Wildcard SSL on ACM but doesn't work on subdomains - apache

*.example.com, example.com, www.example.com - SSL - Issued by Amazon.
SSL installed and setup with ELB. Accessing the domain via example.com and www.example.com works with SSL perfectly. Yet when any sub domain(Subdomain.example.com) is accessed, SSL fails.
Subdomains are generated via a route.php script. Subdomains are dynamic.
Forcing SSl doesn't work. Tried other methods via .htaccess and its failing.
Does ELB work with wildcard SSL ? How do i fix these problem?

I found the solution.
Add *.example.com to ElB with A record alias in route 53.


SSL certificate is not working for subdomain with www

We are running our website on IIS. In the domain settings, example.com and www.example.com are pointing to same IP Address.
The website works fine for https://example.com and https://www.example.com and https://stage.example.com
but for:
We are getting Not Secure error.
Is it related to how SSL certificate is setup?
Added http & https bindings in IIS for both stage.example.com and www.stage.example.com
If you have a non-www and fully-qualified domain name of the same domain, a single domain (standard) SSL certificate would be enough to cover both. However, if you have multiple subdomains that you need to cover, then you need a wildcard SSL certificate.
For example:
Scenario 1: If you want to secure only two versions of your domains — domain.com and www.domain.com — a single domain SSL would be fine.
Scenario 2: If you want to secure the first level of subdomains (other than www.domain.com) — such as mail.domain.com or test.domain.com — a single domain SSL will not be enough. You must buy a wildcard SSL certificate

Heroku custom domain ssl name mismatch error

I've added a custom domain (bought on GoDaddy) to my Heroku app and am on the hobby dyno. When I type in www.example.com everything works fine, but when I open example.com I get a name mismatch error.
My cname host www points to example-78914389.herokudns.com and I have forward to https://www.example.com on GoDaddy enabled.
The certificate is only valid for the following names: shortener.secureserver.net, www.shortener.secureserver.net.
Why is the certificate valid for these domains and not for my example.com?
I don't know if it matters, but I just ported the domain from zeit now to GoDaddy.
Problem solved!
I transferred my domain from GoDaddy to namecheap, then made an ALIAS record. I've also added example.com to my app in Heroku. I now have www.example.com and example.com added and both domains work.
If you have the same issue, check this out: https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/custom-domains#add-a-custom-root-domain

Heroku naked domains with DNS & SSL

I've been struggling with the configuration of my DNS app on Heroku. Things I want to accomplish:
www.example.com and example.com , both with SSL config (HTTPS)
Things I tried so far ...
GoDaddy Settings:
CNAME | www | example.com.herokudns.com
However, this setup is working great with HTTP only, but I'm getting a "Your connection is not private" error when I type the https.
I checked several tutorials and none address this issue.
PS: I'm using the SSL automatically managed from heroku.
Getting the naked domain set up with Godaddy easily: Set forwarding to your domain: https://www.my-domain.com. This will redirect non www to the correct place.
With that, I don't actually need to add a second domain in heroku (example.com).
Just keep the www.example.com, turn the SSL on, go to go daddy and redirect. This is working for me so far....

Multiple Domains SEO SSL Redirect Avoiding Loop Errors

I have 4 domains in my server:
The primary and SSL enabled is: domain1.com
I try a SEO permanent 301 redirection of all of them to https://www.domain1.com and works fine, the problem is that when someone tries to access any secondary domain prefixing it with https the redirection doest work.
Example: domain2.net (or any other of those with https prefix) will not redirect to https://www.domain1.com and get a SSL certificate error.
I believe this is because SSL request uses a different port: 443 and all the Rewrite Rules i made are just for 80 port.
Please help!
You get the SSL certificate error because the certificate does not match the name of the accessed server. Any redirects will only be done after establishing the SSL connection, which means you need to have a valid certificate for each domain you want to redirect from.

SSL for Wildcard Sub-Domains

I am trying to setup wildcard sub-domain. So my domain is www.mydomain.com so anything comes like this test.mydomain.com, welcome.mydomain.com will work, that is fine.
When it comes to SSL, if I am buying SSL for www.mydomain.com then will that same SSL certificate works for test.mydomain.com, welcome.mydomain.com? Since they are not real sub-domains just virtual.
If not do I need to buy wildcard SSL?
If I think technically all the wildcard sub-domains will point to same root folder and IP. From there using my code I will deliver different content. In that case my SSL certificate for www.mydomain.com will also work for test.mydomain.com right? I am not sure.
Any Guess?
NAME in the SSL certificate must exactly match domain name of the site. You need wildcard certificate. Non-wildcard will produce a wrong-site warning.