Converting .ui to .py with Python 3.6 on PyQt5 [closed] - pyqt5

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I can't convert ui to py
it's giving this:

Instead of installing Python packages by hand, I would consider using conda and pip from a recent Anaconda install (
After installing Anaconda with python 3.6, open a privileged (Run as Administrator) cmd or git bash and run the following commands:
Installing PyQt5
PyQt5 is the default one for Python 3.6. You can check available packages by running (conda search pyqt)
conda install pyqt
Generating .py file from .ui
python -m PyQt5.uic.pyuic -x [FILENAME].ui -o [FILENAME].py
Importing generated .py on your Python code
Now, suppose that your file is called, and its type is QMainWindow. This is how you import it on Python
from PyQt5 import QtWidgets
from mainwindow import Ui_MainWindow
import sys
class ApplicationWindow(QtWidgets.QMainWindow):
def __init__(self):
super(ApplicationWindow, self).__init__()
self.ui = Ui_MainWindow()
def main():
app = QtWidgets.QApplication(sys.argv)
application = ApplicationWindow()
if __name__ == "__main__":

you are using the correct syntax: pyuic5 -x file.ui -o
but you have to make sure that the file.ui is in the same location of your pyuic5.bat

python -m PyQt5.uic.pyuic -x [FILENAME].ui -o [FILENAME].py
This worked for me. Thanks to Danilo Gasques

Sorry for my bad english
You can find file "pyuic5.exe" (For example it is "C:\Python\venv\Scripts\pyuic.exe")
Through the command line go to the folder with the file "needToConvert.ui"
Enter the following command line: C:\Python\venv\Scripts\pyuic.exe needToConvert.ui -o

What you need is python3.dll file which is missing and you have to place in your python directory
Go here (
Download the version of python you have and also see which bit
Download the zero version and extract it somewhere temporarily
In extracted folder search for python3.dll in the search bar
Extract where your python setup is and try then it will work

Use this .bat file to automatically convert all *.ui files to python files.
All you need is:
Save the script below to ui2py.bat file
Edit the file with notepad and specify the pythonPath directory from your PC
Save changes and execute the ui2py.bat file convertor
#echo off
rem set the python path
set pythonPath=G:\Programming\WinPython-64bit-\python-3.6.3.amd64
echo [START] converting .ui files...
rem convert all .ui files in current directory
for %%i in (*.ui) do (
rem Display the file name
echo %%i --
rem converting
%pythonPath%\python.exe -m PyQt5.uic.pyuic -x %%i -o
echo [END] converting .ui files...


Rendering in Google Colab gone wrong

I am a newbie Blender user. I made my first animation yesterday and tried to render it in Google Colab. I ran a code which worked for a Youtuber who is running Blender2.91-linux version, but the same code showed error when I ran it.
I am currently using Windows 10 and really new at Blender. I need a working code that can successfully render Animation made with blender in Colab.
This is the code that I found online and ran. Please help :(
#Download Blender from Repository
#Install Blender
!tar xf blender-2.93.0-linux-x64.tar.xz
#Connect Google Drive
from google.colab import drive
#Set Paths to Blender files
filename = '/gdrive/MyDrive/SHIP IN WATER With Particles.blend'
#Render an animation
!sudo ./blender-2.93.0-linux-x64/blender -b $filename -noaudio -E 'Cycles' -o '//image_####' -s 0 -e 72 -a -- --cycles-device OpenCL
The output of the last line came :
sudo: ./blender-2.93.0-linux-x64/blender: command not found
In short, I want a working code that can help me render Animation made in Blender in Google Colab.
Thank you in advance.... :)
The problem with your code is that the folder name is not the same after extracting from the tar file. Here is what you can do to fix your issue:
#Download Blender from Repository
#Install Blender
!tar xf blender-2.93.0-linux-x64.tar.xz
#Connect Google Drive
from google.colab import drive
#Set Paths to Blender files
filename = '/gdrive/MyDrive/SHIP IN WATER With Particles.blend'
After that, add this command: !ls – you will get list files and folders in the current directory. Copy the extracted folder name from there and replace the old folder name with it:

How to use TreeTagger in Google Colab?

i want to use TreeTagger module to tag POS-information on the raw corpus.
As it seems to be faster to use GPU via Google Colab, I installed TreeTagger module, but Colab codes cannot locate TreeTagger directory.
The error type is like this:
TreeTaggerError: Can't locate TreeTagger directory (and no TAGDIR specified)
Please tell me where I should uplaod the treetagger folder.
You have to specify directory:
treetaggerwrapper.TreeTagger(TAGLANG='en', TAGDIR='treetagger/') # treetagger is the installation dir
Installation in Colab.
Follow the instructions on the website.
In one cell in Colab you have to put the following (for other (not English) languages put other link for parameter files):
mkdir treetagger
cd treetagger
# Download the tagger package for your system (PC-Linux, Mac OS-X, ARM64, ARMHF, ARM-Android, PPC64le-Linux).
tar -xzvf tree-tagger-linux-3.2.4.tar.gz
# Download the tagging scripts into the same directory.
gunzip tagger-scripts.tar.gz
# Download the installation script
# Download the parameter files for the languages you want to process.
# list of all files (parameter files)
cd ..
sudo pip install treetaggerwrapper
And in the other following cell you can check the installation:
>>> import pprint # For proper print of sequences.
>>> import treetaggerwrapper
>>> #1) build a TreeTagger wrapper:
>>> tagger = treetaggerwrapper.TreeTagger(TAGLANG='en', TAGDIR='treetagger/')
>>> #2) tag your text.
>>> tags = tagger.tag_text("This is a very short text to tag.")
>>> #3) use the tags list... (list of string output from TreeTagger).
>>> pprint.pprint(tags)

Changing directory in Google colab (breaking out of the python interpreter)

So I'm trying to git clone and cd into that directory using Google collab - but I cant cd into it. What am I doing wrong?
!rm -rf SwitchFrequencyAnalysis && git clone
!cd SwitchFrequencyAnalysis
datalab/ SwitchFrequencyAnalysis/
You would expect it to output the directory contents of SwitchFrequencyAnalysis - but instead its the root. I'm feeling I'm missing something obvious - Is it something to do with being within the python interpreter? (where is the documentation??)
Demo here.
%cd SwitchFrequencyAnalysis
to change the current working directory for the notebook environment (and not just the subshell that runs your ! command).
you can confirm it worked with the pwd command like this:
further information about jupyter / ipython magics:
As others have pointed out, the cd command needs to start with a percentage sign:
%cd SwitchFrequencyAnalysis
Difference between % and !
Google Colab seems to inherit these syntaxes from Jupyter (which inherits them from IPython).
Jake VanderPlas explains this IPython behaviour here. You can see the excerpt below.
If you play with IPython's shell commands for a while, you might
notice that you cannot use !cd to navigate the filesystem:
In [11]: !pwd
In [12]: !cd ..
In [13]: !pwd
The reason is that
shell commands in the notebook are executed in a temporary subshell.
If you'd like to change the working directory in a more enduring way,
you can use the %cd magic command:
In [14]: %cd ..
Another way to look at this: you need % because changing directory is relevant to the environment of the current notebook but not to the entire server runtime.
In general, use ! if the command is one that's okay to run in a separate shell. Use % if the command needs to be run on the specific notebook.
Use os.chdir. Here's a full example:
!mkdir abc
!echo "file" > abc/123.txt
import os
# Now the directory 'abc' is the current working directory.
# and will show 123.txt.
If you want to use the cd or ls functions , you need proper identifiers before the function names ( % and ! respectively)
use %cd and !ls to navigate
!ls # to find the directory you're in ,
%cd ./samplefolder #if you wanna go into a folder (say samplefolder)
or if you wanna go out of the current folder
%cd ../
and then navigate to the required folder/file accordingly
import os
os.chdir('/content/drive/My Drive/Colab Notebooks/Data')
view this answer for detailed explaination
I believe you'd have to mount the Google Drive first before you do anything else.
from google.colab import drive

