Text Recognition failing to recognize currency symbols - android-vision

I am using the text recognition API within mobile vision, and trying to work with currency amounts. The OCR currently supports Latin based languages like French, German, etc., so I figured the country's currency (Euro) would be a recognized symbol, but as far as I can tell, it's not.
Are there language preferences that I should be changing in order to detect €? Does anyone have experience working with currency symbols within mobile vision as well, or is it just not currently supported?

I also would like to know if the Google Mobile Vision API can be configured to recognize the € symbol.
With other OCRs, like Tesseract, you can specify a white list and a blacklist of characters - like only numbers, only text, or text, numbers and € symbol.
If this does not work with the Google Mobile Vision API, it is a major limitation, and it can't be used for many use cases.

No it does not support recognizing symbols.

Try set languageHints, it helped me with the same problem
"requests": [
"image": {
"source": {
"features": [
"imageContext": {
"languageHints": [
"en", "fr"


Google Sheets API. How to return result as a cell data only?

I'm complete newbie.
I have a 3rd party bot that can use APIs. The bot can understand links only. So I've made a link https://sheets.googleapis.com/v4/spreadsheets/(my spreadsheetID)/values/A12?key=(My key). But it returns me a lot of unnecessary info { "range": "'Sheet1'!A12", "majorDimension": "ROWS", "values": [ [ "My text is here" ] ]} And I want my bot to show me just "My text is here". Can I do that?
I tried to search. As I found, only parameters are majorDimension, valueRenderOption, dateTimeRenderOption. None of it gets rid of my problem. And other search results are with some coding, that my bot can't understand. Is there no way?

BigCommerce storefront apis for order

Where is the documentation for /api/storefront/orders/*?
I was expecting to find it on this page.
Specifically, the documentation that would cover /api/storefront/orders/:order-id
and cover the valid inputs to the querystring. I know you can pass include, with one or more of the values as a comma separated string
The checkout stencil context object used on theme\templates\pages\order-confirmation.html has this schema
"order_confirmation_content": "goes in the body",
"checkout_head": "goes in the head",
"order": {
"id": 206
"header_image": "for an img src attribute"
The documentation for the storefront orders API can be found here:
However, as you mentioned, there are a few query parameters that are undocumented. Those are not officially supported, and they might be subject to change in the future. This is a case where our position is to hold off on documenting the API parameters until we've determined long-term support. Hope that helps to provide some context!

Select shop type using Shopify API

I'm a developer who uses Shopify Developer API. I searched API, trying to find method to retrieve information about shop business industry.
I didn't find anything. I've tried to get this information from Metafield API from store, but I've found just information about pos_attributes.
Could you help me to solve this issue? (In general, is it possible or not?)
Unfortunately that is not possible. The information you've shown is only for Shopify to tailor some stuff for your usage and it is no where linked to your account in the accessible fields.
Fortunately, you can always add custom meta-fields (information fields) to the Shopify store using the Metafield API and retrieve it at anytime anywhere.
Use the Metafield API to POST the following information directly on the store url - https://your_store_name.myshopify.com/admin/metafields.json
"metafield": {
"namespace": "meta", //any string will work
"key": "industry", //any string will work
"value": "Leather Manufacturing", // A string or a number
"value_type": "string" //accepted values are string & integer
Once stored, you can call it on the shop using Metafield object property. {{ shop.metafields.namespace.key.}} (in this case {{ shop.metafields.meta.industry }})
And if you want to call it using the API use GET with the url - https://your_store_name.myshopify.com/admin/metafields/metafield_id.json

How to Format numbers using Google Embed API - Decimal placement limit - Whole numbers

I would like to format numbers returned via Google's Embed API, mostly controlling decimal count, and comma placement for numbers 1000+.
I found this documentation on NumberFormat for Google Charts, as well as the following link to the Embed ref guide:
The syntax is different for Embed, so the Google Charts number formatting doesn't seem to apply.
Here's my Embed syntax...I'm assuming there's some way to add options for number formatting, similar to what I placed in the options param below:
var avgSessionDuration = new gapi.analytics.googleCharts.DataChart({
reportType: 'ga',
query: {
'metrics': 'ga:avgSessionDuration',
'start-date': '30daysAgo',
'end-date': 'yesterday',
chart: {
type: 'TABLE',
container: 'avgSessionDuration',
options: {
'NumberFormat': {
pattern: '$###,###'
I feel like I've read every word of every Embed reference material, and can't find this anywhere, but it seems unlikely there's not a solution out of the box.
Try removing the single quotes around 'NumberFormat'. I don't believe those are required and they may be causing the problem.

Is it possible for me to get products that are discounted via Amazon's API?

I want to search Amazon's product API for discounted products (30% off or more). Is there a simple way to do this via the API?
For certain search indexes, you can ask for minimum percentage off:
For instance, if I'm searching for Toys, I can get the minimum percentage off with the following parameters:
{"SearchIndex": "Toys", "Service": "AWSECommerceService", "AWSAccessKeyId": "xxx", "Timestamp": "2011-12-26T05:41:20Z", "Version": "2009-11-02", "Keywords": "Halo", "AssociateTag": "xxx", "MinPercentageOff": 30, "Operation": "ItemSearch", "ResponseGroup": "Large"}
However, if I'm searching for video games, the "MinPercentageOff" parameter is ignored. The documentation page I included above shows which of the search indices accept this parameter - note that if the index doesn't support it it's simply ignored (the search doesn't fail, it just doesn't honor that parameter).
Yes you can quite easily, I ran the API and put a break point and looked down into the attributes and found what your looking for...
For the percentage discount you can find it here:
For the price of the item its talking about you can find it here: