Must each tensorflow batch contain a uniform distribution of the inputs for all expected classifications? - tensorflow

This is probably a newbie question but I'm trying to get my head around how training on small batches works.
Scenario -
For the mnist classification problem, let's say that we have a model with appropriate hyerparameters that allow training on 0-9 digits. If we feed it with a small batches of uniform distribution of inputs (that have more or less same numbers of all digits in each batch), it'll learn to classify as expected.
Now, imagine that instead of a uniform distribution, we trained the model on images containing only 1s so that the weights are adjusted until it works perfectly for 1s. And then we start training on images that contain only 2s. Note that only the inputs have changed, the model and everything else has stayed the same.
Question -
What does the training exclusively on 2s after the model was already trained exclusively on 1s do? Will it keep adjusting the weights till it has forgotten (so to say) all about 1s and is now classifying on 2s? Or will it still adjust the weights in a way that it remembers both 1s and 2s?
In other words, must each batch contain a uniform distribution of different classifications? Does retraining a trained model in Tensorflow overwrite previous trainings? If yes, if it is not possible to create small (< 256) batches that are sufficiently uniform, does it make sense to train on very large (>= 500-2000) batch sizes?

That is a good question without a clear answer. In general, the order and selection of training samples has a large impact on the performance of the trained net, in particular in respect to the generalization properties it shows.
The impact is so strong, actually, that selecting specific examples, and ordering them in a particular way to maximize performance of the net even constitutes a genuine research area called `curriculum learning'. See this research paper.
So back to your specific question: You should try different possibilities and evaluate each of them (which might actually be an interesting learning exercise anyways). I would expect uniformly distributed samples to generalize well over different categories; samples drawn from the original distribution to achieve the highest overall score (since, if you have 90% samples from one category A, getting 70% over all categories will perform worse than having 99% from category A and 0% everywhere else, in terms of total accuracy); other sample selection mechanisms will show different behavior.

An interesting reading about such questions is Bengio's 2012 paper Practical Recommendations for Gradient-Based Training of Deep
There is a section about online learning where the distribution of training data is unknown. I quote from the original paper
means that online learners, when given a stream of
non-repetitive training data, really optimize (maybe
not in the optimal way, i.e., using a first-order gradient
technique) what we really care about: generalization
The best practice though to figure out how your dataset behaves under different testing scenarios would be to try them both and get experimental results of how the distribution of the training data affects your generalization error.


Can predictions be trusted if learning curve shows validation error lower than training error?

I'm working with neural networks (NN) as a part of my thesis in geophysics, and is using TensorFlow with Keras for training my network.
My current task is to use a NN to approximate a thermodynamical model i.e a nonlinear regression problem. It takes 13 input parameters and outputs a velocity profile (velocity vs. depth) of 450 parameters. My data consists of 100,000 synthetic examples (i.e. no noise is present), split in training (80k), validation (10k) and testing (10k).
I've tested my network for a number of different architectures: wider (5-800 neurons) and deeper (up to 10 layers), different learning rates and batch sizes, and even for many epochs (5000). Basically all the standard tricks of the trade...
But, I am puzzled by the fact that the learning curve shows validation error lower than training error (for all my tests), and I've never been able to overfit to the training data. See figure below:
The error on the test set is correspondingly low, thus the network seems to be able to make decent predictions. It seems like a single hidden layer of 50 neurons is sufficient. However, I'm not sure if I can trust these results due to the behavior of the learning curve. I've considered that this might be due to the validation set consisting of examples that are "easy" to predict, but I cannot see how I should change this. A bigger validation set perhaps?
To wrap it up: Is is necessarily a bad sign if the validation error is lower than or very close to the training error? What if the predictions made with said network are decent?
Is it possible that overfitting is simply not possible for my problem and data?
In addition to trying a higher k fold and the additional testing holdout sample,perhaps mix it up when sampling from the original data set: Select a stratified sample when partitioning out the training and validation/test sets. Then partition the validation and test set without stratifying the sampling.
My opinion is that if you introduce more variation in your modeling methodology (without breaking any "statistical rules"), you can be more confident in the model that you have created.
You can achieve more trustworthy results by repeating your experiments on different data. Use cross validation with high fold (like k=10) to get better confidence of your solution performance. Usually neural networks easily overfit, if your solution has similar results on validation and test set its a good sign.
It is not that easy to tell when not knowing the exact way you have setup the experiment:
what cross-validation method did you use?
how did you split the data?
As you mentioned, the fact that you observe validation error lower than training can be a result of the fact that either the training dataset contains many "hard" cases to learn or the validation set contains many "easy" cases to predict.
However, since generally speaking training loss is expected to underestimate the validation, to me the specific model appear to have unpredictable/unknown fit (perform better in predicting the unknown that the known feels indeed weird).
In order to overcome this, I would start experimenting by reconsidering the data splitting strategy, adding more data if possible, or even change your performance metric.

Do I need every class in a training image for object detection?

I just try to dive into TensorFlows Object Detection. I have a very small training set of circa 40 images yet. Each image can have up to 3 classes. But now the question came into my mind: Does every training image need every class? Is that important for efficient training? Or is it okay if an image may only have one of the object classes?
I get a very high total loss with ~8.0 and thought this might be the reason for this but I couldn't find an answer.
In general machine learning systems can cope with some amount of noise.
An image missing labels or having the wrong labels is fine as long as overall you have sufficient data for the model to figure it out.
40 examples for image classification sounds very small. It might work if you start with a pre-trained image network and there are few classes that are very easy to distinguish.
Ignore absolute the loss value, it doesn't mean anything. Look at the curve to see that the loss is decreasing and stop the training when the curve flattens out. Compare the loss value to a test dataset to check if the values are sufficiently similar (you are not overfitting). You might be able to compare to another training of the exact same system (to check if the training is stable for example).

How to make a model of 10000 Unique items using tensorflow? Will it scale?

I have a use case where I have around 100 images each of 10000 unique items. I have 10 items with me which are all from the 10000 set and I know which 10 items too but only at the time of testing on live data. I have to now match the 10 items with their names. What would be an efficient way to recognise these items? I have full control of training environment background and the testing environment background. If I make one model of all 10000 items, will it scale? Or should I make 10000 different models and run the 10 items on the 10 models I have pretrained.
Your question is regarding something called "one-vs-all classification" you can do a google search for that, the first hit is a video lecture by Andrew Ng that's almost certainly worth watching.
The question has been long studied and in a plethora of contexts. The answer to your question does very much depend on what model you use. But I'll assume that, if you're doing image classification, you are using convolutional neural networks, because, after all, they're state of the art for most such image classification tasks.
In the context of convolutional networks, there is something called "Multi task learning" that you should read up on. Boiled down to a single sentence, the concept is that the more you ask the network to learn the better it is at the individual tasks. So, in this case, you're almost certain to perform better training 1 model on 10,000 classes than 10,000 classes each performing a one-vs-all classification scheme.
Take for example the 1,000 class Imagenet dataset, and CIFAR-10's 10 class dataset. It has been demonstrated in numerous papers that first training against Imagenet's 1,000 class dataset, and then simply replacing the last layer with a 10 class output and re-training on CIFAR-10's dataset will produce a better result than just training on CIFAR-10's dataset alone. There are admittedly multiple reasons for this result, Imagenet is a larger dataset. But the richness of class labels, multi-task learning, in the Imagenet dataset is certainly among the reasons for this result.
So that was a long winded way of saying, use one model with 10,000 classes.
An aside:
If you want to get really, really interesting, and jump into the realm of research level thinking, you might consider a 1-hot vector of 10,000 classes rather sparse and start thinking about whether you could reduce the dimensionality of your output layer using an embedding. An embedding would be a dense vector, let's say size 100 as a good starting point. Now class labels turn into clusters of points in your 100 dimensional space. I bet your network will perform even better under these conditions.
If this little aside didn't make sense, it's completely safe to ignore it, your 10,000 class output is fine. But if it did peek your interest look up information on Word2Vec, and read this really nice post on how face recognition is achieved using embeddings: You might also consider using an Auto Encoder to generate an embedding for the images (though I favor triplet embeddings as typically used in face recognition myself).

Neural network gives different output for same input

What are the potential reasons for a NN to output different values for the same input? Especially when there isn't any random or stochastic processes?
This is a very broad and general question, might be even too broad to even be on here, but there are several things you should know about neural networks:
They are NOT methods for finding one prefect optimal solution. A neural network usually learn examples that it is given and "figures out" a way to predict results reasonably well. Reasonable is relative, and for some models may mean 50% success and for others anything short of 99.9% will be considered failure.
They're outcome is very dependent on the data that was trained on. The order of data matters, and it's usually a good idea to shuffle data during training, but that can lead to wildly different results. Also, the quality of data matters - if the training data is very different in nature to the test data for example.
The best analogy of neural networks in computing is of course - the brain. Even with the same information and same basic underlying biology, we could all evolve different opinions on matters based on endless other variables. Same thing with computer learning to some extent.
Some types of neural networks use dropout layers, that are specifically designed to shut off random parts of the network during training. This should not affect the final prediction process, because for predictions that layer is usually set to allow all the parts of the network to operate, but if you are inputting data and telling the model it is "training" instead of asking it to predict, the results may vary significantly.
The sum of all this is just to say: The training of neural networks should be expected to yield different results from similar starting conditions, and so must be tested multiple times for every condition to determine what parts of it are inevitable and what parts are not.
It might be due to shuffling of data , If you want to use the same vector you should turn the shuffle argument off.
You should try disabling dropout. Dropout randomly sets the outputs of certain neurons to 0. This will mean that your output will be different each time.

One class classification - interpreting the models accuracy

I am using LIBSVM for classification of data. I am mainly doing One Class Classification.
My training sets consists of data of only one class & my testing data consists of data of two classes (one which belong to target class & the other which doesn't belong to the target class).
After applying svmtrain and svmpredict on both training and testing datasets the accuracy which is coming for training sets is 48% and for testing sets it is 34.72%.
Is it good? How can I know whether LIBSVM is classifying the datasets correctly?
To say if it is good or not depends entirely on the data you are trying to classify. You should search what is the state of the art accuracy for SVM model for your kind of classification and then you will be able to know if your model is good or not.
What I can say from your results is that the testing accuracy is worse than the training accuracy, which is normal as a classifier usually perform better with data it has already seen before.
What you can try now is to play with the regularization parameter (C if you are using a linear kernel) and see if the performance improves on the testing set.
You can also trace learning curves to see if your classifier overfit or not, which will help you choose if you need to increase or decrease the regularization.
For you case, you might want to apply weighting on the classes as the data is often sparse in favor of negative example.
To know whether Libsvm is classifying the dataset correctly you can look at which examples it predicted correctly and which ones it predicted incorrectly. Then you can try to change your features to improve its results.
If you are worried about your code being correct, you can try to code a toy example and play with it or use an example of someone on the web and replicate their results.