How to read a text file from resources in Kotlin? - kotlin

I want to write a Spek test in Kotlin.
How to read an HTML file from the src/test/resources folder?
class MySpec : Spek(
describe("blah blah") {
given("blah blah") {
var fileContent: String = ""
beforeEachTest {
// How to read the file.html in src/test/resources/html/
fileContent = ...
it("should blah blah") {

val fileContent ="/html/file.html").readText()

No idea why this is so hard, but the simplest way I've found (without having to refer to a particular class) is:
fun getResourceAsText(path: String): String? =
object {}.javaClass.getResource(path)?.readText()
It returns null if no resource with this name is found (as documented).
And then passing in an absolute URL, e.g.
val html = getResourceAsText("/www/index.html")!!

another slightly different solution:
fun basicTest() {
"/html/file.html".asResource {
// test on `it` here...
fun String.asResource(work: (String) -> Unit) {
val content =

A slightly different solution:
class MySpec : Spek({
describe("blah blah") {
given("blah blah") {
var fileContent = ""
beforeEachTest {
html = this.javaClass.getResource("/html/file.html").readText()
it("should blah blah") {

Kotlin + Spring way:
private lateinit var resourceLoader: ResourceLoader
fun load() {
val html = resourceLoader.getResource("classpath:html/file.html").file
.readText(charset = Charsets.UTF_8)

Using Google Guava library Resources class:
val fileContent: String = Resources.getResource("/html/file.html").readText()

private fun loadResource(file: String) = {}

val fileContent = javaClass.getResource("/html/file.html").readText()

This is the way that I prefer to do it:
fun getResourceText(path: String): String {
return File(ClassLoader.getSystemResource(path).file).readText()

this top-level kotlin function will do the job in any case
fun loadResource(path: String): URL {
return Thread.currentThread().contextClassLoader.getResource(path)
or if you want a more robust function
fun loadResource(path: String): URL {
val resource = Thread.currentThread().contextClassLoader.getResource(path)
requireNotNull(resource) { "Resource $path not found" }
return resource

FYI: In all the above cases. getResource() is unsafe way of using nullable.
Haven't tried locally but I prefer this way:
fun readFile(resourcePath: String) = ?: "<handle default. or handle custom exception>"
Or even as custom datatype function
private fun String.asResource() = ?: "<handle default. or handle custom exception>"
and then you can call directly on path like:
// For suppose
val path = "/src/test/resources"
val content = path.asResource()

I prefer reading resources in this way:
object {}.javaClass.getResourceAsStream("/html/file.html")?.use { it.reader(Charsets.UTF_8).readText() }
getResourceAsStream instead getResource. The resource on classpath can be basically anywhere. e.g. packed inside another .jar file.
In these situations accessing resource via URL class returned from getResource method will fail. But accessing via method getResourceAsStream works in every situation.
object {} - This is not nice syntax, but it is not dependent on name of your class MyClass and works even in static (compenion object) block.
use to close stream - in most cases it is not necessary, but there can be some special classloaders, which may need it.
reader(Charsets.UTF_8) - UTF_8 is default encoding, but I prefer to be explicit. If you will encode your resource files in other encoding e.g. ISO-8859-2 you will not overlook it.

Another variation that handles null resource in place:
val content = object {}.javaClass
?: error("Cannot open/find the file")
// ?: "default text" // Instead of error()

You might find the File class useful:
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val content = File("src/main/resources/input.txt").readText()


