StringTemplate4 - Storing attribute value in variable - stringtemplate

I am injecting an attribute into my StringTemplate4 template which has multiple levels of sub-attributes.
As I work through the template outputting various elements of it I need to refer to attributes quite far down in the nesting at differing points, leading to the template quite often doing multiple references such as...
Is there a way in StringTemplate4 to store the subattribute2 in a "Variable" that I could then refer to instead to tidy up the logic somewhat?
Any help would be greatly appreciated :)

You could use a helper template:
foo(attribute) ::= <<
helper(sub) ::= <<


Parsing annotations within comments / Negative matching of strings in regexps

I'm defining the syntax of the Move IR. The test suite for this language includes various annotations to enable testing. I need to treat comments of this form specially:
//! new-transaction
// check: "Keep(ABORTED { code: 123,"
This file is an example arithmetic_operators_u8.mvir.
So far, I've got this working by disallowing ordinary single-line comments.
imports INT-SYNTAX
syntax #Layout ::= r"([\\ \\n\\r\\t])" // Whitespace
syntax Annotation ::= "//!" "new-transaction" [klabel(NewTransaction), symbol]
syntax Check ::= "//" "check:" "\"Keep(ABORTED { code:" Int ",\"" [klabel(CheckCode), symbol]
imports INT-SYNTAX
syntax Annotation ::= "#NewTransaction" [klabel(NewTransaction), symbol]
syntax Check ::= #CheckCode(Int) [klabel(CheckCode), symbol]
I'd like to also be able to use ordinary comments.
As a first step, I was able to change the Layout to allow commits only if the begin with a ! using r"(\\/\\/[^!][^\\n\\r]*)"
I'd like to exclude all comments that start with either //! or // check: from comments. What's a good way of implementing this?
Where can I find documentation for the regular expression language that K uses?
K uses flex for its scanner, and thus for its regular expression language. As a result, you can find documentation on its regular expression language here.
You want a regular expression that expresses that comments can't start with ! or check:, but flex doesn't support negative lookahead or not patterns, so you will have to exhaustively enumerate all the cases of comments that don't start with those sequence of characters. It's a bit tedious, sadly.
For reference, here is a (simplified) regular expression drawn from the syntax of C that represents all pragmas that don't start with STDC. It should give you an idea of how to proceed:

Dollar and exclamation mark (bang) symbols in VTL

I've recently encountered these two variables in some Velocity code:
I was surprised by the similarity of these so I became suspicious about the correctness of the code and become interested in finding the difference between two.
Is it possible that velocity allows any order of these two symbols or do they have different purpose? Do you know the answer?
#Jr. Here is the guide I followed when doing VM R&D:
Velocity uses the !$ and $! annotations for different things. If you use !$ it will basically be the same as a normal "!" operator, but the $! is used as a basic check to see if the variable is blank and if so it prints it out as an empty string. If your variable is empty or null and you don't use the $! annotation it will print the actual variable name as a string.
I googled and stackoverflowed a lot before I finally found the answer at
According to that:
It is very easy to confuse the quiet reference notation with the
boolean not-Operator. Using the not-Operator, you use !${foo}, while
the quiet reference notation is $!{foo}. And yes, you will end up
sometimes with !$!{foo}...
Easy after all, shame it didn't struck me immediately. Hope this helps someone.

Dictionary with dynamic entries in StringTemplate

I'm using StringTemplate 4.0.8 with Java.
In the StringTemplate-4 documentation, it says that
Dictionary strings can also be templates that can refer to attributes
that will become visible via dynamic scoping of attributes once the
dictionary value has been embedded within a template.
How exactly do I do that? Can I do something like this:
output(input) ::= "The output is: <aDicitionary.input>"
aDictionary ::= [
"aCertainKey": **HERE** i want the value to be <input>,
default:"doesnt matter"
So that output("someKey") results in The output is: someValue
and output(aCertainKey) results in "The output is: aCertainKey". If so, how exactly would the syntax look like?
I know that I could achieve the same by just not passing an input in one case and then checking if I have an input or not. But that would result in a lot of if's on the Java side which I
To use a dynamic dictionary entry:
output(input) ::= <%The output is: <aDicitionary.(input)>%>
Use no quotes around the template and put input in parentheses to evaluate it.
To have dynamic content in a dictionary (the subject of the cited block):
aDictionary ::= [
"aCertainKey": {input from scope <inputFromScope>},
default:"doesnt matter"
Use braces around the keys and variable (or template) references inside. Now calling
<output(input="aCertainKey", inputFromScope="myInput")>
will output
The output is: input from scope myInput

Bison input analyzer - basic question on optional grammar and input interpretation

I am very new to Flex/Bison, So it is very navie question.
Pardon me if so. May look like homework question - but I need to implement project based on below concept.
My question is related to two parts,
Question 1
In Bison parser, How do I provide rules for optional input.
Like, I need to parse the statment
Example :
-country='USA' -state='INDIANA' -population='100' -ratio='0.5' -comment='Census study for Indiana'
Here the ratio token can be optional. Similarly, If I have many tokens optional, then How do I provide the grammar in the parser for the same?
My code looks like,
%start program
where all the tokens are defined in the lexer. Since there are many tokens which are optional, If I use "|" then there will be many different ways of input combination possible.
Question 2
There are good chance that the comment might have quotes as part of the input, so I have added a token -tag which user can provide to interpret the same,
Example :
-country='USA' -state='INDIANA' -population='100' -ratio='0.5' -comment='Census study for Indiana$'s population' -tag=$
Now, I need to reinterpret Indiana$'s as Indiana's since -tag=$.
Please provide any input or related material for to understand these topic.
Q1: I am assuming we have 4 possible tokens: NAME , '-', '=' and VALUE
Then the grammar could look like this:
attr attrs
| attr
'-' NAME '=' VALUE
Note that, unlike you make specific attribute names distinguished tokens, there is no way to say "We must have country, state and population, but ratio is optional."
This would be the task of that part of the program that analyses the data produced by the parser.
Q2: I understand this so, that you think of changing the way lexical analysis works while the parser is running. This is not a good idea, at least not for a beginner. Have you even started to think about lexical analysis, as opposed to parsing?

Is there any way I can define a variable in LaTeX?

In LaTeX, how can I define a string variable whose content is used instead of the variable in the compiled PDF?
Let's say I'm writing a tech doc on a software and I want to define the package name in the preamble or somewhere so that if its name changes, I don't have to replace it in a lot of places but only in one place.
add the following to you preamble:
\newcommand{\newCommandName}{text to insert}
Then you can just use \newCommandName{} in the text
For more info on \newcommand, see e.g. wikibooks
Use \def command:
\def \variable {Something that's better to use as a variable}
Be aware that \def overrides preexisting macros without any warnings and therefore can cause various subtle errors. To overcome this either use namespaced variables like my_var or fall back to \newcommand, \renewcommand commands instead.
For variables describing distances, you would use \newlength (and manipulate the values with \setlength, \addlength, \settoheight, \settolength and \settodepth).
Similarly you have access to \newcounter for things like section and figure numbers which should increment throughout the document. I've used this one in the past to provide code samples that were numbered separatly of other figures...
Also of note is \makebox which allows you to store a bit of laid-out document for later re-use (and for use with \settolength...).
If you want to use \newcommand, you can also include \usepackage{xspace} and define command by \newcommand{\newCommandName}{text to insert\xspace}.
This can allow you to just use \newCommandName rather than \newCommandName{}.
For more detail,
I think you probably want to use a token list for this purpose:
to set up the token list
to assign the name:
\packagename={New Name for the package}
to put the name into your output: