ForbidAsync Vs ChallengeAsync why and when to use them -

There are two method on AuthenticationManager class, ForbidAsync() and ChallengeAsync(), I know that I can execute HttpContext.Authentication.ForbidAsync or return a result of type ForbidResult in my controller and it has the same effect, same is true for ChallengeAsync. But it seems that they produce the same result:
public ForbidResult ForbidResult()
return Forbid();
public ChallengeResult ChallengeResult()
return Challenge();
There are not much documentation on the use of them or any example at this point, I was wondering how and why to use them.
Update: By the way, I complied my research in this area to an article by the name of Asp.Net Core Action Results Explained.

A challenge result should generally be used in cases where the current visitor is not logged in, but is trying to access an action that requires an authenticated user. It will prompt a challenge for credentials. It could also be used for an authenticated user, who is not authorised for the action, and where you want to prompt for higher privileged credentials.
A forbid result should be used in cases where the current visitor is logged in as a user in your system, but is trying to access an action that their account does not have permission to perform.
With the standard ASP.NET Core CookieAuthentication added by Identity, default paths are set to handle each case and the user gets redirected.
By default...
Access denied - i.e. forbidden looks to redirect to /Account/AccessDenied
Unauthenticated - i.e. challenge looks to redirect to /Account/Login
Without redirection, forbidden will return a 403 status code, challenge will return a 401.
In your case, as redirects are occurring as specified in the default options, you're seeing the 302 found status codes instead.
I've not looked deep into code around this, but that's my general understanding.


How do I enforce 2FA in .Net Core Identity?

Question: How can I enforce existing users to set up 2FA in .Net Core 3.1 Identity?
I have seen a couple of answers here already, but I have issues with them as follows:
Redirect user to set up 2FA page on login if they do not have it set up. Problem with this is that the user can simply jump to a different url to avoid this, therefore it is not actually enforced.
Have some on executing filter that checks if the user has 2FA enbaled or not and if not redirect them to MFA set up page. The issue I have with this is that on every single navigation the server must go to the database to check whether the user has this field enabled, thus creating a significant performance hit on each request. I know one trip to the database may not sound like much but I have worked with applications where this was the norm and other things used this method, causing a pile up of pre action db queries. I want to avoid this kind of behavior unless absolutely necessary.
My current idea is to on login:
Check the users credentials but NOT log them in
If the credentials pass, check if the user has 2FA enabled or not. If they do, continue through login flow, if not:
Generate a user token:
and store this along with the username in a server side cache. Then pass a key to the cached items with a redirect to the 2FA setup page, which will not have the [authorize] attribute set, allowing users not logged in to access it.
Before doing anything on the 2FA set up page, retrieve the cached items with the provied key andverify the token and username:
If this doesn't pass, return Unauthorized otherwise continue and get the current user from the supplied UserName in the url that was passed via a cache key. Also dump the cached items and key so that should the url be snatched by a dodgy browser extension it can't be used again.
Continue to pass a new cache key to new user tokens and usernames to each 2FA page to authenticate the user as they navigate.
Is this an appropriate use of user tokens? And is this approach secure enough? I'm concerned that having the user not logged in presents security issues, but I think it is necessary in order to avoid the previously mention problem of going to the database on every request to check 2FA, as with this method trying to navigate away will just redirect to login.
I implemented this via a Filter Method
I have a BasePageModel which all my pages inherit
public override async Task OnPageHandlerExecutionAsync(PageHandlerExecutingContext context, PageHandlerExecutionDelegate next)
if (!User.Identity.IsAuthenticated)
await next.Invoke();
var user = await UserManager.GetUserAsync(User);
var allowedPages = new List<string>
var page = context.ActionDescriptor.PageTypeInfo.Name;
if (!user.TwoFactorEnabled && allowedPages.All(p => p != page))
context.Result = RedirectToPage("/Account/Manage/EnableAuthenticator", new { area = "Identity" });
await next.Invoke();
I then changed both the Disable2fa and ResetAuthenticator pages to redirect to the main 2fa page
public IActionResult OnGet() => RedirectToPage("./TwoFactorAuthentication");
And removed the reset/disable links from that page
I chose to implement a more modern and OAuth friendly solution (which is inline with .Net Core Identity).
Firstly, I created a custom claims principal factory that extends UserClaimsPrincipalFactory.
This allows us to add claims to the user when the runtime user object is built (I'm sorry I don't know the official name for this, but its the same thing as the User property you see on controllers).
In here I added a claim 'amr' (which is the standard name for authentication method as described in RFC 8176). That will either be set to pwd or mfa depending on whether they simply used a password or are set up with mfa.
Next, I added a custom authorize attribute that checks for this claim. If the claim is set to pwd, the authorization handler fails. This attribute is then set on all controllers that aren't to do with MFA, that way the user can still get in to set up MFA, but nothing else.
The only downside with this technique is the dev needs to remember to add that attribute to every non MFA controller, but aside from that, it works quite well as the claims are stored in the users' cookie (which isn't modifiable), so the performance hit is very small.
Hope this helps someone else, and this is what I read as a base for my solution:

