Details of SSL communication - ssl

I have been trying to find out exactly how SSL works, and have found descriptions of the packet sequence that starts the conversation, but not how requests are processed. Here is a link to an example showing the initial handshake:
Once communication is established, both sides are sharing a private session key which is updated every so often. I would like to know details on:
I assume that an attacker cannot just replicate an observed packet and execute it multiple times? This is a so-called replay attack.
How is encryption done using AES-256? If both sides simply applied the algorithm, then a replay attack would work. So I assume there is some kind of chaining so that each packet uses different encryption.
The session key switches every interval (like once every 30 or 60 minutes. How does this exchange work? What messages are exchanged, and what happens if a method is sent before the exchange that arrives after the switch?
The underlying mechanism most recently is TLS 1.2. Is this the same for SSL and SSH, or are the two protocols different?
An explanation is always good but a link to relevant documentation would also be extremely helpful. If these interlocking parts are too much, I can split out into a separate question, but there is a lot of overlapping information in the above sections.

I assume that an attacker cannot just replicate an observed packet and execute it multiple times? This is a so-called replay attack.
Correct. TLS is immune from replay attacks.
How is encryption done using AES-256? If both sides simply applied the algorithm, then a replay attack would work. So I assume there is some kind of chaining so that each packet uses different encryption.
There is chaining, and sequence numbers, and also a MAC for each message.
The session key switches every interval (like once every 30 or 60 minutes. How does this exchange work? What messages are exchanged
Another ClientHello with the same sessionID, and an 'abbreviated handshake' after that, that changes the session key. Details in RFC 2246.
and what happens if a method is sent before the exchange that arrives after the switch?
The switch is by mutual agreement, and any message that arrives before the same sender's ChangeCipherSpec message is decrypted under the old parameters.
The underlying mechanism most recently is TLS 1.2. Is this the same for SSL and SSH, or are the two protocols different?
They are different.


Security implications of public nonce

I'm planning to use the crypto_box() functions of Nacl to encrypt messages as part of a client/server protocol. The server has to deal with multiple clients and each message from a client to the server is encrypted using the public key of the server and signed with the private key of the client.
The cypto_box() functions also require me to provide a nonce. The current message number could be used as a nonceā€“to my understanding, the nonce is necessarily known to an attacker who is capable of keeping track of how many messages were exchanged. Both, the client and server would then maintain a message counter and simply use the newest counter value as a nonce.
However, I must deal with the case where messages are reordered or lost. Therefore I'd send the nonce in plaintext alongside the encrypted message. As long as the same nonce is not used twice, I don't see any problems with this approach. Did I miss out on something?
No, nonce's and IV's may be considered public knowledge. I've just checked the NaCl site and I don't see any explicit remarks that contradict this.
CBC mode of operation has some additional requirements for the IV (non-predictability) but that's of course not an issue in NaCl.
You should make sure that you don't accept any nonces <= the last received nonce though, otherwise an attacker could probably resend or reorder messages.

Why does the TLS heartbeat extension allow user supplied data?

The heartbeat protocol requires the other end to reply with the same data that was sent to it, to know that the other end is alive. Wouldn't sending a certain fixed message be simpler? Is it to prevent some kind of attack?
At least the size of the packet seems to be relevant, because according to RFC6520, 5.1 the heartbeat message will be used with DTLS (e.g. TLS over UDP) for PMTU discovery - in which cases it needs messages of different sizes. Apart from that it might be simply modelled after ICMP ping, where you can also specify the payload content for no reason.
Just like with ICMP Ping, the idea is to ensure you can match up a "pong" heartbeat response you received with whichever "ping" heartbeat request you made. Some packets may get lost or arrive out of order and if you send the requests fast enough and all the response contents are the same, there's no way to tell which of your requests were answered.
One might think, "WHO CARES? I just got a response; therefore, the other side is alive and well, ready to do my bidding :D!" But what if the response was actually for a heartbeat request 10 minutes ago (an extreme case, maybe due to the server being overloaded)? If you just sent another heartbeat request a few seconds ago and the expected responses are the same for all (a "fixed message"), then you would have no way to tell the difference.
A timely response is important in determining the health of the connection. From RFC6520 page 3:
... after a number of retransmissions without
receiving a corresponding HeartbeatResponse message having the
expected payload, the DTLS connection SHOULD be terminated.
By allowing the requester to specify the return payload (and assuming the requester always generates a unique payload), the requester can match up a heartbeat response to a particular heartbeat request made, and therefore be able to calculate the round-trip time, expiring the connection if appropriate.
This of course only makes much sense if you are using TLS over a non-reliable protocol like UDP instead of TCP.
So why allow the requester to specify the length of the payload? Couldn't it be inferred?
See this excellent answer:
... seems to be part of an attempt at genericity and coherence. In the SSL/TLS standard, all messages follow regular encoding rules, using a specific presentation language. No part of the protocol "infers" length from the record length.
One gain of not inferring length from the outer structure is that it makes it much easier to include optional extensions afterwards. This was done with ClientHello messages, for instance.
In short, YES, it could've been, but for consistency with existing format and for future proofing, the size is spec'd out so that other data can follow the same message.

