Presto create table with 'with' queries - sql
typically to create a table in Presto (from existing db tables), I do:
create table abc as (
But to make my code simple, I've broken out subqueries like this:
with sub1 as (
sub2 as (
sub3 as (
from sub1 join sub2 on ...
join sub3 on ...
Where do I put the create table statement here? The actual query is more complex than the above so I am trying to avoid having to put the subqueries within the main query.
This is possible with an INSERT INTO not sure about CREATE TABLE:
WITH q1 AS (...)
Maybe you could give this a shot:
WITH q1 AS (...)
If Strings are concerned, then following works
WITH sample AS (
SELECT * FROM (VALUES ('strA', 'strB'), ('strC', 'strD'), ('strE', 'strF')) AS account (name, cat)
SELECT name, cat from sample;
if integers are only concerned values , then following works: -
WITH slab (SNo,Amount) AS (VALUES (1,1000),(2,2000),(3,3000),(4,4000),(5,5000),(6,6000),(7,7000),(8,8000),(9,9000),(10,10000),(11, 11000),(12,12000),(13,13000),(14,14000),(15,15000),(16,16000),(17,17000),(18,18000),(19,19000),(20,20000),(21,21000),(22,22000),(23,23000),(24,24000),(25,25000),(26,26000),(27,27000),(28,28000),(29,29000),(30,30000),(31,31000),(32,32000),(33,33000),(34,34000),(35,35000),(36,36000),(37,37000),(38,38000),(39,39000),(40,40000),(41,41000),(42,42000),(43,43000),(44,44000),(45,45000),(46,46000),(47,47000),(48,48000),(49,49000),(50,50000),(51,51000)
Syntax is just as if you prepend create table .. as to the select. E.g. the following worked for me on Presto 0.170:
create table memory.default.a as
with w as (
select * from (values 1) t(x)
select * from w;
(I use experimental memory connector so that this is copy-pastable to try it out.)
I believe you need to 'wrap' the entire query like this:
create table EXAMPLE as (
with sub1 as (
select ...
from sub1....
This works
create table answertable as
select * from (
q as ( select findcode from (values 'G463','G464','G465','G466','G467','G468','I64','I694') as concept(findcode) )
select s.*
from table1 s
inner join q on starts_with(, q.findcode)
where is not null
I have a SQL query: select DISTINCT [doc] from [table] where [doc] like 'DS%' I want to rewrite it with DAX, but it isn’t working. Here is what I have now: = CALCULATE ( DISTINCTCOUNT ( 'table'[doc] ), SEARCH("DS", DISTINCT('table'[doc]),1,0) > 0 ) How would I create a similar query with DAX?
The SQL predicate that is used here translates to starts with ds. Example declare #t1 as table (doc varchar(max)) insert into #t1 select * from (values('ds1'),('ds2'),('nods'),('no ds'),('nothing')) t(a) select * from #t1 select distinct(doc) from #t1 where doc like 'ds%' The exact DAX equivalent Measure would be Measure = CALCULATE ( DISTINCTCOUNT ( 'Table'[doc] ), FILTER ( VALUES ( 'Table'[doc] ), LEFT ( 'Table'[doc], 2 ) = "ds" ) ) Internally FILTER ( VALUES ( 'Table'[doc] ), LEFT ( 'Table'[doc], 2 ) = "ds" ) returns a table like this
Save a Select/Except Union into a Temp Table
This code does precisely what I want: finds the difference between two tables, including nulls, and returns them. Thanks to: sql query to return differences between two tables ( SELECT * FROM table1 EXCEPT SELECT * FROM table2 ) UNION ALL ( SELECT * FROM table2 EXCEPT SELECT * FROM table1 ) I am having trouble getting this to turn into a temporary table (or even a regular table) to store its results for later use. Is there a way that I can tack on INSERT INTO here or generate a temp table from this beautiful query?
Select from your existing query as a sub-query INTO the temp table of your choice. SELECT * INTO #temp1 FROM ( ( SELECT * FROM #table1 EXCEPT SELECT * FROM #table2 ) UNION ALL ( SELECT * FROM #table2 EXCEPT SELECT * FROM #table1 ) ) X
Use row value from CTE in function
I'm trying to use row values from CTE expressions to pass to a function. Something like: WITH start_number(x) as (VALUES(1)), end_number(y) as (VALUES(10)), z AS (SELECT * FROM generate_series(start_number.x, end_number.y)) SELECT z.* What's the syntax? Notes: start_number & end_number may be the result of a query, typically returning a single row.
