I'm having trouble authenticating over AD to windows machines from my ansible host. 'Server not found in Kerberos Database' on Ubuntu 16.10 - authentication

I'm having trouble authenticating over AD to windows machines from my ansible host. I have a valid kerberos ticket -
Credentials cache: FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_1000
Principal: ansible#SOMEDOMAIN.LOCAL
Issued Expires Principal
Mar 10 09:15:27 2017 Mar 10 19:15:24 2017 krbtgt/SOMEDOMAIN.LOCAL#SOMEDOMAIN.LOCAL
My kerberos config looks fine to me -
cat /etc/krb5.conf
default_realm = SOMEDOMAIN.LOCAL
# dns_lookup_realm = true
# dns_lookup_kdc = true
# ticket_lifetime = 24h
# renew_lifetime = 7d
# forwardable = true
# The following krb5.conf variables are only for MIT Kerberos.
# kdc_timesync = 1
# forwardable = true
# proxiable = true
# The following encryption type specification will be used by MIT Kerberos
# if uncommented. In general, the defaults in the MIT Kerberos code are
# correct and overriding these specifications only serves to disable new
# encryption types as they are added, creating interoperability problems.
# Thie only time when you might need to uncomment these lines and change
# the enctypes is if you have local software that will break on ticket
# caches containing ticket encryption types it doesn't know about (such as
# old versions of Sun Java).
# default_tgs_enctypes = des3-hmac-sha1
# default_tkt_enctypes = des3-hmac-sha1
# permitted_enctypes = des3-hmac-sha1
# The following libdefaults parameters are only for Heimdal Kerberos.
# v4_instance_resolve = false
# v4_name_convert = {
# host = {
# rcmd = host
# ftp = ftp
# }
# plain = {
# something = something-else
# }
# }
# fcc-mit-ticketflags = true
kdc = prosperitydc1.somedomain.local
kdc = prosperitydc2.somedomain.local
default_domain = somedomain.local
admin_server = somedomain.local
.somedomain.local = SOMEDOMAIN.LOCAL
somedomain.local = SOMEDOMAIN.LOCAL
When running a test command - ansible windows -m win_ping -vvvvv I get
'Server not found in Kerberos database'.
ansible windows -m win_ping -vvvvv
Using /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg as config file
Loading callback plugin minimal of type stdout, v2.0 from /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/ansible/plugins/callback/__init__.pyc
Using module file /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/ansible/modules/core/windows/win_ping.ps1
<kerberostest.somedomain.local> ESTABLISH WINRM CONNECTION FOR USER: ansible#SOMEDOMAIN.LOCAL on PORT 5986 TO kerberostest.somedomain.local
<kerberostest.somedomain.local> WINRM CONNECT: transport=kerberos endpoint=https://kerberostest.somedomain.local:5986/wsman
<kerberostest.somedomain.local> WINRM CONNECTION ERROR: authGSSClientStep() failed: (('Unspecified GSS failure. Minor code may provide more information', 851968), ('Server not found in Kerberos database', -1765328377))
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/ansible/plugins/connection/winrm.py", line 154, in _winrm_connect
self.shell_id = protocol.open_shell(codepage=65001) # UTF-8
File "/home/prosperity/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/winrm/protocol.py", line 132, in open_shell
res = self.send_message(xmltodict.unparse(req))
File "/home/prosperity/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/winrm/protocol.py", line 207, in send_message
return self.transport.send_message(message)
File "/home/prosperity/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/winrm/transport.py", line 181, in send_message
prepared_request = self.session.prepare_request(request)
File "/home/prosperity/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/requests/sessions.py", line 407, in prepare_request
hooks=merge_hooks(request.hooks, self.hooks),
File "/home/prosperity/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/requests/models.py", line 306, in prepare
self.prepare_auth(auth, url)
File "/home/prosperity/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/requests/models.py", line 543, in prepare_auth
r = auth(self)
File "/home/prosperity/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/requests_kerberos/kerberos_.py", line 308, in __call__
auth_header = self.generate_request_header(None, host, is_preemptive=True)
File "/home/prosperity/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/requests_kerberos/kerberos_.py", line 148, in generate_request_header
raise KerberosExchangeError("%s failed: %s" % (kerb_stage, str(error.args)))
KerberosExchangeError: authGSSClientStep() failed: (('Unspecified GSS failure. Minor code may provide more information', 851968), ('Server not found in Kerberos database', -1765328377))
kerberostest.somedomain.local | UNREACHABLE! => {
"changed": false,
"msg": "kerberos: authGSSClientStep() failed: (('Unspecified GSS failure. Minor code may provide more information', 851968), ('Server not found in Kerberos database', -1765328377))",
"unreachable": true
I am able to ssh to the target machine
ssh -v1 kerberostest.somedomain.local -p 5986
OpenSSH_7.3p1 Ubuntu-1, OpenSSL 1.0.2g 1 Mar 2016
debug1: Reading configuration data /etc/ssh/ssh_config
debug1: /etc/ssh/ssh_config line 19: Applying options for *
debug1: Connecting to kerberostest.somedomain.local [] port 5986.
debug1: Connection established.
I can also ping all hosts with their hostname. I'm at a loss :(
Here is the ansible host file-
sudo cat /etc/ansible/hosts
# This is the default ansible 'hosts' file.
# It should live in /etc/ansible/hosts
# - Comments begin with the '#' character
# - Blank lines are ignored
# - Groups of hosts are delimited by [header] elements
# - You can enter hostnames or ip addresses
# - A hostname/ip can be a member of multiple groups
# Ex 1: Ungrouped hosts, specify before any group headers.
## green.example.com
## blue.example.com
# Ex 2: A collection of hosts belonging to the 'webservers' group
## [webservers]
## alpha.example.org
## beta.example.org
# If you have multiple hosts following a pattern you can specify
# them like this:
## www[001:006].example.com
# Ex 3: A collection of database servers in the 'dbservers' group
## [dbservers]
## db01.intranet.mydomain.net
## db02.intranet.mydomain.net
# Here's another example of host ranges, this time there are no
# leading 0s:
## db-[99:101]-node.example.com
#nagios ansible_connection=ssh ansible_user=nagios
#fileserver.somedomain.local#this machine isnt joined to the domain yet.
#the following works for windows local account authentication
#ansible_ssh_user = prosperity
#ansible_ssh_pass = *********
#ansible_connection = winrm
#ansible_ssh_port = 5986
#ansible_winrm_server_cert_validation = ignore
#vars needed to authenticate on the windows domain using kerberos
ansible_user = ansible#SOMEDOMAIN.LOCAL
ansible_connection = winrm
ansible_winrm_scheme = https
ansible_winrm_transport = kerberos
ansible_winrm_server_cert_validation = ignore
I also tried connecting to the domain with realmd with success, but running the ansible command produced the same result.

