how webrtc from mobile(Android) to PC(Web) - webrtc

I conunter a problem,
I want transfer video from mobile(Android) to PC(Web) using WebRTC, it works well when Both mobile and PC have camera, but it not work when PC don't have camera. Is the peerconnection means both side need the some source?
is anyone can give me suggestions or some demos?
Thanks a lot!

WebRTC and its PeerConnection don't mandate the use of a camera.
Something you are doing in your own code is forcing that and/or causing the session to fail.


How can I implement live Camera Streaming using Janus webrtc server?

I am totally new to this field and I want to implement live Camera Streaming using webRTC using the Janus Server. But I am directionless, I don't know what to do, where to start. Any help would be highly appreciated.
I tried to explore Janus official documentation but didn't get much hold of it.

Send real-time video via wifiSend

I would like to make a personal application to be installed on two iPhones. The first to be used as a webcam that transmits to the second via wifi.
Having no experience with xCode, I am looking for a code example to connect 2 devices via wifi and transmit a real-time video stream.
Unfortunately, the documentation and examples I found are deprecated or partial and inconsistent.
Where can I find some code examples to help me solve my problem, preferably in ObjectiveC (but also in Swift)?
Thank you

Kurento group call not able to handle users without video?

i implemented group calls in my website, and everything works nice, a few days ago i tested the system again but happend to join in a computer that had no webcam, only mic, and everyone else is not able to listen this user if he have no video. The test was:
User A- video and mic
User B- video and mic
User C- video and mic
User D- only mic
Everyone sees and listen everyone except User D that is not able to be listen from no body.
i tested with difrent computer, just unpluged the webcam and the bug is the same, if i have no video to share and join a grou call with a mic nobody can listen.
Im using last version of kms
Anyone knows if this a kurento Bug or something else?
I mean this type of situation should be fix by default, many people join group calls with no video and others with it, unless i am missing something that i need to add to cover that situations?
Thank you, sorry bad english.
In the room, each client negotiates both audio and video. If you only provide audio, some navigators (like Chrome) can't handle the fact that you have negotiated both audio and video, but are only providing audio. Therefore, it waits until you provide a video track, so both tracks are synchronized.
The solution is to have clients negotiate the type of media they are going to provide, and not both.

Is there a way to send multiple wifi camera a signal to take a picture at the same time?

I have 20 wifi cameras that are compatible with the camera remote api (all identical).
Using the API, is it possible to trigger all of them over wifi to take a picture at the same time?
I would basically like to trigger all 20 over wifi and then fetch the pictures from all of them. So any suggestions for how to do that would be appreciated. Mainly just triggering them together would be a great start.
Also, is it possible to send commands to the camera with the API when the camera is connected to a network via the play memories camera app or can commands only be sent via connections with the Smart Remote Control? Reason being, I can have multiple cameras connect to my network this way, but via the smart remote, I can only connect to a single pc to camera at a time as the camera acts like the hot spot instead of the other way around.
That would be possible but since it's only possible to connect one camera to one phone at a time, you would need 20 phones as well and then you could send the command to take a picture to all the phones which would in turn trigger the camera connected to each one.
It is not possible to send commands to the camera other than by using the Camera Remote API.
It would appear that some cameras use WPS to make outgoing connections (ie. when using 5 AZ1 with LiveViewRemote)....
If you had such a camera maybe you could connect them all to the same WiFi router, and then use the API to initiate a connection to all at the same time and quickly tell each to take a picture in quick succession.
Here's a link which might help you get there:

Objective-C Async communication between IOS devices

Is there a way to perform async communication between iPhones/IOS devices? I have been researching and thought maybe APN might fill that void, but it sounds like I can't initiate an APN push from an IOS dvice to another, and even if I could I can't trigger the "event" on the other device with just an APN push from what I can identify.
Does anyone have any examples or general advice for IOS device interaction for devices that are not in GameKit (i.e. wifi/bluetooth) range that does not require an intermediate service (urban airship, dedicated server, etc) or will I need to have a 3rd party in order to trigger and/or sync these interactions between devices?
Sorry I don't have any code or details as this is still in the planning phases for me. Any pointers would be greatly appreciated.
The answer is : use a server side app and have all your devices talk to that server.
If you dont want or cannot host an app, you can use a cloud solution based on websocket like Pusher. You can then subscribe to events and post messages with data.
They have an iOS client library
P.S: Also have a look at Parse and Stackmob , i remember that had this kind of feature was in their roadmap, but i don't know if it's available yet..
Hope this helps,