Running sequelize init returns error - orm

I have sequelize installed through npm but when I try to run sequelize init, I get bash: sequelize: command not found. What could be the possible issue. I am trying to start a project based on this guide: Angular Project with Sequelize orm and NodeJS

Can you try installing it using
npm install -g sequelize-cli


why must use "npx" to cek version program on npm global?

I have a problem when I use the npm command. why when I use the npm command to check the version program must use npx? it does not work when I don't use npx
For example when I use Vue --version to check cli vue version
vue --version
bash: vue: command not found
npx vue --version
#vue/cli 5.0.6
npx error
Try updating your PATH variable with this command:
export PATH=$PATH:/Users/denis/.npm-global/bin
Updating Node/NPM might help too.

Error while create new react-native project by using expo while running expo init myapp

any helpError downloading and extracting template package: Error: Could not parse JSON returned from "npm pack expo-template-blank-typescript --dry-run".
any help thanks.
while running npm pack expo-template-blank-typescript --dry-run
notice that using nvm node -v16.0.0 , creating angular 11 , reactjs project with no problem , i'm new with react-native
it looks like you're having trouble connecting to npm. if you run npm pack expo-template-blank-typescript --dry-run what happens?
When I wrote npm pack expo-template-blank-typescript --dry-run in my vscode terminal
it shows me this

How to Update Angular Cli

Just to give you some context.
I was running a project and after ng serve I was getting this warning message:
our global Angular CLI version (9.1.4) is greater than your local
version (1.0.0). The local Angular CLI version is used.
I googled and figured out I should update angular cli with the following command.
npm install --save -dev #angular/cli#latest
After that I am getting the following error when trying to build the project:
The build command requires to be run in an Angular project, but a project definition could not be found
Any help will be much appreciated.
After reading some issues reported on the GitHub repository, I found the solution.
In order to update the angular-cli package installed globally in your system, you need to run:
npm uninstall -g angular-cli
npm install -g #angular/cli#latest
Depending on your system, you may need to prefix the above commands with sudo.
Also, most likely you want to also update your local project version, because inside your project directory it will be selected with higher priority than the global one:
rm -rf node_modules
npm uninstall --save-dev angular-cli
npm install --save-dev #angular/cli#latest
npm install
After updating your CLI, you probably want to update your angular version too
Note: if you are updating to Angular CLI 6+ from an older version, you might need to read this
Edit: In addition, if you were still on a 1.x version of the cli, you need to convert your angular-cli.json to angular.json, which you can do with the following command:
ng update #angular/cli --from=1.7.4 --migrate-only
check here for more details.

Vue-cli 3: "command failed: npm install --loglevel error"

