Expression evaluated to TRUE does not take affect in WHERE clause - cratedb

Take a look at the following three queries. I cannot understand how a condition that evaluates to TRUE will not return rows when attached to where clause. I expect to get User1 in the second query, as the first query shows that the condition evaluates to TRUE.
cr> select full_name, labels, not 'autogenerated' = ANY(labels), not 'autogenerated' = ANY(labels) or labels = [] from testdb_master_core_users;
| full_name | labels | (NOT 'autogenerated' = ANY(labels)) | ((NOT 'autogenerated' = ANY(labels)) OR (labels = [])) |
| User2 Lastname | ["otherlabel"] | TRUE | TRUE |
| User3 Lastname | ["autogenerated"] | FALSE | FALSE |
| User1 Lastname | [] | TRUE | TRUE |
SELECT 3 rows in set (0.003 sec)
cr> select full_name, labels, not 'autogenerated' = ANY(labels) from testdb_master_core_users where not 'autogenerated' = ANY(labels);
| full_name | labels | (NOT 'autogenerated' = ANY(labels)) |
| User2 Lastname | ["otherlabel"] | TRUE |
SELECT 1 row in set (0.002 sec)
cr> select full_name, labels, not 'autogenerated' = ANY(labels) from testdb_master_core_users where not 'autogenerated' = ANY(labels) or labels = [];
| full_name | labels | (NOT 'autogenerated' = ANY(labels)) |
| User2 Lastname | ["otherlabel"] | TRUE |
| User1 Lastname | [] | TRUE |
SELECT 2 rows in set (0.002 sec)

Your expectation is right - the second query should also return User1.
This behaviour is caused by the fact that the expressions in the select are evaluated differently than the one in the where clause. The latter, which utilizes the underlying lucene index, seems to do a wrong conversion of NOT which prevents the empty list from being found.
This issue will be fixed with the upcoming releases 1.0.6 and 1.1.1.


SQL-Retrieve only the Total count of occurences of a specific column [duplicate]

Think I have a table with two fields: ID and State. State value (that is boolean) can be 0 or 1. ID isn't unique so the table looks like this:
ID | State |
1 | true |
1 | false |
2 | false |
3 | true |
1 | true |
Now, I want to count every rows group by ID field and have State as two different columns in resultset. So it should look like this:
ID | TrueState | FalseState |
1 | 2 | 1 |
2 | 0 | 1 |
3 | 1 | 0 |
How to do that?
This is a pivot query, which mysql doesn't support. The workarounds get ugly fast, but since you're only going to be generating two new columns, it won't be horribly ugly, just mildly unpleasant:
SELECT SUM(State = True) AS TrueState, SUM(State = False) AS FalseState,
SUM(State is NULL) AS FileNotFoundState
Basically state = true will evaluate to boolean true/false, which MySQL will type-cast to an integer 0 or 1, which can them be SUM()med up.

How to find if user relation exists on another table

I have a table called users and another table called relationship which has a column of two userId. I want to find an output if the user has a relationship with another user, (for this example, it is a user with userId = 2). If they do have a relationship, I want my output to be true, else false. I am having some trouble and wondering if anyone can help me.
I tried something like this:
CASE WHEN user_one_id = '2' THEN true ELSE false END AS has_user_two
FROM users
LEFT JOIN relationship ON userid = user_two_id;
However, I am getting duplicates...
My Query output that is wrong
userid | has_user_two|
1 | true |
1 | false |
2 | false |
3 | false |
4 | true |
5 | true |
user_one_id| user_two_id
1 | 1
3 | 1
3 | 2
My output should look something like...
userid | has_user_two|
1 | true |
2 | false |
3 | false |
4 | false |
5 | false |
Any help would be appreciated.
SELECT u.userid,
FROM relationship r
WHERE r.user_one_id = 2 AND r.user_two_id = u.userid
) as has_user_two
FROM users u;
Note that you don't need a CASE expression in Postgres. A boolean expression can be -- well -- a boolean column.

SQL Query (Display All 'x' Where 'x' Is Not In Table '2' for field 'y' and has 'z' flag)

