Calculate % Processor Utilization in Redis - redis

Using INFO CPU command on Redis, I get the following values back (among other values):
Based on my understanding, the value indicates the CPU time (expressed in seconds) accumulated since the launch of the Redis instance, as reported by the getrusage() call (source).
What I need to do is calculate the % CPU utilization based on these values. I looked extensively for an approach to do so but unfortunately couldn't find a way.
So my questions are:
Can we actually calculate the % CPU utilization based on these 2 values? If the answer is yes, then I would appreciate some pointers in that direction.
Do we need some extra data points for this calculation? If the answer is yes, I would appreciate if someone can tell me what those data points would be.
P.S. If this question should belong to Server Fault, please let me know and I will post it there (I wasn't 100% sure if it belongs here or there).

You need to read the value twice, calculate the delta, and divide by the time elapsed between the two reads. That should give you the cpu usage in % for that duration.


Check number of slots used by a query in BigQuery

Is there a way to check how many slots were used by a query over the period of its execution in BigQuery? I checked the execution plan but I could just see the Slot Time in ms but could not see any parameter or any graph to show the number of slots used over the period of execution. I even tried looking at Stackdriver Monitoring but I could not find anything like this. Please let me know if it can be calculated in some way or if I can see it somewhere I might've missed seeing.
A BigQuery job will report the total number of slot-milliseconds from the extended query stats in the job metadata, which is analogous to computational cost. Each stage of the query plan also indicates input stats for the stage, which can be used to indicate the number of units of work each stage dispatched.
More details about the representation can be found in the REST reference for jobs. See query.statistics.totalSlotMs and statistics.query.queryPlan[].parallelInputs for more information.
BigQuery now provides a key in the Jobs API JSON called "timeline". This structure provides "statistics.query.timeline[].completedUnits" which you can obtain either during job execution or after. If you choose to pull this information after a job has executed, "completedUnits" will be the cumulative sum of all the units of work (slots) utilised during the query execution.
The question might have two parts though: (1) Total number of slots utilised (units of work completed) or (2) Maximum parallel number of units used at a point in time by the query.
For (1), the answer is as above, given by "completedUnits".
For (2), you might need to consider the maximum value of queryPlan.parallelInputs across all query stages, which would indicate the maximum "number of parallelizable units of work for the stage" (
If, after this, you additionally want to know if the 2000 parallel slots that you are allocated across your entire on-demand query project is sufficient, you'd need to find the point in time across all queries taking place in your project where the slots being utilised is at a maximum. This is not a trivial task, but Stackdriver monitoring provides the clearest view for you on this.

Waiting time of SUMO

I am using sumo for traffic signal control, and want to optimize the phase to reduce some objectives. During the process, I use the traci module as an output of states in traffic junction. The confusing part is traci.lane.getWaitingTime.
I don't know how the waiting time is calculated and also after I use two detectors as an output to observe, I think it is too large.
Can someone explain how the waiting time is calculated in SUMO?
The waiting time essentially counts the number of seconds a vehicle has a speed of less than 0.1 m/s. In the case of traci.lane this means it is the number of (nearly) standing vehicles multiplied with the time step length (since traci.lane returns the values for the last step).

Graphing slow counters with prometheus and grafana

We graph fast counters with sum(rate(my_counter_total[1m])) or with sum(irate(my_counter_total[20s])). Where the second one is preferrable if you can always expect changes within the last couple of seconds.
But how do you graph slow counters where you only have some increments every couple of minutes or even hours? Having values like 0.0013232/s is not very human friendly.
Let's say I want to graph how many users sign up to our service (we expect a couple of signups per hour). What's a reasonable query?
We currently use the following to graph that in grafana:
Query: 3600 * sum(rate(signup_total[1h]))
Step: 3600s
Resolution: 1/1
Is this reasonable?
I'm still trying to understand how all those parameters play together to draw a graph. Can someone explain how the range selector ([10m]), the rate() and the irate() functions, the Step and Resolution settings in grafana influence each other?
That's a correct way to do it. You can also use increase() which is syntactic sugar for using rate() that way.
Can someone explain how the range selector
This is only used by Prometheus, and indicates what data to work over.
the Step and Resolution settings in grafana influence each other?
This is used on the Grafana side, it affects how many time slices it'll request from Prometheus.
These settings do not directly influence each other. However the resolution should work out to be smaller than the range, or you'll be undersampling and miss information.
The 3600 * sum(rate(signup_total[1h])) can be substituted with sum(increase(signup_total[1h])) . The increase(counter[d]) function returns counter increase on the given lookbehind window d. E.g. increase(signup_total[1h]) returns the number of signups during the last hour.
Note that the returned value from increase(signup_total[1h]) may be fractional even if signup_total contains only integer values. This is because of extrapolation - see this issue for technical details. There are the following solutions for this issue:
To use offset modifier: signup_total - (signup_total offset 1h) . This query returns correct results if signup_total wasn't reset to zero during the last hour. In this case the sum(signup_total - (signup_total offset 1h)) is roughly equivalent to sum(increase(signup_total[1h])), but returns more accurate integer results.
To use VictoriaMetrics. It returns the expected integer results from increase() out of the box. See this article and this comment for technical details.

Optimization through machine learning

I've got a system that takes 15 points out of a 17 by 17 grid as input (order doesn't matter), and generates a single scalar as output. The system is not representable by a formal function.
The goal is to find the optimal 15 points so that the output scalar is minimum. Solving this problem exhaustively simply takes too much time to be practical as each run takes 14 seconds.
I've started taking a machine learning course online. But this problem does seem to be rather unsophisticated and I wonder if anyone can point me to the right direction. Any help is greatly appreciated!
Use simulated annealing. I guess this will be close to optimal here.
Therefore, start with a random distribution of the 15 points. Then, in each iteration change one and accept the new state if the resulting scalar value is lower. If it is larger, accept with a certain probability (a Boltzmann factor). Eventually you have to try this for a small number of randomly chosen initial states and afterwards accept the lowest value.

Mesaure upload and download speed in iPhone

I would like to measure the upload and download speed of data in iPhone, is any API available to achieve the same? Is it correct to measure it on the basis of dividing total bytes received with time taken in response?
Yes, it is correct to measure the total bytes / time taken, that is exactly what the speed is. You might want to take an average if you want to constantly show the download speed.., like using 500 bytes and the time it took to download those particular ones.
For doing this you could like have an NSMutableArray, as a buffer, which you empty idk every 2 seconds. Then you do [bufferMutableArray length]/2 and you know how many bytes a second you had those 2 seconds. When you empty the buffer ofc append to the data you are downloading.
There is no direct API to know the speed.
Total data received/sent and time only will give you average speed. There use to be lot of variation in the speed over the time so if you want more accurate value then do the speed calculation based on sampling.
(Data transferred in 1 miniut) /(60 seconds) ---> this solution only if you need greater accuracy in the speed calculation. The sampling duration can changed based on the level of accuracy required.