You need to reference the two CTEs in the FROM clause: WITH start_number(x) as ( VALUES(1) ), end_number(y) as ( VALUES(10) ) SELECT * FROM start_number, end_number, generate_series(start_number.x, end_number.y)) You can simplify that by using only a single CTE for the numbers: WITH params(start_number, end_number) as ( VALUES (1, 10) ) SELECT * FROM params p, generate_series(p.start_number, p.end_number))
You need a from clause so you can get x and y: WITH start_number(x) as ( VALUES (1) ), end_number(y) as ( VALUES (10) ), z AS ( SELECT gs.z FROM start_number CROSS JOIN end_number CROSS JOIN LATERAL generate_series(start_number.x, end_number.y) gs(z) ) SELECT z.* FROM z; Merely defining a CTE does not make it available to subsequent code and CTEs in the query. You need to include the CTE in a FROM clause. In addition, you should be in the habit of naming the columns in CTEs. In your code z has a column with no name. The above is one method. You could also use subqueries as well: WITH start_number(x) as ( VALUES(1) ), end_number(y) as ( VALUES(10) ), z AS ( SELECT * FROM generate_series((SELECT x FROM start_number), (SELECT y FROM end_number)) ) SELECT z.* FROM z; Here is a db<>fiddle.
CTE inside CTE in SQL Server
Please don't mark this question as duplicate of CTE within a CTE .. I checked that question and answer ... but that answer does not satisfy my need. I want to run Nested CTE query like this Drop Table #Temp Create Table #Temp(name1 text, name2 text) Insert INTO #Temp Values ('test','test') Insert INTO #Temp Values ('test','test') ;WITH CTE1 AS ( With CTE2 as ( Select * from #Temp) ) Select * from CTE1 or ;WITH CTE1 AS ( Select * From (With CTE2 as ( Select * from #Temp)) ) Select * from CTE1 In our structure... the inner CTE2 query have been provided by other system .. so I can't control inner part of the query... so.. here my duty is only select values from inner query and form new CTE in my system ... And please imagine this ;WITH CTE1 AS ( "Query Provide by Other System" ) In some cases the "Query Provide by Other System" start with CTE..this may or may not be the CTE query... that is the exact problem for I can't use like below ;WITH CTE1 AS ( Select * From ) ,With CTE2 as ( Select * from #Temp)) pls help anyone to prcoeed this, I guess my need is too dynamic
Just to have an idea: ;WITH cte1 AS ( SELECT * FROM ... ), cte2 as ( SELECT * FROM ... ), cte3 as ( SELECT * FROM ... INNER JOIN cte2 ON... ), SELECT * FROM cte1 INNER JOIN cte3 ON ...
Separate your CTEs with ,s rather than nesting them. ; WITH CTE2 AS ( SELECT * FROM #Temp ) , CTE1 AS ( SELECT * FROM CTE2 ) SELECT * FROM CTE1 EDIT : Following your additional comments As I understand it, you are being provided with a system generated query that you then want to embed in another query. Sometimes that system generated query uses a CTE, sometimes it doesn't; you don't know in advance the format of that query. Unfortunately for you this means that you can not embed this within another CTE. One option could be to use real views. CREATE VIEW xxx AS <system generated code here> ; SELECT * FROM xxx ; You do then, however, have to be very careful about concurrency; two concurrent users trying to create the same view with the same name. The better solution would be to approach the vendor of the system with is creating the system generated query and ask them how they propose you use it.
;with BASE AS ( SELECT * FROM table1 ), BASE2 AS ( SELECT * from table2 ), BASE3 AS ( SELECT * FROM table3 ) SELECT * FROM BASE INNER JOIN BASE3 ... I guess this is what you are trying to do.
If your system generated query uses db qualified object names you can hack this by using OPENQUERY: WITH CTE AS ( SELECT * FROM OPENQUERY([Your Server], 'Query Provide by Other System') ) SELECT * FROM CTE; You may need to configure your server for data access: EXEC sp_serveroption 'your server', 'DATA ACCESS', TRUE;
sql with clause within a with clause
can i do something like this : with t as ( with tt as ( select * from table ) SELECT * FROM tt ) select * from t i willing to perform some logic on output of inner with clause & than again do some operations on output of the outer with clause. any help will be appreciated ... Thanks note :- its just some simplified query that will resolve my problem in my actual query, which have nested with clause
You can do something like this: with t as ( select * from table ), tt as ( select * from t ) select * from tt
No, you cannot nest CTE (Common Table Expression) but you can chain them: with t as ( select * from table ), tt as ( select * from t ) SELECT * FROM tt