Issue IDE warning if annotated member is not surrounded with a particular block

I have a data structure which has members that are not thread safe and the caller needs to lock the resource for reading and writing as appropriate. Here's a minimal code sample:
class ExampleResource : LockableProjectItem {
override val readWriteLock: ReadWriteLock = ReentrantReadWriteLock()
val nonThreadSafeMember: String = ""
interface LockableProjectItem {
val readWriteLock: ReadWriteLock
fun <T : LockableProjectItem, Out> T.readLock(block: T.() -> Out): Out {
try {
return block(this)
} finally {
fun <T : LockableProjectItem, Out> T.writeLock(block: T.() -> Out): Out {
try {
return block(this)
} finally {
annotation class RequiresReadLock
A call ExampleResource.nonThreadSafeMember might then look like this:
val resource = ExampleResource()
val readResult = resource.readLock { nonThreadSafeMember }
To make sure that the caller is aware that the resource needs to be locked, I would like the IDE to issue a warning for any members that are annotated with #RequiresReadLock and are not surrounded with a readLock block. Is there any way to do this in IntelliJ without writing a custom plugin for the IDE?
I think this is sort of a hack, but using context receivers might work. I don't think they are intended to be used in this way though.
You can declare a dummy object to act as the context receiver, and add that as a context receiver to the property:
object ReadLock
class ExampleResource : LockableProjectItem {
override val readWriteLock: ReadWriteLock = ReentrantReadWriteLock()
// properties with context receivers cannot have a backing field, so we need to explicitly declare this
private val nonThreadSafeMemberField: String = ""
val nonThreadSafeMember: String
get() = nonThreadSafeMemberField
Then in readLock, you pass the object:
fun <T : LockableProjectItem, Out> T.readLock(block: context(ReadLock) T.() -> Out): Out {
try {
return block(ReadLock, this)
} finally {
This will give you an error if you try to access nonThreadSafeMember without the context receiver:
val resource = ExampleResource()
val readResult = resource.nonThreadSafeMember //error
You can still access nonThreadSafeMember without acquiring a read lock by doing e.g.
with(ReadLock) { // with(ReadLock) doesn't acquire the lock, just gets the context receiver
resource.nonThreadSafeMember // no error
But it's way harder to accidentally write something like this, which I think is what you are trying to prevent.
If you call another function inside readLock, and you want to access nonThreadSafeMember inside that function, you should mark that function with context(ReadLock) too. e.g.
fun main() {
val resource = ExampleResource()
val readResult = resource.readLock {
fun foo(x: ExampleResource) {
The context receiver is propagated through.

How to obtain extension properties by Kotlin reflection?

I have used the memberExtensionProperties() method, but result collection of the extension properties is empty. The test code is attached. What is the right procedure?
class ExtensionPropertyTest {
class DummyClass{}
val get() = 99
val get() = "Joe"
fun testExtensionProperties() {
val dummyClass = DummyClass()
expect( // OK
val properties = DummyClass::class.memberExtensionProperties
expect(properties).toHaveSize(2) // Fails due a zero size
memberExtensionProperties does not return extensions over a class, but its members that are at the same time extensions:
fun main() {
class DummyClass {
val Int
get() = toInt()
It is not that easy if at all possible to find all extensions over a class, because extensions are detached from their receivers and they can be located anywhere in the classpath.

Accessing routing path string within request in Ktor

Does the Ktor framework provide a way of accessing a route's path string within a request?
For example, if I set up a route such as:
routing {
get("/user/{user_id}") {
// possible to get the string "/user/{user_id}" here?
val path = someFunction()
assert(path == "/user/{user_id}")
To clarify, I'm looking for a way to access the unprocessed path string, i.e. "/user/{user_id}" in this case (accessing the path via call.request.path() gives me the path after the {user_id} has been filled in, e.g. "/user/123").
I can of course assign the path to a variable and pass it to both get and use it within the function body, but wondering if there's a way of getting at the route's path without doing that.
I don't think that is possible. What you could do instead is write such a class/object
object UserRoutes {
const val userDetails = "/users/{user_id}"
And reference that field from your routing module:
import package.UserRoutes
get(UserRoutes.userDetails) {...}
By doing so you would need to just reference that string from the given singleton. Also no need for the object wrapper but I think it looks neat that you can group the paths by somewhat their module name
I solved it like this
// Application.kt
private object Paths {
const val LOGIN = "/login"
fun Application.module(testing: Boolean = false) {
routing {
And to structure my extension functions, I put them in other files like this
// Auth.kt
fun Route.loginGet(path: String) = get(path) {
println("The path is: $path")
fun Route.fullPath(): String {
val parentPath = parent?.fullPath()?.let { if (it.endsWith("/")) it else "$it/" } ?: "/"
return when (selector) {
is TrailingSlashRouteSelector,
is AuthenticationRouteSelector -> parentPath
else -> parentPath + selector.toString()
I found a solution for this problem
val uri = "foos/foo"
get("$uri/{foo_id}") {
val path = call.request.path()
val firstPart = path.length
val secondPart = path.slice((firstPart+1) until path.length)
try this code it's simple and robust
So all solutions so far miss the most obvious (and in my humble opinion - correct) way to extract the path variables:
routing {
get("/user/{user_id}") {
val userId = call.parameters["user_id"]
call.parameters["user_id"] will return a value of type String?
You can have multiple path variables and pull them out by this method.

