Can't find or re-create Mattermost channel - mattermost

I was pretty sure we had a channel that I no longer see. When I try to create it, I get "A channel with that URL was previously created."

Assuming you are using Mattermost 3.6 or more recent, you can restore deleted channels by running the following CLI command in the Mattermost bin directory:
sudo ./platform channel restore team-handle:channel-handle
The team-handle is the bit of the URL part for the team this channel belongs to, and the channel-handle is the handle/URL part that is triggering the error message you report in your question.
See the Mattermost CLI documentation for more detailed documentation on how to use it.


ERROR: git repository not found at ``

question: I have copied one of my julia project from local pc to a cluster using Linux. When I was trying to run instantiate in Pkg-REPL, ERROR: git repository not found at ` occurred. And I have no idea.
enter image description here
what I have checked: I have entered status in Pkg-REPL and it seems everything is well; and there is only one direction logs under ~/.julia
enter image description here
so what caused the problem and how should I fix it? Thank you in advance!
I finally solve this problem by cloning from manually.
cd ~/.julila
mkdir registries and cd registries
git clone and get a new direction General
now I can instantiate without any error occurred!
I am not still clear why the error occurred when I clone this site automatically using instantiate, so this is still a question to be answered.
I'm not sure if these could be the causes, but:
Can the server connect to GitHub? i.e., can you ping It is possible that a work-based server is hidden behind some firewall. Of course, quite odd to not allow outbound traffic.
Also, on your server account, have you had your public key registered with GitHub? It's been a while since I've had to do this, but you may need to also set your username and e-mail address. An easy test would be to just try doing a git clone on the server and see if that is successful. If not, perhaps the error message that it gives will be helpful.

Hyperledger Fabric - backup and restore

I'm using Hyperledger Fabric and now I'm trying to make a backup of the current situation and restore it on a different computer.
I'm following the procedure found in hyperledger-fabric-backup-and-restore.
The main steps being:
Copy the crypto-config and the channel-artifacts directory
Copy the content of all peers and orderer containers
Modify the docker-compose.yaml to link containers volumes to the local directory where I have the backup copy.
Yet it's not working properly in my case: when I restart the network with ./byfn.hs up I first have all the containers correctly up and running then, whatever operation I try and execute on the channel (peer channel create, peer channel join, peer channel update) fails with error:
Error: got unexpected status: BAD_REQUEST -- error applying config update to existing channel 'mychannel': error authorizing update: error validating ReadSet: proposed update requires that key [Group] /Channel/Application be at version 0, but it is currently at version 1
Is there anything I should do which is not mentioned on hyperledger-fabric-backup-and-restore ?
I got the same error while trying to create a channel. Turning the "network down" and then "network up" solved my problem.

How do I configure NServiceBus (v6.2) using AzureServiceBusTransport to not create topology

Does anyone know how to configure NServiceBus (v6.2) using the AzureServiceBusTransport to not attempt to create namespaces?
I'd like to configure NServiceBus the use a connection string which only has permissions to send (the queue's should already be there and if not an error is more appropriate than creation) but whenever I configure it this way I get the following error:
Pre start-up check failed: Configured to create topology, but have no manage rights for the following namespace(s): xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
This error message suggests the functionality is configurable but having looked through the code and the documentation for the mechanism I can't find it.
Many thanks
Looks like I answered my own question - a bug was raised against the AzureServiceBusTransport and subsequently fixed a little while ago:
As the bug says upgrading to version 7.1.8 or 7.2.3 and not enabling installers fixes the issue.

Unable to add apache Nifi in ambari?

I am trying to add Apache Nifi in ambari but continuously failing with error Error occured during stack advisor command invocation:
Unable to delete directory /var/run/ambari-server/stack-recommendations/1.
There is a similar thread with the same error in hortonworks community, I have tried everything mentioned in that thread but unable to fix it. My sandbox is installed in vmware workstation 12 player. I also tried to create and remove directory manually but it is failing with the error invalid argument. Created a thread for this error also on stackexchange. Please help!!!
Here is a link to Hortonworks forum thread. And it seems like sandbox is just broken:
This is due to a docker issue in this 2.5 sandbox build. It will be
fixed in next revision of the sandbox.
There are also some workarounds described (like use older HDP 2.4 or establishing own cluser based on the HDP 2.5 docker image)
Updated sandbox arrived:
Trust me, active member of community see your posts in multiple locations. In a good, no Big Brother ways :) but cross-posting is an old as world ... Well, you got it.
Did you see a notice for this service in Ambari? Telling it's been deprecated? Same note in the github. There's a good reason for that, it's now been implemented properly by the dev team and with many more features. I.e. all the action is there now.
I think I replied a similar question, though not sure it was yours, take a look in HCC.

GitHub Desktop / Git Shell: SSL read: error:00000000:lib(0):func(0):reason(0), errno 10054

Since this morning, when I try to sync from GitHub Desktop after creating a commit, I sometimes get the message:
When I try to push the commit in Git Shell, I get:
SSL read: error:00000000:lib(0):func(0):reason(0), errno 10054
What could be the issue?
It takes around one or two minute between the time I try to push and the time I get the error message (in GitHub Desktop or Git Shell), so I suspect some connection issues on GitHub side (I have checked the robustness of the connection on my side), but I find the message sibylline.
I use GitHub Desktop with Windows 7 SP1 x64 Ultimate.
Change URL from https to http, for me it worked. There must be problem with ssl tunnel. But currently you can start it by switching to http.
I got here because I was looking for a solution, too. I have got an SSL read: error.... (identical to yours) returned as well when I was trying to push a commit. The reason might have been some big files in the commit that you were trying to push to github.
For me, I followed steps provides and it seems to solve my problem.