HIVE. SQL. Calculating time difference between string - sql

I have data about users showing up online. In my query I need to select only those between 13:00:00 and 14:00:00.
The data rows about time look like:
170214074534 where it is YYMMDDHHMMSS - 14 February 2017, 07:45:34
Can you help me with the query part please?
I think it should be easier to find a way without converting it to timedate format. Another way seems to be to ignore first 6 symbols and select data between 130000 and 135959.

You can use string functions for this:
where substr(col, 7, 2) = '13'
I would also suggest that you fix your data format. That is an arcane way of storing date/time values.


SQL Server Not Casting String YYYYMMdd to Date

I have a query that was working fine before a server migration and now is not working. I'm trying to convert all dates to a specific month and year, but I keep getting this error:
Conversion failed when converting date and/or time from character string.
Looking into the data, there are no null values in InputDate, which is a date data type column. When I run the Concat() function everything is formatted as 'YYYYMMdd', yet both CAST and CONVERT fail with the same error.
Is there an issue with my query that I'm not seeing?
DATEADD(day,2,CAST(CONCAT('2023','02',FORMAT(InputDate,'dd')) AS date)) AS MovedDate
FROM a_table_
I expect the issue is you have date values near the end of their months, and you're trying to compose the equivalent values for February, which is shorter.
So if you have an InputDate value of, say, 2022-12-31 and run the code in the question, it will extract the 31 and concat it with the other values, and you'll end up trying to do this:
CAST('20230231' as Date)
Of course, there is no such date.
As it is, it's not clear whether you want such an input to map to February 28 or March 3. To fix this, you'll need to rethink the problem so you only try to map to valid dates, and ensure the final result is more clearly defined. This is one of the many reasons it's almost always better to use Date/time functions instead of composing dates from strings.

Convert String into Date Google Big Query

I am trying to convert the String "181201" into a Date field in Google Big Query using standard SQL.
Ex. 181201 -> 2018-12-01
I have tried to use the following which worked because the original date I inputted had the entire year spelt out as "2018". However, I do not have the entire year written out in my data set.
SELECT PARSE_DATE('%YY%m%d', '20181201') AS DATE
How can I update my query to use only yymmdd to give me yyyy-mm-dd?
SELECT SAFE.PARSE_DATE('%y%m%d', '181201')

How to compare two date values in Oracle based on the date and time

I'm working in an aviation environment where I have to compare two values. The OEM in all its wisdom has stored all datetime values in char. The values to compare are called, say, aibt and sibt
As part of the where clause I need to check if aibt is greater than sibt. So this is what I did :
To_Date(aibt,'YYYYMMDDHH24MISS') > To_Date(sibt,'YYYYMMDDHH24MISS')
When applying to_date, the original char values are converted to : 25.12.2013 12:54:00
But I get the following error :
ORA-01841: (full) year must be between -4713 and +9999, and not be 0
You obviously have some data that can not be converted with TO_DATE to a proper date. Feel free to berate your OEM for not defining constraints or otherwise prevent this from happening.
While he gets around to fix his problems, you can use this as a workaround:
WHERE aibt > sibt
Seems like an error in your data. Try this first:
Select to_date(aibt,'YYYYMMDDHH24MISS') from your_table
Select to_date(sibt,'YYYYMMDDHH24MISS') from your_table
to check if you have some incorrect data in your columns.
When you identified your problematic data in your column, you could find the data that is messing this up with somethin like this:
select *
from yourtable
where not regexp_like(aibdt, '^[[:digit:]]+$')
OR length(aibdt)<4 OR
There was some problem in the data. Also thanks Twinkles for your contribution. I hadnt thought of that. Can anyone explain how comparing two char values work?
I got the answer (what I'd really required) in another post Oracle: how to add minutes to a timestamp? which I used for constructing the comparison :
Thanks everyone!

How to use between clause for getting data between two dates?

