React-Native ViewPager goToPage Not Working - react-native

import ViewPager from 'react-native-viewpager';
this._renderPage = this._renderPage.bind(this);
this._renderRowSablon = this._renderRowSablon.bind(this);
this.PageChange = this.PageChange.bind(this);
this.count = 0;
this.state = {
count: 0,
info : this.props.values,
page: 0,
case 'next':
if( this.state.count< ( - 1) ){
this.viewpager.goToPage(this.state.count + 1);
this.setState({count: this.state.count+ 1});
<View style={{flex:1}}>
ref={(viewpager) => {this.viewpager = viewpager}}
<View style={{flex:1}}>
<TouchableHighlight onPress={() => { this.PageChange('next'); }}>
When the setState function is cleared, page change is taking place. When the setState function is added (as above) setState works but the page change (gotoPage) does not work. Does not show error / warning What exactly is the problem?

It seems that you are out of scope. When using arrow functions, the scope of 'this' becomes lexical.
Try changing <TouchableHighlight onPress={() => { this.PageChange('next'); }}>
to <TouchableHighlight onPress={this.PageChange('next')}>
See this question:
React-Native: Cannot access state values or any methods declared from renderRow


How to use hooks as image's source in react native?

Im making this menu that when the user clicks at an option, it changes the background image, but i cant use the hook that i created as a parameter to the source of the image. Can someone find where im wrong and how to fix it?
Heres the part of my code referents to the menu and the hooks:
export function Home(){
let imagens = {
vovo: '../assets/vovoJuju.png',
mc: '../assets/mcJuju.png',
pato: '../assets/patoJuju.png',
const navigation = useNavigation<any>();
const [showBottomSheet, setShowBottomSheet] = React.useState(false);
const [param, setParam] = useState(1);
const [skin, setSkin] = useState('vovo')
const hide = () => {
function handleAbout(){
useEffect(() => {
else if(param==2){
else if(param==3){
<SafeAreaView style={styles.container}>
<TouchableOpacity onPress={handleAbout}>
<Counter />
<TouchableOpacity onPress={() => {
<Image source={skin} style={styles.imgvj}/>
<BottomSheet show={showBottomSheet} height={290} onOuterClick={hide}>
<Pressable onPress={hide} style={styles.bottomSheetContent}>
<Image source={barrinhaLoja} style={styles.barra}/>
<View style={styles.conteudoLoja}>
<View style={styles.marginLeft48}>
<TouchableOpacity onPress={() => {
<Image source={vovoJuju} style={styles.vovo}/>
<Text style={styles.legendasLoja}>Vovó Juju</Text>
<TouchableOpacity onPress={() => {
<Image source={mcJuju} style={}/>
<Text style={styles.legendasLoja}>MC Juju</Text>
<TouchableOpacity onPress={() => {
<Image source={patoJuju} style={styles.pato}/>
<Text style={styles.legendasLoja}>Pato Juju</Text>
I created the "let imagens", "const param", "const skin" and the "useEffect trying" to make this function. I already tried using the source in different ways such as source={skin} and source={imagens[skin]} but it havent worked.
I'm not certain if this solves your problem, but here's how the first few lines of your component should look like without useEffect:
const imagens = {
vovo: '../assets/vovoJuju.png',
mc: '../assets/mcJuju.png',
pato: '../assets/patoJuju.png',
export function Home(){
const navigation = useNavigation<any>();
const [showBottomSheet, setShowBottomSheet] = React.useState(false);
const [param, setParam] = useState(1);
const hide = () => {
function handleAbout(){
let skin = 'vovo';
switch(param) {
case 1: skin = 'vovo'; break;
case 2: skin = 'mc'; break;
case 3: skin = 'pato'; break;
return /* the rest goes here */
To reference the actual image, you would use something like {imagens[skin]}.
I moved imagens outside of this function because it never changes, but it doesn't impact anything otherwise.

