How to parse tensorflow model with C++ API - tensorflow

I want to parse a pre-trained model of tensorflow. For example, I want to get the full list of operation nodes, including the names and dependency given a model.
So, first I searched Java API and apparently there's little APIs supported by Java interface. So I seek for C++ API, but failed to find the right APIs.
The reason I don't use python is that I need to do this on android devices.

The TensorFlow graph is stored as a GraphDef protocol buffer. You should be able to build a java version of this and use it to inspect the stored graph. This will have the lists of operations, and their dependencies, but will have the values of the weights.


Using tensorflow hub with go

I want to use pre trained models in my go application. Especially the Inception-ResNet-v2 model.
This model seems to be only available via tensorflow hub (
However I could not find any documentation how to use tensorflow hub with the go language bindings for tensorflow.
How can I download and use these models in go?
So after a lot of work in the past few days I finally found a way.
At first I wanted to just use Python to do all the Tensorflow stuff and then provide the results via a rest service. However it turned out that the number of models provided by Tensorflow Hub is very small. This was a problem for me because I had to try out different models and compare them.
Thus I switched to using models from There are several tutorials how to export the data to .pb files. Those files can then be loaded in Go using gocv.
It requires a lot of work to convert the files, but in the end I think this is the best way to use Tensorflow models in go.

How can I get mxnet back end code for various functions?

I am trying to understand how the internal flow goes in mxnet when we call forward . Is there any way to get source code of mxnet?
This really depends on what your symbolic graph looks like. I assume you use MXNet with Python (Python documentation). There you can choose to use the MXNet symbol library or the Gluon library.
Now, you were asking whether one can inspect the code, and, yes, you can find it on GitHub. The folder python contains the python interface and src contains all MXNet sources. What happens on forward is eventually defined by the MXNet execution engine, which tracks input/output dependencies of operators and neural network layers, allocate memory on the different devices (CPU, GPUs). There is a general architecture documentation for this.
I suppose you are interested in what each and every operation does, such as argmax (reduction), tanh (unary math operation) or convolution (complex neural network operation). This you can find in the operator folder of MXNet. This requires a whole documentation in itself and there is a special forum for MXNet specifics here, but I will give a short orientation:
Each operation in a (symbolic) execution graph needs a defined forward and backward operation. It also needs to define its output shape, so that it can be chained with other operations. If that operator needs weights, it needs to define the amount of memory it requires, so MXNet can allocate it.
Each operation requires several implementations for a) CPU b) GPU (CUDA) c) wrapper around cuDNN
All unary math operations follow the same pattern, so they are all defined in a similar way in mshadow_op.h (e.g. relu).
This is all I can tell you based on your quite broad question.

java api for feeding tfrecords bytes to tensorflow model

Does any one know of high level api if exist in java for directly reading tfrecords and feeding to a tensorflow savedModel . Python api allows both example.proto (tfrecords) and tensors to be fed to tf model for inference. The only api i have seen in java is of creating raw tensors, is there a way similar to python sdk where i can directly feed tfrecords (example.proto_ to a saved model bundle in java as well.
I just came across same scenario and I used TFRecordIO from Java Apache Beam to read records. For example,
.apply(ParDo.of(new ModelEvaluationFn()));
Inside ModelEvaluationFn I do the scoring using savedModel. With Java Apache Beam, you can run locally, on GCP Dataflow, Spark, Flink, etc. But if you are using Spark directly, there's spark-tensorflow-connector.
Another thing I came across is how to parse the tfrecords in Java because I need get the label value and group by using some column values to get breakdown scores. org.tensorlfow/proto package can help you do that. Here are examples: example1, example2. Essentially, it's Example.parseFrom(byte[]).

How to load tensorflow checkponit by myself without c++ api?

I am using tensorflow 1.0.
My production environment cannot build tensorflow-cpp because low gcc&glibc version.
Is there any doc about how to load a checkponit or freezed-graph in C++ without api?
1、 how to save network parameter? (embeding...)
2、 how to save graph structure (layers,weights...)
There is no documentation on doing this that I know of. Loading a checkpoint without the C++ runtime won't be very useful to you because you won't be able to run it.
The checkpoint by default does not include the graph structure, but if you export a metagraph you will get it in a serialized protocol buffer format. Implementing a parser for this (and the weights checkpoint) yourself sounds difficult to get right and likely to break in the future.

The interaction between TensorFlow Python frontend and its C++ core

TensorFlow whitepaper says that it has a core written in C++. Does it mean that specified computation graph in Python is completely transformed into C++ equivalent code for the execution? If yes, is it possible to extract the generated intermediate code? My use-case is to observe the calls to the cuDNN library for an specified computation graph.
You can see the intermediate format if you do print(tf.get_default_graph().as_graph_def()). To observe CuDNN calls perhaps you could add some print statements to tensorflow/stream_executor/cuda/