Shipping and using virtualenv in a pyspark job

PROBLEM: I am attempting to run a spark-submit script from my local machine to a cluster of machines. The work done by the cluster uses numpy. I currently get the following error:
Importing the multiarray numpy extension module failed. Most
likely you are trying to import a failed build of numpy.
If you're working with a numpy git repo, try `git clean -xdf` (removes all
files not under version control). Otherwise reinstall numpy.
Original error was: cannot import name multiarray
In my local environment I have setup a virtualenv that includes numpy as well as a private repo I use in my project and other various libraries. I created a zip file (lib/ from the site-packages directory at venv/lib/site-packages where 'venv' is my virtual environment. I ship this zip to the remote nodes. My shell script for performing the spark-submit looks like this:
$SPARK_HOME/bin/spark-submit \
--deploy-mode cluster \
--master yarn \
--conf spark.pyspark.virtualenv.enabled=true \
--conf spark.pyspark.virtualenv.type=native \
--conf spark.pyspark.virtualenv.requirements=${parent}/requirements.txt \
--conf spark.pyspark.virtualenv.bin.path=${parent}/venv \
--py-files "${parent}/lib/" \
--num-executors 1 \
--executor-cores 2 \
--executor-memory 2G \
--driver-memory 2G \
I also know that on the remote nodes there is a /usr/local/bin/python2.7 folder that includes a python 2.7 install.
so in my conf/ I have set the following:
export PYSPARK_PYTHON=/usr/local/bin/python2.7
export PYSPARK_DRIVER_PYTHON=/usr/local/bin/python2.7
When I run the script I get the error above. If I screen print the installed_distributions I get a zero length list []. Also my private library imports correctly (which says to me it is actually accessing my site-packages.). My file looks something like this:
from myprivatelibrary.bigData.spark import spark_context
spark = spark_context()
import numpy as np
spark.parallelize(range(1, 10)).map(lambda x: np.__version__).collect()
I expect this to import numpy correctly especially since I know numpy works correctly in my local virtualenv. I suspect this is because I'm not actually using the version of python that is installed in my virtualenv on the remote node. My question is first, how do I fix this and second how do I use my virtualenv installed python on the remote nodes instead of the python that is just manually installed and currently sitting on those machines? I've seen some write-ups on this but frankly they are not well written.
With --conf spark.pyspark.{} and export PYSPARK_PYTHON=/usr/local/bin/python2.7 you set options for your local environment / your driver. To set options for the cluster (executors) use the following syntax:
--conf spark.yarn.appMasterEnv.PYSPARK_PYTHON
Furthermore, I guess you should make your virtualenv relocatable (this is experimental, however). <edit 20170908> This means that the virtualenv uses relative instead of absolute links. </edit>
What we did in such cases: we shipped an entire anaconda distribution over hdfs.
<edit 20170908>
If we are talking about different environments (MacOs vs. Linux, as mentioned in the comment below), you cannot just submit a virtualenv, at least not if your virtualenv contains packages with binaries (as is the case with numpy). In that case I suggest you create yourself a 'portable' anaconda, i.e. install Anaconda in a Linux VM and zip it.
Regarding --archives vs. --py-files:
--py-files adds python files/packages to the python path. From the spark-submit documentation:
For Python applications, simply pass a .py file in the place of instead of a JAR, and add Python .zip, .egg or .py files to the search path with --py-files.
--archives means these are extracted into the working directory of each executor (only yarn clusters).
However, a crystal-clear distinction is lacking, in my opinion - see for example this SO post.
In the given case, add the via --archives, and your 'other python files' via --py-files.
See also: Running Pyspark with Virtualenv, a blog post by Henning Kropp.