This looks like a case of a missing SPN.
Here's the relevant error snippet:
<kerberostest.prosperityerp.local> ESTABLISH WINRM CONNECTION FOR USER: ansible#PROSPERITYERP.LOCAL on PORT 5986 TO kerberostest.prosperityerp.local
<kerberostest.prosperityerp.local> WINRM CONNECT: transport=kerberos endpoint=https://kerberostest.prosperityerp.local:5986/wsman
<kerberostest.prosperityerp.local> WINRM CONNECTION ERROR: authGSSClientStep() failed: (('Unspecified GSS failure. Minor code may provide more information', 851968), ('Server not found in Kerberos database', -1765328377))
And that is based off something I noticed in your Ansible configuration file:
#fileserver.prosperityerp.local#this machine isnt joined to the domain yet.
I think the this machine isnt joined to the domain yet line in that file is a good indicator that the SPN HTTP/kerberostest.prosperityerp.local does not exist in Active Directory which would be causing the "server not found" message. You can SSH to kerberostest.prosperityerp.local, probably because it exists in DNS or in a Hosts file of the client machine, but unless and until the SPN HTTP/kerberostest.prosperityerp.local is created in Active Directory you will continue to get that error message. Adding that SPN properly in at this point would be a whole other topic of discussion.
You could use a command like this to test if you have that SPN defined:
setspn -Q HTTP/kerberostest.prosperityerp.local
SPNs exists to represent to a Kerberos client where to find the service instance for that service on the network.
Also run:
nslookup kerberostest.prosperityerp.local
on at least two client machines to make sure the FQDN of the IP host where the Kerberized is running exists DNS. DNS is a requirement for Kerberos to properly run in a network.
Finally, you could use Wireshark on the client for further analysis, use the filter kerberos to highlight only kerberos traffic.