undefined is not a function in TouchableOpacity onPress

The question is almost similar to this one :
touchableopacity onpress function undefined (is not a function) React Native
But the problem is, I am getting the error despite the fact that I have bind the function. Here is my TouchableOpacity component:
<TouchableOpacity style={styles.eachChannelViewStyle} onPress={() => this.setModalVisible(true)}>
{item.item.thumbnail ?
<Image style={styles.everyVideoChannelThumbnailStyle} source={{uri: item.item.thumbnail}} />
: <ActivityIndicator style= {styles.loadingButton} size="large" color="#0000ff" />}
<Text numberOfLines={2} style={styles.everyVideoChannelVideoNameStyle}>
And this is my setModalVisible function:
setModalVisible(visible) {
console.error(" I am in set modal section ")
this.setState({youtubeModalVisible: visible});
Also, I have bind the function in constructor as follows:
this.setModalVisible = this.setModalVisible.bind(this);
But, I am still getting same error that undefined is not a function. Any help regarding this error?
The render method and your custom method must be under the same scope. In code below I have demonstrated the same. I hope you will modify your code accordingly as I assume you got the gist :)
class Demo extends Component {
onButtonPress() {
render() {
return (
<TouchableOpacity onPress={this.onButtonPress.bind(this)}>
<Text> Click Me </Text>
</TouchableOpacity >
Alternatively binding method in constructor will also work
class Demo extends Component {
this.onButtonPress= this.onButtonPress.bind(this);
onButtonPress() {
render() {
return (
<TouchableOpacity onPress={this.onButtonPress()}>
<Text> Click Me </Text>
</TouchableOpacity >
I'm not sure if this will help but I write my functions this way and haven't encountered this problem.
If I were you I'd try binding the function in the place where you declare it.
setModalVisible = (visible) => {
this.setState({ youtubeModalVisible: visible });
If you do this, you don't have to bind in the constructor.
constructor(props) {
// Comment this out to see it will still bind.
// this.setModalVisible = this.setModalVisible.bind(this);
Lastly, if this function will only set the modal's state to visible, you might want to remove the argument and pass it this way.
<TouchableOpacity style={styles.eachChannelViewStyle} onPress={this.setModalVisible}>
// Refactored function declaration would look like this
setModalVisible = () => {
this.setState({ youtubeModalVisible: true });

How to get the style name and state name of a clicked element in React Native?

In the following, first example how do I check if the clickable element TouchableWithoutFeedback has the style named EntryBlock1?
render() {
return (
<TouchableWithoutFeedback style={styles.EntryBlock1} onPress={() => this.CheckIfHasStyles()}>
<View style={styles.redundantWrapperNumber1}>
<Text style={styles.redundantWrapperNumber2}>Click To Test For Style</Text>
<TouchableWithoutFeedback style={styles.EntryBlock2} onPress={() => this.CheckIfHasStyle()}>
<View style={styles.redundantWrapperNumber1}>
<Text style={styles.redundantWrapperNumber2}>Click To Test For Style</Text>
); // end return
} // end render
In the 2nd example, how can I check if TouchableWithoutFeedback has the state name EntryBlock1 ?
constructor (props) {
this.state = {
EntryBlock1: [styles.entryBlockButton, styles.entryBlockButtonMin],
EntryBlock2: [styles.entryBlockButton, styles.entryBlockButtonMax],
render() {
return (
<TouchableWithoutFeedback style={this.state.EntryBlock1} onPress={() => this.CheckIfHasStateName()}>
<View style={styles.redundantWrapperNumber1}>
<Text style={styles.redundantWrapperNumber2}>Click To Test For Style</Text>
); // end return
What I've Tried
Different stuff along the lines of the following..
CheckIfHasStyles =()=> {
var object = this.state;
var stringifiedObject = JSON.stringify(object);
var slicedObject = stringifiedObject.slice(2, 13);
if (slicedObject === 'EntryBlock1') {
} else {
.. which actually works for one very specific example, but not when I have multiple state names as this.state gets all of them in one object and not just the state of the element clicked.
Note: My question is solely about getting attributes and their values. It is to help me develop a style of toggling styles on elements but I am only looking for attribute stuff in these answers as I would like to use attributes, if possible, for more than just toggling in the future.
You can pass it as parameter to your function directly like this:
render() {
return (
<TouchableWithoutFeedback style={styles.EntryBlock1} onPress={() => this.CheckIfHasStyles('EntryBlock1')}>
<View style={styles.redundantWrapperNumber1}>
<Text style={styles.redundantWrapperNumber2}>Click To Test For Style</Text>
<TouchableWithoutFeedback style={styles.EntryBlock2} onPress={() => this.CheckIfHasStyle('EntryBlock2')}>
<View style={styles.redundantWrapperNumber1}>
<Text style={styles.redundantWrapperNumber2}>Click To Test For Style</Text>
and check if you are receiving any parameter in your function and do what you want
based on If-else condition

