bq decorator behavior against disk and streaming buffer - google-bigquery

I am trying to utilize bigquery's decorator but there is some behaviors I want to confirm.
After some experiment, we found that query result of same absolute interval is not the same by different time of executing the query. If I query a live-streaming table of a very recent hour interval by say batch-issuing 60 queries, each of granularity of one minute, I can see very even distribution of data output for every query. However if I query the same hour interval after say 2 hours. The output loads become very skewed. I see many minutes with output size 0 and suddenly a spike in one minute interval contains almost all the data of that hour.
For example, for querying the same table with absolute value from timestamp 8:00AM to 9:00AM
If I execute the query at say 9:10AM, I get number of rows output with distribution like:
8:01AM - 8:02AM: 12
8:02AM - 8:03AM: 9
8:03AM - 8:04AM: 10
8:04AM - 8:05AM: 22
8:05AM - 8:06AM: 15
If I execute the query at say 11:00AM, I get result number of output rows like:
8:01AM - 8:02AM: 0
8:02AM - 8:03AM: 0
8:03AM - 8:04AM: 0
8:04AM - 8:05AM: 0
8:05AM - 8:06AM: 0
8:20AM - 8:21AM: 123
I assume that difference is caused by whether the data is in streaming buffer or disk. However it is kind of undermining the idempotency of query a given range of same table and causes a lot of complexity of using it. Therefore I want to have some expected behaviors clarified.
Is the difference in this query result really caused by the data residence between streaming buffer and disk?
Assuming the difference is because of (1), when a data is flushed from buffer to disk, will that data be reallocated to a screenshot of future timestamp or might it be possible to reallocated to an past timestamp. The question relates to whether it is possible to miss any streaming data when using the decorator.
When exposed to query result, is it guaranteed that reallocation of data is atomic? Namely for same row, it will only be versioned with one server timestamp?
Assuming the scenario when data is re-allocated to a screenshot of future timestamp. Is possible for BQ to provide transactional read on query groups anyhow. Say if I am batching multiple queries of a table, each query covers a unique minute interval while at the same time these queries get executed there is buffer flushing at the background. Is possible that the same data will appear in more than one query output. The question relates to whether it is possible to get duplicate data when using the decorator.
Some additional observation. I found out that after some time, the query result will be stabilized, namely the result of the same query will not change over the time I execute them. I assume it is because of the data "snapshot" of that time range have gotten finalized. So is it possible for me to know how open does BigQuery flush their data from buffer and how often do data get snapshotted? (or whatever mechanism that determine the query result of bq decorator). Namely is there a guaranteed time cutup on when the output of bq decorator can be finalized?


After importing a metric into Victoria Metrics, the metric is repeated for 5 minutes. What controls this behavior?

I am writing some software that will be pushing data to Victoria Metrics, as below:
curl -d 'foo{bar="baz"} 30' -X POST 'http://[Victoria]/insert/0/prometheus/api/v1/import/prometheus'
I noticed that if I push a single metric like this, it shows up as not a single data point but rather shows up repeatedly as if it was being scraped every 15 seconds, either until I push a new value for that metric or 5 minutes passes.
What setting/mechanism is causing this 5-minute repeat period?
Pushing data with a timestamp does not change this. Metric gets repeated for 5 minutes after that time or until a change regardless.
I don't necessarily need to alter this behavior, just trying to understand why it's happening.
How do you query the database?
I guess this behaviour is due to the ranged query concept and ephemeral datapoints, check this out:
The interval between datapoints depends on the step parameter, which is 5 minutes when omitted.
If you want to receive only the real datapoints, go via export functions.
TSDB VM has ephemeral dots which fill gaps in the closest sample on the left to the requested timestamp.
So if you make the instant request:
curl "http://<victoria-metrics-addr>/api/v1/query?query=foo_bar&time=2022-05-10T10:03:00.000Z"
The time range at which VictoriaMetrics will try to locate a missing data sample is equal to 5m by default and can be overridden via step parameter.
step - optional max lookback window for searching for raw samples when executing the query. If step is skipped, then it is set to 5m (5 minutes) by default.
GET | POST /api/v1/query?query=...&time=...&step=...
You can read more about key concepts in this part of the documentation
There you can find also information about query range and different concepts about TSDB

Big Query External table - Query performance degrades with increased number of files in the Source URI

I have an external big query table created to read "Parquet" files from a GCS bucket.
The folder layout in the GCS bucket is as follows:
The layout is organized in such a way that it follows hive partitioning layout as explained the big query documentation. The columns "year" and "model" are seen as partition columns in the external table.
**External Data Configuration**
Source URI(s)- gs://mybucket/root/*
Source format - PARQUET
Hive Partitioning Mode - CUSTOM
Hive Partitioning Source URI Prefix - gs://mybucket/root/{year:INTEGER}/{model:STRING}
Hive Partitioning Column(s)- year, model
Problem: When I run queries on the external table as given below, I have observed that every query runs for an initial 2-3 minutes before the actual run happens. Big Query console shows "Query pending" during this time and as soon as it turns "Query Running" the output gets displayed with minimal slot time consumption (Slot time shows in 1-2 seconds.)
Select * from myTable Where year = 2022 and model = 'abc'
The underlying file count will vary and increases for every year and model. For years with more parquet files the initial time sometimes is around 4-5 minutes.
My understanding as per the documentation is that , if the partition columns are present in the query, some sort of partition pruning happens and I expect the query to be responsive immediately as per the documentation.
But the observations made by me is contrary to this. If the source URIs are restricted to 1 year, the table reads the data from one year, the query initial time (where it remains "Query pending" on console) is reduced to 1-2 minute (or even less)
Source URI(s)- gs://mybucket/root/year=2022/*
Question: Is this the expected behavior ? because as volume of files increase in the GCS bucket, the query takes even longer to run (esp. the initial time, and the actual run time doesn't change much), though in the where clause we have the year and model partition columns applied.
This is likely expected behavior. Before partition pruning can happen objects in GCS need to be listed which is likely where the time is being taken. We are working on improvements in this area. The fact that slot time is so low is a good indicator that pruning is in fact happening (since most files are not being read there isn't a lot of slot time to consume).

What's the best way to account for missing records when performing aggregate queries?

I have a table in QuestDB with IoT sensor data. The usual operation pattern is that sensors write info to a table while they have an active internet connection. This means they are anywhere from a few minutes to a few hours per day or constantly sending me data. When I want to run an aggregate query on top of this, how can I account for missing values?
If I want an average by minute over a 24 hour period, but 4 hours of data is missing, will my results be skewed? For example:
select avg(tempFahren) from (iot_logger timestamp(ts)) sample by 1m
It becomes obvious that I'm skipping directly to the next reported value when graphing so instead of a cyclical pattern, I get a sudden cliff when the sensor comes online again:
If you want to fill missing values, there is also the option to use the FILL keyword in SAMPLE BY aggregations. There are a few ways you can use this, such as filling by previous value, linear interpolation, or specify a constant:
select ts, avg(tempFahren) from (iot_logger timestamp(ts)) sample by 1m fill(linear);
There are some more examples of how to use this on the official documentation
Aggregation functions like avg() ignore missing data (for example null values).
So no, your results will not be skewed if your sensors do not send data for some time.

How to limit BigQuery query size for testing a query sample through the web user-interface?

I would like to know if it is possible to limit the bigquery query size when running a query through the web user-interface?
My idea is just to test the query but instead of querying all my tables; I would like just to query a part of it with for instance a number of row.
Limit is not optimizing my query cost, so the idea is to find a function similar to "row_number" or "fetch".
Sorry I'm a marketer and not a developer, so thank you in advance for your kind help.
How to limit BigQuery query size for testing ... ?
1 - Try to minimize number of tables involved in your testing
In your query – there are 60+ tables involved for respectively dates between 2016-12-11 and nowadays
SELECT <fields_list> FROM
Instead you can use same day as start and end of time range, thus drastically reducing number of involved tables (down to just one table) and overall scan size. For example
SELECT <fields_list> FROM
2 - Minimize number of rows. Ability to do so really depends on how your table is being loaded with data. If table loaded incrementally - you can use so called table decorators.
Note - this technique works with tables within last 7 days
For example, below will scan only data that was in table at one hour ago (so called snapshot decorator)
SELECT <fields_list> FROM [XXX:85801771.ga_sessions_20170212#-3600000]
This works well with the most recent day's table especially at the start of the day when size of table is not big yet
So, to limit further, you can use below version (so called range decorator) - gives you data added between one hour and half an hour ago
SELECT <fields_list> FROM [XXX:85801771.ga_sessions_20170212#-3600000--1800000]
Finally, #0 is a special case that references the oldest possible snapshot of the table: either 7 days in the past, or the table's creation time if the table is less than 7 days old. For example
SELECT <fields_list> FROM [XXX:85801771.ga_sessions_20170210#0]
3 - Test against Sampled Table. If you expect experimenting with your query again and again - you can first prepare downsized version of your table with just as many rows as you need and applying sampling logic that fit in your business logic. To limit number of rows you can use LIMIT Clause. To get random rows you can use RAND function for example
After sampled table is prepared - run all your query against it till when you have final version - after this - you can run it against your original table(s)
And btw, to create sampled table you need to set destination table under options in Web UI.

Trending 100 million+ rows

I have a system which records some measured values every second. What is the best way to store trend data which are values corresponding to a specific second?
1 day = 86.400 seconds
1 month = 2.592.000 seconds
Around 1000 values to keep track of every seconds.
Currently there are 50 tables grouping the trend data for 20 columns each. These tables contain more than 100 million rows.
TREND_TIME datetime (clustered_index)
Have you considered RRDTool - it provides a round robin database, or circular buffer, for time series data. You can store data at whatever interval you like, then define consolidation points and a consolidation function, for example (sum, min, max, avg) for a given period, 1 second, 5 seconds, 2 days, etc. Because it knows what consolidation points you want, it doesn't need to store all the data points once they've been agregated.
Ganglia and Cacti use this under the covers and it's quite easy to use from many languages.
If you do need all the datapoints, consider using it just for the aggregation.
I would change the data saving approach and instead of saving 'raw' data as values I would save 5-20 minutes of data in an array (Memory, BL side), compress that array using LZ based algorithm and then store the data in the database as binary data. Also, it would be nice to save Max/Min/Avg/etc.. info for that binary chunk.
When you want to process the data you can process the data chunk after chunk and by that you keep a low memory profile for your application. this approach is a little more complex but very scalable in terms of memory/processing.
hope this helps.
Is the problem the database schema?
1 second to many trends obviously first shows you a separate table with a seconds-table foreign key. Alternatively, if the "many trend values" is represented by the columns and not rows you can always append the columns to the seconds table and incur null values.
Have you tried that? Was performance poor?