why schema clear() and schema creation are taking so long in Datastax DSE 5.0.x Graph? - datastax

I have a graph that has no data in it. Yet schema.clear() takes more than 3-4 minutes to execute. schema creation takes another 2 mins.. Is this normal or there is something wrong with my configuration?


Why Spark-BigQuery creates extra tables in the dataset

So i am running a spark (scala) serverless dataproc job that reads and write data from/in bigquery.
Here is the code that writes the data :
df.write.format("bigquery").mode(SaveMode.Overwrite).option("table", "table_name").save()
Everythings works fine but these extra tables got created on my dataset in addition of the final table. Do you know why and what i can do so i wont have them?
Those tables are created as the result of view materialization or loading result from a query. The have an expiry time of 24 hours, configurable by the materializationExpirationTimeInMinutes option

Azure Data Factory - Rerun Failed Pipeline Against Azure SQL Table With Differential Date Filter

I am using ADF to keep an Azure SQL DB in sync with an on-prem DB. The on-prem DB is read only and the direction is one-way, from the Azure SQL DB to the on-prem DB.
My source table in the Azure SQL Cloud DB is quite large (10's of millions of rows) so I have the pipeline set to use an UPSERT (merge, trying to create a differential merge). I am using a filter on the Source table and the and the Filter Query has a WHERE condition that looks like this:
[HistoryDate] >= '#{formatDateTime(pipeline().parameters.windowStart, 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm' )}'
AND [HistoryDate] < '#{formatDateTime(pipeline().parameters.windowEnd, 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm' )}'
The HistoryDate column is auto-maintained in the source table with a getUTCDate() type approach. New records will always get a higher value and be included in the WHERE condition.
This works well, but here is my question: I am testing on my local machine before deploying to the client. When I am not working, my laptop hibernates and the pipeline rightfully fails because my local SQL Instance is "offline" during that run. When I move this to production this should not be an issue (computer hibernating), but what happens if the clients connection is temporarily lost (i.e, the client loses internet for a time)? Because my pipeline has a WHERE condition on the source to reduce the table size upsert to a practical number, any failure would result in a loss of any data created during that 5 minute window.
A failed pipeline can be rerun, but the run time would be different at that moment in time and I would effectively miss the block of records that would have been picked up if the pipeline had been run on time. pipeline().parameters.windowStart and pipeline().parameters.windowEnd will now be different.
As an FYI, I have this running every 5 minutes to keep the local copy in sync as close to real-time as possible.
Am I approaching this correctly? I'm sure others have this scenario and it's likely I am missing something obvious. :-)
Sorry to answer my own question, but to potentially help others in the future, it seems there was a better way to deal with this.
ADF offers a "Metadata-driven Copy Task" utility/wizard on the home screen that creates a pipeline. When I used it, it offers a "Delta Load" option for tables which takes a "Watermark". The watermark is a column for an incrementing IDENTITY column, increasing date or timestamp, etc. At the end of the wizard, it allows you to download a script that builds a table and corresponding stored procedure that maintains the values of each parameters after each run. For example, if I wanted my delta load to be based on an IDENTITY column, it stores the value of the max value of a particular pipeline run. The next time a run happens (trigger), it uses this as the MIN value (minus 1) and the current MAX value of the IDENTITY column to get the added records since the last run.
I was going to approach things this way, but it seems like ADF already does this heavy lifting for us. :-)

Hive analyze compute stats query failing

I'm running Hive 1.0, trying to compute column statistics using the built-in analyze command. HQL script looks like:
set hive.cbo.enable=true;
set hive.compute.query.using.stats=true;
set hive.stats.fetch.column.stats=true;
use db;
analyze table tbl compute statistics for columns;
Which kicks off a map-only MR task as expected. The job runs to 100% for both map and reduce, then reports:
FAILED: Execution Error, return code 1 from org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.ColumnStatsTask
But the job is registered as a SUCCESS.
Googling led me to this JIRA ticket, but the resolution says the problem is resolved in Hive 0.14. Is there something simple I'm missing in the query?
EDIT: Five and a half years later, I've changed jobs and industries twice, picked up Spark and then abandoned Hadoop altogether in all my workflows, and the world aligned around efficient cloud data lakes that don't require a new query language. Hive is a distant memory for me, but I hope the other answer seekers found sufficient workarounds. I don't think I ever did.