I need to return all 'contacts' that do not appear in the 'delegate' table for 'event name' but do have flags in the 'contacts' table that can selected by the user for the search.
I know the query can be broken in to 2 parts.
Are they already attending this event (Does their email appear in 'delegates' table with delegates.event field matching 'event' on the user form)
d.Event <> [Forms]![usf_FindCampaignContacts]![FCC_EventName]
Do they match the criteria (Have they got the HR flag in 'contacts' table)
AND (c.[HR-DEL] = [Forms]![usf_FindCampaignContacts]![FCC_HRD] OR IsNull([Forms]![usf_FindCampaignContacts]![FCC_HRD]));
Based on the 2 things that the query is required to do I have written the following code...
c.[First Name], c.[Last Name], c.Email, d.Event, c.Suppress, c.[HR-DEL]
FROM tbl_Contacts AS c LEFT JOIN tbl_Delegates AS d ON c.Email = d.Email
d.Event <> [Forms]![usf_FindCampaignContacts]![FCC_EventName]
c.Suppress = False
AND (c.[HR-DEL] = [Forms]![usf_FindCampaignContacts]![FCC_HRD] OR IsNull([Forms]![usf_FindCampaignContacts]![FCC_HRD]));
[FCC_HRD] refers to the user selected input on the form, I tried to use a <> to remove matching records but I feel this is where the compile error is so I changed these to and/or statements and this part now returns results with the matching flags (Success)
Other issue with attempting to do it this way is even if it worked it would remove anyone who was listed in the delegates/sponsor table. Which is why I added the <> statement for the Event as it only needs to remove them off the list for the named event. Again this works perfectly well (Success)
Final issue is the results are clearly being pulled from the 'delegates' table not the 'contacts' table as both parts above work but only display the results that match criteria in delegates table not from contacts.
Here is the query/table relationships
Here is the user form (This is not the final design)
Below are the 3 tables that are used in the query (2 direct, 1 linked)
Contacts (c)
| ID | First Name | Last Name | Email | HR-DEL | Suppress |
| 1 | A | Platt | | TRUE | TRUE |
| 2 | D | Farr | | TRUE | FALSE |
| 3 | Y | Helle | | TRUE | FALSE |
| 4 | S | Oliphant | | TRUE | FALSE |
| 5 | J | Bedell-Pearce | | TRUE | FALSE |
| 6 | J | Walker | | FALSE | FALSE |
| 7 | S | Rug | | FALSE | FALSE |
| 8 | D | Brown | | FALSE | FALSE |
| 9 | R | Cooper | | TRUE | FALSE |
| 10 | M | Morrall | | TRUE | FALSE |
Delegates (d)
| ID | Email | Event |
| 1 | | 2 |
| 2 | | 1 |
| 3 | | 4 |
| 4 | | 3 |
| 6 | | 2 |
Events (not direct but used to check event name drop-down on user form vs event number in delegates)
| ID | Event Name |
| 1 | Test 1 |
| 2 | Test 2 |
| 3 | Test 3 |
| 4 | Test 4 |
Based on form selection and this sample data I need to return the following:
All contacts who are flagged 'HR' TRUE, not suppressed or going to event named 'test 2' (Should be 5 - I always return the names of 'delegates' not going to the event only = 3)
Final results should be:
| ID | First Name | Last Name | Email | HR-DEL | Suppress |
| 2 | D | Farr | | TRUE | FALSE |
| 3 | Y | Helle | | TRUE | FALSE |
| 4 | S | Oliphant | | TRUE | FALSE |
| 9 | R | Cooper | | TRUE | FALSE |
| 10 | M | Morrall | | TRUE | FALSE |
At the moment it appears to be pulling results from the wrong table (d not c). I attempted to change to OUTER join type but that returned with a FROM syntax error.
If I understand it correctly, basically you want to do this:
ON =
<complex condition, partly involving B>
This cannot work. By including B in the global WHERE condition, you turn the LEFT JOIN into an INNER JOIN, and so you will only ever get records that match between A and B.
You can either move the filter on B into the JOIN condition:
ON ( =
AND (B.bamboozle = 42)
A.columns = things
or LEFT JOIN a filtered subquery:
(SELECT bar, columns FROM B
WHERE B.bamboozle = 42) AS B1
ON =
A.columns = things
So in your query, this is the bamboozle part you will need to move:
d.Event <> [Forms]![usf_FindCampaignContacts]![FCC_EventName]

Update the first and last records only amongst many duplicate records

I have a table in Access named Spells which holds patient spells (where a patient has a spell within a hospital). It's structure is as below:
| ID | SpellID | MultipleSpell | FirstSpell | LastSpell |
| 1 | 1 | False | | |
| 2 | 2 | True | | |
| 3 | 2 | True | | |
| 4 | 3 | False | | |
| 5 | 4 | False | | |
| 6 | 5 | True | | |
| 7 | 5 | True | | |
| 8 | 5 | True | | |
The MultipleSpell column indicates that there are multiple occurrences of the spell within the table.
I'd like to run query which would update the FirstSpell column to True for records with the IDs of 1,2,4,5,6. So basically, where a Spell is the first one in the table, it should be marked, in the FirstSpell column.
I would also then like to update the LastSpell column to True for records with the IDs of 1,3,4,5,8.
The reasoning for this (if you're interested) is that the table links to a separate table containing the name of wards. It would be useful to link to this other table and indicate whether the ward is the admitting ward (FirstSpell) or the discharging ward (LastSpell)
You can update the first using:
update spells
set firstspell = 1
where id = (select min(id)
from spells as s2
where spells.spellid = s2.spellid
Similar logic (using max()) can be used for the last spell.

Combining rows by key and expression

I've got a table
Now I need to get for each email OR of days. For the following input | location1 | true | false | location2 | false | true
I want to get | true | true
SELECT email, bool_or(day_1) AS day_1, bool_or(day_2) AS day_2 FROM your_table GROUP BY email