How to properly freeze a tensorflow graph containing a LookupTable - tensorflow

I am working with a model that uses multiple lookup tables to transform the model input from text to feature ids. I am able to train the model fine. I am able to load it via the javacpp bindings. I am using a default Saver object via the tensor flow supervisor on a periodic basis.
When I try to run the model I get the following error:
Table not initialized.
[[Node: hash_table_Lookup_3 = LookupTableFind[Tin=DT_STRING, Tout=DT_INT64,
_class=["loc:#string_to_index_2/hash_table"], _output_shapes=[[-1]],
(string_to_index_2/hash_table, ParseExample/ParseExample:5, string_to_index_2/hash_table/Const)]]
I prepare the model by using the script as follows:
bazel-bin/tensorflow/python/tools/freeze_graph --input_graph=/tmp/tf/graph.pbtxt
--input_checkpoint=/tmp/tf/model.ckpt-0 --output_graph=/tmp/ticker_classifier.pb
--output_node_names=sigmoid --initializer_nodes=init_all_tables
As far as I can tell specifying the initializer_nodes has no effect on the resulting file. Am I running into something that is not currently supported? If not than is there something else I need to do to prepare the graph to be frozen?

I had the same problem when using C++ to invoke TF API to run the inference. It seems the reason is I train a model using tf.feature_column.categorical_column_with_hash_bucket, which needs to be initialized like this:
table_init_op = tf.tables_initializer(name="init_all_tables")
So when you want to freeze the model, you must append the name of table_init_op to the argument "--output_node_names":
freeze_graph --input_graph=/tmp/tf/graph.pbtxt
-- output_graph=/tmp/ticker_classifier.pb
When you load and init model in C++, you should first invoke TF C++ API like this:
std::vector<Tensor> dummy_outputs;
Status st = session->Run({}, {}, {"init_all_tables"}, dummy_outputs);
Now you have initialized all tables and can do other things such as inference. This issue may give you a help.


Use Tensorflow2 saved model for object detection

im quite new to object detection but i managed to train my first Tensorflow custom model yesterday. I think it worked fine besides some warnings, at least i got my exported_model folder with checkpoint, saved model and pipeline.config. I built it with from Tensorflow. I just loaded some images of deers and want to try to detect some on different pictures.
That's what i would like to test now, but i dont know how. I already did an object detection tutorial with pre trained models and it worked fine. I tried to just replace config_file_path, saved_model_path and image_path with the paths linking to my exported model but it didnt work:
error: OpenCV(4.6.0) D:\a\opencv-python\opencv-python\opencv\modules\dnn\src\tensorflow\tf_io.cpp:42: error: (-2:Unspecified error) FAILED: ReadProtoFromBinaryFile(param_file, param). Failed to parse GraphDef file: D:\VSCode\Machine_Learning_Tests\Tensorflow\workspace\exported_models\first_model\saved_model\saved_model.pb in function 'cv::dnn::ReadTFNetParamsFromBinaryFileOrDie'
There are endless tutorials on how to train custom detection but i cant find a good explanation how to manually test my exported model.
Thanks in advance!
EDIT: I need to know how to build a script where i can import a model i saved with Tensorflow and an image i want to test this model on and get a result, either in text or with rectangels in picture. Seeing many tutorials but none works for me with a model i saved with Tensorflow
From the error it looks like you have a model saved as .pb. If you want to do inference you can write something like this:
# load the model
model = tf.keras.models.load_model(my_model_dir)
prediction = model.predict(x=x_test, ...)
You'll have to set x which is the only mandatory argument. It is your test dataset (the images you want to obtain predictions from). Also, predict is useful when you have a great amount of images to predict. It handles the prediction in a batched way, avoiding filling up the memory. If you have just a few you can use directly the __call__() method of your model, like this:
prediction = model(x_test, training=False)
More about prediction can be found at the Tensorflow documentation.

Can't save save/export and load a keras model that uses eager execution

I'm following the RNN text-generation tutorial with eager execution pretty much line for line. I've trained the model with my own data set and have saved a low loss checkpoint. I'm able to load the weights and generate text but I want to export/save the model so that I can learn how to deploy one using flask. However I can't figure out how. The version I'm using is '1.14.0-rc1'.
The tutorial:
I have been able to save the model as an HDF5 file but I cannot load it. I've also disabled eager execution but that causes problems with running the code later on. I have tried the following and a few more snippets but those led to nothing as well:
new_model = keras.models.load_model("/content/gdrive/My Drive/ColabNotebooks/ckpt4/my_model.h5")
How ever I get
RuntimeError: tf.placeholder() is not compatible with eager execution.
Lastly I found this in another post and tried it as well but was met with another error:, "/content/gdrive/My Drive/Colab Notebooks/ckpt4/my_model.h5")
AssertionError: Tried to export a function which references untracked object Tensor("StatefulPartitionedCall/args_2:0", shape=(), dtype=resource).TensorFlow objects (e.g. tf.Variable) captured by functions must be tracked by assigning them to an attribute of a tracked object or assigned to an attribute of the main object directly.

