native base customize components - react-native

I am following this link to customize my react-native components
Theming NativeBase Apps
but I am unable to find light.js and proceed further

Run the following command after installing native-base in your root app directory.
node node_modules/native-base/ejectTheme.js
set version to 2.2.0 and it will show you the steps to theming nativeBase App.


How to use material symbols in react native app?
I was following this developer guide and there is instructions for iOS and android apps but none for react native. I was wondering if there's any npm packages that can render material symbols for react. Only way i know is to download the svgs and serve from an assets folder.
You can use react-native-vector-icons to import your font and icoMoon to define the name of each icon.
See the documentation here: React Native Vector Icons - Custom Fonts

Using highcarts in react native and getting the error

I have installed npm install #highcharts/highcharts-react-native in my react native project and i also added the hcscript in metro.config.js file.
Iam getting the error of
Failed to fetch scripts or layout. The method or property expo-file-system.readDirectoryAsync is not available on android, are you sure you've linked all the native dependencies properly?
if you wanted to use this package: #highcharts/highcharts-react-native you should first install react-native-unimodules which is a set of native dependencies used at the core of #highcharts/highcharts-react-native as
they built the package on top of expo not bare react native.
it is going to require you to make heavy edits in the native ios and android files such as appDelegate.m in ios and more alike files.
However, you should notice this package is deprecated as per the official page, and there is no reliable alternative!

How to link native library to react native application and what is the folder structure?

I am trying to build simple app to creative native library and link with react native app.
I am facing issue like
Error : Unable to resolve module react-native-fingerprint from App.js: react-native-fingerprint could not be found within the project.
Note : 'react-native-fingerprint' which is been created and want to link with app.
I guess you're using react-native-fingerprint-scanner. Since library you mentioned doesn't exist.
In case if you using this library react-native-fingerprint-scanner.
npm install react-native-fingerprint-scanner --save
yarn add react-native-fingerprint-scanner
Link to Native Platforms
react-native link react-native-fingerprint-scanner
Even after this it is not working. Following this guide

When to use react-native link?

I understand that react-native link (see post) is an automatic way to install native dependencies. The post above explain how to use the link command but lacking the detail of when to use it. Should it be used after adding a component, every code change or after introducing new module to the app?
Why we use react-native-link??
In this post, I will explain why we use react native link command and when we need to use this command or not?
First, we will understand what is native module??
Native Modules
Native modules are usually distributed as npm packages, apart from the typical javascript files and resources they will contain an Android and ios library project. 
React Native provides an impressive amount of native modules that give you direct access to core platform APIs on both Android and IOS.
For example react-native-maps, react-native-firebase, react-native-socketio etc.
These modules or packages contained both platform (Android and Ios) code.
Now coming on to the react native link
Those libraries which are use native code, in that case you'll have to add these files to your app. For linking those library with react native code need to run react-native-link
Here are the few steps to link your libraries that contain native code
Automatic linking
Step 1
Install a library with native dependencies:
$ npm install --save
Step 2
Link your native dependencies:
$ react-native link
Done! All libraries with native dependencies should be successfully linked to your iOS/Android project.
Where we don't use react-native-link??
Those components which are only written in javascript they are not using any native code (Android and Ios). There is no need to run react-native-link.
For example rn-modal-picker, react-native-check-box etc.
You should check out this other answer: The use of react-native-link command?
You only need to run react-native link NAME_OF_PACKAGE when you install a new package that has a native codebase, or without arguments if you want to do it for multiple of them.

How and what does npm link do in this example?

I'm installing react-native-elements and in the installation guide there is this command:
npm i react-native-vector-icons --save && react-native link react-native-vector-icons
I am curious what this part of the command does and why it is necessary: react-native link react-native-vector-icons
As you might know, React Native allows you to interface with the native APIs of the OS via JavaScript. In order to establish this interface, some configuration is required in the native side (linking libraries, adding search paths and assets...), and since this process is relatively repetitive and can be automated, the RN folks made the link command in order to set up modules with native code more easily. In the case of React Native Vector Icons, it will add the font files and other configuration to your project, for both Android and iOS.