normal('mu', mu=4, sd=3)
sigma = pm.Uniform('sigma', lower=0.1, upper=70)
thresh = pm.Dirichlet('thresh', a=np.ones(5))
cat_p = compute_ps(thresh, mu, sigma)
results = pm.Categorical('results', p=cat_p, observed=data)
with model:
start = pm.find_MAP()
trace = pm.sample(2000, start=start)
When running this, I receive the following error:
Applied interval-transform to sigma and added transformed sigma_interval_ to model.
Applied stickbreaking-transform to thresh and added transformed thresh_stickbreaking_ to model.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "cm_net_log.v1-for_so.py", line 53, in <module>
start = pm.find_MAP()
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/site-packages/pymc3/tuning/starting.py", line 133, in find_MAP
ValueError: Optimization error: max, logp or dlogp at max have non-finite values. Some values may be outside of distribution support. max: {'thresh_stickbreaking_': array([-1.04298465, -0.48661088, -0.84326554, -0.44833646]), 'sigma_interval_': array(-2.220446049250313e-16), 'mu': array(7.68422528308479)} logp: array(-3506.530143064723) dlogp: array([ 1.61013190e-06, nan, -6.73994118e-06,
-6.93873894e-06, 6.03358122e-06, 3.18954680e-06])Check that 1) you don't have hierarchical parameters, these will lead to points with infinite density. 2) your distribution logp's are properly specified. Specific issues:
My questions:
How can I determine why dlogp is nan at certain points?
Is there a different way that I can express this model to avoid dlogp being nan?
Also worth noting:
This model runs fine if I don't find_MAP and use a Metropolis sampler. However, I'd like to have the flexibility of using other samplers as this model becomes more complex.
I have a suspicion that the issue is due to the relationship between the thresholds and the normal distribution, but I don't know how to disentangle them for the optimization.
Regarding question 2: I expressed the model for the ordinal predicted variable (single group) differently; I used the Theano #as_op decorator for a function that calculates probabilities for the outcomes. That also explains why I cannot use find_MAP() or gradient based samplers: Theano cannot calculate a gradient for the custom function. (http://pymc-devs.github.io/pymc3/notebooks/getting_started.html#Arbitrary-deterministics)
# Number of outcomes
nYlevels = df.Y.cat.categories.size
thresh = [k + .5 for k in range(1, nYlevels)]
thresh_obs = np.ma.asarray(thresh)
thresh_obs[1:-1] = np.ma.masked
#as_op(itypes=[tt.dvector, tt.dscalar, tt.dscalar], otypes=[tt.dvector])
def outcome_probabilities(theta, mu, sigma):
out = np.empty(nYlevels)
n = norm(loc=mu, scale=sigma)
out[0] = n.cdf(theta[0])
out[1] = np.max([0, n.cdf(theta[1]) - n.cdf(theta[0])])
out[2] = np.max([0, n.cdf(theta[2]) - n.cdf(theta[1])])
out[3] = np.max([0, n.cdf(theta[3]) - n.cdf(theta[2])])
out[4] = np.max([0, n.cdf(theta[4]) - n.cdf(theta[3])])
out[5] = np.max([0, n.cdf(theta[5]) - n.cdf(theta[4])])
out[6] = 1 - n.cdf(theta[5])
return out
with pm.Model() as ordinal_model_single:
theta = pm.Normal('theta', mu=thresh, tau=np.repeat(.5**2, len(thresh)),
shape=len(thresh), observed=thresh_obs, testval=thresh[1:-1])
mu = pm.Normal('mu', mu=nYlevels/2.0, tau=1.0/(nYlevels**2))
sigma = pm.Uniform('sigma', nYlevels/1000.0, nYlevels*10.0)
pr = outcome_probabilities(theta, mu, sigma)
y = pm.Categorical('y', pr, observed=df.Y.cat.codes.as_matrix())

Tensorflow: constructing the params tensor for tf.map_fn

import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
def lineeqn(slope, intercept, y, x):
return np.sign(y-(slope*x) - intercept)
# data size
DS = 100000
N = 100
x1 = tf.random_uniform([DS], -1, 0, dtype=tf.float32, seed=0)
x2 = tf.random_uniform([DS], 0, 1, dtype=tf.float32, seed=0)
# line representing the target function
rand1 = np.random.randint(0, DS)
rand2 = np.random.randint(0, DS)
T_x1 = x1[rand1]
T_x2 = x1[rand2]
T_y1 = x2[rand1]
T_y2 = x2[rand2]
slope = (T_y2 - T_y1)/(T_x2 - T_x1)
intercept = T_y2 - (slope * T_x2)
# extracting training samples from the data set
training_indices = np.random.randint(0, DS, N)
training_x1 = tf.gather(x1, training_indices)
training_x2 = tf.gather(x2, training_indices)
training_x1_ex = tf.expand_dims(training_x1, 1)
training_x2_ex = tf.expand_dims(training_x2, 1)
slope_tensor = tf.fill([N], slope)
slope_ex = tf.expand_dims(slope_tensor, 1)
intercept_tensor = tf.fill([N], intercept)
intercept_ex = tf.expand_dims(intercept_tensor, 1)
params = tf.concat(1, [slope_ex, intercept_ex, training_x2_ex, training_x1_ex])
training_y = tf.map_fn(lineeqn, params)
The lineeqn function requires 4 parameters, so params should be a tensor where each element is 4-element tensor. When I try to run the above code, I get the error TypeError: lineeqn() takes exactly 4 arguments (1 given). Can someone please explain what is wrong with the way I have constructed the params tensor? What does tf.map_fn do to the params tensor?
A similar question has been asked here. The reason you are getting this error is because the function called by map_fn - lineeqn in your case - is required to take exactly one tensor argument.
Rather than a list of arguments to the function, the parameter elems is expected to be a list of items, where the mapped function is called for each item contained in the list.
So in order to take multiple arguments to your function, you would have to unpack them yourself from each item, e.g.
def lineeqn(item):
slope, intercept, y, x = tf.unstack(item, num=4)
return np.sign(y - (slope * x) - intercept)
and call it as
training_y = tf.map_fn(lineeqn, list_of_parameter_tensors)
Here, you call the line equation for each tensor in the list_of_parameter_tensors, where each tensor would describe a tuple (slope, intercept, y, x) of packed arguments.
(Note that depending on the shape of the actual argument tensors, it might also be that instead of tf.concat you could have to use tf.pack.)