VBA Use one column from multi column combo box as variable - vba

I have the following code that produces a multi column combo box in a userform showing the Client and ID. I had to produce both columns as the Client and be listed multiple times but the ID is unique.
i = 2
For Each c In Range("D2", Range("D" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp))
CB_Account.AddItem Cells(i, 4).Value & " : " & Cells(i, 3).Value
i = i + 1
However I'm using the value selected filter a sheet so that I can copy client details to a new sheet and am using the selected value as a variable:
MyAccount = UF_Format.CB_Account.Value
The code is currently falling over because the value in the combobox in a concatenation of two columns. Really I need to pull through just the second value being the ID so my code can filter.
Any help would be much appreciated.

You can declare the variable MyAccount as an array, then split the combo box value using colon as the delimiter. You can then work with the second item of the array.
Sub second_value()
Dim MyAccount() As String
MyAccount = Split(UF_Format.CB_Account.Value, " : ")
Debug.Print MyAccount(1)
End Sub


To multiply column with textbox value in vba

I have textbox1 in excel sheet and list of values in column A. As textbox is user defined, I have to multiply given value with the all the values available in column A. How it can be done using command button if I am not using a form.
rng = Evaluate(rng.Address &"*TextBox1.Value")
But is giving an error #NAME? in excel.
I got the solution and it should be
Value = Textbox1.Value
rng = Evaluate("=" & rng.Address & "*" & value)
Hope it will be useful for someone

Comparing values of cells in a column with ComboBox value input by user

I am not able to compare the values of a cells in a column with combobox value input.
I have 2 workbooks tests(contains ComboBox2) and test1(contains a column whose cells are compared with ComboBox2.value)
I have a for loop to achieve this.
For i = 1 To LastRow
If wkbSource.Worksheets(sheet_no).Cells(i, 1) = ComboBox2.Value Then
'do something
End If
Next i
I have debugged the code and I understood that if statement doesn't execute even after a match.
How can I fix it ?
Also I would like to know how you can add two cell values because directly adding it is showing incorrect output.
For example
wkbSource.Worksheets(sheet_no).Cells(i, 1) + wkbSource.Worksheets(sheet_no).Cells(i, 3)
This was due (once again) to the Variant Comparison Curse. See in particular the "UPDATE 4" of that question.
If wkbSource.Worksheets(sheet_no).Cells(i, 1) = ComboBox2.Value Then
This compares two Variants. But, when the cell contains a number, and is not explictly formatted as Text, not preceded by ' when entered. Excel will consider it as a number and so it's .Value will be a number Variant. On the other hand, Combobox2.Value retuned a text Variant, so the comparison failed!
When comparing two Variant variables, these operations will fail:
2 = "2" ' False
3 > "2" ' False
Therefore, the solution in your particular situation is to force comparing texts, using the .Text properties of the control and the cell. Here's how you would - for example - sum up cells that match your query:
For i = 1 To LastRow
If Trim(wkbSource.Worksheets(sheet_no).Cells(i, 1).Text) = Trim(ComboBox2.Text) Then
'do something
if IsNumeric(wkbSource.Worksheets(sheet_no).Cells(i, 1).Value2) Then _
mySum = mySum + wkbSource.Worksheets(sheet_no).Cells(i, 1).Value2
End If
Next i

How to find if the column exists in Excel through VBA

I have two headers in two rows in my excel based on which i upload values for each row. if the combination of two headers is already available, the values will be updated in that row. If that combination is not available a new column will be created.
Sample Excel
As in the image, If i find Column 2 and Column B combination again i can update value in a new row against Column 2 and Column B. If there is another combination of headers say, Column 5 and column B, then it will create a new column.
Using VBA i am able to check only one column header but not the combination of the headers. i used the below code.
Set c=ws.Range("B2",ws.Cells(2,Columns.Count)).Find:=What(d,1)
IF c is Nothing Then
My code
Else`My Code End If
Find can't be used to find values spread over several cells. I suggest this kind of code.
Private Sub FindMatchingColumn()
' 24 May 2017
Dim Caption1, Caption2
Dim Combination As String
Dim Captions As String
Dim C As Long
Caption1 = "Column A"
Caption2 = "Column 1"
Combination = CStr(Caption1) & CStr(Caption2)
With ActiveSheet
C = C + 1
Captions = CStr(.Cells(1, C).value) & CStr(.Cells(2, C).value)
If StrComp(Captions, Combination, vbTextCompare) = 0 Then Exit Do
Loop While Len(Captions)
If Len(Captions) Then
MsgBox "Column " & C & " has matching captions"
MsgBox "No matching captions were found" & vbCr & _
"Write new captions to Column " & C
.Cells(1, C).value = Caption1
.Cells(2, C).value = Caption2
End If
End With
End Sub
Caption1 and Caption2 are the two column headers you are looking for. The first part of the code loops through all the columns to find that combination. If it is found it passes the column where it was found to the following code. If not, it passes the number of the next blank column.
The second part takes that column number and acts upon it. If it is a used column you can add your value there. If it is a new column it adds the two captions and then you can add your values in it.
This code presumes that you know the sequence of the captions. If you need to accept either A + B or B + A both values must be checked before passing to the next column in the Do loop.

