stream analytics query get error column name doesn't exist, but it does? - sql

When I run my query in management studio it works fine, but in a stream analytics job it throws an error: Query compilation error: Invalid column name: 'afkorting'. Column with such name does not exist..
I downloaded the input tables to check if something went wrong with uploading, but that file does have that column name (and I double checked for capital letters, miswriting etc), so how can I fix this?
This is my query:
; WITH Check AS
SELECT afkorting, *
FROM Reizen RE
ON RE.ID = AP.code
ON CH.afkorting = VM.Station
WHERE VM.h_station = VM.v_station
AND DATEPART(hour, CH.MsgReportDate) = VM.start_uur
AND (DATEPART(minute, CH.MsgReportDate) BETWEEN VM.start_minuut AND VM.eind_minuut)
AND DATEPART(weekday, CH.MsgReportDate) = VM.weekdag
Hope someone can help me!
*PROBLEM SOLVED: you need to give in all columnnames, so not SELECT * but SELECT column1, column2 and use the given prefixes of the table, in my case: AP.column1, RE.column2 etc*

Just summarize all comments above for resolving the issue, I did some testing for Stream Query language elements WITH, SELECT & JOIN. Here is my result list for the issue.
Without JOIN, using column names with symbol * in the WITH scope is correct for executing on ASA.
With JOIN, it's necessary to list all column names you want without symbol * for executing. The reason seems to be to avoid ambiguity with column name conflict.

you need to give in all column names, so not
SELECT * but SELECT column1, column2
and use the given prefixes of the table,
for example
in my case:
AP.column1, RE.column2 etc


How to check if array contains an item in JSON column using Sqlite?

I'm using sqlite to store JSON data that I have no control over. I have a logs table that looks like this.
{"key": "sometext"}
Then I use the following query to get the rows where value.key contains a:
SELECT * FROM logs WHERE EXISTS (SELECT * FROM json_each(json_extract(logs.value,'$.key')) WHERE json_each.value = 'a')
The query works fine if key is an array or if it doesn't exist. But it fails if is a string (like the second row of the table)
The error I get is:
SQL error or missing database (malformed JSON)
And it is because json_each throws if the parameter is an string.
Because of the requirements I can't control the user data or the queries.
Ideally I would like to figure out a query that either doesn't fail or that detects that the value is a string instead of an array and uses LIKE to see if the string contains 'a'.
Any help would be appreciated. Happy holidays :)
Use a CASE expression in the WHERE clause which checks if the value is an array or not:
FROM logs
WHEN value LIKE '{"key":[%]}' THEN
FROM json_each(json_extract(logs.value,'$.key'))
WHERE json_each.value = 'a'
ELSE json_extract(value,'$.key') = 'a'
See the demo.


I have the following query :
SELECT A.*, B.* FROM Employee AS A
LEFT JOIN EmployeeHistory AS B ON +B.EmployeeId = CASE
WHEN DeptId=1 THEN SUBSTRING(FunctionRef,2,3)
WHEN DeptId=2 THEN SUBSTRING(FunctionRef,2,2) END
I want to understand the + before the +B.EmployeeId, since SQL Server isn't throwing an error
The SQL you have posted is not valid T-SQL. This is because after you define the alias for Employee as A you have an ON ("A" is for Employee? What A? A is for Apple, E is for Employee. Bad Habits to Kick : Using table aliases like (a, b, c) or (t1, t2, t3)). The first table in a FROM can't be followed by an ON, ON is for tables that you are joining to.
If the first ON is meant to be a JOIN, it does work: db<>fiddle. But all the + is doing is being a leading plus or concatenation operator (which depends on the data type of EmployeeID). SELECT +1, + ''; is perfectly valid (though odd) syntax. The + is basically doing nothing.
Disclaimer: The opening paragraph is based on the original SQL the OP posted, which they stated they had copy and pasted from a working environment.
The + is a unary plus sign. It is analogous to then unary minus (-) but it doesn't do anything. If the second argument is a string, then it is a unary string concatenator, once again doing nothing.
I'm not sure what the purpose is.
You can check this out to get an idea:
select ++++1, + '', +'abc'
Maybe you forgot to include the second line JOIN table2 as B. If you included that line the query could become valid.
The +B.EmployeeId expression can mean 0+B.EmployeeId and thus the plus sign would not have any effect.