In my case, the Server not found in Kerberos database error was a result of the target Windows machine's DNS name not being mapped to the right realm, as hinted at in this line from this Microsoft Technet Article:
The error “Server not found in Kerberos database” is common and can be misleading because it often appears when the service principal is not missing. The error can be caused by domain/realm mapping problems or it can be the result of a DNS problem where the service principal name is not being built correctly. Server logs and network traces can be used to determine what service principal is actually being requested.
I had playbook whoami.yaml:
- hosts: windows-machine.mydomain.com
- name: Run 'whoami' command
win_command: whoami
Hosts file:
Since the DNS name was windows-machine.mydomain.com, but the AD realm was FOO.BAR.MYDOMAIN.COM I had to fix the mapping in my /etc/krb5.conf file on my Ansible host:
This won't work for our case since this mapping rule won't apply to windows-machine.mydomain.com:
foo.bar.mydomain.com = FOO.BAR.MYDOMAIN.COM
This will correctly map windows-machine.mydomain.com to realm FOO.BAR.MYDOMAIN.COM
.mydomain.com = FOO.BAR.MYDOMAIN.COM


Configure LDAP with PGAdmin

Trying to configure LDAP with pgAdmin.
I have pgAdmin running locally on a cluster and I'm using Apache Directory Studio as a local LDAP server with the default connection and I've created 1 user.
The logs from Apache Directory Studio are:
#!CONNECTION ldap://
#!DATE 2021-03-12T09:33:38.565
# LDAP URL : ldap://,ou=system?*??(objectClass=*)
# command line : ldapsearch -H ldap:// -x -D "uid=admin,ou=system" -W -b "uid=admin,ou=system" -s base -a always "(objectClass=*)" "*"
# baseObject : uid=admin,ou=system
# scope : baseObject (0)
# derefAliases : derefAlways (3)
# sizeLimit : 0
# timeLimit : 0
# typesOnly : False
# filter : (objectClass=*)
# attributes : *
#!CONNECTION ldap://
#!DATE 2021-03-12T09:33:38.566
# numEntries : 1
In my pgAdmin config_local.py file I have the following:
AUTHENTICATION_SOURCES = ['ldap','internal']
LDAP_SERVER_URI = 'ldap://<my-ip-address>:10389'
LDAP_BASE_DN = 'uid=admin,ou=system'
LDAP_SEARCH_BASE_DN = 'uid=admin,ou=system'
When I try to log into pgAdmin with admin or the created user I get the following error:
ldap3.core.exceptions.LDAPBindError: automatic bind not successful - invalidCredentials
I think I'm getting the base DN wrong or Apache isn't configured properly. Grateful for any help.

