How to open and run React-Native app? - npm

I'm new to React and React-Native I'm trying to open a React-native app I cloned from github. I've done a npm install and I did a npm start in the command line. It says: "Running Packager on port 8081" and then a bunch of other builds beneath it. I tried going to local host 8081 and 8081/hot but I can't see the app. Does anyone know how to run and test an react-native app on the browser?

follow the below step
1) Go to project directory
after use this CLI
2) react-native run-android
it can run only either emulator or real device so we can first start the emulator after the try above command
more details see this doc
Inside your project directory for bundle js.
3) react-native start
3) react-native start --reset-cache

After installing packages,
open src folder--->open in terminal
--->$ npm start

react-native run-ios --simulator="iPhone 5s"

If you have an installation with android and ios folders, you should run yarn android or yarn ios.


How to run react-native app on Android emulator (or a physical device) in Android Studio?

I'm trying to run my react native app on either an Android Studio emulator or my physical device. I've followed the instructions at under the React Native CLI Quickstart tab, and initialised the 'AwesomeProject' app from that page, but I'm finding the instructions unclear. For instance it says do the following on the command line: npx react-native start which starts up a process of some sort. Then it says to enter: npx react-native run-android, but the command line is blocked by the previous process. If I try the latter either in another command prompt or without first running the former command, I get an error Unrecognized command "run-android". I should say I have an emulator running from Android Studio before doing all this.
So failing getting it running via the react-native CLI, how do I get it running from within just Android Studio? I've never used Android Studio before, so I have no idea what the process is. Googling hasn't helped either. But as I said, I have managed to get an emulator installed and running.
Any help getting this going either via react-native CLI or from within Android Studio would be greatly appreciated.
edit: I've found how to run my app in Studio, but it pops up an 'Edit configuration' dialogue and says there's no Module selected. But in the module dropdown box there's nothing to select.
You can try following the below steps:
Make sure that you have 2 environment variables set in your system.
ADB variable which is set to the path of "platform-tools" in your system like below:
ANDROID_HOME variable set to SDK path, where android was installed.
Now execute below commands in command prompt and start you emulator or connect your phone which has development settings ON before this:
Open your command prompt in admin mode.
Delete node_modules folder
Execute: npm install
Execute: npm install -g react-native && npm install -g #react-native-community/cli
Execute: npx react-native init
Go to android folder in your react-native project and execute: npx gradlew clean
Come back to main folder and execute: adb reverse tcp:8083 tcp:8083. (You need to check the status of your connected devices by executing adb devices. It will show you the connected devices.)
You also need to make sure that your index.bundle is created. If not than you may create it by executing: npx react-native bundle --platform android --entry-file index.js --bundle-output android/app/src/main/assets/ --dev false --reset-cache --assets-dest android/app/src/main/res/
Finally execute: npx react-native run-android --port=8083

Can't open React Native project

I have a problem with RN. I'm a newbie in RN, but I know a little bit of React.
So I tried to clone and open this project:
But I couldn't. I tried putting expo and running the project on an Android emulator, but even after I tried installing and uninstalling multiple packages, I always get some error. I also tried with npx react-native run-android but it doesn't work (in the folder with the project, not the base).
Could please someone tell me how to make this project work on my local machine and maybe even upgrade it to the newest RN?
you have to navigate to your project
follow the steps
i am assuming your project on Desktop
launch terminal and write
cd Desktop/RNStoreLocatorExample
if you have IOS platform
npm install
cd ios
pod init
pod install
cd ..
react-native run-ios
or if you have android
react-native run-android
Hope it will work

"react-native eject": Unrecognized command "eject"

