Call functions from smart contract - solidity

could I interact with functions in my deployed contract without using truffle-contract?
I just want to run and play with my functions to check how they work.
I used"0x...").MyFunctionName(parameters,{from:"x0..."});
but it doesn't work.
Any idea or suggestions

It's hard to know what you mean by "it's doesn't work", but I guess is that you are not seeing any output when running"0x...").MyFunctionName(parameters,{from:"x0..."}); in the truffle console?
If yes, the reason is because invoking a method to an instance of a contract will give you a Future, and you must handle the result coming back from the call in an asynchronous way. For example, if the function return a value indicating that some computation has happened, you can print the returned value in the console by:"0x...").MyFunctionName(parameters,{from:"x0..."}).then(console.log)
If you're writing unit tests (to be executed via truffle test), then you can handle the return value by doing this:"0x...").MyFunctionName(parameters,{from:"x0..."}).then(function(returnedValue) {
// do something with the returnedValue, e.g.
// assert.equal(returnedValue, 3, "The returned value must be 3");


Why do Env variables like signer_account_id cause error: ProhibitedInView?

I'm getting a ProhibitedInView error for a simple view function that does the following
export function getInfo(): Info {
const caller = context.sender
return infos.getSome(caller)
and realised that it's because of the context.sender call.
My assumption/understanding is that as long as a tx doesn't change the state, they can be considered ViewFunctions.
I found a warning against this on the Potential Gotchas, but why do the following functions cause view functions to fail? What does "binding methods that are exposed from nearcore" mean?
On the context of a view functions, there is no such thing as:
It is not required to sign any message to run a view function, and moreover it is not allowed. It is more like inspecting a contract anonymously, nothing should be paid for that, and the result is independent from the caller. Because of this there is no signer_account_id and signer_account_pk.
On the other hand, it is not possible to make a cross-contract call, if you are initiating this call in view mode. Because of this there is no predecessor_account_id available, since signer_account_id is not available, and it is impossible that this was called from another contract.

Calling OCMStub and OCMReject on the same method

I've been attempting to write some fail fast tests using OCMReject. However I've found that if OCMStub is used in conjunction with OCMReject, this test will pass
id _mockModel = OCMProtocolMock( #protocol( CTPrefModelProtocol));
//It doesn't seem to matter what order these two are in, the test behaves the same
OCMStub([_mockModel getPreferences]);
OCMReject([_mockModel getPreferences]);
[_mockModel getPreferences];
Even though it should clearly fail because I'm calling the function that I've set in the OCMReject method.
I realise I can just stub getPreferences whenever I'm expecting a result from it and remove it from this test, but largely that means if I've set a stub on getPreferences in my setUp method, any test that calls OCMReject([_mockModel getPreferences]) will just be ignored.
Why am I not able to use OCMStub and OCMReject together? Is it because OCMStub alters getPreferences somehow and as a result whenever I call this method, it actually calls some other method instead?
So apparently I can't read. Reading through the OCMock 3 Documentation, under the limitations heading 10.2
Setting up expect after stub on the same method does not work
id mock = OCMStrictClassMock([SomeClass class]);
OCMStub([mock someMethod]).andReturn(#"a string");
OCMExpect([mock someMethod]);
/* run code under test */
OCMVerifyAll(mock); // will complain that someMethod has not been called
The code above first sets up a stub for someMethod and afterwards an
expectation for the same method. Due to the way mock objects are
currently implemented any calls to someMethod are handled by the stub.
This means that even if the method is called the verify fails. It is
possible to avoid this problem by adding andReturn to the expect
statement. You can also set up a stub after the expect.
I suspect this same limitation exists for OCMReject as well. Hopefully this helps equally blind people like myself. A link to the documentation for the lazy.

How to use OCMock to verify that an asynchronous method does not get called in Objective C?