How to implement a collapsible box in react native?

I am trying to implement a collapsible box in react native.Its working fine for dummy data. But when i tried to list the data response from server i'm getting error.I'm using map method over the response for listing the details.But showing error evaluating i'm confused to where to place the map method.Below is the code that i've tried.I refer this doc for collapsible box.
class DetailedView extends Component{
this.icons = {
'up' : require('../Images/Arrowhead.png'),
'down' : require('../Images/Arrowhead-Down.png')
this.state = {
title : props.title,
expanded : true,
animation : new Animated.Value()
let initialValue = this.state.expanded? this.state.maxHeight + this.state.minHeight : this.state.minHeight,
finalValue = this.state.expanded? this.state.minHeight : this.state.maxHeight + this.state.minHeight;
expanded : !this.state.expanded
toValue: finalValue
maxHeight : event.nativeEvent.layout.height
minHeight : event.nativeEvent.layout.height
state = {details: []};
fetch('' + )
.then((response) => response.json())
.then((responseData) =>
let icon = this.icons['down'];
icon = this.icons['up'];
return =>
style={[styles.container,{height: this.state.animation}]}>
{ =>
<View onLayout={this._setMinHeight.bind(this)}>
<View style={styles.thumbnailContainerStyle}>
<Text style={styles.userStyle}>
<TouchableHighlight onPress={this.toggle.bind(this)}
<Image style={styles.buttonImage} source={icon}></Image>
<View style={styles.body} onLayout={this._setMaxHeight.bind(this)}>
This is the screenshot for working code with dummy data
1. Solving the Error :
The API call you are making is asynchronous and once the API is called, the code continues to execute before getting the response from the API. The component tries to map through this.state.details before there are any details.
A solution here is that you need to set an ActicityIndicator/Loader initially when component is mounted and once you get the details/response from the API, the state changes and then you can map through this.state.details
Add empty details array to your initial state.
state = { details:[] }
Then put your return Inside an if condition like this
if(this.state.details.length > 0) {
<map here>
} else {
return <ActivityLoader />
2. Where to place the map methiod
You need to put it inside a function and call that function from within you render method.
showDetailsFunction() {
return =>
render() {

How can I add events in child component in listview? Is it possible to add event in listview?

' In My listview two component:first,second.
In the second there are map function return third (array elements).
How can I pass and the click event in the first, second, third & inner. For comments & sub comments in post. In the bellow updateComments is not working. And one thing, WallUpdates is also child component.'
class WallUpdates extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.updateComments = this.updateComments.bind(this);
render() {
dataSource={this.props.dataSource} renderRow={this.renderMovie} style={styles.listView}
renderMovie(list) {
var commentNodes =, i) => {
return (<Comments key={item.cid} comment={item.commentcontent} />);
return (
<View style={styles.container} >
<Text style={styles.year}>{list.postcontent + '\n\n'}</Text>
<TouchableOpacity onPress={this.updateComments}>
<View style={styles.buttonsmall}>
<Text style={styles.buttonsmallText}>comments!</Text>
I have changed - renderMovie(list) to renderMovie = (list) => and also change onPress={this.updateComments} to onPress={() => { this.updateMe() }} & this is working for me .