I got an issue with Genymotion, searched and tried a lot of ways from google but could not resolved this issue. The problem is two days ago, when I was coding and testing on genymotion, everything worked fine, suddenly, no reason, the red screen showed up.
I tried to clear npm cache, run react-native run-android, react-native start, enter my local IP address to debug server host and port for device, remove node_modules and installed again, remove virtual box, remove genymotion, install all again ... Many ways I tried but no success.
Lucky me, it's still working fine in my real phone, but not really convenient to use real phone to debug.
I am brand new to React-Native and have been consistently having major issues getting things up and running. I am using VS Code, Expo, Chrome, and Android Studio. I have encountered at least a dozen major issues trying to get a simple "Hello World" app running and none of the solutions to the particular problems has really worked leading me to believe there is a bigger issue going on. I'll try to run through a few of the issues I've had so far but as I said I'm totally new to this so I can't really understand/remember every issue that has come up.
I have consistently had issues getting metro bundler/expo and the Android Virtual Devices connecting. Sometimes they work, but most of the time I get the warning message "Couldn't adb reverse: device 'adb' not found" followed by the error message "Couldn't start project on Android: Error running adb: device 'adb' not found." If the device does work, if I try to reload from the developer menu or debug from the developer menu, expo crashes on the virtual device. Often I get a blank white screen and the developer menu will no longer open. I've had occasional success stopping the virtual device, restarting it, closing all expo windows, and trying to "run on android" from metro bundler. When this doesn't work, I've tried wiping the virtual device. Sometimes this works. Most often I have to delete the device and create a new one.
When I tried to run the debugger in Chrome, the times it appeared to work, I got console screens that didn't match any guides I've found online. Trying to force errors to understand the Chrome debugger completely crashed the virtual device. Had to close VS Code, Chrome, and delete the virtual device to be able to even begin again.
When I tried to follow guides to debug in VS Code I couldn't get that to work either. Regardless if I put in break points or not when I tried to run "attach to packager" it wouldn't output anything but I could hear my machine running really hard and VS Code seemed like it was trying to do something. I would have to close VS Code to get it working again. The other issue I would get an error telling me that Packager was running outside of VS Code. I would try to close down Android Studio and restart and I would get the same error. One time I almost got it working but the virtual device completely crashed and started flashing a white screen and had to be deleted.
I've had tons of other random errors that have only happened once or twice including some warning message about the binary of the android devices being obsolete or something like that.
Anyone have any idea what could be causing all of this? I've been dealing with this for almost two weeks and it has become incredibly frustrating.
I guess that I've tried every solution that exists on the internet about this issue, and nothing works, and I don't even know where to look anymore. It started to happen from nowhere and I can't even open the app settings shaking the phone, it's completely stuck on this screen.
I cleaned up NPM, Yarn, Expo's caches and disabled the Remote Dev Tools.
I would be so much thankful for any help.
In my case it was due to the a remote debugger.
I left the remote debugging on, put the mac in sleep and when I turned it on again the iOS Simulator remained stuck at bundling 100%, irrespective of what I've tried (kill simulator, expo r -c, Reload app, etc.)
However, I could have realized the root cause earlier because on the physical device it was working the entire time.
Hope this saves someone some time.
You could try reverting to your last known working commit, then incrementally adding back the changes until this happens again. This often is a result of delaying hiding the splash screen (perhaps via AppLoading or SplashScreen) and then not hiding it because of some error in the app code preventing the code to hide it from being called.
Try Disable Debug Remote JS in the IOS Simulator
by clicking ctrl + cmd +Z on Mac
It works for me.
Seems like something is wrong with the dependencies, just close down the react-native environment ( android studio) and your IDE, just closing and restarting may work if not, check for updates or delete and reinstall your dependencies ( expo i )
I am a newbie to React-native Development. I am able to run my app on android emulator by changing port to 8088 as my organization is using McAfee in port 8081. Everything is working fine but i am not able to debug my app in chrome. Whenever I press 'Debug JS remotely' I am getting unauthorised error in console and debugger-ui is not using react-native developer tools. I tried a lot and found some links to the problem.
This link addresses the problem but I am not getting how to pull the code from react-native master branch.
It has been two days and I am still struggling to find the solution. I will be thankful if someone helps me out there. Thanks in advance.
Remove "ALLOW-CONTROL-FLOW-ORIGIN" from chrome extention.
Uninstall build from device or Simulator/Emulator
Run Again
Hope it will be fixed.
I had been working on a react-native project for about a week on my main computer, which is Ubuntu. After having some reloading issues, I tried running on my macbook, and that has been working fine. However, I can't get my expo client to connect at all now on my Ubuntu, which is what I'm trying to solve here.
What happens is that I run npm start and it starts up normal. When I scan the QR code, it doesn't load and in the "View Error Log" at the bottom it says Uncaught Error: Packager is not running at I also try to enter the exp:// address it suggests I can enter as the url instead of scanning the QR code. This also gives me the same error.
I noticed the port is different, but even when putting in 19000 it says the packagager is not running on 19001 which is confusing me.
This all started happening after the first time I ran expo on my macbook, which I believe has something to do with this error, but I can't tie it together yet - and maybe it doesn't have anything to do with it. I tried turning off my macbook, turning off my ubunut, turning off my phone, turning off my router, and then hiding in the closet for 5 minutes.
After turning my router, Ubuntu and phone back on and getting the expo packager running on my Ubuntu, the same error persists when trying to connect via the expo client on my phone. This error has not been something temporar - it seemed like one of those that would just go away, but it has been about a week now with this same error.
Any ideas?
Edit: The other thing I've tried is changing the port my expo server is running on by changing the script in package.json. I've tried changing to PORT=19001 react-native-scripts start and react-native-scripts start --port 19001 but neither of those have changed the port according to the server output address after starting up.
I've been following Gary Simon's tutorial on how to make a basic app on electron, but I can't seem to get the desktop notifications working on my computer. I'm 100% sure the code is correct because I performed npm start both on my root folder and his root folder (which I downloaded from his website, performed npm install and then npm start to run his code), but I'm getting no desktop notifications. Is there a setting on my computer that's preventing it from working?
Here is a picture of what it should look like:
I checked all my notification settings on my Windows 10 machine, but everything is turned on as far as I can see.