Redshift SQL query help needed - sql

Table order_details:
order_id dish_id category_id
601 22 123
601 23 234
603 32 456
603 54 456
603 11 543
603 19 456
From the sample table provided above: how can I group the order_id,dish_id and category_id on the basis of distinct group with respect to each order_id?
The result should look like
order_id dish_id category_id count
601 22 123 1
601 23 234 1
603 32 456 3
603 54 452 3
603 11 543 3
603 19 456 3
Like dish_id 22 in order_id 601 went along with 1 different distinct category_id i.e 234, and similarly in order_id 603 dish_id 32 went along 2 different distinct category_id ie 456, 543

If I assume that the triplets are unique, you seem to want 1 less than the count of the group. That would be:
select t.*,
(count(*) over (partition by order_id) - 1) as cnt
from t;


How to display total count in descending order but group by id

i have the following codes which displays the following result
select distinct
sum(itemcount) over (partition by srccharname, itemname)
as total_count,
sum(price) over(partition by srccharname, itemname)
as total_price
action = 6
and logtime >='2023-02-13'
order by
total_count desc,
the result is as follows
srcaccountid srccharid srccharname action itemname total_count total_price
1 21 abc 6 dog 2222 231
2 22 sdd 6 cat 1234 122
1 21 abc 6 cat 324 77
1 21 abc 6 mouse 122 32
2 22 sdd 6 mouse 12 3
i will like the result to show as follow
srcaccountid srccharid srccharname action itemname total_count
1 21 abc 6 dog 2222 231
1 21 abc 6 cat 324 77
1 21 abc 6 mouse 122 32
2 22 sdd 6 cat 1234 122
2 22 sdd 6 mouse 12 3
i cant seem to be able to show the highest sales amount while grouping the ids together and not splitting them up
Change the order by. Put the srcaccountid first.
order by
total_count desc

Count number of unique occurrences of a key value corresponding to each ID column

I have a table in DB2 as below :
Key ID SubID
Abc123 576 10
Abc123 576 12
Abc124 576 13
Abc125 577 14
Abc126 578 15
Abc127 578 16
Abc128 578 17
Want to create a additional count column where it counts number of unique occurrences of key value for each ID and the output should be as below
Key ID SubID Count
Abc123 576 10 2
Abc123 576 12 2
Abc124 576 13 2
Abc125 577 14 1
Abc126 578 15 3
Abc127 578 16 3
Abc128 578 17 3
I tried below
select Key, ID, SubId ,
count(Key) over (partition by Key) as count
from table
Appreciate any help!
You cannot use a window function with the DISTINCT qualifier. You can use a scalar subquery to count the rows you want.
For example:
select *,
(select count(distinct key) from t x where = as cnt
from t
------- ---- ------ ---
Abc123 576 10 2
Abc123 576 12 2
Abc124 576 13 2
Abc125 577 14 1
Abc126 578 15 3
Abc127 578 16 3
Abc128 578 17 3
See running example at db<>fiddle.

how to update duplicate rows in a column to a new values

I will explain my problem briefly
have duplicate rino like below (actually this rino is the serial number in front end)
chqid rino branchid
----- ---- --------
876 6 2
14 6 2
18 10 2
828 10 2
829 11 2
19 11 2
830 12 2
20 12 2
78 40 2
1092 40 2
1094 41 2
79 41 2
413 43 2
1103 43 2
82 44 2
1104 44 2
1105 45 2
83 45 2
91 46 2
1106 46 2
here in my case I don't want to delete these duplicate rino instead of that I planned to update the rino having max date(column not specified in the above sample actually a date column is there) to the next rino number
what exactly I meant is :
if I sort out the above result according to the max(date) I will get
chqid rino branchid
----- ---- --------
876 6 2
828 10 2
19 11 2
830 12 2
1092 40 2
79 41 2
413 43 2
82 44 2
83 45 2
1106 46 2
(NOTE : total number of duplicate rows are 10 in branchid=2)
the last entered rino in the table for branchid=2 is 245
So I just want to update the 10 rows(Of column rino) with numbers starting from 246 to 255( just added 245+10 like this select lastno+ generate_series(1,10) nos from tab where cola=4 and branchid = 2 and vrid=20;)
Expected Output:
chqid rino branchid
----- ---- --------
876 246 2
828 247 2
19 248 2
830 249 2
1092 250 2
79 251 2
413 252 2
82 253 2
83 254 2
1106 255 2
using postgresql
Finally I found a solution, am using dynamic-sql to solve my issue
arow record;
for arow in
select chqid,rino,branchid from (
select chqid,rino::int ,vrid,branchid ,row_number()over (partition by rino::int ) rn
from tab
where vrid =20
and branchid = 2)t
where rn >1
execute format('
update tab
set rino=(select max(rino::int)+1 from gtab19 where acyrid=4 and branchid = 2 and vrid=20)
where chqid=%s
end loop;