I want to verify that a function is not called. The function is executed in an asynchronous block call inside the tested function and therefore OCMReject() does not work.
The way I have tested if async functions are indeed called would be as follows:
id mock = OCMClassMock([SomeClass class]);
OCMExpect([mock methodThatShouoldExecute]);
OCMVerifyAllWithDelay(mock, 1);
How would a test be done to test if a forbidden function is not called?
Something like:
VerifyNotCalled([mock methodThatShouoldExecute]);
OCMVerifyAllWithDelay(mock, 1);
I would recommend using an OCMStrictClassMock instead of the OCMClassMock (which gives you a nice mock). A strict mock will instantly fail your test if any method is called on it that you did not stub or expect, which makes your tests a lot more rigorous.
If that's not an option for you, you can do what you described with:
OCMReject([mock methodThatShouoldExecute]);
See the "Failing fast for regular (nice) mocks" section in the OCMock docs.
Now as for waiting for your code which may call the forbidden method, that's another matter. You can't use OCMVerifyAllWithDelay since that returns immediately as soon as all expectations are met, it doesn't wait around a full second to see if illegal calls will be made to it. One option is to put a 1 second wait before verifying the mock each time. Ideally, you could also wait explicitly on your asynchronous task with an XCTestExpectation. Something like:
XCTestExpectation *asyncTaskCompleted = [self expectationWithDescription:#"asyncTask"];
// Enqueued, in an onCompletion block, or whatever call
// ... [asyncTaskCompleted fulfill]
[self waitForExpectationsWithTimeout:1 handler:nil]

OCMock and overriding stub value

mockModule = OCMPartialMock(module);
OCMStub([mockModule send:#"FOO"]).andReturn(YES);
OCMStub([mockModule send:#"FOO"]).andReturn(NO);
In this example I have a simple mock module, and I set some stubs to return YES/NO when sent a String, the problem that occurs is that if I set the same string twice it only returns the first value, and not the new value.
In this example about the problem is demonstrated like so I would expect a call such as:
BOOL answer = [module send:#"FOO"]
//answer should be NO, but is YES
How can I make it respond with the most recently set value?
You could use the expect methods, e.g.
mockModule = OCMPartialMock(module);
OCMExpect([mockModule send:#"FOO"]).andReturn(YES);
OCMStub([mockModule send:#"FOO"]).andReturn(NO);
That's not exactly what they are meant for, but it does make some sense. You're basically saying, I expect that send: will be called, and when that has actually happened, then I want the method to be stubbed.
Also, if it were possible to "pile up" the stubs, figuring out what went wrong would be quite difficult, e.g. if the first invocation of the stub doesn't happen, then the second invocation will get the value meant for the first.

Which one is better for me to use: "defer-panic-recover" or checking "if err != nil { //dosomething}" in golang?

I've made a large program that opens and closes files and databases, perform writes and reads on them etc among other things. Since there no such thing as "exception handling in go", and since I didn't really know about "defer" statement and "recover()" function, I applied error checking after every file-open, read-write, database entry etc. E.g.
_,insert_err := stmt.Run(query)
if insert_err != nil{
return db_updation_status
For this, I define db_updation_status at the beginning as "false" and do not make it "true" until everything in the program goes right.
I've done this in every function, after every operation which I believe could go wrong.
Do you think there's a better way to do this using defer-panic-recover? I read about these here, but can't clearly get how to use them. Do these constructs offer something similar to exception-handling? Am I better off without these constructs?
I would really appreciate if someone could explain this to me in a simple language, and/or provide a use case for these constructs and compare them to the type of error handling I've used above.
It's more handy to return error values - they can carry more information (advantage to the client/user) than a two valued bool.
What concerns panic/recover: There are scenarios where their use is completely sane. For example, in a hand written recursive descent parser, it's quite a PITA to "bubble" up an error condition through all the invocation levels. In this example, it's a welcome simplification if there's a deferred recover at the top most (API) level and one can report any kind of error at any invocation level using, for example
panic(fmt.Errorf("Cannot %v in %v", foo, bar))
If an operation can fail and returns an error, than checking this error immediately and handling it properly is idiomatic in go, simple and nice to check if anything gets handled properly.
Don't use defer/recover for such things: Needed cleanup actions are hard to code, especially if stuff gets nested.
The usual way to report an error to a caller is to return an error as an extra return value. The canonical Read method is a well-known instance; it returns a byte count and an error.
But what if the error is unrecoverable? Sometimes the program simply cannot continue.
For this purpose, there is a built-in function panic that in effect creates a run-time error that will stop the program (but see the next section). The function takes a single argument of arbitrary type—often a string—to be printed as the program dies. It's also a way to indicate that something impossible has happened, such as exiting an infinite loop.