Hard Limits and Soft limits in Linux - hadoop-yarn

I am trying to understand how these limits work.
But I am not able to figure it out, why soft limit is needed in the first place when hard limit is present.
Most of the sites I have gone through talk about what they are, but none mentioned about how do they work.
In context of processes, Can anyone explain it how do these work?
Thank you.

Let us consider a user abc whose number of processes are set as
abc soft nproc 1024
abc hard nproc 20000
When this user logs in, the user has the effective soft limit of processes applied i.e., abc can run a maximum of 1024 processes.
When this limit is used up, the user will not be able to run any more processes unless the soft limit is increased further.
At this point, the user can optionally increase (but should not be greater than the hard limit) the process limit.
If the user tries to increase it to 21000 (which is above the hard limit of 20000)
ulimit -S -u 21000
-bash: ulimit: max user processes: cannot modify limit: Operation not permitted
But setting it to any value lesser or equal to the hard limit is accepted. Increasing hard limit can be done only by root.
Can't we just use the hard limits?
Yes, we can.
abc soft nproc 20000
abc hard nproc 20000
Setting soft limit equal to hard limit would make the hard limit be the default limit for abc user.
But it is not recommended as it could lead to a single user exhausting most of the processes (if the limit set is relatively high) that can be totally spawned (pid_max).


Snakemake: Combine cluster profile with resources: attempt

Let's say I have a rule that for 90% of my data needs 1h, but occasionally needs 3h. In a busy cluster environment, I however do not want to submit all jobs with a time limit of 3h to be save, as this would slow down the scheduling of my jobs.
Hence, I played around with the attempt variable:
# Increase time limit in factors of 1h, if the job fails due to time limit.
time = lambda wildcards, input, threads, attempt: int(60 * int(attempt))
(one could be even smarter and use powers of 2 to amortize better...).
But this approach forces me to put the base time (1h) direclty into the rule. How can I combine this approach with cluster profiles, where the base time is in some cluster_config.yaml file?
Thanks and so long

Trying to understand Redis ping latency test vs Ping command Latency Test

I am trying to understand latency vs maximum number or requests that can be served per second.
What I understood RTT is time taken for message to reach destination and acknowledgement back to source. So I assume server can only serve maximum requests per second should not exceed more then sum of avg round trip in a give second. My local ping test shows as
> ping
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.089/0.098/0.120/0.012 ms
on average it takes 0.098 ms just for network round trip, which means 10 ping req/ms. So I assume that in sequential order a client can only execute maximum of 10_000 req/sec. while it turns out I am wrong. redis-benchmark tool shows something different.
> redis-benchmark -t set -c 1 -h
====== SET ======
100000 requests completed in 2.53 seconds
1 parallel clients
3 bytes payload
keep alive: 1
100.00% <= 1 milliseconds
39588.28 requests per second
a single client is able to execute 39 req/ms while i am expecting maximum of 10req/ms.
Can anyone help me where I went wrong or misunderstood ?
Commands can be pipelined even when using a single logical client thread, meaning: you can send lots of requests before the first response comes back. Responses always come back in request order (unless you're using pub/sub), so a pipelining client simply needs to keep a queue of sent messages that have not yet seen responses, and pair responses to requests as they arrive.
So: you aren't strictly bound by latency, although that remains a useful number. The raw throughout number (bound by bandwidth and server capacity) is also meaningful, since it is often the case that you want to issue multiple commands.