Best method to identify the reason for an [Authorize] policy failure?

Without creating custom authorization handlers, is there a way in core to detect the reason that an action fails with a 401 Unauthorized and return a semantically helpful response?
Specific example: User has the role "Student". Action has an attribute specifying [Authorize(Roles = "Teacher")]. When User attempts to load Action, a policy failure results in an error view being redirected to via the authentication middleware.
Ideally I would be able to identify the reason within the error handling action method and provide a specific response stating that the requested URL is only available for Teachers, but so far nothing obvious has presented itself. I can identify which authentication schemes were involved, and which roles the user is in, but it's unclear if I can tell which roles are required for the action.

Can we restrict users in identity server4 to specific applications?

I am trying to implement IdentityServer 4 for enterprise scenario.
I understand that users are registered against Identity server.
My question is how to give permissions to users against applications, like as users are needed to assign to a particular application, if not assigned application should return unauthorized.
If a user needs to access multiple applications then multiple assignments are needed.
I am looking a way for Identity server to invalidate the submitted token if the user doesn't have access to the application in a single go, even though the challenged token might be valid if it is submitted by other application which the user has access to
Identity Server absolutely handles authorizations on the most basic level. It creates authorization codes and access_tokens that are essential in an applications authorization. Without them you cannot get authorized. Thus for others to claim Identity Server does not do authorizations is flat out wrong.
I came in here a week ago looking for a solution for this very same problem. I want to restrict users to specific applications by not granting them access tokens if they fail to meet certain parameters, in my case a UserClient table. Lucky for you I have a solution. Identity Server 4 implements a few, what they call, CustomValidators that occur at the time of authorization or token creation. They are
internal class DefaultCustomAuthorizeRequestValidator : ICustomAuthorizeRequestValidator
internal class DefaultCustomTokenRequestValidator : ICustomTokenRequestValidator
public class DefaultCustomTokenValidator : ICustomTokenValidator
There name really says it when they get called. Each one contains a single method
public Task ValidateAsync(CustomAuthorizeRequestValidationContext context)
return Task.CompletedTask;
Notice something? That's is right! It does nothing. Almost as if they are meant to be replaced. (It is).
This is the area that you can add your custom logic to reject the request. CustomAuthorizeRequestValidationContext contains ClientId and User claim information. It also contains a boolean value called IsError. Simply set that to true and whamy! Access denied. You can also set error messages etc. Here is an example that implements the ICustomAuthorizeRequestValidator inface that will restrict a user based on there user Id
public Task ValidateAsync(CustomAuthorizeRequestValidationContext context)
var sub = context.Result.ValidatedRequest.Subject.FindFirst("sub");
if (sub != null && sub.Value != "88421113")
context.Result.IsError = true;
context.Result.Error = "Unauthorized";
context.Result.ErrorDescription = "You are not authorized for this client";
return Task.CompletedTask;
Feel free to inject a dbcontext or two to read off of your userclient table. I check the sub claim to be null because this will get hit several times before actual login occurs.
From what I noticed all three behave similar in terms of use, but different in terms of outcome. Setting an error ICustomAuthorizeRequestValidator will prevent the redirect to your client and instead direct you to the Identity Server error screen. The other two will redirect back to the client and generally throw some throw some sort of HttpResponse error. Therefore replacing the ICustomAuthorizeRequestValidator seems to work best.
So simply created a class that implements ICustomAuthorizeRequestValidator. Then add that into your identity services like so
and you are done done.
You can add a claim in your IdentityServer4's claims table called "role" and in your application, add some UI to authorize a person via email or similar, and then set his/her role in the claims db. And you can also delete the authorized user from your application, which should un-assign a role to that particular person. Thus he/she although is successfully authenticated, can't use your application because you have authorized then. Hope this approach helps you!
For users, IdentityServer is authentication only. Authorization should be handled by your application.
Authentication = Verifying who a user is
Authorization = Verify what a user can do
I wrote an article on this topic to clarify how OAuth 2.0 does is not user-level authorization. Hope it helps!
As Scott says, Identity Server will authenticate that the user is who they say they are, not explicitly tell you what that user can do.
You can use the claims returned as part of that authentication to then perform authorization checks within your app. For example, you might use the sub or id claims to perform checks from your app on whether the user associated with that sub/id is allowed to access a specific resource.
The water gets a bit muddier when you bring role claims into the picture, but so long as you appreciate the difference between authentication and authorization you should be ok.
In our enterprise scenario we split it into layers:
We introduced a tenant -- a customer (organization) of our enterprise
Then we have roles (not more than 20 or so) assigned for
each particular user.
IdentityServer fetches users from tenant and access APIs. The only pre-check it performs is that a particular client (application), requested a token, is not restricted for the particular tenant (customer-level licensing), otherwise we display a message and block the challenge response.
Then we come to an app. With a valid token, having tenant and roles inside. The roles-to-functions assignment could be unique within the tenant. So the application itself performs a granulate permissions check, using a separate API. The application is free to enable-disable some functions or even redirect to the special page in IdSrv "Access denied for the app".
With such approach we are scalable, we are configurable, we are as fast as we want. In previous generation we had "all in one" identity+access+licensing monster-like system, and we decided to split. Today we do not face any real limits with adding new customers (tenants), having 20000 users in average each.
Another way, you can redirect user back to respective client login page it they are not assigned to application/client by using IProfileService of IdentityServer4.Services
public async Task IsActiveAsync(IsActiveContext context)
if (!string.Equals("MyAllowedApplicationId", context.Client.ClientId, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
context.IsActive = false;
You have to set IsActive = false to redirect user back to login page where user can login with user details which is allowed in application