Web HUE installation and set up is done. Bu the dashboard is not working

I have recently set up the Hue set up on my hadoop cluster and everything seems fine. I was able to open the webhue ie., localhost:8888 and i can see the HDFS, HBase and Mysql. But I am still facing some issues on this. Could anyone please help me out in this regard.
Problems facing are :
Hive connection: I am using beeline and i was able to connect to hive databses using beeline on the shelll But in the web hue, it shows error loading databases. The configuration i have used in hue.ini file is
Port where HiveServer2 Thrift server runs on.
The second issue is even though i was able to connect to the mysql database, the issue i am facing is in the dashboard tab. I can see all the widgets and charting options like pie,bar etc. But when i drag and drop them on the page, its loading forever. I dont able to see any chart of the table data.
Please help me out as i have been trying since 10 days and i could not able to find any pointers yet.
#Ruthikajawar I have a working hue.ini here:
The specifics for working hive are:
# Host where HiveServer2 is running.
# If Kerberos security is enabled, use fully-qualified domain name (FQDN).
# Binary thrift port for HiveServer2.
# Http thrift port for HiveServer2.
# Host where LLAP is running
## llap_server_host = localhost
# LLAP binary thrift port
## llap_server_port = 10500
# LLAP HTTP Thrift port
## llap_server_thrift_port = 10501
# Alternatively, use Service Discovery for LLAP (Hive Server Interactive) and/or Hiveserver2, this will override server and thrift port
# Whether to use Service Discovery for LLAP
## hive_discovery_llap = true
# is llap (hive server interactive) running in an HA configuration (more than 1)
# important as the zookeeper structure is different
## hive_discovery_llap_ha = false
# Shortcuts to finding LLAP znode Key
# Non-HA - hiveserver-interactive-site - hive.server2.zookeeper.namespace ex hive2 = /hive2
# HA-NonKerberized - (llap_app_name)_llap ex app name llap0 = /llap0_llap
# HA-Kerberized - (llap_app_name)_llap-sasl ex app name llap0 = /llap0_llap-sasl
## hive_discovery_llap_znode = /hiveserver2-hive2
# Whether to use Service Discovery for HiveServer2
hive_discovery_hs2 = true
# Hiveserver2 is hive-site hive.server2.zookeeper.namespace ex hiveserver2 = /hiverserver2
hive_discovery_hiveserver2_znode = /hiveserver2
# Applicable only for LLAP HA
# To keep the load on zookeeper to a minimum
# ---- we cache the LLAP activeEndpoint for the cache_timeout period
# ---- we cache the hiveserver2 endpoint for the length of session
# configurations to set the time between zookeeper checks
## cache_timeout = 60
# Host where Hive Metastore Server (HMS) is running.
# If Kerberos security is enabled, the fully-qualified domain name (FQDN) is required.
# Configure the port the Hive Metastore Server runs on.
# Hive configuration directory, where hive-site.xml is located
# Timeout in seconds for thrift calls to Hive service
## server_conn_timeout=120
# Choose whether to use the old GetLog() thrift call from before Hive 0.14 to retrieve the logs.
# If false, use the FetchResults() thrift call from Hive 1.0 or more instead.
## use_get_log_api=false
# Limit the number of partitions that can be listed.
## list_partitions_limit=10000
# The maximum number of partitions that will be included in the SELECT * LIMIT sample query for partitioned tables.
## query_partitions_limit=10
# A limit to the number of rows that can be downloaded from a query before it is truncated.
# A value of -1 means there will be no limit.
## download_row_limit=100000
# A limit to the number of bytes that can be downloaded from a query before it is truncated.
# A value of -1 means there will be no limit.
## download_bytes_limit=-1
# Hue will try to close the Hive query when the user leaves the editor page.
# This will free all the query resources in HiveServer2, but also make its results inaccessible.
## close_queries=false
# Hue will use at most this many HiveServer2 sessions per user at a time.
# For Tez, increase the number to more if you need more than one query at the time, e.g. 2 or 3 (Tez has a maximum of 1 query by session).
## max_number_of_sessions=1
# Thrift version to use when communicating with HiveServer2.
# Version 11 comes with Hive 3.0. If issues, try 7.
# A comma-separated list of white-listed Hive configuration properties that users are authorized to set.
## config_whitelist=hive.map.aggr,hive.exec.compress.output,hive.exec.parallel,hive.execution.engine,mapreduce.job.queuename
# Override the default desktop username and password of the hue user used for authentications with other services.
# e.g. Used for LDAP/PAM pass-through authentication.
## auth_username=hive
## auth_password=hive
# Use SASL framework to establish connection to host.
For the second part of your question. You should monitor the /var/log/hue/error.log while using the UI to capture and resolve any errors.