SQL join with concat and substring

So I'm attempting to do a join that requires both CONCAT and SUBSTRING.
Table one has a column with a date and location e.g. '02:00 IND'
Table two has a column with date/time e.g. '2020-10-10 02:00:00.000000' and another column with location e.g. 'IND'.
This is the statement that I'm trying but it isn't working:
I am receiving the below error:
[SQL0171] Argument 1 of function
SUBSTRING not valid. Cause . . . . . : The data type, length, or value
of argument 1 of function SUBSTRING specified is not valid. Recovery .
. . : Refer to the DB2 for IBM i SQL Reference topic collection in the
Database category in the IBM i Information Center for more information
on scalar functions. Correct the arguments specified for the function.
Try the request again
There will be no space when you concat the substrings.
It will look like this:
I am guessing it is just returning a blank result as you have not mention it was returning an error :)
I got it to work if anyone ever has a similar issue. I am a beginner in SQL so I don't know if this will be helpful or not, I'm sure there is a better way of doing it.
Anyway, my issue was that the data types were incompatible. I cast the timestamp as time which left me with a 'HH.MM.SS' format. After that I had to cast it into a NVARCHAR to make a substring that excluded the seconds. And THEN I had to replace the '.' with a ':' to make the values match. It was a lot of work but I figured it out!
'.', ':'), ' '), DSP134.LSDTID);

How to reference a column in SQL that has count?

How do I get the column "count(division)" instead of getting the actual number of counts?
select * from num_taught;
gets me this
select count(division) from num_taught;
gets me this, but I actually want the third column "count(division)" from the previous image
I want to know this because I'm doing this right now:
sql> select * from num_taught as a, num_taught as b
...> where a.count(division) = b.count(division);
Error: near "(": syntax error
but as you can see, there's a syntax error and I think it's because the code is not referencing the "count(division)" columns but actually finding the count instead.
My end goal is to output the "Titles" that have the same "Division" and have the same count(division).
So for example, the end table would have the rows "Chief Accountant", "Programmer Trainee", "Scrivener", "Technician", "Wizard". Since these are the rows that have a match in division and count(division)
What does DESC num_taught return? I am curious how the third column is populated - is it some kind of pseudo-column? You may want try wrapping the column name with [], see: How to deal with SQL column names that look like SQL keywords?
i.e. try:
select [count(division)] from num_taught;
You need to escape your column name using quotes (in case it's Sqlite like you mentioned in the comments).
select "count(division)" from num_taught;
select * from num_taught as a, num_taught as b
where a."count(division)" = b."count(division)";
If you don't you are using the count-function provided by your Database-system.
It's very unusual to name a column like this, it might be either a trap by your tutor or an error while initializing the table in your case.
I think you just want a count(distinct):
select count(distinct division)
from num_taught;

Hive - SELECT inside WHEN clause of CASE function gives an error

I am trying to write a query in Hive with a Case statement in which the condition depends on one of the values in the current row (whether or not it is equal to its predecessor). I want to evaluate it on the fly, this way, therefore requiring a nested query, not by making it another column first and comparing 2 columns. (I was able to do the latter, but that's really second-best). Does anyone know how to make this work?
My query:
(SELECT lag(field_with_duplicates,1) over (order by field_with_duplicates) FROM my_table b
WHERE = a.field_with_duplicates
THEN “Duplicate”
END as Duplicate_Indicator
FROM my_table a
java.sql.SQLException: org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException: cannot recognize input near 'SELECT' 'lag' '(' in expression specification; line 4 pos 9
The reason I needed the complicated 'lag' function is that the unique Id's in the table are not consecutive, but I don't think that's where it's at: I tested by substituting another simpler inner query and got the same error message.
Speaking of 'duplicates', I did search on this issue before posting, but the only SELECT's inside CASE's I found were in the THEN statement, and if that works the same, it suggests mine should work too.
You do not need the subquery inside CASE:
SELECT a.* ,
WHEN prev_field_with_duplicates = field_with_duplicates
THEN “Duplicate”
END as Duplicate_Indicator
FROM (select a.*,
lag(field_with_duplicates,1) over (order by field_with_duplicates) as prev_field_with_duplicates
from my_table a
or even you can use lag() inside CASE instead without subquery at all (I'm not sure if it will work in all Hive versions ):
WHEN lag(field_with_duplicates,1) over (order by field_with_duplicates) = field_with_duplicates
THEN “Duplicate”
END as Duplicate_Indicator
Thanks to #MatBailie for the answer in his comment. Don't I feel silly...