Every time I try to create a new project (vue create my-project), I get this error:
ERROR : command failed: npm install --loglevel error
I'm on PC / Windows 10, Vue-cli 3.2.1, Node 8.11.3, Npm 5.6.0.
Babel, ESLint & Prettier, SASS, Vue router, Vuex
From the log:
2736 silly saveTree `-- vuex#3.0.1
2737 warn ajv-keywords#2.1.1 requires a peer of ajv#^5.0.0 but none is
installed. You must install peer dependencies yourself.
2738 verbose stack Error: EINVAL: invalid argument, read
Any idea what that means and how to solve it?
EDIT: I figured out that excluding any lint feature makes the problem disappear. So the question becomes: how can I still use linting and make it work?
npm cache clean --force
If it doesn't work then manually delete %appdata%\npm-cache folder. Then try to create the project again.
Try pointing the npm registry url from 'https' to 'http'
Run following command :
npm config set registry=""
Then try creating vue project :
vue create my-project
It worked for me.
Try :
sudo npm cache clean -f
npm update
npm update -g #vue/cli
vue create vue-first-app
I've tried everything above but still the error kept occuring. Finally I upgraded my npm version and node version, both to the latest ones and it worked.
Try using 'Dart-Sass' instead of using 'Node-Sass'. This will create your Vue project without any errors.
I am using "vue-cli 3.0.0-rc.1", I solve the problems by setting the ~/.vuerc from "useTaobaoRegistry": true, to false. Hope it help to you!!
The reason behind the error is , u are having an outdated version of node js. Try to reinstall node js and the probelm will get fixed("dont forget to uninstall and clear all the node js file before re-installing ")
I am using vue-cli 3.7.0-rc.1, I solve the problems by editing the ~/.vuerc from "useTaobaoRegistry": false to true.
Hope it works for you!
change permission by using the cli
npm config set unsafe-perm true
The problem is on the CLI
npm cache clean --force
%appdata%\npm-cache Just run on the "Run" Then Delete all the files
npm install -g #vue/cli
Just use npm 6 or greater
vue create projectName
problem solved 100% work for me
If you run into this issue on a Mac or Linux machine, you may simply need to sudo.
sudo vue create my-project
If you run into it on Windows, you may resolve the issue by running the terminal as admin.
I had the same issue. You have to use the command vue config --set useTaobaoRegistry false. After that it worked for me.
I had same issue when i was installing vue-cli with npx .... tried all the solutions from google.. nothing worked for me ..
so then i moved to install vue-cli with yarn package manager
thats when i figured out the issue ..
my issue was basically my node version which was 8.x.x but yarn was expecting 10.x.x
with nvm i have installed latest node which is 16.x.x
then tried installing vue-cli with yarn ..
it worked like charm!!!!
base language
Sass: Ruby
Stylus: JavaScript
Take out sass and use stylus. It will work.
I had the same issue using Ubuntu 20.04 OS. I used the command
npm install --loglevel error --legacy-peer-deps
and it worked for me.
Likely issue is your proxy settings:
I was having this issue recur intermittently and in the end I found out it was being caused by network proxy issues. See this article on how run npm behind a proxy server

Truffle command not found after installation

I installed truffle through npm with the following:
sudo npm install -g truffle
but when I run truffle list on the console it just gives me
bash: truffle: command not found
I had a similar problem. I ran npm i -g truffle and then when I tried to run truffle init I got an error: zsh: command not found: truffle. What solved it for me is to create a local node_modules with truffle installed in it, and then run that copy.
run npm init and make a new npm project
run npm i truffle
run ./node_modules/.bin/truffle init and it should work!
Please make sure you have the latest version of npm and node installed. I had the same issue, I updated npm and node to latest version and it worked.
npm install -g truffle works.
After installing truffle:
npm install -g truffle
Run on your project folder:
npx truffle init
I did it on a Virtual box and had the same issue, but it worked after I restarted the computer. Hopefully that works for you too
You should add the following to your path system variable.
(This folder contains the truffle.cmd file)
I have tried and it works.
I tried everything. Followed the instruction on official truffle website and above answers.
Still it didn't seem to worked.
Finally, this worked for me.
Go to C:\Users\Username\AppData\Roaming\npm
There you will find truffle.cmd Double click on it and your done.
npm i truffle does the exact same thing as npm install -g truffle except that installs it globally, and without -g it will be installed on the local folder. Try to update the npm, node, and probably you have a broken node installation from previous versions.
Using npm install -g truffle worked for me instead of npm i truffle
Nothing above worked for me, but I did:
nix truffle unbox react
truffle develop
atom . //opens up the react file project in the atom platform
Try to start with your command like
npx truffle <your command>
You should add C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Roaming\npm (it contains truffle.cmd file) to the path user variables. I have tried and it works
If you have a custom path for your packages, then make sure that you are exporting it when the terminal loads.
For bash:
nano ~/.profile
For zsh:
nano ~./zshrc
And add your custom path, most of the time this will be "npm-global".
export PATH=~/.npm-global/bin:$PATH
These are two simple steps the properly solve this problem for Linux Users:
1- Configure npm to install software globally in your home directory as follows :
mkdir ~/.npm-global
npm config set prefix '~/.npm-global'
2- If you are using bash, then execute the following:
echo -n "export PATH=~/.npm-global/bin:$PATH" >> ~/.profile
However, if you are using zsh instead, then execute the following command:
echo -n "export PATH=~/.npm-global/bin:$PATH" >> ~/.zshrc
Note that, if you are using both bash and zsh, it is better to execute the two commands above.