How to use Internationalization in tornadofx

I am trying to use internationalization in a Kotlin application using the tornadofx framework.
I have created a properties file and depending on the selected language the correct file is loaded. But when I want to change the language in the running application the UI does not update accordingly.
For internationalization you should use a companion object to get the related translation anywhere in your application.
First of all your translation class should know which is the actual selected language/locale. For this I use an enum with the possible locales for the application:
fun setLocale(locale: SupportedLocale) {
if (SupportedLocale.supportedLocals.contains(locale)) {
actualLocal = locale.local
//Good practice would be to store it in a properties file to have the information after restart
} else {
//Throw a warning or sth with your preferred logger
Then we need a method which gets the particular string value from your resource bundle like:
operator fun get(#PropertyKey(resourceBundle = BUNDLE_NAME) key: String, vararg args: Any): String {
val bundle = ResourceBundle.getBundle(BUNDLE_NAME, actualLocal)
return MessageFormat.format(bundle.getString(key), *args)
In JavaFx applications (also TornadoFX) you should use StringBindings ( for example to bind a label text property to your translated string. For that we will implement a special method:
fun createStringBinding(#PropertyKey(resourceBundle = BUNDLE_NAME) key: String, vararg args: Any): StringBinding {
return Bindings.createStringBinding(Callable { get(key, *args) }, Settings.languageProperty())
Now you can use your object like this:
Here an runnable example:
enum class SupportedLocale(val local:Locale) {
companion object {
val supportedLocals: List<SupportedLocale>
get() = SupportedLocale.values().toList()
class MyLang {
companion object {
private const val BUNDLE_NAME = "Language" //prefix of your resource bundle
private var actualLocal = Locale.getDefault()
fun setLocale(locale: SupportedLocale) {
if (SupportedLocale.supportedLocals.contains(locale)) {
actualLocal = locale.local
//Good practice would be to store it in a properties file to have the information after restart
} else {
//Throw a warning or sth with your preferred logger
operator fun get(#PropertyKey(resourceBundle = BUNDLE_NAME) key: String, vararg args: Any): String {
val bundle = ResourceBundle.getBundle(BUNDLE_NAME, actualLocal)
return MessageFormat.format(bundle.getString(key), *args)
fun createStringBinding(#PropertyKey(resourceBundle = BUNDLE_NAME) key: String, vararg args: Any): StringBinding {
return Bindings.createStringBinding(Callable { get(key, *args) }, Settings.languageProperty())
fun main() {
println("My translation: " + MyLang.createStringBinding("MyApp.MyTranslation").get())
//The get() here is only to get the string for assign a property its not needed like in the example
If you need any explanations or its unclear. Just ask! Its just written down maybe I forgot something to explain.

How do I write to a file in Kotlin?