How to autocomplete a line with data suggestion?

In my company, some assistants fill out an Excel table, which is a users list (First Names, Last name, ID number). After, I use this list with a PowerShell script. But very often the users list is not correctly completed. For example, assistants forget to input ID number... .So i would like help assitants to fill this Excel with data suggestions/autocomplete.
In the "Data" sheet, I have all data possible (First Names, Last name, ID number).
With the "Name Manager" I created:
d_FirstName to select the first cell
c_FirstName to select all column,
l_FirstName to apply function: =OFSSET(d_FirstName;0;0;COUNTA(c_FirstName)-1;1)
In "Form" sheet, I created drop-down list with function: =IF(A1<>"";OFSSET(d_FirstName;MATCH(A1&"*";l_FirstName;0)-1;;SUMPRODUCT((MID(l_FirstName;1;LEN(A1))=TEXT(A1;"0"))*1));l_FirstName)
So, when the user types a letter, the drop down list "suggest" a correct FirstName.
How to adapt the last query, to complete a line with First Name and Last name and ID number corresponding if user type only First Name ?
For example:
If user select a First Name in drop down list, Excel complete the lign with Last name and ID number corresponding .
If user select a ID number in drop down list, Excel complete the lign with Last name and First Name corresponding.
In second time, how to show dropdown list automatically when user type one letter ?
Thank you
You can accomplish this using the combobox's properties and change event. The combobox will take a 1 or 2 dimensional named range or a formula that returns a range as it's RowSource. Here I have the text column set to the 3rd column.
Private Sub cboEmpID_Change()
With cboEmpID
If Not IsNull(.Value) Then
lblEmployee.Caption = .List(.ListIndex, 1) & ", " & .List(.ListIndex, 0)
End If
End With
End Sub
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Dim ColumnWidths As String
With Worksheets("Sheet1")
ColumnWidths = .Columns(1).Width & ";" & .Columns(2).Width & ";" & .Columns(3).Width
End With
With cboEmpID
.ColumnHeads = True
.ColumnCount = 3
.ColumnWidths = ColumnWidths
.TextColumn = 3
.ListWidth = Range("Sheet1!A:C").Width
.RowSource = "OFFSET(Sheet1!$A$1,1,0,COUNTA(Sheet1!$A:$A)-1,3)"
End With
End Sub
You need making a cascading dependent Excel drop down list.See

How to find the last value with specific conditions?

Sheet 1 column A has the following values (it has around 3000 records. I’ve given the below sample values). I need to find the last value of a specific text.
Using VBA code
If enter short tex in sheet1.cells(2,2) = SWO , I need the last value in sheet1.cells(2,4)=SWO-03
If I enter sheet1.cells(2,2) = RHT , I need the last value in sheet1.cells(2,4)=RHT-05
If I enter sheet1.cells(2,2) = RVT , I need the last value in sheet1.cells(2,4)=RVT-06
If I enter sheet1.cells(2,2) = SOR , I need the last value in sheet1.cells(2,4)=SOR-07
What would be the VBA code for the above process?
As Skip Intro suggested, there is no need for VBA: in Column B, put a formula like this:
=IF(IF(LEFT(A1,3)=LEFT(A2,3),1,0)=0,RIGHT(TRIM(A:A),2),"") (to get the just the max number):
=IF(IF(LEFT(A1,3)=LEFT(A2,3),1,0)=0,A:A,"") (to get the complete contents of the cell)
Both will show you the highest values. Then you could AutoFilter that column, hiding the blanks and voila :)
will enable you to use SpecialCells in VBA to get a range that you can interrogate for the maximum values in each group, as below:
Sub test()
Dim rng As Range
Dim cell
Range("B1:B" & Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Row).Formula = "=IF(IF(LEFT($A1,3)=LEFT($A2,3),1,0)=0,NA(),"""")"
Set rng = Range(Range("B1:B" & Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Row).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeFormulas, xlErrors).Offset(0, -1).Address)
For Each cell In rng
Debug.Print cell.Address & " =" & cell.Value
MsgBox cell.Address & " =" & cell.Value
End Sub
For more information on the SpecialCells magic tricks, see How to delete multiple rows without a loop in Excel VBA.