APEX 5 error - numeric or value error: character string buffer too small - oracle-apex-5

I work on APEX 5 application and have IR displaying numeric values for 31 days of month (there are 31 columns). I need every column to be link to another modal page. I set every column as Link but when page loads, get error
numeric or value error: character string buffer too small.
If I leave only 25 columns to be Link and rest of them to be Plain Text, it works fine. But if I change 26. column to be link, get an error.
What is the problem?


Power BI- Add leading zeros to number column that contain letters

I am using a table from an excel file which has a TEXT column "Service Code".
When I upload the data into Power BI, it automatically changes the field type to number and removes leading zeros. For Example, "000230" becomes "230", and "010000" becomes "10000". I created a custom column and used = Number.ToText([#"Service Code"],"000000). This worked as all values in the column are 6 digits long, however, a few of them have a letter at the end which is causing error. For example,10014A or 10017Z. Is there a way to do this without causing error?
Service Code
Desired output
I used the "Custom Column from Examples" feature in PowerQuery and typed in the first two required values.
It created this formula:
Text.PadStart(Text.From([orig], "en-US"), 6, "0")

Openrefine convert number to date

I am using Version 3.4.1 [437dc4d] of OpenRefine and a column that keeps numbers like 1986 which is a year. I am trying to convert them to year by clicking Edit cells -> Common transform -> to date , however I get Text transform on 0 cells in column first_appeared: value.toDate() what do I have to do to convert them to date? I see that the error is Error: Unable to parse as date
I used Open Refine 3.4.1 to reconstruct the situation.
That's what I did
Create Project, paste in two year values via clipboard into Open Refine evironment and press Next
The data from clipboard were classified as line based text automatically.
For this demo usecase it's fine. But datatype can be also different.
Press Create Project
Prepare edit cells for the column
Execute edit cells
Open Refine was executing this function: value.toDate(). It was producing a Date format out of the string - that means: it has transformed the 4 digit origin into a date format.
A valid date object contains more than 4 digits as years - that's the reason why Open Refine did that.

Google Script Sheets API - default number format

It looks like google sheets is making the same mistake as Excel, by "thinking ahead" and converting the value "1.1.1" to 2001.01.01 when doing sheet.appendRow. I have tried to set the number format of the column in charge to "#" (which should be plain text) before inserting rows - but looks ineffective. On the other hand doing the same after inserts is also ineffective, as the content is already "date".
Adding ' before is working, but it is not what I need.
Is there any way to give a default format or to disable such automatic conversion (from google script)?
I have a cell in which a form deposits a variable number of values seperated by a comma such as: " 1, 2, 4, 6 " etc - when there are only three answers, Google "helps" me by converting the value into a date object. But it's supposed to be a list of choices...
It's not pretty, but I've managed a workaround by using .getDisplayValue instead of .getValue - it does change the cell value into a string, so if you need to do further manipulations that are dependent on the value being a number or something, obviously, this fails.
I overwrite the value for the problem cell in my array before passing it to .appendRow
//getting the values
var values = s.getRange(row,1,1,lastCol).getValues()[0];
//brute force crushing of problem value
values[5] = s.getRange(row,6).getDisplayValue();

Changing the title of a column in a PivotTable

I am having trouble changing the title of some columns in a pivot table. I'm trying to make them have dates in them. Each date 6 days further from the last.
Like this
But, I cannot get an equation inside the column title to stay, every time I type in the equation and press enter, it evaluates to either 0 (If the format of the cell is number or general), or 1/0/1990 (If formatted as a date). I checked the value of the cell by =ISTEXT(A1) and it evaluates as true. No matter how I format the cell. So I can never change the title to look like the picture. Any ides?
Here is what I have.
TRUE is the result from ISTEXT()
Even if I manually enter in the formula via the function arguments, it'll show up correct, but when I click ok. It will go back to either 0 or 1/0/1990
Here's the original page
In Excel, dynamic values (formulas) in the header of a table-formatted table are not allowed.
Instead, you can first generate your table header and then format the table as (pivot-)table. You should get a message saying that the header row will be converted in static text (with correct format).

MATCH() function can't locate hours

I've created a Time Sheet for my dog walkers to fill in. They enter TIME STARTED and TIME ENDED for each of their dog walks and then a TOTAL TIME is generated using the =X-Y formula. This TOTAL TIME is formatted to be displayed in hh:mm but its true VALUE is a long integer.
Using the MATCH and INDEX functions, I've set up a formula to match the TOTAL TIME value generated to an index on the "Payment Schedule" sheet and locate the respective payment.
I keep getting errors that state the total time VALUES can't be matched but I know that formatting isn't the issue and the values are clearly on the "Payment Schedule" sheet. And when the MATCH function does return a row it returns the incorrect row, which locates the incorrect payment/rate.
Here is the Google Sheets I'm having trouble with.
Found the answer on another website:
it's floating point rounding error on the time values. I don't fully
understand what's happening, but I was able to reproduce it on my
system, and I found a work-around: Change your formula to
=INDEX(B:B, MATCH($I$4+TIME(0,0,1), A:A)) This adds one second (TIME(0,0,1); the arguments are TIME(hours,minutes,seconds)) to the I4
value; that seems to be enough to get it "over the hump", so that it
tests as being ≥ the value in A4 (or A7 or A10). BTW, I tried
TIME(0,0,0.9), but apparently TIME() won't honor fractional seconds,
and so it just treats that as TIME(0,0,0); i.e., just plain zero. If
you want to get a millisecond, you can use TIME(0,0,1)*0.001.