JwtBearerAuthentication doesnt return 403 Forbidden, always returns 401 Unauthorized

If ClaimsIdentity set through JwtBearerAuthentication middleware doesnt have enough roles required through
it returns 401 instead of 403.
I am struggling with this in core web api whole night. I have also seen this question on stackoverflow but i havent seen any solution i could make work. The order of registering middleware nor AutomaticChallange setting did the job.
I dont know if i am missing something but it seems shocking that this hasn't been solved properly for years. It is so annoying.
Is there any normal, usual, non-workaround, non-hack way of solving this?
UPDATE (in response to comment from #juunas)
I have tried that and roles are mapped correctly from Claims.
So, if i remove Roles requirement from attribute, for all roles that user is assigned to (in JWT token) User.IsInRole(x) returns true. So mapping works just fine.
About moving from roles based authorization to policies...can you provide some some link with some best practices, recommendations or something that you base that statement on?
I am not saying its not something to be done but would just like to understand it.
It's important to understand the difference in these to errors to understand why you will get one and not the other.
401 is for authentication. If you are getting this error then you have to ask yourself is the user logged in, or does the user have a current token provided by a valid token provider? If the token has expired or the provider is not valid then you can get a 401. If this is what you are getting then you need to check User.Identity.IsAuthenticated does this return true? Most likely it returns false.
403 is for authorization. This would mean the user has a valid token, but the token they have does not give them access to the resource they are requesting. This is where you would want to check User.IsInRole() and it would return false.
If you're getting 401 it means that the user hasn't been authenticated i.e. they have not logged in, their login was invalid, the token has expired... etc. As far as your application is concerned the user hasn't proved they are who they say they are yet.
Edit: Apologies for assuming the user wasn't Authenicated, I didn't see where you stated that they where in your first post. It's hard to help without seeing code but my next guess is that the Claims check hasn't been added to the services pipeline.
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
services.AddAuthorization(options =>
options.AddPolicy("whateverrole", policy => policy.RequireClaim("whateverrole"));
This is in your Startup.cs. MS doc is here
Last update: Simply put using the default Authorize attribute tag you can't change it. MS designs I this way due to the number of layers in the pipeline that could impact authentication. I was unaware of this because I use a custom Authorize attribute and forgot that I over wrote the way it handled status codes.
However I found a nice solution that might suite your needs
It adds an error page to the pipeline prior to the app.UseMvc() that redirects authentication errors to an error page that returns the correct status code.