Cryptography: Verifying Signed Timestamps

I'm writing a peer to peer network protocol based on private/public key pair trust. To verify and deduplicate messages sent by a host, I use timestamp verification. A host does not trust another host's message if the signed timestamp has a delta (to the current) of greater than 30 seconds or so.
I just ran into the interesting problem that my test server and my second client are about 40 seconds out of sync (fixed by updating ntp).
I was wondering what an acceptable time difference would be, and if there is a better way of preventing replay attacks? Supposedly I could have one client supply a random text to hash and sign, but unfortunately this wont work as in this situation I have to write messages once.
A host does not trust another host's message if the signed timestamp has a delta (to the current) of greater than 30 seconds or so.
Time based is notoriously difficult. I can't tell you the problems I had with mobile devices that would not or could not sync their clock with the network.
Counter based is usually easier and does not DoS itself.
I was wondering what an acceptable time difference would be...
Microsoft's Active Directory uses 5 minutes.
if there is a better way of preventing replay attacks
Counter based with a challenge/response.
I could have one client supply a random text to hash and sign, but unfortunately this wont work as in this situation I have to write messages once...
Perhaps you could use a {time,nonce} pair. If the nonce has not been previously recorded, then act on the message if its within the time delta. Then hold the message (with {time,nonce}) for a windows (5 minutes?).
If you encounter the same nonce again, don't act on it. If you encounter an unseen nonce but its out of the time delta, then don't act on it. Purge your list of nonces on occasion (every 5 minutes?).
I'm writing a peer to peer network protocol based...
If you look around, then you will probably find a protocol in the academic literature.

How does TLS Channel ID guarantee client authenticity?

I've read RFC draft for Channel ID. I've also read the earlier draft for OBC's, but I'm a little slow to follow. I understand that Google has implemented a new extension based on their earlier Channel ID work. I'm curious to learn what the benefits are and how they are accomplished, but I can't seem to find much detail on the topic from a systems perspective (I'm not a crypto man).
How does Channel ID guarantee the authenticity of a client machine in a SSL session?
Channel ID do not guarantee authenticity, but provides traceability.
It is based on a key pair generated for a specific domain, which is stored on the client, and reused for subsequent TLS connections. An application is then able to associate this Channel ID to a user session, and make sure this session is only used with this Channel ID.
Channel ID is thus a mean to track (for the sake of security) a given client, making it possible to ensure that an application session is not stolen and reused elsewhere.

Securing a UDP connection

For a personal MMO game project I am implementing a homebrew reliable UDP-based protocol in java. Given my current setup I beleive it would be relatively simple for a snooper to hijack a session, so in order to prevent this I am taking the opportunity to learn a little cryptology. Its very interesting.
I can successfully create a shared secret key between the client and server using a Diffie-Hellman key exchange (a very clever concept), but now I need to use this to guarantee the authenticity of the packets. My preliminary testing so far has shown that the couple of different ciphers Ive tried bloat the amount of data a bit, but I would like to keep things as small and fast as possible.
Given that I am only trying to authenticate the packet and not nessecarily conceal the entire payload, I have the idea that I could put an 8 byte session ID generated from the secret key into the packet header, encrypt the whole packet, and hash it back down to 8 bytes. I take the unencrypted packet and put the 8 byte hash into the place of the session ID and then send it off.
Would this be secure? It feels a little inelegant to encrypt the whole packet only to send it unencrypted - is there a better/faster way to achieve my goal? Please note I would like to do this myself since its good experience so Im not so interested in 3rd party libraries or other protocol options.
If both peers have access to a shared secret (which they should, since you're talking about Diffie-Hellman), you could simply store a hash of the datagram in its header. The receiver checks to see if it matches.
As an added security measure, you could also add a "challenge" field to your datagram and use it somewhere in the hashing process to prevent replays.
So this hash should cover:
The shared secret
A challenge
The contents of the datagram
The "challenge" is a strictly incrementing number. You add it to your datagram simply to change the hash every time you send a new message. If someone intercepts a message, it cannot resend it: the receiver makes sure it doesn't accept it.