I am trying to recreate ios and android folders for my react-native project. As far as I know this is done with the command:
react-native eject
But I get the error:
error Unrecognized command "eject".
I am doing something wrong? How should I recreate android and ios folders?
react-native-cli: 2.0.1
npm i react-native-eject
npm i #react-native-community/cli
react-native eject
will generate the both android and ios folder
It did work in 0.59.9. This threw me too this morning after I upgraded to 0.60. Apparently you now have to run react-native upgrade --legacy true. react-native eject was much easier IMHO.
yarn add react-native-eject
react-native eject
This two-line of code solved my problem with the eject error.
Nikita is 100% correct. If the project was initialized in expo running react native eject will "eject" the project from the expo dependencies (and expo environment) and create a standalone react native project outside the expo environment. This typically adjusts the dependencies in the pakage.json file.
The command exists as a part of expo.
To initialize a project from scratch react-native init will create android and ios folders. Also ensure if you have cloned the directory to run either npm install or yarn to install the dependencies.
If the project was initialized the way I imagine yours was the commmand you are looking for would be one of the following:
react-native run ios or react-native run ios --device
react-native run android or react-native run android --device
For RN projects, which are initiated by react-native init there is no such command, by default RN is using metro bundler instead of web-version of React, where you can configure Parcel/Webpack/Rollup or run create-react-app where actually you can eject.
This question is suitable for expo where you can actually eject, if you need some native modules that are not included in expo.
Try to use expo
react-native eject and upgrade --legacy true aren't working for me.
In the end, I just created a new blank RN project and this had an ios folder. Copied the folder over to my existing project and ... seems to work.
Run npm i react-native-eject
Run npm i #react-native-community/cli --force
Note: use npx instead of npm
npx react-native eject
cd android
./gradlew.bat installDebug
npm run android

The development server returned response error code: 500 in basic application in react native

I am Android Developer, I am new to react native development. For this, I followed bellow React Native Document
I did the following steps
1, I have installed node
2, I Have already installed JDK
3, I have installed Android studio
4, set the ANDROID_HOME path in environment variables
And in command prompt, I did run the following commands
npm install -g react-native-cli
Then create a new application, for this
react-native init AwesomeProject
Then successfully created the application, then go to that folder and run the application.
cd AwesomeProject
react-native run-android
Then getting the following error
And this is the node js error
So please help me, Thanks In Advance.
Try to follow the workarounds here :
Kill the bundler process, delete your modules folder, run npm install, rm -rf $TMPDIR/metro-cache-*, also rebuild your android project.
If this doesn't work, you can as well try to create your app using create-react-app toolchain which should be working fine : .
This is a bug within Windows environment for React Native 0.56 you may need to upgrade/downgrade your React Native version. I encountered it, made even worse when I tried to use Typescript.
What I would is run a new project using the latest version 0.57 and just build, if it doesn't build straight away - then use 0.55 until the issue is resolved.
Try this solution, it was worked for me.
Steps to create New React Native project:
react-native init projectName (ProjectName: eg.HelloWorld)
cd HelloWorld
npm start
Open another node command prompt and goto the project path and then run your project with below given command.
react-native run-android
I think you missed 3rd step i.e to start npm.
And if you are again getting same error, follow these steps:
rm -rf node_modules && npm install
rm -rf /tmp/metro-bundler-cache-*
rm -rf /tmp/haste-map-react-native-packager-*
react-native run-android

react-native run-android not working on ubuntu 16.04

i have a problem with react native in ubuntu, i have installed,
java jdk 8 (both javac --version) as well as echo $JAVA_HOME gives the proper output.
I have also installed android studio and set the android environment variables as well as the tools and echo $ANDROID_HOME gives output of the sdk location.
I have also installed gradle version 4.4.
I am unable to start the android app using react-native run-android. can any one let me know if i have missed something during installation.
And react-native as well as android studio works fine as I am currently using react-native start to start the metro builder as well as the other react-native cli commands. also android studio and gradle is also able to generate debug as well as release apks with no problems.
The error i get,
Scanning folders for symlinks in /home/igate-naveed/Documents/ReactNative/mobile-app-android/node_modules (16ms)
Starting JS server...
Building and installing the app on the device (cd android && ./gradlew installDebug)...
Could not install the app on the device, read the error above for details.
Make sure you have an Android emulator running or a device connected and have
set up your Android development environment:
First of all you need to create a project like this:
react-native init myProjectName
Then, start an emulator from Android Studio... Afterwards:
npm install && npm start
in your project directory, and from another terminal, inside your project directory, run :
react-native run-android
Is this working?
Instead of using the npm install manager, I used yarn and it worked for me. In your project directory, just do:
(project-directory)$ yarn
Update the gradle version.
Create new project:
react-native init projectname
Uninstall the npm pack.
Reinstall the npm pack again.
npm start
react-native start
react-native run-android