GWT: Authentication for some part of application using GWT login page

My application has some features that are accessible to all users, and some other features to which access should be restricted to authenticated users only. All these restricted features exists within some set of GWT Places, thus, all Places available in application can be divided into two groups: "accessible for all", and "restricted". In my opinion, places with restricted access, could implement some interface (let's say it would be RestrictedAccess), and if user proceeds to one of them, and it has not been authenticated yet, it will be redirected to the login screen - it's more OO-approach than applying filters basis on URL.
What I'm trying to achieve is:
Information about if user has been
authenticated or not should be
stored on server (it's not something
that could be stored in a cookie...)
Login page is a standard GWT place+view+activity (!)
User name & password validation is done on the server side.
So far, I've introduced RestrictedAccess interface, which is implemented by some set of places. My FilteredActivityMapper.Filter implementation, which is passed to the FilteredActivityMapper wrapping application activity mapper has the following logic:
Place filter(Place place) {
if (place instanceof RestrictedAccess && !userHasBeenAuthenticated()) {
return new LoginPlace();
// return the original place - user has been already authenticated or
// place is accesible for all users
return place;
private boolean userHasBeenAuthenticated() {
// remote call - how to do ???
The problem is with userHasBeenAuthenticated() method (user should not be redirected to the LoginPlace, if it has been already authenticated). If I want to store this information on the server-side, I have to do GWT RPC/request factory call here, but both are asynchronous, so I cannot work on its result in the filter method.
I know that I can use web.xml filters or some external framework (e.g. spring security), but none of this approach allows me to have login page as a standard GWT - based form, or indicating in the more OO way that access to some place should be restricted.
Thanks in advance for any hints
EDIT: I've started to wondering if places filtering (restricted/not restricted) should take place on the client side at all. If, as it was suggested, there is a possibility to hack code indicating if user has been authenticated or not, there is also possibility to hack places filtering code, so that it will be possible to access restricted places without signing in.
I think there is a security issue with calling userHasBeenAuthenticated() - it would be possible to hack the client side code to return true every time this function is called.
The solution I've implemented is to simply return SC_UNAUTHORIZED if an unauthenticated user attempts to access any remote service. I've overridden the RequestFactory onResponseReceived function which redirects to a login page if the response is SC_UNAUTHORIZED. Idea taken from:
This works for our situation where the Activities and Places are all data-centric - each place change retrieves data from the server. If a user isn't authenticated they simply don't get the data and get redirected to a login page.
I realize your situation is slightly different in that some places are accessible to everyone, in which case you could configure only the restricted services to return SC_UNAUTHORIZED.
I have a similar application with the same requirements. As yet I have not got round to to the implementation but I was thinking along the same lines.
What I was planning on doing is storing the authentication state client side in an AuthenticationManager class. When the app starts I was going to request the login info from the server (I was thinking of running on app engine so I would get the authentication state and also get the open id login/logout URLs) and store this in the AuthenticationManager. Acegi/Spring Security works in a simlar way so this info is available server side if you use those too.
When the user logs in/out they will be redirected by the server and the new state will be retrieved. This should keep the client authentication state in line with the server. Each RPC request on the server has to be checked for authentication too. I was using the gwt-dispacth library and this has some rudimentary authentication checking and cross site script protection in in too (although I think latest GWT has this for generic RPC).
One issue is session timeouts. Again the gwt-dispath library has some code that detects this and returns session expired exceptions to the client which can be intercepted and the auth manager updated.
Hope that makes some sense.