Initializing EmbeddableDocumentStore fails - ravendb

RavenDB 3.5.3 (Client, Database and Embedded)

You can safely ignore this. It is a debug only warning that has no impact and has to do with some calling convention issue


Velocity Warnings about "deprecated keys" that I don't even use

During webapp startup on Weblogic, I'm getting the following warnings in my console about variables that have been deprecated. I'm not using any of these 4 variables.
There were several other warnings from properties that I did have in my Configuration File (upgrading from 1.7 to 2.3), so I updated those and no longer get the warnings about them.
But these 4 are a mystery to me.
org.apache.velocity.util.DeprecationAwareExtProperties warnDeprecated
WARNING: configuration key 'resource.loader' has been deprecated in
favor of 'resource.loaders'
org.apache.velocity.util.DeprecationAwareExtProperties warnDeprecated
WARNING: configuration key 'webapp.resource.loader.class' has been
deprecated in favor of 'resource.loader.webapp.class'
org.apache.velocity.util.DeprecationAwareExtProperties warnDeprecated
WARNING: configuration key 'string.resource.loader.class' has been
deprecated in favor of 'resource.loader.string.class'
org.apache.velocity.util.DeprecationAwareExtProperties warnDeprecated
WARNING: configuration key 'runtime.introspector.uberspect' has been
deprecated in favor of 'introspector.uberspect.class'
How do I get rid of these warnings considering I'm not even using these 4 properties?
The warnings do show up because the file containing the default properties for Velocity Tools View, packaged within the velocity-tools-view jar, still uses the old syntax to be compatible with older engines.
It's possible to override configure() or getProperties() in a custom VelocityView class, but maybe not worth the effort. They can safely be ignored.

IntelliJ issues error for 'false' value in yaml

Whenever in .yml file that I have a false property value I am getting a inspection error from IntelliJ. This happened only recently, I am using IntelliJ 2019.3.5
Invalid value 'false', must be one of off|on|true|true
Inspection info: Checks Spring Boot application .yaml configuration files. Highlights unresolved and deprecated configuration keys and invalid values.
The application runs fine but I'd like to know what causes this and if I should turn the inspection off.
Please always try the latest available product version before reporting bugs.
The issue seems to be fixed and not reproducible in the current IDE release.
The better place to report IntelliJ IDEA bugs would be YouTrack.

Icinga2 object ApiUser is unknown

I need help understanding an error why I'm seeing an error.
The feature api is already enabled with the correct ApiListener object, and Api logs are being updated in /var/lib/icinga2/api/log/current .
But I'm getting this error when I restart icinga2:
Error: Error while evaluating expression: The type 'ApiUser' is unknown: in /etc/icinga2/conf.d/api-users.conf: 1:0-1:20
I'm running version r2.3.10-1 of Icinga2 on Ubuntu.
Can someone explain what the problem is?
You are probably mixing the current snapshot packages with the released stable versions. The 'ApiUser' object is part of the upcoming Icinga 2 v2.4 release and only available in git master (and therefore snapshot packages as well as docs). The stable 2.3.x tree does not have that kind of configuration object type and therefore bails out with an error.
Remove that file or its content, you don't need it for 2.3.x.

Worklight 5.0.5: Loader constraint violation when running Application Builder

during "Build All and Deploy" of a worklight application, I get the following error.
An internal error occurred during: "Worklight application builder".
loader constraint violation: when resolving method ";Lorg/apache/commons/io/filefilter/IOFileFilter;Lorg/apache/commons/io/filefilter/IOFileFilter;)Ljava/util/Iterator;"
the class loader (instance of org/eclipse/osgi/internal/baseadaptor/DefaultClassLoader)
of the current class, com/worklight/builder/skins/impl/SkinBuilderImpl,
and the class loader (instance of org/eclipse/osgi/internal/baseadaptor/DefaultClassLoader)
for resolved class, org/apache/commons/io/FileUtils,
have different Class objects for the type leUtils.iterateFiles(Ljava/io/File;Lorg/apache/commons/io/filefilter/IOFileFilter;Lorg/apache/commons/io/filefilter/IOFileFilter;)Ljava/util/Iterator;
used in the signature
Console output is
[2013-03-26 15:30:13] Worklight Server started successfully on localhost:8080
[2013-03-26 15:30:13] Activating Worklight project: AA...
[2013-03-26 15:30:28] FWLSE3005I: Application raw reports are disabled.
[2013-03-26 15:30:28] FWLST0010I: ====== Started server for project AA-project-customization; Worklight version=
[2013-03-26 15:30:28] Activation done.
[2013-03-26 15:30:28] Starting build process: application 'ap', all environments
I believe this bug is also discussed in (read only)
For me it seems that this bug is pretty well reproducable.
It occurs every time another plugin is installed which contains/uses the package
In my case I have an org.apache.commons.io_2.0.1.v201105210651.jar in my plugins folder (which was delivered by Sonar 2.4.0). It contains the same java classes as plugins\com.worklight.worklight-3rd-parties_5.0.5.20130115-0926\target\dependency.
This is also a matter of ordering, as the error only occurs if Worklight is installed AFTER another package was installed.
So I strongly believe that the problem is because there are different classes with the same (package) name (WHY ??)
I thought about setting classloader preferences (parent first etc). but I don´t know how and I don´t know where to set.
Just deleting the 3rd parties .jar´s only leads to other errors ...
Any hints are greatly appreciated.
Thank you very much !
As a workaround, can you try and delete the plugin from your eclipse?
Hopefully, Sonar is using import-package and not require-bundle, and it will work, and this way Worklight won't have conflicts.

Dependency not resolved while creating OSGI bundle having selenium web driver

I am trying to create an OSGI bundle having selenium firefox web driver. I used the same dependency in maven project and it all worked fine. But when i am creating bundle, compilation gives no issues. But on installing bundle, there are some internal dependencies which can not be resolved. There is a property in maven bundle plugin
embed-transitivy. I set it to true which solves almost all the internal dependencies of firefox-webdriver. Still some could not be resolved.
net.sf.cglib.asm.util -- Cannot be resolved
org.apache.avalon.framework.logger -- Cannot be resolved
org.apache.log -- Cannot be resolved
org.apache.log4j from log4j.over.slf4j (4) -- Cannot be resolved -- Cannot be resolved
org.codehaus.aspectwerkz.hook -- Cannot be resolved
sun.misc -- Cannot be resolved
Moreover, when I am searching for net.sf.cglib.asm.util in cglib-nodep.2.1_3.jar there is no such class. Internally firefox-driver using cglib-nodep.2.1_3.jar. I guess there is some problem with the version 2.1_3. I dont know How OSGI resolves this version name.
Can somebody please figure out what could be an issue. and where do I find the class net.sf.cglib.asm.util ?
PS: I am using 2.25.0 version of firefox-driver which internally depends upon cglib and fetches 2.1_3 version of it.
There is a different problem all together I think. You might like to have a look at this.
There is the same problem you have faced. So read that. It might help.
Sounds like you are facing the problem described here and here