How to create a PDF-out-of-Sphinx-documentation-tool

Followed this link to try and generate pdf from Sphinx:
$ sphinx-build -b pdf source build/pdf
Error: Cannot find source directory `/Users/seb/mydocs/source'.
$ make all-pdf
make: *** No rule to make target `all-pdf'. Stop.
$ make pdf
make: *** No rule to make target `pdf'. Stop.
Since tried in OSX:
$ conda install -c dfroger rst2pdf=0.93
Fetching package metadata .........
Solving package specifications: .
Error: Package missing in current osx-64 channels:
- rst2pdf 0.93*
You can search for packages on with
anaconda search -t conda rst2pdf
After pip install rst2pdf
install rst2pdf
register rst2pdf in your Sphinx config
extensions = ['sphinx.ext.autodoc','rst2pdf.pdfbuilder']
But adding 'rst2pdf.pdfbuilder' causes
Extension error:
Config value 'math_number_all' already present
make: *** [html] Error 1
$ sphinx-build -bpdf sourcedir outdir
But what do I specify as sourcedir and outdir? Example please.
Now after make html
and then:
$ rst2pdf index.rst output.pdf
index.rst:14: (ERROR/3) Unknown directive type "toctree".
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 2
index.rst:26: (ERROR/3) Unknown interpreted text role "ref".
index.rst:27: (ERROR/3) Unknown interpreted text role "ref".
index.rst:28: (ERROR/3) Unknown interpreted text role "ref".
$ index.rst -o mydocument.pdf
Does produce a mydocument.pdf but completely different from html and toc to all the pages are not even there?
Image of pdf verse HTML same page
This is from the official Sphinx documentation. If you have pdfTex tool installed in your machine, all you need is:
$ make latexpdf
Then, the generated pdf file(s) will be under _build/latex/<PROJECT-NAME>.pdf
So, the complete process from scratch would be as follows:
$ pip install -U sphinx # install the package
$ sphinx-quickstart # create a new project (answer the questions)
$ make latexpdf # compile and generate pdf file
Note that you may also "optionally" install whatever extensions needed by editing the file
NOTE: This answer assumes LaTeX engine is installed on your machine.
I have succeeded in generating a PDF file for the DevStack document by following the configuration changes in this link:
Here are the steps:
Edit your (edit or append values)
extensions = ['rst2pdf.pdfbuilder']
pdf_documents = [('index', u'rst2pdf', u'Sample rst2pdf doc', u'Your Name'),]
Install the "rst2pdf" if necessary
pip install rst2pdf
Build the PDF file like this:
sphinx-build -b pdf doc/source doc/build
Succeeded in Pdf Generation via Latex (for windows 10)... No need to change existing file in Sphinx... the best solution is install MiKTeX....install Perl (ActiveState).... after when running sphinx type 'make HTML' type 'make latex' and then make latexPdf... this solved my issue.
You could avoid rst2pdf and use make pdflatex to build pdf output via a latex file.
cf more info:
Make sure to have a look at
Following applies to Ubuntu 16.
But it is probably less painful to install a full LaTex suite than to try to get this tool running; it is very sensitive to errors, and is difficult to use.
I took a look there ( and it looks daunting...
this is more encouraging:
And I did it:
sudo apt-get install texlive-full
make clean latexpdf
is worthwhile your patience (and disk space) to install. I got rid of rst2pdf.
Found this related post which discovers that rst2pdf breaks math rendering in Sphinx 1.4.1 because it imports a dummy math module.
In rst2pdf.pdfbuilder:setup(), it calls mathbase.setup() internally to install dummy math module. It causes conflicts and raise errors.
I had this same error when running sphinx-build -b pdf
Extension error:
Config value 'math_number_all' already present
Now looking at latex option, and exporting to pdf as #tfv posted. pdflatex is a larger universe of TeX distribution.
As an alternative to latexpdf: rinohtype
Once rinohtype is installed, sphinx-build -b rinoh . _build
Create a file, and open it in Typora software. Navigate to the Sphynx documentation that you need, mark with mouse and copy inside Typora. Then inside typora export as PDF. Done.