Sqlite substract sums (with group by) with JOIN and duplicates

I previously found the solution to my problem but unfortunately I lost files on my harddrive and I can't find the statement I managed to produce.
I have 2 tables T2REQ and T2STOCK, both have 2 columns (typeID and quantity) and my problem reside in the fact that I can have multiple occurences of SAME typeID in BOTH tables.
What I'm trying to do is SUM(QUANTITY) grouped by typeID and substract the values of T2STOCK from T2REQ but since I have multiple occurences of same typeID in both tables, the SUM I get is multiplied by the number of occurences of typeID.
Here's a sample of T2REQ (take typeID 11399 for example):
typeID quantity
---------- ----------
34 102900
35 10500
36 3220
37 840
11399 700
563 140
9848 140
11486 28
11688 700
11399 390
4393 130
9840 390
9842 390
11399 390
11483 19.5
11541 780
And this is a sample of T2STOCK table :
typeID quantity
---------- ----------
9842 1921
9848 2400
11399 1700
11475 165
11476 27
11478 28
11481 34
11483 122
11476 2
And this is where I'm at for now, I know that the SUM(t2stock.quantity) is affected (multiplied) because of the JOIN 1 = 1 but whatever I tried, I'm not doing it in the right order:
t2req.typeID, sum(t2req.quantity), sum(t2stock.quantity),
sum(t2req.quantity) - sum(t2stock.quantity) as diff
FROM t2req JOIN t2stock ON t2req.typeID = t2stock.typeID
GROUP BY t2req.typeID
typeID sum(t2req.quantity) sum(t2stock.quantity) diff
---------- ------------------- --------------------- ----------
563 140 30 110
11541 780 780 0
11486 28 40 -12
11483 19.5 122 -102.5
9840 390 1000 -610
40 260 940 -680
9842 390 1921 -1531
9848 140 2400 -2260
11399 1480 5100 -3620
39 650 7650 -7000
37 1230 116336 -115106
36 28570 967098 -938528
35 33770 2477820 -2444050
34 102900 2798355 -2695455
You can see that SUM(t2req) for typeID 11399 is correct : 1480
And you can see that the SUM(t2stock) for typeID 11399 is not correct : 5100 instead of 1700 (which is 5100 divided by 3, the number of occurences in t2req)
What would be the best way to avoid multiplications because of multiple typeIDs (in both tables) with the JOIN for my sum substract ?
Sorry for the wall of text, just trying to explain as best as I can since english is not my mother tongue.
Thanks a lot for your help.
You can aggregate before join:
t2req.quantity - t2stock.quantity as diff
(SELECT TypeID, SUM(Quantity) Quantity FROM t2req GROUP BY TypeID) t2req JOIN
(SELECT TypeID, SUM(Quantity) Quantity FROM t2stock GROUP BY TypeID) t2stock
ON t2req.typeID = t2stock.typeID
Fiddle sample:!7/06711/5
You can't do this in a single aggregation:
COALESCE(r.typeID, s.typeID) AS typeID,
COALESCE(r.quantity, 0) AS req_quantity,
COALESCE(s.quantity, 0) AS stock_quantity,
COALESCE(r.quantity, 0) - COALESCE(s.quantity, 0) AS diff
SELECT rr.typeID, SUM(rr.quantity) AS quantity
FROM t2req rr
GROUP BY rr.typeID
) r
SELECT ss.typeID, SUM(ss.quantity) AS quantity
FROM t2stock ss
GROUP BY ss.typeID
) s ON r.typeID = s.typeID

SQL query self join

I am working on a query for a report in Oracle 10g.
I need to generate a short list of each course along with the number of times they were offered in the past year (including ones that weren't actually offered).
I created one query
SELECT coursenumber, count(datestart) AS Offered
FROM class
WHERE datestart BETWEEN (sysdate-365) AND sysdate
GROUP BY coursenumber;
Which produces
---- ----------
ST03 2
PD01 1
AY03 2
TB01 4
This query is all correct. However ideally I want it to list those along with COURSENUMBER HY and CS in the left column as well with 0 or null as the OFFERED value. I have a feeling this involves a join of sorts, but so far what I have tried doesn't produce the classes with nothing offered.
The table normally looks like
------------ --------- ---- ---- ---------- ---------- ----
256 03-MAR-11 0930 1100 2 2 PD01
257 03-MAY-11 0930 1100 12 7 PD01
258 18-MAY-11 1230 0100 12 7 PD01
259 24-OCT-11 1930 2015 6 2 CS01
260 17-JUN-11 1130 1300 6 4 CS01
261 25-MAY-11 1900 2000 13 6 HY01
262 25-MAY-11 1900 2000 13 6 HY01
263 04-APR-11 0930 1100 13 5 ST03
264 13-SEP-11 1930 2100 6 4 ST03
265 05-NOV-11 1930 2100 6 5 ST03
266 04-FEB-11 1430 1600 6 5 ST03
267 02-JAN-11 0630 0700 13 1 TB01
268 01-FEB-11 0630 0700 13 1 TB01
269 01-MAR-11 0630 0700 13 1 TB01
270 01-APR-11 0630 0700 13 1 TB01
271 01-MAY-11 0630 0700 13 1 TB01
272 14-MAR-11 0830 0915 4 3 AY03
273 19-APR-11 0930 1015 4 3 AY03
274 17-JUN-11 0830 0915 14 3 AY03
275 14-AUG-09 0930 1015 14 3 AY03
276 03-MAY-09 0830 0915 14 3 AY03
COUNT(CASE WHEN datestart BETWEEN (sysdate-365) AND sysdate THEN 1 END) AS Offered
FROM class
GROUP BY coursenumber;
So, as you can see, this particular problem doesn't need a join.
I think something like this should work for you, by just doing it as a subquery.
SELECT distinct c.coursenumber,
FROM class
WHERE class.coursenumber = c.coursenumber
AND datestart BETWEEN (sysdate-365) AND sysdate
) AS Offered
FROM class c
I like jschoen's answer better for this particular case (when you want one and only one row and column out of the subquery for each row of the main query), but just to demonstrate another way to do it:
select t1.coursenumber, nvl(t2.cnt,0)
from class t1 left outer join (
select coursenumber, count(*) cnt
from class
where datestart between (sysdate-365) AND sysdate
group by coursenumber
) t2 on t1.coursenumber = t2.coursenumber