ldapsearch with username and password - ldap

Here is my LDAP ORG Structure:
I created user with first, last name with password. But it is not working when am trying to connect using jdbc. Error says invalid credentials. Then I tried ldapsearch as follows:
I followed this process for users and group creation:
root#ip:/home# ldapwhoami
SASL/DIGEST-MD5 authentication started
Please enter your password:
ldap_sasl_interactive_bind_s: Invalid credentials (49)
additional info: SASL(-13): user not found: no secret in database
root#ip:/# ldapsearch -x -LLL -h ip -D username -w password -b"cn=admin,dc=ivhdev,dc=local" -s sub "(objectClass=*)" "givenName=username*"
ldap_bind: Invalid DN syntax (34)
additional info: invalid DN
Please suggest/correct me, if am passing the right info in DN syntax. I am unable to validate the user credentials with their name and password.

The -D option takes the DN for logging in to your LDAP server.
The -b option takes the search base in your LDAP tree where you want to search for the user's given name.
So, your ldapsearch command becomes:
ldapsearch -x -LLL -h ip -D 'cn=admin,dc=ivhdev,dc=local' -w password -b 'dc=users,dc=local' -s sub '(objectClass=*)' 'givenName=username*'

If you use the Apache Directory Studio (http://directory.apache.org/studio/) you can see the actual ldapsearch commands used by the application. Maybe this is useful for anyone.


Google Secure LDAP credentials not working

I'm trying to get a simple ldapsearch query working against Google Secure LDAP without using client certificate. I'm using Ubuntu 22.04 ldap-utils.
Am I doing something obviously wrong with my query below? Assume username generated by Google is LDAPUser1 and password is RAND123 and my domain is example.com:
ldapsearch -D "LDAPUser1" -w RAND123 -b "ou=Users,dc=example,dc=com" -H ldaps://ldap.google.com:636
Whenever I run it, I get the following error:
ldap_bind: Invalid credentials (49)
additional info: Incorrect password
I've copied the username and password verbatum from the Google Secure LDAP "Access Credentials" section. It's directly below the "Certificates" section.

Google Secure LDAP (from Cloud Identity) returning wrong user DN

We have a Google G suite with multiple domains and users with email addresses not always having the primary domain extension.
When ldap searching the Secure LDAP environment for a user with a non primary domain we get the wrong user DN back.
LDAPTLS_CERT=ldap-client.crt LDAPTLS_KEY=ldap-client.key ldapsearch -H ldaps://ldap.google.com -b dc=example,dc=com '(mail=user#company.nl)'
returns dn: uid=user,ou=Users,dc=example,dc=com
where it should return dn: uid=user,dc=company,dc=nl
But with this wrong DN the next step in my radius authentication (because that's where we are using this for) fails:
LDAPTLS_CERT=ldap-client.crt LDAPTLS_KEY=ldap-client.key ldapsearch -W -D uid=user,ou=Users,dc=example,dc=com -H ldaps://ldap.google.com -b dc=example,dc=com '(mail=user#company.nl)' with a
ldap_bind: Invalid credentials (49)
additional info: Incorrect password
which makes sense because LDAP cannot find the user.
whereas as binding with the right DN succeeds:
LDAPTLS_CERT=ldap-client.crt LDAPTLS_KEY=ldap-client.key ldapsearch -W -D uid=user,ou=Users,dc=company,dc=nl -H ldaps://ldap.google.com -b dc=example,dc=com '(mail=user#company.nl)'
If I query for the user with the corresponding base_dn from the user's email address the returned DN is ok, but I cannot dynamically adjust the based_dn depending on the users email address, I think, in freeradius
I’m not sure if this a problem of the google LDAP servers or a problem with the LDAP protocol or a problem with the way I/radius queries LDAP.
I'm thinking to implement scripting authentication in the authorize section and implement my own ldapsearch + bind , but I hope there's a better solution.
Thanks. Wessel
Try with ldaps://ldap.google.com:636.
We found unless the port is defined it does not work.
We also noticed that not all fields can be searched, i.e uidNumber.

ldap_simple_bind: Invalid credentials

I'm trying a ldapsearch.
The user is "domain\user" and the connection and bind is successfull with ApacheDirectoryStudio (see image), however I don't understand how to use the -D parameter in ldapsearch (maybe the problem is the bachslash ?).
I've tried with:
ldapsearch -h IT.xxxx.COM -D "CN=domain\user,DC=it,DC=xxxx,DC=com" -w Password -b base 'objectClass=*'
but I get the error:
ldap_simple_bind: Invalid credentials --- 80090308: LdapErr:
DSID-0C090400, comment: AcceptSecurityContext error, data 52e
Thanks for help.
For connecting to AD over LDAP, you either specify the LDAP DN (e.g. CN=user,DC=domain) or the AD UPN (e.g. user#domain).
In your case, remove the domain from the LDAP DN:
ldapsearch -h IT.xxxx.COM -D "CN=user,DC=it,DC=xxxx,DC=com" -w Password -b base 'objectClass=*'
The domain is already represented by DC=it,DC=xxxx,DC=com.

LDAP: Find the DistinguishedName (DN) from the userPrincipalName (UPN) in AD with openldap

I'm trying to get ldapwhoami (OpenLDAP on linux) to report the DN when I bind to an AD server with a UPN. All I can seem to get back is the domain and the user. I would use ldapsearch, but I don't know the base (-b option) to start from. Any help is appreciated. Thanks!
$ ldapwhoami -D "userX#Example.com" -w "xyz" -p 389 -h xx.xx.xx.xx

How to find whether ldap server is up and running?

I have currently installed OID (Oracle Internet Directory) and created some roles and users in them. I intend to access them using LDAP commands.
$ldapbind -p <port_number> -h <ip> -D "cn=orcladmin"
bind sucessful
$ ldapsearch -h <port_number> -p <ip> "dc=<name>"
ldap_search: Inappropriate authentication
ldap_search: additional info: Server is Configured to Deny Anonymous Binds
Is there something I am missing ?
On your ldapsearch command, add the -D "cn=orcladmin" for who you are binding as, -w "Password" or -W to prompt at run time. Probably you want a -b "ou=Base,dc=DNtoSearch" and then your filter as you have it.
You need to bind each time.