I have date field in the database in the format 2012-03-17 19:50:08.023.
I want to create a select query which gives me the data collected in the March month.
But I am not able to achieve this.
I am trying following query.
select * from OrderHeader where
Convert(varchar,UploadDt,103) between '01/03/2013' and '31/03/2013'
and DistUserUniqueID like '6361%'
This query gives me data for all the dates.
select * from OrderHeader where
UploadDt between '01/03/2013' and '31/03/2013' and DistUserUniqueID like '6361%'
This query gives me the error as Msg 242, Level 16, State 3, Line 1
The conversion of a varchar data type to a datetime data type resulted in an out-of-range value.
Please help me resolve this.
Thanks in advance
The first query returns all dates because you are converting your column to a string. Not sure why you are doing this. So when you say BETWEEN '01/anything' AND '31/anything', when you consider it is now just a string, that is going to match all "dates" in the column, regardless of month and year, since your WHERE clause will cover every single day possible (well, with the exception of the 31st of months other than March, and the first day in January and February - so not all the data but a very large percentage). '15/11/2026', for example, is BETWEEN '01\03\2013' AND '31/03/2013'.
Think about that for a second. You have datetime data in your database, and you want to convert it to a string before you query it. Would you also convert salary to a string before comparing it? If so, the person making $70,000 will look like they are making more than the person making $690,000, since character-based sorting starts at the first character and doesn't consider length.
The second query fails because you are using a regional, ambiguous format for your dates. You may like dd/mm/yyyy but clearly your server is based on US English formatting where mm/dd/yyyy is expected.
The solution is to use a proper, unambiguous format, such as YYYYMMDD.
BETWEEN '20130301' AND '20130313'
However you shouldn't use BETWEEN - since this is a DATETIME column you should be using:
WHERE UploadDt >= '20130301'
AND UploadDt < '20130401'
(Otherwise you will miss any data from 2013-03-31 00:00:00.001 through 2013-03-31 23:59:59.997.)
If you really like BETWEEN then on 2008+ (you didn't tell us your version) you can use:
WHERE CONVERT(DATE, UploadDt) BETWEEN '20130301' AND '20130331'
More date-related tips here:
Dating Responsibly
Finally, when converting to VARCHAR (or any variable-length data types), always specify a length.
Rewrite the query as
select * from OrderHeader where
UploadDt between '01/03/2013' and '01/04/2013'
and DistUserUniqueID like '6361%'
select * from OrderHeader where
UploadDt between Convert(datetime,'01/03/2013', 103) and Convert(datetime,'01/04/2013',103)
and DistUserUniqueID like '6361%'

SQL query to convert Date to another format

Thanks for your help. I am not able to make out the type/format of the "Value" in a Date column.I guess its in Julian Date format.
The Column is paid_month and the values are below.
So,please help in writing SQL query to convert the above values(Mostly in Julian Format) in the Date Column to normal date (MM/DD/YYYY) .
I am sorry for missing in giving the whole information.
1)Its a Oracle Database.
2)The column given is Paid_Month with values 200901,200902
3)I am also confused that the above value gives month & year.Day isnt given if my guess is right.
4)If its not in Julian format ,then also please help me the SQL to get at least mm/yyyy
I am using a Oracle DB and running the query
**Now,i have to do the reverse meaning converting a date 01/09/2010 to a String which has 6 digits.
Pls help with syntax-
select to_char(01/01/2010,**
It looks like YYYYMM - depending on your database variant, try STR_TO_DATE(paid_month, 'YYYYMM'), then format that.
Note: MM/DD/YYYY is not "normal" format - only Americans use it. The rest of the world uses DD/MM/YYYY
For MySQL check
For MySQL, you would use the STR_TO_DATE function, see
SELECT STR_TO_DATE(paid_month,'%Y%m');
Sounds like the column contains some normal dates and some YYYYMM dates. If the goal is to update the entire column, you can attempt to isolate the YYYYMM dates and update only those. Something like:
UPDATE YourTable
SET paid_month = DATE_FORMAT(STR_TO_DATE(paid_month, '%Y%m'), '%m/%d/%Y')
WHERE LENGTH(paid_month) = 6
SELECT (paid_month % 100) + "/01/" + (paid_month/100) AS paid_day
FROM tbl;
I'm not sure about how oracle concatenates strings. Often, you see || in SQL:
SELECT foo || bar FROM ...
or functions:
SELECT cat (foo, bar) FROM ...