Get shipping method for order using BigCommerce API - bigcommerce

Is there a way to get the shipping method for a specific order using the BigCommerce API? I've searched and the closest I came to finding an answer is this, How can I get an order "shipping method" from bigcommerce API (Ground, Express)? , unfortunately the link provided is broken. I can't even find a 'shipping_id' in the order object that I can use to determine the method based on available shipping methods in the store.
Thanks in advance for any assistance.

Here is the updated link for that
Since you are looking for the Shipping methods for an Order it will be under the Order resource in the SDK.

It's in the shipping_method field of the Shipment object:
Shipment object
You link back to the order_idon the Shipment object with the id from the Order object:
Order object


how to get image via order API

I am creating Shopify application named "Request for Quote",Is use for create quote for multiple products. in application I have added functionality to convert quote to order using order API provided by Shopify. I have got all data of product into the converted order but i haven't get image detail of order. So I am stuck in It Can anyone have idea about it or having solution of this problem, If yes then send me solution as soon as possible.
Thank You in Advance...
I tried order API but didn't get any solution.....

Shopify Webhooks: Is there a way to determine whether or not an order came from Shopify POS?

I'm receiving a Webhook for every order that has been maid, but I do not know if it came from POS or from the website.
You can inspect the order, and there is indeed a property known as the source of the order. That will tell you where the order originated from. Some Apps generate orders so their source will be a number. POS is pos. You should have no trouble figuring out the source from the attribute in the order.
In GraphQL parlance, you look for the app { name } and for example you'd see something "Draft Order" or "POS". In RestAPI is it probably still just source or source_name.

What Bigcomerce API call is used for to send ship notice?

I'm having trouble understanding the bigcomerece api documentation.
I cant find where it explains how to mark and order as shipped ,update with tracking number and initiate a customer ship notification email.
can someone help me with a link to this documentation?
You need to Create an Order Shipment:
There you can specify a "tracking_number" etc...

How can I get an order "shipping method" from bigcommerce API (Ground, Express)?

How can I get an order "shipping method" from bigcommerce API (Ground, Express)?
The shipping method that customer selects when placing an order.
Refer this page, to get shipping related data for particular order.

eBay API - filter items by store/custom categories

My scenario: I have a client with an eBay store with custom categories. On their website, they would like to list the items they have for sale. They would like this list to be filterable by custom category.
I've been searching for a couple days now, and I'm still a bit unsure about the best way to proceed.
From what I can gather, the only way to get a list of categories defined in a store is through the GetStore call in the Trading API. This seems to be supported, though I need to get a user token from my client's eBay account. I will assume this works.
I do not, however, see any method of filtering items based on custom categories. I've looked through the documentation of both the Trading and Finding APIs, but all I see are filters on pre-defined eBay categories.
Is it possible to filter on custom/store categories?
I had a task to link seller products to custom categories and the only way I found is to retrieve a list of custom categories with "GetStore" from Trading API, retrieve all seller items with "findItemsAdvanced" call form Finding API, and loop through all retrieved items and get details with "GetItem" call from Trading API.
After that I could find custom categories under $xml->Item->Storefront->StoreCategoryID and $xml->Item->Storefront->StoreCategory2ID.
After digging through and posting in the eBay forums, I found out that no, it is not possible to filter on custom/store defined categories via the API. The only way to filter on custom/store defined categories is on the eBay hosted store.
This is apparently eBay's way to make the store hosted on their site more feature rich than anything you can do via the API.
Even though this question is old, I believe it interesting to give a more recent answer. As stated above, you cannot directly filter items sold by a store using custom store categories (StoreCategoryID). The easiest way to work around this is using the GetSellerList API using a coarse granularity level, which allows you to get the storeCategoryID of each Item on sale within a starting time range or an end time range. You can then filter the items yourself. Here's a link to a forum answer:
Yes no way to get items by Custom categories.
It sounds like either getCategoryInfo or GetCategories might help you.