Loading a model from tensorflow SavedModel onto mutliple GPUs

Let's say someone hands me a TF SavedModel and I would like to replicate this model on the 4 GPUs I have on my machine so I can run inference in parallel on batches of data. Are there any good examples of how to do this?
I can load a saved model in this way:
def load_model(self, saved_model_dirpath):
'''Loads a model from a saved model directory - this should
contain a .pb file and a variables directory'''
signature_key = tf.saved_model.signature_constants.DEFAULT_SERVING_SIGNATURE_DEF_KEY
input_key = 'input'
output_key = 'output'
meta_graph_def = tf.saved_model.loader.load(self.sess, [tf.saved_model.tag_constants.SERVING],
signature = meta_graph_def.signature_def
input_tensor_name = signature[signature_key].inputs[input_key].name
output_tensor_name = signature[signature_key].outputs[output_key].name
self.input_tensor = self.sess.graph.get_tensor_by_name(input_tensor_name)
self.output_tensor = self.sess.graph.get_tensor_by_name(output_tensor_name)
..but this would require that I have a handle to the session. For models that I have written myself, I would have access to the inference function and I could just call it and wrap it using with tf.device(), but in this case, I'm not sure how to extract the inference function out of a Saved Model. Should I load 4 separate sessions or is there a better way? Couldn't find much documentation on this, but apologies in advance if I missed something. Thanks!
There is no support for this use case in TensorFlow at the moment. Unfortunately, "replicating the inference function" based only on the SavedModel (which is basically the computation graph with some metadata), is a fairly complex (and brittle, if implemented) graph transformation problem.
If you don't have access to the source code that produced this model, your best bet is to load the SavedModel 4 times into 4 separate graphs, rewriting the target device to the corresponding GPU each time. Then, run each graph/session separately.
Note that you can invoke multiple times concurrently since releases the GIL for the time of actual computation. All you need is several Python threads.

How to structure the model for training and evaluation on the test set

I want to train a model. Every 1000 steps, I want to evaluate it on the test set and write it to the tensorboard log. However, there's a problem. I have a code like this:
image_b_train, label_b_train = tf.train.shuffle_batch(...)
out_train = model.inference(image_b_train)
accuracy_train = tf.reduce_mean(...)
image_b_test, label_b_test = tf.train.shuffle_batch(...)
out_test = model.inference(image_b_test)
accuracy_test = tf.reduce_mean(...)
where model inference declares the variables in the model. However, there's a problem. For the test set I have a separate queue, and I can't swap one queue for another with tensorflow.
Currently I solved the problem by creating 2 graphs, one for training and the other for testing. I copy from one graph to the other with tf.train.Saver. Another solution might be to use tf.get_variable, but this is a global variable, and I don't like it because my code becomes less reusable.
Yes, you need two graphs. These graphs can share variables. This can be done by:
Using Keras layers (from tf.contrib.keras) which let you define the model once and use it to compute two inference graphs
Using slim-style layers (from tf.layers) with tf.get_variable and reuse
Using tf.make_template to make your own model-like object which can be called once to build the training graph and once to build the inference graph
Using tf.estimator.Estimator which lets you define a model function once and runs it automatically for training and evaluation for you
There are other options, but any of these is well-supported and should unblock you.

Tensorflow: How to access Variables from a model imported from Caffe?

I'm using the tensorflow-deeplab-resnet model which transfers the Resnet model implemented in Caffe to tensorflow using caffe-tensorflow.
I'd like to know how I can access individual variables from the model that was imported from Caffe so I can check what is going wrong.
I tried
allTrainVars = tf.trainable_variables()
for f in allTrainVars:
which outputs
The fc1_voc12_c* layers are the interesting layers that need to be reinitialized randomly. But when I try to access them and add a logging to the variable like this
var = [v for v in tf.trainable_variables() if == "fc1_voc12_c0/weights:0"][0]
tf.summary.histogram("fc1_voc12_c0/weights_0", var)
I can't see that variable in tensorboard. The only thing that is displayed in tensorboard is the graph itself.
How can I access these variables in order to monitor them in tensorboard?
Can I infer the correct names of the variables that I'd like to monitor by just looking at the graph (see picture)?
I edited the focus of my question a little since there was a bug which has been fixed by now by the author of the code.
To clarify my understanding: You're trying to restore some part of the model from an old version, and initialize the rest randomly.
If that's true, you can use tf.contrib.framework.init_from_checkpoint to initialize body of your model from the old checkpoint. The rest of the model (output layer) should be initialized randomly based on how you created it.
It seems that it's acutally working in the way described in the question. I just needed to completely shutdown tensorboard and restart tensorboard for every new log file that I created.