Using Ansible on windows with domain user

I'm starting to learn Ansible but the documentation is not too helpful.
I have installed the control machine on RHEL and created the necessary hosts file and windows.yml.
But when trying to connect to the remote Windows server to get a pong back I get the following error:
[root#myd666 ansible_test]# ansible windows -i hosts -m win_ping
hostname | UNREACHABLE! => {
"changed": false,
"msg": "ssl: the specified credentials were rejected by the server",
"unreachable": true
After Installing python-kerberos dependencies,
I now get this Error:
hostname | UNREACHABLE! => {
"changed": false,
"msg": "Kerberos auth failure: kinit: KDC reply did not match expectations while getting initial credentials",
"unreachable": true
My windows.yml file contains:
# it is suggested that these be encrypted with ansible-vault:
# ansible-vault edit group_vars/windows.yml
ansible_ssh_user: user#MYDOMAIN.NET
ansible_ssh_pass: password
ansible_ssh_port: 5986
ansible_connection: winrm
ansible_winrm_server_cert_validation: ignore
Am I doing anything wrong with the syntax of Domain\user? Maybe I forgot to install something on the Windows machine? I only ran the ConfigureRemotingForAnsible.ps1 script, and Python is not installed there.
This is my krb5.conf file:
default_realm = MYDOMAIN.NET
#dns_lookup_realm = true
#dns_lookup_kdc = true
kdc = dc1.mydomain.net
default_domain = hpeswlab.net
.mydomain.net = MYDOMAIN.NET
mydomain.net = MYDOMAIN.NET
And I do get a token using Kinit:
kinit -C user#MYDOMAIN.NET
Klist output:
Valid starting Expires Service principal
01/31/2017 11:25:33 01/31/2017 21:25:33 krbtgt/MYDOMAIN.NET#MYDOMAIN.NET
renew until 02/01/2017 11:25:29
In windows.yml, please double-check and ensure that the ansible_ssh_user: user#MYDOMAIN.NET line does indeed have the realm MYDOMAIN.NET in upper case. Somewhere, the realm request to the KDC is being sent in lower case instead of upper case causing the 'KDC reply did not match expectations..' error.
In krb5.conf, case-sensitivity is also important. First I'll note that since the KDC name is the name of an IP host, so it needs to be specified as a fully-qualified host name, like in the example shown below. It assumes your KDC is named "dc1.mydomain.net". Next, the domain name should only be in lower case. On the other hand, Kerberos Realm names need be in upper case - if the realm name is incorrectly specified in lower case in this file that is another reason you may get this error message. Please modify your entire krb5.conf to look like that shown below (changing only "dc1" to the actual name) and it should work. Side note: You do not necessarily need the two dns_lookup_ lines in your krb5.conf, so please comment them out per the below. Those are fallback mechanisms only as per the MIT Kerberos Documentation and may actually cause issues in your simple use case. After modifying either configuration file, make sure to restart the Ansible engine before testing again.
default_realm = MYDOMAIN.NET
#dns_lookup_realm = true
#dns_lookup_kdc = true
kdc = dc1.mydomain.net
default_domain = mydomain.net
.mydomain.net = MYDOMAIN.NET
mydomain.net = MYDOMAIN.NET
Please refer to this MIT reference for how to properly set up the krb5.conf: Sample krb5.conf File
In the Hosts file, check to ensure your IP to name mappings are correct. Per the RFCs, Kerberos requires a properly functioning DNS, and you are at risk of shortchanging that if your Hosts file has outdated entries in it.
Finally, though I wasn't able to tell which version of Ansible you were using, I did some research and found that "Ansible 2.0 has deprecated the “ssh” from ansible_ssh_user, ansible_ssh_host, and ansible_ssh_port to become ansible_user, ansible_host, and ansible_port." This could certainly be part of the problem. See: Ansible on Windows Documentation

How to make sure SSL is enabled properly on Active Directory server?

How to make sure SSL is enabled properly on Active Directory server?
On server itself if I run ldp, I think I can connect on 636 port.
I see something like this in output:
ld = ldap_sslinit("localhost", 636, 1);
Error <0x0> = ldap_set_option(hLdap, LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, LDAP_VERSION3);
Error <0x0> = ldap_connect(hLdap, NULL);
Error <0x0> = ldap_get_option(hLdap,LDAP_OPT_SSL,(void*)&lv);
Host supports SSL, SSL cipher strength = 128 bits
Established connection to localhost.
Retrieving base DSA information...
Result <0>: (null)
Matched DNs:
Getting 1 entries:
>> Dn:
**** and 10-12 more lines ****
Does this mean SSL is enabled properly?
What about errors in 2-4 lines?
Yes, SSL was enabled.
URLs provided by me in comments have more details.