PDI or mysqldump to extract data without blocking the database nor getting inconsistent data?

I have an ETL process that will run periodically. I was using kettle (PDI) to extract the data from the source database and copy it to a stage database. For this I use several transformations with table input and table output steps. However, I think I could get inconsistent data if the source database is modified during the process, since this way I don't get a snapshot of the data. Furthermore, I don't know if the source database would be blocked. This would be a problem if the extraction takes some minutes (and it will take them). The advantage of PDI is that I can select only the necessary columns and use timestamps to get only the new data.
By the other hand, I think mysqldump with --single-transaction allows me to get the data in a consistent way and don't block the source database (all tables are innodb). The disadventage is that I would get innecessary data.
Can I use PDI, or I need mysqldump?
PD: I need to read specific tables from specific databases, so I think xtrabackup it's not a good option.
However, I think I could get inconsistent data if the source database is modified during the process, since this way I don't get a snapshot of the data
I think "Table Input" step doesn't take into account any modifications that are happening when you are reading. Try a simple experiment:
Take a .ktr file with a single table input and table output. Try loading the data into the target table. While in the middle of data load, insert few records in the source database. You will find that those records are not read into the target table. (note i tried with postgresql db and the number of rows read is : 1000000)
Now for your question, i suggest you using PDI since it gives you more control on the data in terms of versioning, sequences, SCDs and all the DWBI related activities. PDI makes it easier to load to the stage env. rather than simply dumping the entire tables.
Hope it helps :)
Interesting point. If you do all the table inputs in one transformation then at least they all start at same time but whilst likely to be consistent it's not guaranteed.
There is no reason you can't use pdi to orchestrate the process AND use mysql dump. In fact for bulk insert or extract it's nearly always better to use the vendor provided tools.

Pig step execution details

I am newbee to pig .
I have written a small script in pig , where in i first load the data from two different tables and further right outer join the two tables ,later also i have next join of tables for two different st of data .It works fine .But i want to see
the steps of execution , like in which step my data is loaded that way i can note the time
needed for loading later details of step for data joining like how much time it is
taking for these much records to be joined .
Basically i want to know which part of my pig script is taking longer time to run so
that way i can further optimize my pig script .
Anyway we could println within the script and find which steps got executed which has started to execute .
Through jobtracker details link i could not get much info , just could see mapper is running & reducer is running , but idealy mapper for which part of script is running could not find that.
For example for a hive job run we can see in the jobtracker details link which step is currently getting executed.
Any information will be really helpfull.
Thanks in advance .
I'd suggest you to have a look at the followings:
Pig's Progress Notification Listener
Penny : this is a monitoring tool but I'm afraid that it hasn't been updated in the recent past (e.g: it won't compile for Pig 0.12.0 unless you do some code changes)
Twitter's Ambrose project. https://github.com/twitter/ambrose
On the other, after executing the script you can see a detailed statistics about the execution time of each alias (see: Job Stats (time in seconds)).
Have a look at the EXPLAIN operator. This doesn't give you real-time stats as your code is executing, but it should give you enough information about the MapReduce plan your script generates that you'll be able to match up the MR jobs with the steps in your script.
Also, while your script is running you can inspect the configuration of the Hadoop job. Look at the variables "pig.alias" and "pig.job.feature". These tell you, respectively, which of your aliases (tables/relations) is involved in that job and what Pig operations are being used (e.g., HASH_JOIN for a JOIN step, SAMPLER or ORDER BY for an ORDER BY step, and so on). This information is also available in the job stats that are output to the console upon completion.