Aerospike %age of available write blocks is less when hard disk space is available

We found ourselves this problem. Config is as follows :-
Aerospike version : 3.14
Underlying hard disk : non-SSD
Variable Name Value
memory-size 5 GB
free-pct-memory 98 %
available_pct 4 %
max-void-time 0 millisec
stop-writes 0
stop-writes-pct 90 %
hwm-breached true
default-ttl 604,800 sec
max-ttl 315,360,000 sec
enable-xdr false
single-bin false
data-in-memory false
Can anybody please help us out with this ? What could be a potential reason for this ?
Aerospike only writes to free blocks. A block may contain any number of records that fit. If your write/update pattern is such that a block never falls below 50% active records(the default threshold for defragmenting: defrag-lwm-pct), then you have a bunch of "empty" space that can't be utilized. Read more about defrag in the managing storage page.
Recovering from this is much easier with a cluster that's not seeing any writes. You can increase defrag-lwm-pct, so that more blocks are eligible and gets defragmented.
Another cause could be just that the HDD isn't fast enough to keep up with defragmentation.
You can read more on possible resolutions in the Aerospike KB - Recovering from Available Percent Zero. Don't read past "Stop service on a node..."
You are basically not defragging your perisistence storage device (75GB per node). From the snapshot you have posted, you have about a million records on 3 nodes with 21 million expired. So looks like you are writing records with very short ttl and the defrag is unable to keep up.
Can you post the output of few lines when you are in this state of:
$ grep defrag /var/log/aerospike/aerospike.log
$ grep thr_nsup /var/log/aerospike/aerospike.log ?
What is your write/update load ? My suspicion is that you are only creating short ttl records and reading, not updating.
Depending on what you are doing, increasing defrag-lwm-pct may actually make things worse for you. I would also tweak nsup-delete-sleep from 100 microseconds default but it will depend on what your log greps above show. So post those, and lets see.
(Edit: Also, from the fact that you are not seeing evictions even though you are above the 50% HWM on persistence storage means your nsup thread is taking a very long time to run. That again points to nsup-delete-sleep value needing tuning for your set up.)

setting soft limit for 4store client

While running the sparql queries I get the warning
# hit complexity limit 20 times, increasing soft limit may give more results
and this is not dependent to any particular query but for all.I wanted to know how can I increase the soft limit if I am not using the http interface rather I am using the 4store client master
By default 4store gives a soft limit of about 1000. You have a couple of options to tweak/disable search breadth:
If using 4s-query you can override the setting with --soft-limit e.g. 4s-query --soft-limit 5000 demo 'SELECT ... etc.'. Setting it to -1 completely disables it.
If using a 3rd party client you can tweak soft limit with a cgi parameter e.g. sparql-query 'http://example.org/sparql/?soft-limit=-1'
You can set the soft limit globally when starting the sparql server with the -s parameter. See 4s-httpd --help.

Neo4j Configuration for 4M Nodes 10M relationship

I am new to Neo4j and have made few graph queries with 4M nodes and 10M relationships. Till now i've completely surprised from the performance of my queries.
Here user with data:1 is following another 100,000 user. Each of those 100,000 users have 2-8 next nodes(lets say activity of users) attached. Now i want to fetch the activities of users till next level 3 [:next*1..3] . Each activity has property relevance number.
So now i have 100,000 *3 nodes to traverse.
match (u:user{data:1})-[:follow]-(:user)-[:next*1..3]-(a:activity)
return a order by a.relevance desc limit 50
This query is taking 72000 ms almost every time. Since i am new to Neo4j and i am sure that i haven't done tuning of the OS.
I am using following parameters-
Initial Java Heap Size (in MB)
Maximum Java Heap Size (in MB)
Default values for the low-level graph engine
Please tell me where i am doing wrong. I read all the documentation from neo4j website but the query time didn't improve.
please tell me how can i configure high performing cache? What should i do so that all the graph loads up in memory? When i see my RAM usage , it is always like 1.8 GB out of 4 Gb. I am using enterprise license on windows (Neo4j 2.0). Please help.
You are actually following not 100k * 3 but, 100k * (2-10)^10 meaning 10^15 paths.
More memory in your machine would make a lot of sense, so try to get 8 or more GB.
Then you can increase the heap, e.g. to 6GB:
If you want to pull your data through, you would most probably want to inverse your query.
match (a:activity),(u:user{data:1})
with a,u
order by a.relevance
desc limit 100
match (followed:user)-[:next*1..3]-(a:activity)
where (followed)-[:follow]-(user)
return a
order by a.relevance
desc limit 50