setting up gitlab LDAP-authentication without special gitlab user

I want to set up Gitlab with our company's LDAP as a demo. But unfortunately I have to put in an admin password in gitlab.yml to make gitlab access the LDAP service. The problem actually is the administration, as they don't want to setup another account just for Gitlab. Is there any way to circumvent this without filling in my own password? Is there a way to make Gitlab establish the LDAP connection with only the provided user credentials?
Any ideas beside logging in as anonymous?
Already posted here.
I haven't tried it yet, but from the things I've build so far authenticating against LDAP and the informations from the config-file this user-account seems only to be needed when your LDAP does not support anonymous binding and searching.
So I would leave the two entries bind_dn and password commented out and try whether it works or not.
I've implemented LDAP-Autehntication in Gitlab and it's fairly easy.
In the gitlab.yml-file there is a section called ldap.
There you have to provide the informations to connect to your LDAP. It seems that all fields have to be given, there seems to be no fallback default! If you want to use anonymous binding for retrieval of the users DN supply an empty string for bind_dn and password. Commenting them out seems not to work! At least I got a 501 Error message.
More information can be found at https://github.com/patthoyts/gitlabhq/wiki/Setting-up-ldap-auth and (more outdated but still helpful) https://github.com/intridea/omniauth-ldap
I have patched gitlab to work this way and documented the process in https://foivos.zakkak.net/tutorials/gitlab_ldap_auth_without_querying_account/
I shamelessly copy the instructions here for self-completeness.
Note: This tutorial was last tested with gitlab 8.2 installed from source.
This tutorial aims to describe how to modify a Gitlab installation to
use the users credentials to authenticate with the LDAP server. By
default Gitlab relies on anonymous binding or a special querying user
to ask the LDAP server about the existence of a user before
authenticating her with her own credentials. For security reasons,
however, many administrators disable anonymous binding and forbid the
creation of special querying LDAP users.
In this tutorial we assume that we have a gitlab setup at
gitlab.example.com and an LDAP server running on ldap.example.com, and
users have a DN of the following form:
To make Gitlab work in such cases we need to partly modify its
authentication mechanism regarding LDAP.
First, we replace the omniauth-ldap module with this derivation. To
achieve this we apply the following patch to gitlab/Gemfile:
diff --git a/Gemfile b/Gemfile
index 1171eeb..f25bc60 100644
--- a/Gemfile
+++ b/Gemfile
## -44,4 +44,5 ## gem 'gitlab-grack', '~> 2.0.2', require: 'grack'
# LDAP Auth
# GitLab fork with several improvements to original library. For full list of changes
# see https://github.com/intridea/omniauth-ldap/compare/master...gitlabhq:master
-gem 'gitlab_omniauth-ldap', '1.2.1', require: "omniauth-ldap"
+#gem 'gitlab_omniauth-ldap', '1.2.1', require: "omniauth-ldap"
+gem 'gitlab_omniauth-ldap', :git => 'https://github.com/zakkak/omniauth-ldap.git', require: 'net-ldap', require: "omniauth-ldap"
Now, we need to perform the following actions:
sudo -u git -H bundle install --without development test mysql --path vendor/bundle --no-deployment
sudo -u git -H bundle install --deployment --without development test mysql aws
These commands will fetch the modified omniauth-ldap module in
gitlab/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.x.x/bundler/gems. Now that the module is
fetched, we need to modify it to use the DN our LDAP server expects. We
achieve this by patching lib/omniauth/strategies/ldap.rb in
gitlab/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.x.x/bundler/gems/omniauth-ldap with:
diff --git a/lib/omniauth/strategies/ldap.rb b/lib/omniauth/strategies/ldap.rb
index 9ea62b4..da5e648 100644
--- a/lib/omniauth/strategies/ldap.rb
+++ b/lib/omniauth/strategies/ldap.rb
## -39,7 +39,7 ## module OmniAuth
return fail!(:missing_credentials) if missing_credentials?
# The HACK! FIXME: do it in a more generic/configurable way
- #options[:bind_dn] = "CN=#{request['username']},OU=Test,DC=my,DC=example,DC=com"
+ #options[:bind_dn] = "CN=#{request['username']},OU=Users,OU=division,OU=department,DC=example,DC=com"
#options[:password] = request['password']
#adaptor = OmniAuth::LDAP::Adaptor.new #options
With this module, gitlab uses the user's credentials to bind to the LDAP
server and query it, as well as, to authenticate the user herself.
This however will only work as long as the users do not use ssh-keys to
