I've written this code to generate a normal distribution of a set of values 1,2,3 :
import pandas as pd
import random
import numpy as np
df = pd.DataFrame({'col1':[1,2,3]})
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,1)
df.plot(kind='hist', normed=True, ax=ax)
Returns :
The X values are the range of possible values but how are the Y values interpreted ?
Reading http://www.stat.yale.edu/Courses/1997-98/101/normal.htm the Y value is calculated using :
A normal distribution has a bell-shaped density curve described by its
mean and standard deviation . The density curve is symmetrical,
centered about its mean, with its spread determined by its standard
deviation. The height of a normal density curve at a given point x is
given by
What is the meaning of this formula ?
I think you are confusing two concepts here. A histogram will just plot how many times a certain value appears. So for your list of [1,2,3], the value 1 will appear once and the same for 2 and 3. If you would have set Normed=False you would get the plot you have now with a height of 1.0.
However, when you set Normed=True, you will turn on normalization. Note that this does not have anything to do with a normal distribution. Have a look at the documentation for hist, which you can find here: http://matplotlib.org/api/pyplot_api.html?highlight=hist#matplotlib.pyplot.hist
There you see that what the option Normed does, which is:
If True, the first element of the return tuple will be the counts normalized to form a probability density, i.e., n/(len(x)`dbin), i.e., the integral of the histogram will sum to 1. If stacked is also True, the sum of the histograms is normalized to 1.
So it gives you the formula right there. So in your case, you have three points, i.e. len(x)=3. If you look at your plot you can see that your bins have a width of 0.2 so dbin=0.2. Each value appears only once for for both 1, 2, and 3, you will have n=1. Thus the height of your bars should be 1/(3*0.2) = 1.67, which is exactly what you see in your histogram.
Now for the normal distribution, that is just a specific probability function that is defined as the formula you gave. It is useful in many fields as it relates to uncertainties. You'll see it a lot in statistics for example. The Wikipedia article on it has lots of info.
If want to generate a list of values that conform to a normal distribution, I would suggest reading the documentation of numpy.random.normal which will do this for you: https://docs.scipy.org/doc/numpy/reference/generated/numpy.random.normal.html
I am given two (long) finite sequences (i.e. numpy arrays) x and y of the same length. There graph is given here:
Array x uses the x-axis and is monotonically increasing. My goal is to fit the graph with Gaussian distribution such that the "major peak" is preserved, which looks something like this:
Here is a part of my code:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from astropy import modeling
fitter = modeling.fitting.LevMarLSQFitter()
model = modeling.models.Gaussian1D(amplitude = np.max(y), mean = y[np.argmax(x)],stddev = 1) #(1)
fitted_model = fitter(model, x, y)
plt.plot(x,fitted_model(x),linewidth=0.7, color = 'black')
plt.plot(x,y,linewidth=0.1, color = 'black')
plt.savefig('result.png', dpi = 1200)
My code results in the following:
It remains the same if I change the standard deviation in line (1). I figure I must have made some mistakes in line (1) but I have no idea why it is not working. If this is not possible in astropy, is there any work arounds?
As it is commented, I think Gaussian may not be the best distribution. I think I am actually looking for something similar to a perfusion curve. (In the picture AUC means "area under curve for infinite time" and "mTT" means "mean transit time".) The equation in the picture is not precise. The goal is to make sure the peak is best fitted. The curve does not need to follow the original data very closely as x is close to 0 or infinity. It only needs maintain smoothness and to roughly go down to zero (like the case for Gaussian). I need hints on what kind of function may best satisfy such a demand.
The code below generates a histogram from a .wav file, but what exactly does the histogram show? Is the x axis amplitude binned by sampling rate? Is the y axis a count of how many samples are in each amplitude bin? And how is amplitude calculated?
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
Fs, data = wavfile.read('audio file')
plt.hist(data, bins = 'auto')
When you plot the histogram, the "x" is the "y" bins (the y gets quantized), and the "y" is the counts, meaning the number of elements that have y values in the bin range. Each bin overs a different range of y, and the histogram counts up the number of elements in that range.
According to this excellent article.
A histogram basically depicts an estimate of the probability
distribution of some variable. To construct a histogram, the range of
possible variable values gets divided into a series of intervals
called bins. The bins must be adjacent to each other and are often
(but necessarily) of equal width. Then a count of how many values fall
into each interval determines the height of each bin such that the
height is proportional to the number of cases in each bin. A histogram
may also be normalized to display “relative” frequencies. It then
shows the proportion of cases that fall into each of several
categories, with the sum of the heights equaling one.
You can find more detailed information here # matplotlib documentation.
If you still have a doubt, I found a very good video series on YouTube by Valerio Velardo and you can find all the slides and codes are here.
Say you have the matrix given by three arrays, being:
x = N-dimensional array.
y = M-dimensional array.
And z is a set of "somewhat random" values from -0.3 to 0.3 in a NxM shape. I need to create a plot in which the x values are in the x-axis, y values are in the y-axis and using z as the source to indicate the intensity of each pixel with a color map.
So far, I have tried using
and the resulting plot is very nice for me (attached at the end of this paragraph), but a smoothing is automatically applied to the plot! I need to be able to distinguish the pixels and I cannot find a way to do it.
contourf result
I have also studied the possibility of using
in order to sucesfully see the pixels... but then I am struggling trying to personalize the x and y axis, since only the index of the pixel is shown (see below).
matshow result
Would you please give me some ideas? Thank you.
