How to run chrome driver in headless mode or in background - selenium

I've been using chrome driver (with selenium webdriver), so far it never caused any issue, now for some requirement i want to run test cases in background. How can I do this?

Currently Chrome 59 supports headless mode.
You just need to use those chromeOptions to use headless chrome in selenium.
You can refer below link for more details:

According to this post Any way to start Google Chrome in headless mode?, a new flag --headless is available in Chromium but Selenium is still to catch up as far as my limited googling skills tell me.
In the mean time you can explore HTMLUnitDriver for headless testing.
WebDriver driver = new HtmlUnitDriver((BrowserVersion.CHROME), true);


Blank page on headless Selenium tests run with Jenkins

Headless Selenium tests can be well run on my machine (yup, I should definitely move in this ideal place where problems doesn't exist).
However, when I launch those tests via Jenkins, none of the page elements are found. I took a screenshot to figure out why, and it shows a blank page.
This is how I instanciate my headless Chrome browser.
ChromeOptions chromeOptions = new ChromeOptions();
driver = new ChromeDriver(chromeOptions);
driver.manage().timeouts().pageLoadTimeout(30L, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
driver.manage().timeouts().setScriptTimeout(3L, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
I have a guess but my coworker says it can't be this: should I install Xvfb on Jenkins server? I mean, is it mandatory? (I must be at least 51% sure before trying this approach ^^)
Thanks in advance.
I tried lots of solutions but it turned out that Jenkins wasn't allowed to access the resources I needed to test. So... I couldn't solve it myself anyway. Sysadmins did.

Selenium with firefox addons?

Just wondering, is there anyway to use selenium with firefox addons? I installed an addon but whenever i start the selenium driver it seems to kick off firefox without it. just curious
it simple like this
profile = webdriver.FirefoxProfile()
driver = webdriver.Firefox(profile)

Selenium FindElement and Chrome in Headless mode

After starting chromedriver.exe in headless mode following this advice and using just these arguments
The chromedriver opens invisibly. But Selenium's FindElement() command is not finding anything on the headless Chrome page. Instead it throws this exception:
An exception of type 'OpenQA.Selenium.NoSuchElementException' occurred in WebDriver.dll but was not handled in user code
Additional information: no such element: Unable to locate element:
Q1: Has anyone had success running Selenium commands in Chrome's headless mode?
Q2: Have you been able to use FindElement with a chromedriver running in headless mode? If yes, how did you do it?
After reading more, perhaps something along these lines may be necessary? Add this to the Chrome startup options and then maybe connect chromedriver to it?
But with that option the IWebDriver and chromedriver does not open.
Background info: to answer, why would you want to do this? The primary reason was for tests run as a part of CI. These are tests that run on a VM and may not support 1080p monitors. If we ran it in headless mode and set the resolution that way we could.
Add below lines of code in your main class:
ChromeOptions options = new ChromeOptions();
options.addArguments("--disable-extensions"); options.setExperimentalOption("useAutomationExtension", false); options.addArguments("--proxy-server='direct://'");
WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver(options);

Does browser support WebDriver or does WebDriver support browser

Is it the browser job to support WebDriver or is it WebDriver job to support each browser?
I mean if there is a new release of Chrome does this mean that WebDriver works right away because the support is included in the new Chrome release?
Or is WebDriver support added later by the developers of WebDriver?
To run selenium webdriver in Chrome browser, we need to take the help of ChromeDriver which is a separate executable that selenium webdriver uses to control chrome. ChromeDriver is supported by the Chromium team, ChromeDriver is a standalone server which implements WebDriver's wire protocol for Chromium.
Yes, Webdriver made changes later that's the reason new jars of selenium launches so rapidly.
Hope it will help you :)

Why do we need IEDriver and ChromeDriver but no Firefox Driver?

I have small doubt.
Why do we need IEdriver and Chrome Driver running selenium scrits in IE and Chrome but we do not need a firefox driver to run the script?
Is there any reason for the same?
This is because of the Native Browser approach used in WebDriver.
Each and every browser uses different JS Engine.
All drivers [Chrome Driver, IE driver, etc.,] are built based on the special JS Engine used by each browser.
Selenium offers inbuilt driver for Firefox but not for other browsers. [Not sure it may happen in future, since TestNG and JUnit library files are a part of Selenium-standalone-server right now]
Straight from a google search for FirefoxDriver, the official documentation states:
Firefox driver is included in the selenium-server-stanalone.jar available in the downloads. The driver comes in the form of an xpi (firefox extension) which is added to the firefox profile when you start a new instance of FirefoxDriver.
External drivers are the preferred process by the Selenium developers. They allow the driver versioning to be tied more closely to the browser than to Selenium, and they can be supported by the browser authors (e.g., ChromeDriver, OperaDriver). There is a long-standing plan to replace FirefoxDriver with a Mozilla-supported driver based on Mozilla's "Marionette" architecture.
Firefox driver is already included in the selenium-server-standalone.jar package.