I can't seem to find this question yet, but what is the simplest, most-idiomatic way of opening/creating a file, writing to it, and then closing it? Looking at the reference and the Java documentation I managed to get this:
fun write() {
val writer = PrintWriter("file.txt") //
for ((member, originalInput) in history) { // history: Map<Member, String>
writer.append("$member, $originalInput\n")
This works, but I was wondering if there was a "proper" Kotlin way of doing this?
A bit more idiomatic. For PrintWriter, this example:
File("somefile.txt").printWriter().use { out ->
history.forEach {
out.println("${it.key}, ${it.value}")
The for loop, or forEach depends on your style. No reason to use append(x) since that is basically write(x.toString()) and you already give it a string. And println(x) basically does write(x) after converting a null to "null". And println() does the correct line ending.
If you are using data classes of Kotlin, they can already be output because they have a nice toString() method already.
Also, in this case if you wanted to use BufferedWriter it would produce the same results:
File("somefile.txt").bufferedWriter().use { out ->
history.forEach {
out.write("${it.key}, ${it.value}\n")
Also you can use out.newLine() instead of \n if you want it to be correct for the current operating system in which it is running. And if you were doing that all the time, you would likely create an extension function:
fun BufferedWriter.writeLn(line: String) {
And then use that instead:
File("somefile.txt").bufferedWriter().use { out ->
history.forEach {
out.writeLn("${it.key}, ${it.value}")
And that's how Kotlin rolls. Change things in API's to make them how you want them to be.
Wildly different flavours for this are in another answer:
Other fun variations so you can see the power of Kotlin:
A quick version by creating the string to write all at once:
File("somefile.txt").writeText(history.entries.joinToString("\n") { "${it.key}, ${it.value}" })
// or just use the toString() method without transform:
Or assuming you might do other functional things like filter lines or take only the first 100, etc. You could go this route:
File("somefile.txt").printWriter().use { out -> { "${it.key}, ${it.value}" }
.filter { ... }
.forEach { out.println(it) }
Or given an Iterable, allow writing it to a file using a transform to a string, by creating extension functions (similar to writeText() version above, but streams the content instead of materializing a big string first):
fun <T: Any> Iterable<T>.toFile(output: File, transform: (T)->String = {it.toString()}) {
output.bufferedWriter().use { out -> { out.write(it); out.newLine() }
fun <T: Any> Iterable<T>.toFile(outputFilename: String, transform: (T)->String = {it.toString()}) {
this.toFile(File(outputFilename), transform)
used as any of these:
history.entries.toFile(File("somefile.txt")) { "${it.key}, ${it.value}" }
history.entries.toFile("somefile.txt") { "${it.key}, ${it.value}" }
or use default toString() on each item:
Or given a File, allow filling it from an Iterable, by creating this extension function:
fun <T: Any> File.fillWith(things: Iterable<T>, transform: (T)->String = {it.toString()}) {
this.bufferedWriter().use { out -> { out.write(it); out.newLine() }
with usage of:
File("somefile.txt").fillWith(history.entries) { "${it.key}, ${it.value}" }
or use default toString() on each item:
which if you had the other toFile extension already, you could rewrite having one extension call the other:
fun <T: Any> File.fillWith(things: Iterable<T>, transform: (T)->String = {it.toString()}) {
things.toFile(this, transform)
It mostly looks ok to me. The only thing different I would do is use the "use" extension defined in ReadWrite to auto close the writer.
PrintWriter("file.txt").use {
for ((member, originalInput) in history) { // history: Map<Member, String>
it.append("$member, $originalInput\n")
At the very minimum, you could use:
FileWriter(filename).use { it.write(text) }
FileWriter is a convenience class for writing character files (provided by Java, and hence available in Kotlin). It extends Closeable, and hence can be used by Kotlin's ".use" extension method.
The .use extension method automatically closes the calling object once the block exits, thus providing an idiomatic way to close the file after it's written.
Some Kotlin magic allows to omit referencing the stream on each read or write call:
fun <T : Closeable, R> T.useWith(block: T.() -> R): R = use { with(it, block) }
File("").bufferedReader().useWith {
File("a.out").printWriter().useWith {
val (a, b) = readLine()!!.split(' ').map(String::toInt)
println(a + b)
Scanner(File("")).useWith {
PrintWriter("b.out").useWith {
val a = nextInt()
val b = nextInt()
println(a + b)
val fileWriter = FileWriter("test.txt", true)
fileWriter.write(string+ "\n")
} catch (exception: Exception){
Example as easy
val path = context!!.filesDir.absolutePath // => /data/user/0/com.example.test/files
File(requireContext().filesDir, "TodayTaskListChange.txt").writeText("write your test here...")