Need to display value upto two decimal digits in SSRS report - sql

I need to display discount % up to two places of decimal in a SSRS report. The current expression that i am using is "Fields!Discount.Value" and its generating inconsistent values in the report.

In the top designer bar in the number field, change it from Default to Number. Then use the little decimal buttons to adjust how many decimals you will allow to be shown.
I don't have enough rep to post images, but screen shot link below.
Screen Shot


Formatting a 'card' in Power BI to show millions to 2 dp, or thousands to 1 dp

I have some cards set up that show numbers. I have the formatting set up to "Auto" display unites and Value decimal places set to 2.
The issue I have is when the numbers show in million, that show nicely as $2.28m for example. However, if they're in thousands they show $120.50k as an example.
I'd like to be able to format the cards so if they're showing millions it shows as 2 decimal places, but if the number is int he thousands it shows 1 dp.
Is this possible? I'm very new to Power BI and dax so I'm hoping there i a quick solution.

dynamic page break in SSRS

I have a report that displays summary data for three years. Each page displays data for one year. The the report is set to have thee pages. However, for some year that the summary data is negative and there is no need to show. Is there a way to skip this page in the report? There is way to hide controls based on rules, but I couldn't find any way to hide entire page output.
In order to do this, you can simply choose to filter the dataset so that rows/records with negative values do not appear.

BusinessObjects - DIsplaying Integers Instead of Decimals in a Chart

I have a column chart with 2 measures on y-axis.
The values display numbers in decimal format. My question is - how can I configure the chart, so it displays the numbers in integer format.
(I am using WebIntelligence, BusinessObjects 4.0)
edit: The chart in question is mixed chart (column and line chart).
There are 3 measures - 2 are displayed as columns, one as line.
Every measure has on top the corresponding value.
Edit: I managed to transform decimals into integers. However, now one of my columns turned into line, and I can't find how to undo that. So the question is - where can I edit (in mixed chart) which measures should be represented as columns and which as lines?
If you go to the chart's formatting options (right-click > Format Chart), go to the Global settings and then Measure Properties. It should be third from the top (General, Area Display, Measure Properties...). From there you can change the display type of the measures in your chart (Bars, Lines, Surfaces).

Customize the last three rows of a Tablix in SSRS

I have a table which is getting data from a query. Because I am not doing any calculation in SSRS, but instead in SQL and only pulling the data, I am having hard time figuring out how to customize the style for the last three rows.
Here is the design view:
Here is the preview:
Now as you can see the last three rows are either SUM or AVG of the above numbers. How can I make it so that the table displays a different background color for the bottom three rows?
You will need to add an expression for the text box format for the three rows that says something like:
=IIF(Fields![ARRIVED_DATE].Value="WEEKLY TOTAL","Grey",IIF(Fields![ARRIVED_DATE].Value="Prior Week","Red",IIF(Fields![ARRIVED_DATE].Value="12 WEEK AVERAGE","Green","Transparent")))
If i understand your point correctly this would be the solution =iif(total number of records(int)=rownumber(nothing), "Color1",iif(total number of records(int)-1=rownumber(nothing),"Color2",iif(total number of records(int)-2=rownumber(nothing),"Color3",""))) use this expression in Background color of row properties.

Create Crystal Report Variables from Detail

I have a problem with reports and subreports.
I would post a screen shot but not got enough reputation.
I have added the screen shot as my profile picture.
In the example the order number is derived from the PO and the number of lines and order number varies for each PO.
I want to be able to capture the Order Number as a variable for each detail row to be able to pass this variable to another report.
The reason for this is i need to use the order no to select data in another report.
I can capture the range of order numbers using minimum and maximum in a formula, but there are a lot of order numbers between the min and max that are not required. I only need the numbers shown in the primary report.
I hope that this makes sense.