authenticate with Gitlab. When authenticating through an ssh-key, by
default Gitlab queries the LDAP server to find out whether the
corresponding user is (still) a valid user or not. At this point, we
cannot use the user credentials to query the LDAP server, since the user
did not provide them to us. As a result we disable this mechanism,
essentially allowing users with registered ssh-keys but removed from the
LDAP server to still use our Gitlab setup. To prevent such users from
being able to still use your Gitlab setup, you will have to manually
delete their ssh-keys from any accounts in your setup.
To disable this mechanism we patch gitlab/lib/gitlab/ldap/access.rb
diff --git a/lib/gitlab/ldap/access.rb b/lib/gitlab/ldap/access.rb
index 16ff03c..9ebaeb6 100644
--- a/lib/gitlab/ldap/access.rb
+++ b/lib/gitlab/ldap/access.rb
## -14,15 +14,16 ## module Gitlab
def self.allowed?(user)
- self.open(user) do |access|
- if access.allowed?
- user.last_credential_check_at = Time.now
- user.save
- true
- else
- false
- end
- end
+ true
+ # self.open(user) do |access|
+ # if access.allowed?
+ # user.last_credential_check_at = Time.now
+ # user.save
+ # true
+ # else
+ # false
+ # end
+ # end
def initialize(user, adapter=nil)
## -32,20 +33,21 ## module Gitlab
def allowed?
- if Gitlab::LDAP::Person.find_by_dn(user.ldap_identity.extern_uid, adapter)
- return true unless ldap_config.active_directory
+ true
+ # if Gitlab::LDAP::Person.find_by_dn(user.ldap_identity.extern_uid, adapter)
+ # return true unless ldap_config.active_directory
- # Block user in GitLab if he/she was blocked in AD
- if Gitlab::LDAP::Person.disabled_via_active_directory?(user.ldap_identity.extern_uid, adapter)
- user.block unless user.blocked?
- false
- else
- user.activate if user.blocked? && !ldap_config.block_auto_created_users
- true
- end
- else
- false
- end
+ # # Block user in GitLab if he/she was blocked in AD
+ # if Gitlab::LDAP::Person.disabled_via_active_directory?(user.ldap_identity.extern_uid, adapter)
+ # user.block unless user.blocked?
+ # false
+ # else
+ # user.activate if user.blocked? && !ldap_config.block_auto_created_users
+ # true
+ # end
+ # else
+ # false
+ # end
In gitlab.yml use something like the following (modify to your needs):
# 2. Auth settings
# ==========================
## LDAP settings
# You can inspect a sample of the LDAP users with login access by running:
# bundle exec rake gitlab:ldap:check RAILS_ENV=production
enabled: true
# Since GitLab 7.4, LDAP servers get ID's (below the ID is 'main'). GitLab
# Enterprise Edition now supports connecting to multiple LDAP servers.
# If you are updating from the old (pre-7.4) syntax, you MUST give your
# old server the ID 'main'.
main: # 'main' is the GitLab 'provider ID' of this LDAP server
## label
# A human-friendly name for your LDAP server. It is OK to change the label later,
# for instance if you find out it is too large to fit on the web page.
# Example: 'Paris' or 'Acme, Ltd.'
host: ldap.example.com
port: 636
uid: 'sAMAccountName'
method: 'ssl' # "tls" or "ssl" or "plain"
bind_dn: ''
password: ''
# This setting specifies if LDAP server is Active Directory LDAP server.
# For non AD servers it skips the AD specific queries.
# If your LDAP server is not AD, set this to false.
active_directory: true
# If allow_username_or_email_login is enabled, GitLab will ignore everything
# after the first '#' in the LDAP username submitted by the user on login.
# Example:
# - the user enters 'jane.doe#example.com' and 'p#ssw0rd' as LDAP credentials;
# - GitLab queries the LDAP server with 'jane.doe' and 'p#ssw0rd'.
# If you are using "uid: 'userPrincipalName'" on ActiveDirectory you need to
# disable this setting, because the userPrincipalName contains an '#'.
allow_username_or_email_login: false
# To maintain tight control over the number of active users on your GitLab installation,
# enable this setting to keep new users blocked until they have been cleared by the admin
# (default: false).
block_auto_created_users: false
# Base where we can search for users
# Ex. ou=People,dc=gitlab,dc=example
base: 'OU=Users,OU=division,OU=department,DC=example,DC=com'
# Filter LDAP users
# Format: RFC 4515 http://tools.ietf.org/search/rfc4515
# Ex. (employeeType=developer)
# Note: GitLab does not support omniauth-ldap's custom filter syntax.
user_filter: '(&(objectclass=user)(objectclass=person))'
GitLab uses omniauth to manage multiple login sources (including LDAP).
So if you can somehow extend omniauth in order to manage the LDAP connection differently, you could fetch the password from a different source.
That would allow you to avoid keeping said password in the ldap section of the gitlab.yml config file.