Without more information on your x,y data it's hard to know, but I would guess you are looking for pcolormesh.
This would take the x and y data as input and hence shows the z data at the appropriate coordinates.
You can use imshow with the keyword interpolation='nearest'.
plt.imshow(z, interpolation='nearest')
im playing with python and scipy to understand windowing, i made a plot to see how windowing behave under FFT, but the result is not what i was specting.
the plot is:
the middle plots are pure FFT plot, here is where i get weird things.
Then i changed the trig. function to get leak, putting a 1 straight for the 300 first items of the array, the result:
the code:
#wave data:
while i<1000:
#wave fft:
#wave Linear Spectrum (Rms)
#window data:
#window fft:
#window fft Linear Spectrum:
#window + sin
#window + sin fft:
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(431)
ax2 = fig.add_subplot(432)
ax3 = fig.add_subplot(433)
ax4 = fig.add_subplot(434)
ax5 = fig.add_subplot(435)
ax6 = fig.add_subplot(436)
ax7 = fig.add_subplot(413)
ax8 = fig.add_subplot(414)
EDIT: as asked in the comments, i plotted the functions in dB scale, obtaining much clearer plots. Thanks a lot #SleuthEye !
It appears the plot which is problematic is the one generated by:
resulting in the graph:
instead of the expected graph from Wikipedia.
There are a number of issues with the way the plot is constructed. The first is that this command essentially attempts to plot a complex-valued array (fft_hann). You may in fact be getting the warning ComplexWarning: Casting complex values to real discards the imaginary part as a result. To generate a graph which looks like the one from Wikipedia, you would have to take the magnitude (instead of the real part) with:
Then we notice that there is still a line striking through our plot. Looking at np.fft.fft's documentation:
The values in the result follow so-called “standard” order: If A = fft(a, n), then A[0] contains the zero-frequency term (the sum of the signal), which is always purely real for real inputs. Then A[1:n/2] contains the positive-frequency terms, and A[n/2+1:] contains the negative-frequency terms, in order of decreasingly negative frequency.
The routine np.fft.fftfreq(n) returns an array giving the frequencies of corresponding elements in the output.
Indeed, if we print the fft_freq_axis we can see that the result is:
[ 0. 1. 2. ..., -3. -2. -1.]
To get around this problem we simply need to swap the lower and upper parts of the arrays with np.fft.fftshift:
Then you should note that the graph on Wikipedia is actually shown with amplitudes in decibels. You would then need to do the same with:
We should then be getting closer, but the result is not quite the same as can be seen from the following figure:
This is due to the fact that the plot on Wikipedia actually has a higher frequency resolution and captures the value of the frequency spectrum as its oscillates, whereas your plot samples the spectrum at fewer points and a lot of those points have near zero amplitudes. To resolve this problem, we need to get the frequency spectrum of the window at more frequency points.
This can be done by zero padding the input to the FFT, or more simply setting the parameter n (desired length of the output) to a value much larger than the input size:
N = 8*len(num)
fft_hann=np.fft.fft(hann, N)
ax5.set_xlim([-40, 40])
ax5.set_ylim([-50, 80])
In python-pandas boxplots with default settings, the red bar is the mean median, and the box signifies the 25th and 75th quartiles, but what exactly do the whiskers mean in this case? Where is the documentation to figure out the exact definition (couldn't find it)?
Example code:
Example result:
Pandas just wraps the boxplot function from matplotlib. The matplotlib docs have the definition of the whiskers in detail:
whis : float, sequence, or string (default = 1.5)
As a float, determines the reach of the whiskers to the beyond the
first and third quartiles. In other words, where IQR is the
interquartile range (Q3-Q1), the upper whisker will extend to last
datum less than Q3 + whis*IQR). Similarly, the lower whisker will
extend to the first datum greater than Q1 - whis*IQR. Beyond the
whiskers, data are considered outliers and are plotted as individual
Matplotlib (and Pandas) also gives you a lot of options to change this default definition of the whiskers:
Set this to an unreasonably high value to force the whiskers to show
the min and max values. Alternatively, set this to an ascending
sequence of percentile (e.g., [5, 95]) to set the whiskers at specific
percentiles of the data. Finally, whis can be the string 'range' to
force the whiskers to the min and max of the data.
Below a graphic that illustrates this from a stats.stackexchange answer. Note that k=1.5 if you don't supply the whis keyword in Pandas.
From Amelio Vazquez-Reina's answer in Boxplots in matplotlib: Markers and outliers:
The outliers (the + markers in the boxplot) are simply points outside of the wide [(Q1-1.5 IQR), (Q3+1.5 IQR)] margin below.
FYI: Confused by location of fences in box-whisker plots
You mention in your question that the red line is the mean - it is actually the median.
From the matplotlib link mentioned by Chang She above:
The box extends from the lower to upper quartile values of the data,
with a line at the median. The whiskers extend from the box to show
the range of the data. Flier points are those past the end of the
I didn't experiment, but there is a 'meanline' option which might put the line at the mean.
These are specified in the matplotlib documentation. The whiskers are some multiple (1.5 by default) of the interquartile range.